Shadows on the Silverbird (Mafia)

First off, why are you so desparately trying to get lynched? That's really just shitty gameplay.
I'm trying to summon Calypso.

That's not something I want to encourage, and it's reading downright suspect given that we've hit D3 without them throwing a single pressure vote/lynch vote on anyone.
The reason I haven't voted for someone else is because I have a bad track record of getting lynched shortly after putting a preassure vote out. So I'm sticking to my guns for now.

Also see above.

I'm pretty sure that's just how nictis be. Uptight and with less a stick and more a titianium rod up there, if you catch my drift.
Second, there's nothing we really know about Nictis at the moment other than that he's playing town fairly well.
I mean Nictis has done enough things that low grade give town reads to me that I don't think he's worth pursuing this early.
Nictis is a long time player. As in: really long. What's keeping them from smoke screening in such a way they know will come off as town, but remain a scum? I'd like more in-game info on them then we have.

.... meh, good as reason as any, this early in the day. They've been realtively quiet, too.
I'm a truck driver. I'm on the road 24/7.

I warned you all at the start my participation count is doomed to be low so this is coming off as "I don't like you being limited by stuff IRL so I'm just going to lunch you to get you out of the way." Which is... Kinda an asshole maneuver.
Or they're just an idiot. Either or. Regardless, as it's kinda not in towns advantage to be lynched, wanting to be lynched either makes you obtuse to gameplay ideas, or uh....
Jester yeah. I'm guessing either Crystalwatcher is a Jester or wants to look like one. Hard to say.
Can you have Town Jesters? Or are they more common on the other side. the evil side.
Or my win requires me to be lynched.

Can you have Town Jesters? Or are they more common on the other side. the evil side.
It's a win condition by sorta definition. You could make a town Jester, that's something I've considered before, but it's generally an anti town role.

Thing is I could see wanting to look like a jester as town play but the most obvious motive behind it is something like nightkill proof scum trying to look dangerous to lynch to get to keep alive. Still, I've been ignoring it as something that can be dealt with more effectively by not lynching.

Nictis is a long time player. As in: really long. What's keeping them from smoke screening in such a way they know will come off as town, but remain a scum? I'd like more in-game info on them then we have.

I mean bluntly I don't think Nictis is that good at appearing town in particular, let alone at insidious play in general. Like. I can't think of a game where I had a long lasting town read on him while he was actually scum.
Calypso, the nymph that was in love with Odysseus? How would you summon her?
I'm pretty sure that's just how nictis be. Uptight and with less a stick and more a titianium rod up there, if you catch my drift.
That's... fair enough, I suppose.

How about we don't lynch the obvious jester, and instead focus on someone more interesting. I'd like to present @Archeo Lumiere for this.
I just realized something dumb. TMR got roleblocked last night, and LMBF is claiming a Roleblock, albeit of a different flavor. I don't buy it.

[X] Lynch Letmebefree
Roleblocker=/=Jailor. This is also after Astaroh and Broken Base both revealed to be Cops.
Brains are presumably another way to rank up, as my role on board is both navigator and helmsman. If I die, none of you chucklefucks are going to know where to go or even how to make the boat go.
Entirely unasked for claim, that honestly just seems to be really false to me. An irreplaceable role in flavor, one that should honestly be understood by the Captain at least. Like, if he is Town and the Mutineers kill him... That mutiny has failed.

[x] Lynch Archeo Lumiere
I feel like pointing out that we are on an airship.
I mean bluntly I don't think Nictis is that good at appearing town in particular, let alone at insidious play in general. Like. I can't think of a game where I had a long lasting town read on him while he was actually scum.
This makes more sense thank you. But if he turns out scum I reserve the right to say I told you so.

Outside of Nictis, Estro is the only one I feel is scum but that might be his "Lynch him for low participation despite having a valid reason" talking.
Part of me want to leave you alone in case you're a jester, but I feel that you maybe playing the old
reverse psychology, by asking to be lynched you expect to not by lynched, unless that's what you though that we would thought and actually want to be lynched, unless unless that's what-

My head hurts. >_<
Well to be blunt, this is a good thing. Bad that one of the veterans went down, sure, but good that both night kills that occurred were focused on him.

Doubtful. LDJ is one of the best players and at least jokingly he did claim captain multiple times. I think there would have been much more likely targets for a vig to go after.

Yeah, nearly forgot that he decided to pull that shit D1.

[X] Lynch TheMaskedReader

I mean it as a veteran player, not as the actual veteran power.

Okay yeah, hammer is at 9 votes. We need a 2-3 vote threshold to be safe.

I'll null so we have 3 in case there is a double voter on the train.

[X] Null


Huh, I could've sworn BB mentioned targetting QT when she claimed cop. Disregard what I said then since I messed up.

We're trying to fill the numbers so no, at least as of right now.


No, I can't. So, so tempting though.

I was planning on pawn actually, no reason, in particular, they are usually a good pick for night actions and are a common enough face in these games that they would likely be targeted, they weren't obviously but still, the point stands.

So personally, I'm side-eying the votes on Astaroh-M at this point. I don't think he's done anything that suspect, and the power overlap isn't that severe.

More than that, I feel there's a matter of valuation here. He's a cop claim in the open with two kills out. If we let him live another day, and he is a cop, we'll have another cop to work with, or else scum will kill him for us.

Not only that, but even if he's actually scum, the other scum group might take him out for fear he's a legit cop.

So I'm thinking it's actually probably best if we put off that particular lynch at least one more day. We've got something like a day and a half to go to settle on a lynch. And I mentioned a lot of my notes were pretty empty, but the one that really stood out when I was looking...

[X] Lynch Pawn Lelouch

I've got no impression of you so far @Pawn Lelouch and I've got at least a little out of all the other experienced players. That's bugging me.

I'd rather avoid even more claims today but none of the claims yet have me seriously doubting them, and they mostly seem relatively high value to let live one more day if true. So going for what's most twigging me.

Actually... it would be really really great if @Pawn Lelouch could chime in with some thoughts, yes.

Gimme a bit. Trying to work on a write up for something and finishing up an architecture project.

Not necessarily. I was mostly just looking for a little more information. That being said, I am a man of my word. I don't want to take down astaroh just yet, and there's more pressure to be applied.

So then, on to the next question: Who should I vote for instead? I would join the Pawn Wagon but frankly there's enough votes there, and he's promised a response. None of the other existing wagons have that much going for them either.

So, we need a new one. I think we should apply some inactivity pressure. I don't have many posts, but I've also been in the game for less time, so I think it's okay that I'm bugging people who haven't posted but have been in the game the whole time. Of the ones who I think we could pressure because of low posts there's Hybrid, Yun, and Cake. Cake is here, so I don't want to do that. Yun is a newbie, but you don't get off entirely free, and Hybrid. Of the three, I'm going to vote for hybrid. While @Yun should post more as well, Hybrid does not have the newbie defense. You've played other games, @Hybrid, so you know that you should post more.

Post and I'll pick someone else.

[X]Lynch Hybrid

1. Terrabrand - For the most part his posts to seem more as informing the newer/weaker players of some basic explanations and a few times where he cautions people about overreaching quickly regarding votes. General nice player stuff but that is generally something done regardless of player alignment. Neutral read, with a slight good feeling about them.
3. QTesseract - Hasn't said much outside of the initial setup speculation and saying that not all names follow a certain pattern. The latter is generally common sense and the former, not numbers I would agree with, doesn't seem inherently scummy in my eyes. Neutral read, with a slight good feeling about them.
4. TheMaskedReader - Distrust since his Day 1 play still feels off to me.
6. Yun - His talk on TMR is rubbing me the wrong way, distrusting him right now.
7. Archeo Lumiere - Basically has said nothing of actual import. Blank state.
8. Pawn Lelouch - Me? I know I'm innocent. *laughs in Zorc * :V
9. Hybrid - Just bad enough as a player that I can't get a proper read since I always just read them as inept scum as a habit.
10. Cookie Side - Feels like he is just echoing the opinions of the thread without giving actual personal reasoning for them. Neutral with a slight amount of distrust.
11. Astaroh-M- Been generally at least mildly sus in regards to his actual play. His claim is the one thing that is potentially redeemable but I'm still not quite sold on this level of overlap yet.

12. Dancelord Atk50 - Been in the game too little to properly form an opinion on.
13. Letmebefree - Just bad enough as a player that I can't get a proper read since I always just read them as inept scum as habit.
15. Nictis- Been hard pushing the flavor claims and TMR which are the most sus people as of right now so I have a town read here.
16. Broken Base - I trust. Counterclaiming is fundamentally too risky to do D2 without believing that you are counterclaiming a false claim.
17. Crystalwatcher - Hasn't done much outside of backing QT on fluff. Need more posts to really get a read here.
18. Estro - Outside of the flavor seemingly not fitting a captain deal, Estro hasn't really said much outside of questions. Neutral for now.
-19. Cakestepid - Basically nothing outside of his recent vote analysis, which is bad since he is an experienced player. His voting analysis was okay, nothing special but it did summarize reasons for people. So basically neutral as a read due to overall lack of content.

Sorry for these being somewhat bad and lacking in detail but I put these together on a moment's notice.

[X] Null

[X] Lynch CookieSide

Not really anything in particular for my notes but useful enough stances for later if Pawn or anyone else flips as scum. Or town. Or really anything. Good enough for now.

Meanwhile, @CookieSide is one of the ones on the Astaroh bandwagon I'm not liking and I've otherwise got no impression of him. A very respectable alternate train, and while I feel bad for his prior bad luck, it's day 2 so I'm not gonna go complete softball here.

If you expect me to give Huge detailed analysis on the playerbase, or make insightful comments, you are going to be dissapointed.
I haven't got into the habit of keeping notes besides just writing if i suspect a player of being town, or scum. The most i can give you in short time, before i go to sleep is about this.

Terra Informatie and analytic. Nothing that gives me a town/scum read.
LDJ Dead Town.
QT Even tough i only remember him from probably wrong setup speculation, i have a slight feeling he is Town.
TMR Tentatively scum, is the impression i got in those initial post and his LMBF/ Adbla vote change.
Adbla Dead Town
Yun No idea, neutral
Archeo He feels somewhat Townish to me
Pawn No read, so neutral
Hybrid Seems as bad a player as me, also doesn't present a unique opinion.
Astaroh Before the captain claim he felt scummy to me, after that it was somewhat confusing, so i don't feel like moving my vote.
Dance/atk50 No idea
LMBF He is scum, incompetent or both.
Nictis He reads solid Town to me, he seems too emotionally invested.
BB Tentative town due to claiming, though becouse her posts makes me think she is nice=Town which is a bit confusing for me.
Crystal No idea
Estro Feels Town, though that might be their usual way of playing like BB
Cake Posted little but voted LMBF and TMR so feels Town to me

@Pawn Lelouch you know is curious, your reason to vote for me was because you trusted BB to not suicide herself with her counter-claim, and yet now that she changed her mind you're still voting for me, can I ask why?

Because I did the post when I was tired and forgot to unvote.

[X] Null

With that in mind.

[X] Lynch Letmebefree

Not anymore so I have doubts.

Oh, I was commenting on my doubt that he would actually post.

The most I can draw from this is the Pawn/atk seems a bit maybe scum teammate-y and the pawn/cookie side interactions make me think Cookie Side is at least not green. Maybe someone else can draw more out of it all.
Part of me want to leave you alone in case you're a jester, but I feel that you maybe playing the old
reverse psychology, by asking to be lynched you expect to not by lynched, unless that's what you though that we would thought and actually want to be lynched, unless unless that's what-

My head hurts. >_<
Poisoned chalice problem.

Could I ask you to consider looking at Crystalwatcher as a potential pressure target?
But he did?

That's... fair enough, I suppose.

How about we don't lynch the obvious jester, and instead focus on someone more interesting. I'd like to present @Archeo Lumiere for this.
Why are you so eager to shank me?

Or do you just want a definitive role claim from me?
Me putting 'Pressure' on Crystal would get them over the halfway point for lynching, and would make there be literally no other votes anywhere. Why would I do that when they've repeatedly voted themselves?

We can just have a vigilante take care of them later, I have reason to believe that we'll have two of those eventually.
You know, sticking my vote where my words are.

[x] Lynch atk50

Your interactions with Pawn make me suspect you.
Really? Of all the people, you pick the person who just said they won't be available to pressure?
I mean, that's fair, but I was looking for someone, anyone, to vote other than Crystalwatcher and I just don't feel like TMR is scum.

[X] Null

I'll take another look. I'm sure there's someone else I can go for.
I kind of want to vote terrabrand, because mimics as a fantasy creature are usually hostile and one pretending to be crew is even more so, but I don't think I'd be able to pass a vote through on them and they've already been pressured into a reveal, so I can't just add a vote to them and ask for answers; they're good enough not to add more info that would contradict them.

I can't lynch at50 or crystalwatcher, which means

[X] Lynch Cheese4every1