Shadows on the Silverbird (Mafia)

Dudes, our freaking Captain has no magic other than knowing his crew. You don't have to be magic to be a badass.
Besides, Nictis, if anyone else wants to admit going to visit Terrabrand, they're well within their rights to. I'm just saying that right now everything seems legit.
I'm feeling that in this game the cops are underpowered. I have to hope both scum groups have only 2 members, and Terra is the odd one out, or I don't see Town winning with the numbers and information we have now.
The automatic assumption that skills must be magical is also something, I must say. Half of town's skills we know of aren't magic. That's something to jump to.
Yes, and yet I have a night power.
Fair enough, but you have to understand, as the Navigator and Helmsman, I'm responsible for steering the ship all night. My job is keeping me from doing anything else. If I had a power, I'd suspect it would be some tracking ability or somesuch, but it's not like I can use it.
Honestly, I don't see how there could be such an esseintial role. If the Mutiniers are what they sound like, they'd need you alive, which is a bit of a bitch thing for a win condition - "don't kill this person who you don't know who it is, and also kill everyone else", and who knows if the purple can fly this thing. Or need it to be flown.

We know jack shit about purple, huh.
Honestly, I don't see how there could be such an esseintial role. If the Mutiniers are what they sound like, they'd need you alive, which is a bit of a bitch thing for a win condition - "don't kill this person who you don't know who it is, and also kill everyone else", and who knows if the purple can fly this thing. Or need it to be flown.

We know jack shit about purple, huh.
I highly suspect that the mutineers would have someone who could do the job, as would the purple pirates.
You asked earlier what information I got night one. Unfortunately I don't have any idea, as I replaced another player day 2. If @Cyricubed would like to inform me of that then I will relay that info. Otherwise, not sure.
So right off the bat AL's claim doesn't really make sense to me. I can see a lot of town being vanilla like the cook, the carpenter, etc. But stuff like the captain, second mate, maybe engineer, maybe navigator? Stuff like that should have roles. Not magic per say, if it weren't for the shaman claim I would say that all town is non magical, and even with it I'm keeping it as a possibility. He also claimed with one vote on him, and while I wouldn't put it past AL to do so as town, that reads as a scum panic claiming to me. As for cheese's claim, it just seems... odd? I dunno just seems like a really bad role that wouldn't really be put in over say, a normal tracker or watcher.

[X] Lynch Archeo Lumiere
Maybe Terra visiting the corpses counts as him going?

It does, I decided to ask Cyric to confirm so I'd know for sure for myself even if everyone else disbelieved me.

Honestly, I don't see how there could be such an esseintial role. If the Mutiniers are what they sound like, they'd need you alive, which is a bit of a bitch thing for a win condition - "don't kill this person who you don't know who it is, and also kill everyone else", and who knows if the purple can fly this thing. Or need it to be flown.

We know jack shit about purple, huh.

Technically it'd be possible for them to know that they need to keep him alive, by name, ala how executioners know their target by name. But on the other hand, it's quite strange, nevertheless.

I highly suspect that the mutineers would have someone who could do the job, as would the purple pirates.

Okay you suggested purple as pirates before, but I find that a really odd assumption. We know that Purple deals in necromantic powers, between the life force draining kill flavor and the necromantic energy kill flavor.

I've been guessing in vague terms that purple is something like an angry lich or cabal of necromancers seeking revenge, or perhaps a mad member of the crew trying to kill everyone to raise as undead, or, you know.

Something necromantic? They've been aggressively 'necromancy in particular'.

So right off the bat AL's claim doesn't really make sense to me. I can see a lot of town being vanilla like the cook, the carpenter, etc. But stuff like the captain, second mate, maybe engineer, maybe navigator? Stuff like that should have roles. Not magic per say, if it weren't for the shaman claim I would say that all town is non magical, and even with it I'm keeping it as a possibility. He also claimed with one vote on him, and while I wouldn't put it past AL to do so as town, that reads as a scum panic claiming to me. As for cheese's claim, it just seems... odd? I dunno just seems like a really bad role that wouldn't really be put in over say, a normal tracker or watcher.

[X] Lynch Archeo Lumiere

I mean, a lot of roles can be described as better or worse, but given we have confirmed presence of vanilla I don't think 'is weaker than watcher/tracker' is a good argument against.

The First Mate had magic too though, just a reminder.

A factoid I continue to assert is true what with copying it.

At any rate. I'd slap my vote down on archeo about now, but he's got five visible and hammer at seven. The safety margin of two calls for not doing it.
Like, I'm not at all opposed to lynching Archeo right now, but I'm also not so set on it as to push past safe margins just yet. There's still a lot of time left in the day.
Do we have anyone aside from AL that's suspect right now?

Considering Masked was attacked last night I'd like to compare him being targeted to... Pretty much anyone else that was attacked N1.
Do we have anyone aside from AL that's suspect right now?

Considering Masked was attacked last night I'd like to compare him being targeted to... Pretty much anyone else that was attacked N1.
So Lostdeviljho, who is the only kill target we know from n1.

... Honestly, I'm kinda confused by TMR as a kill and heal target alike. I mean, good on the doctor, wise targeting, but I'm confused by him as a priority over... About any other target, really.

For suspect, well, there's me. I'm not a serial killer, but the argument for me being one isn't baseless. There's probably others I'm just not thinking of right now, distracted by other things.

But honestly Archeo is the most suspect looking about now I feel. Might try to review for others at some point. We'll see.
... Honestly, I'm kinda confused by TMR as a kill and heal target alike. I mean, good on the doctor, wise targeting, but I'm confused by him as a priority over... About any other target, really.
This is the exact reason I was asking. Were there any simularities between Lost and Masked? People they voted for or pressured? That might give us a hint to a pattern if there was one.
It happens, people want to give a chance to Archeo but nothing really seems to be appearing.