Chapter 3
"So… We are lost." Said Lily looking around.
"What? Nooo. We are not." You replied, looking at your map again, having no idea of where you are. "We are just… Not in the road. And we don't exactly know where."
"So, that's a yes." She said with a sigh, landing on the ground again, tired.
You looked around. Forest, forest and more forest. You saw something move in the trees hours ago and your group decided to search for it. You thought it was a pokemon, a strong one to add to your team… But the only thing you accomplished is getting lost in the forest. You now were slightly panicking. Following the path was easy but now that you have no idea where you are… You need some sort of landmark to follow. Luckily for you there is a simple way to know your direction in Sinnoh.
"Well, can't you float above the trees and see where Coronet is? We only need to walk with the mountain to our left and sooner or later we will reach the coast. From there is easy to find the city." You said with a smile, sure of yourself. Lily was going to say something about your idea but decided to check first.
When she came down she had a smirk on her face. "Too foggy. Now what, master explorer? We can't see the mountain from here."
You tried to think about something to say quickly before the little pokemon ridicules you too much. "Wait, wait! I know. Let me see…" You start fidgeting with your poketch. It has a lot of useless apps. It surely has… No. It doesn't. "This thing has a kitchen timer but not a compass?!"
Lily laughed out loud at you even if that meant you are all lost.
As her two companions bickered, Violet unfolded her own map. It was detailed, but not detailed enough to know her location just from looking around. She used the compass she always carried to locate the north and, using that information, started to retrace their steps on the map. If they followed the route at an average speed they probably were around the midpoint now. A little less after the detour to chase pokemon. It took her a couple minutes, but she had a close idea to their location.
She looked back at Lily and Haru with a smile. At least they were having fun.
"Your face is like a Girafarig's ass!" Said Lily. The conversation ended like that for some reason. You were going to reply but then stopped, thinking for a moment.
"You mean its ass or the little face on the tail?" You asked.
"Yes." Said the pokemon with a smile.
"Um… I know where we are." Violet said. They were having fun but maybe stopping them was a good idea. "I checked the map and the compass. We are close to the midpoint of the route. There should be a couple good camping locations there, but it's starting to get late… If we try to go back to the road it might be too dark to find a good spot."
"See? She is useful." Said Lily smugly.
"Well… It's not like you are doing much." You said, pocketing your map. Violet seemed to be more in control of the situation than you.
"I protect the useful person. That makes me useful by default." And with that your group started to walk in the path's direction.
It's been a really quiet walk from the resort to here. No random pokemon attacks, no weird villains looking for blood, no clowns following you. You checked that last part at least five times.
Thanks to that you made a good time even with the little detour. That left your group with two options. You could keep going for some more time, find the normal camping spots for trainers in the route and sleep there. It's safer but it might get dark before you get there, making the track more dangerous until you find a place to sleep. You could also find a place to sleep around here. It's not where trainers usually rest but that will only mean less people around and more wilderness. It also might mean finding wild pokemon that get too curious and wander into your camp at night. More dangerous than the alternative.
You wanted a quiet trip to use rest time for training and you will be able to do it once you decide, but both options have their benefits.
[] Camp around here. It will be more dangerous but you will have more time to train at camp.
[] Keep going until you reach the camping spots for trainers. You will have less time at camp but it will be a lot safer.
Short update to start the new chapter. In the next update I will give a couple actions you can do at camp. You will finally have time to actually train your pokemon.