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Green Iz Best: One Ork in Earth-Bet

In the World of Earth-Bet, where super-powered Heroes and...
Green Iz Best

Green Iz Best: One Ork in Earth-Bet

In the World of Earth-Bet, where super-powered Heroes and Villains are the reality, and immensely destructive beings known as Endbringers regularly attack locations around the globe, There are plenty of strong foes to fight. As one orkoid from the 41st millennium finds itself on a strange, unfamiliar planet, who knows what could happen?

As Our Orktagonist slowly comes to his senses, what sight first greets his slowly clearing eyes?

[ ] A large and protruberant green nose that is hard to mistake, and small limbs attached to an equally small but lean and well built green body.
[ ] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
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[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled fingers ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] A large and protruberant green nose that is hard to mistake, and small limbs attached to an equally small but lean and well built green body.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled fingers ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.

[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled fingers ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] A large and protruberant green nose that is hard to mistake, and small limbs attached to an equally small but lean and well built green body.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled fingers ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled fingers ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled fingers ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled fingers ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
Since the votes seem pretty clear, ill close the vote in a few hours, potentially sooner if even more votes are for the same option.

Dont worry too much about which options are better, just pick which one you think will be the most fun.
[X] A large and protruberant green nose that is hard to mistake, and small limbs attached to an equally small but lean and well built green body.
Why would we vote to play a gretchin?

Increased Difficulty? Interesting characteristics? People just want to play a grecthin?

idk. maybe they think that it could be interesting and fun to act grot/grecthin like?
thanks for bringing it up. feel free to ask questions or comment on things, more talking is better
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[X] A large and protruberant green nose that is hard to mistake, and small limbs attached to an equally small but lean and well built green body.

I'ze Da Greenesd. And Oi'z Da MEENESD!

[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] A large and protruberant green nose that is hard to mistake, and small limbs attached to an equally small but lean and well built green body.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled fingers ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
Well, if Earth-Bet wasn't a hellhole then, it's a hellhole now.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.
[X] Jagged fangs protrude from a heavy jaw, and long muscular arms and gnarled hands ending in taloned fingers, alongside a solid, muscular frame, all covered in leathery green skin.