If I got this right, the 'proper way'* to vote seems to be to be

1) If you vote early, just vote in a first preference, according to what you like best. Second prefence is something you add later to do strategic thing depending on how voting trends emerged.

2) if you vote later, vote in a first preference, according to what you like best, with no attention given to voting trends. For second preference, vote in strategically.

Like that?

*(not 'proper way' in the sense I think people who vote not in this way is wrong, but there implied such 'proper way' to exist, and I'm figuring what that is, or to be more precise I'm trying to figure out 'a proper way' that works)

#1, well, that doesn't seem that much different from normal strategic voting? The difference is that with normal voting sceme, your strategic vote is added to your, err, by-the-heart vote, instead of supplanting it.

#2, is not that different with normal voting scheme either, since what matters in the end is more likely to be your strategic vote than your heart vote. The difference is you got to insert both vote instead of just one.

The difference seems to come down to psychological. "I'll vote according to some compromise strategy, but at least I got to pronounce my heart out on which choice I would ideally prefer'. Admitedly, 'pronounce your heart out' is not unimportant benefit. We all have seen (and be) that kind of voter who vote for the appealing but hopeless vote, just because.

But that's make things confusing on what's the point of this voting sceme then, in practical terms, especially when compared with CCP grey video used to explain alternative vote. I'm writing this wordvomit in attempt to figure it out myself.

I think part of it maybe related to using CCP grey video to talk explain alternative voting system. Thing is, quest voting is different situation than democratic election. Quest voting is open and revisable until the time its called of. Meanwhile the democratic ballot is blind, and each voter have only one chance to insert their vote. So the dynamic is a bit different.

For instance, 'Instant Runoff Voting' is not really exist as advantages. Since every voters can see the emerging trend as the votes coming in, and they can can react to it immediately without waiting. Quest voting is essentially already running on 'instant runoff voting' as basic feature. Well, that's assuming each voter have time/willingness to check back periodically and react though.

Thus the advantage of alternative voting in Quest voting isn't facilitating 'instant runoff', it is to to allow players to participate in the 'runoff voting' (or strategic voting we questers commonly call it) while being absent. For players don't have a problem in being present for strategic voting stage, this advantage is immaterial.

But the more important advantage said in CCP grey video of alternative voting system is the spoiler effect ... I'm don't have any sure conclusion about this yet. I'm still trying to contemplate spoiler effect in the context of quest voting dynamics.

Hmm, tentatively it seems that spoiler effect is less of a worry in a quest voting context, because again, the constant voters reaction and vote change according to trend. Though again here, this advantages only matters to questers who cannot participate constantly during voting period. I may be mistaken something here or there's more to it, but that's what I got.

Thus, alternative voting advantages in the context quest seems boiled to two matters:
-the ability to declare what your ideal preference is
-the ability to contribute to strategic voting stage during the later part of voting session time, without having to be present in-thread at that time to present a new vote
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So, those of us who've voted for daggers, what might be a good compromise vote to put as our secondary? The most obvious option would be this one, since it's in the lead out of the dagger votes:
[] Dagger
[] Buster Sword
[] Tactics and Command
[] Strategy and Logistics
[] Trade and Commerce
but maybe for some of the dagger votes the dagger is a secondary choice to something else, and they'd more likely push for a vote without the dagger but with that something else than vote for this. So, if that's the case, do speak up, and tell us what that something else it.
There is no reason to change your vote. That is from Kei herself. People who keep saying we are missing the point are the ones making things more complicated.
There is no reason to change your vote. That is from Kei herself.
There is no need to edit your votes or anything if you're comfortable with it, but my concern is that a potentially massively scattershot vote may result in an outcome that few are happy with because everyone's first and second preferences are tailor-made for their specific preferences, as opposed to something that groups of questers are happy with.
Please don't be reductive with what Kei actually said.
Changing my vote.

First Preference
[X] Bow
[X] Beastiary
[X] Scouting and Tracking
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Buster Sword

Second Preference
[X] Dagger
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[X] Trade and Commerce

Dropping my own preference to consolidate on the (smaller of the two, lmao) monster hunter vote and to boost the daggers because while I'm not really against staff I don't really like the aesthetics of that as second weapon.
I haven't been on the forums much - nor writing much - on the account of having been infected with the zombie virus (AKA a really, really bad bout of the cold or some other thing), but I wanted to take time to acknowledge a lot of new faces here. Thank you so much for your interest in this quest, and I hope I can keep you entertained for as long as I write. >_<

Also got a big huge important question. I know you mentioned Dragons all of once. But are they 'mythological' dragons or anime ones. What I mean is can they transform into cute girls? This is a deeply important question.

Yes. =3
As much as Kei may enjoy new faces, I'll have to be the pessimist and think it's only because it's a vote like a character creation vote. Which is one of the worst type of vote in a quest, in my opinion.

I still have not forgotten the hell that was the dance vote in Stand and Watch Them Fall.
Just remember, if you want a ranged option, a squadmate can be that.

Again, there is no guarantee we will be partnered with our squad post graduation. Any skills we deem absolutely essential we had better pick up ourselves, because we may not have the luxury of choosing our companions.
Yes, but if we don't know what skills those squadmates will have, assuming we can leave a skill up to them is dumb.
If we have any say in it, we can pick someone with a ranged attack, and even if we don't, if ranged attacks will be important we can probably trust whoever's picking our squad to be competent and get us one.
2.2X1 Interlude 4: Responsibility and Privilege
Honestly kind of shorter than I would've liked, but I just don't see anything I needed to add to this.


Interlude 4
Responsibility and Privilege

"Request denied. Dismissed."

Lucille blinks and almost physically recoils at the two words that immediately leaves Rastangard's lips. It's not as if she actually expected any other answer - although she hasn't entirely admitted it to herself, an intrinsic part of her has always known that it's really more the principle of the matter than anything else - but how quickly the headmistress replies stuns even her. "But headmistress..." she begins to insist.

"Is there something," asks the headmistress in question, seated behind her desk with and framed against the night sky out her window, "about 'final and not subject to further debate' that you do not understand?"

Of course Lucille understood those words spoken just an hour ago during the feast. That doesn't mean she isn't going to subject this final decision to further debate, standing before Rastangard's desk in the privacy of her office, peripherally aware that it was here where her aunt the countess had her argument with this very same headmistress months ago.

"People may die," Lucille whispers. Then, after a moment, she says with increasing certainty and bitterness: "People will die. People have died. Glenda and Sadie died."

"Yes," agrees Rastangard so readily that Lucille's stomach suddenly feels even more empty than it is, something more than just having no appetite as she sat beside the new members of Squad One. "People die in war. That is how it is. You will endeavor to ensure that no one under your command dies needlessly on your watch."

"I don't want it, I'm not good at it..."

"It's not about what you want," snaps Rastangard impatiently. "Leadership is a responsibility you're saddled with, not a privilege. If it were a privilege, we wouldn't have needed to tell everyone that these decisions are final."

The brunette elf gives the older aseri a look that suggests she is far from impressed with this answer. "But you don't just give it to someone with a track record at failing."

"No prodigy woke up one day and suddenly knew how to cast powerful magecraft. Whatever else, they started out with an instructor that taught them something." The headmistress' glare gets a bit more flinty. "'I'm not good at it' is the refuge of a coward who won't even accept a second chance at learning."

"Would you have given someone else a second chance like this? After we've put their bodies to the fire?"

Rastangard's eyes lose a tiny bit of their hardness. "Perhaps not. But you're a Celestia, your candidacy as squad leader was never in question, and with it comes certain expectations." Left unspoken, Lucille bitterly knows, is that Rastangard probably suspects it's politically scandalous to pass over a Celestia for squad leader, something the headmistress is not willing to weather. "Would you rather take some tough lessons now, when you only have three others to command, or when you have an entire army you may need to one day put in harm's way?"

"I can leave," Lucille points out with an air of bravado she doesn't think she actually feels. It's hard to tell in the head of the moment. "I can drop out like Erin."

Rastangard, for her part, responds with remarkable calmness as she folds her hands on her desk. "That is your prerogative." Her eyes narrow. "But I don't think either your mother or your aunt would accept it, unless you're also prepared to run away from home." And when Lucille looks like she's deflating, the headmistress mercilessly adds, "And what about all the other apprentices who have lost squadmates but must now bear the responsibility of command?"

Her shoulder slumping, the soft laugh that comes out of Lucille's constricted throat moments later is bitter. "All this because I was born into one right family. Because I have a Celestia at the end of my name, we're all here and you don't like it and my instructors don't like it and my squad doesn't like it and I don't..."

"Don't be selfish," snaps the aseri in interruption, rising from her seat; she moves so quickly that Lucille flinches, almost expecting Rastangard to come around the desk, but instead she merely paces to the window and looks out into the rainy night. "This isn't just about you. Your squad now consists of apprentices from laborer and peasant families with chips on their shoulders so large, every instructor can see it. Naming you squad leader puts them in a position of having to work with you - to take your commands - for at least another two years. They need to acclimate themselves with the idea that they will be put into situations with commands they don't like, but which they must follow anyways because it is professional, because it is their duty." She turns her head from the window just a bit to send a sidelong look towards Lucille over her shoulder. "It may not remove that chip, but will at least manage it to the point where no one else needs to worry about a breakdown in discipline in the field."

Lucille gives a mirthless laugh. She isn't trying to be impudent; she knows full well that she's getting away with this in part because - as has been mentioned - she's a Celestia. But she can't help it. "So you're saying I'm so awful that I'm a lesson for the others in how to deal with a horrible squad leader."

"Yes," answers Rastangard, and her reply is so immediate and so without hesitation - without even a hint of sugarcoating - that Lucille can't help but involuntarily flinch at such a bland yet brutal assessment from the headmistress herself. "And they are a lesson for you on how to deal with them and become a better squad leader. You are not the first highborn girl who is less naturally talented than her peers to grace these halls, nor are they the first angry girls of lesser means to find their way here. Our task is to turn each of you into mercenaries who will see this academy proud. Not to make your lives easy."

Lucille is acutely, frustratingly aware that railing further against just how unfair this is will accomplish nothing aside from making her look childish. Which is also unfair. "...I understand, headmistress," Lucille says glumly.

"I can see that," Rastangard actually rolls her eyes, deeply unconvinced, if her tone is any indicator. "You're dismissed, again. I have actual work to do, and you look so much like your aunt when you sulk that it's distracting."

Lucille doesn't quite remember seeing herself out of the headmistress' office. She doesn't quite remember wandering the corridors back to her room on the second floor of the West Wing. She mostly remembers not wanting to see any of her friends, or at least not wanting them to see her like this. By the time she remembers anything, she has opened the door to her dormitory, only to see a "new" face inside.

Wendy, for all that it's worth, is not actively antagonistic as her gaze rises impassively up to meet Lucille's, the former already preparing for bed. There is a grimness to her expression, but at the very least there is no venom in her voice - the kind of venom that Penelope and Trudy displayed when Lucille tried to make peace with them at the feast - when she blandly says, "Hello."

It's all Lucille can do to quietly close the door behind her and murmur, "Hi."

Wendy moves over to her bed, watching Lucille collapse into her own without bothering to change, so forlorn as she is. Finally, after a moment, she asks, "Are we going to have a problem?"

With a wistful smile, Lucille bitterly notes that this is the kind of question that a squad leader asks a particularly troublesome teammate. It is all too revealing, therefore, that she - the leader of Squad One - is on the receiving end of this question. "I hope not."


Will be closing the vote soon.
Lucille gives a mirthless laugh. She isn't trying to be impudent; she knows full well that she's getting away with this in part because - as has been mentioned - she's a Celestia. But she can't help it. "So you're saying I'm so awful that I'm a lesson for the others in how to deal with a horrible squad leader."

"Yes," answers Rastangard, and her reply is so immediate and so without hesitation - without even a hint of sugarcoating - that Lucille can't help but involuntarily flinch at such a bland yet brutal assessment from the headmistress herself. "And they are a lesson for you on how to deal with them and become a better squad leader. You are not the first highborn girl who is less naturally talented than her peers to grace these halls, nor are they the first angry girls of lesser means to find their way here. Our task is to turn each of you into mercenaries who will see this academy proud. Not to make your lives easy."

Lucille is acutely, frustratingly aware that railing further against just how unfair this is will accomplish nothing aside from making her look childish. Which is also unfair. "...I understand, headmistress," Lucille says glumly.

"I can see that," Rastangard actually rolls her eyes, deeply unconvinced, if her tone is any indicator. "You're dismissed, again. I have actual work to do, and you look so much like your aunt when you sulk that it's distracting."

Ugh. At this point, I'm half afraid that Lucille should be on suicide watch. She's in a very hard spot because of the expectations on her thanks to the family she was born into. Unfortunately, I can see all too easily how she could see such a final solution as an escape, maybe even the only possible such escape, from her ordeal. It'll be interesting to see she deals with her situation from here on out.
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I await with baited breath.

Now then I voted for whatever lets us SMESH the hardest. But a mace sounds like a decent weapon. I would prefer a war pick but I imagine that's a sub weapon of the mace.

Honestly I think our buster sword has enough mass that it can function as a mace. Just leave it in the scabbard and bash people with it.
Look like we need to support Lucille also talk to her squadmates carefully without undermining what little leadership Lucille have, perhaps Wendy can help though getting through Penelope is the main thing.
Where stands the tally... roughly? I never did choose a second choice, which is probably a problem.
Here you go. Some people have voted or said they were changing their vote since then, but this post should still be informative.

So first up; this vote is a nightmare to try and tally. For future reference here are all the first and second preferences:
First Preferences:
[x] Staff
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
[x] Buster Sword
King Prussia
The Meddler

[X] Dagger
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[X] Trade and Commerce
Lazy Minx
The Laurent

[X] Dagger
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[X] Alchemy and Botany

[x] Mace
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Trade and Commerce

[x] Bow
[x] Beastiary
[x] Scouting and Tracking
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Buster Sword

[x] Mace
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Bestiary
[x] Trade and Commerce

[X] Mace
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Scouting and Tracking
[X] Advanced Unarmed Combat

[x] Bow
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Alchemy and Botany
[x] Bestiary
Nervos Belli

[x] Dagger
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Bestiary
[x] Alchemy and Botany

[X] Mace
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Scouting and Tracking
[X] Law and Politics

[x] Mace
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Bestiary
[x] Trade and Commerce

[x] Straight Sword
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce

[x] Bow
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce

Second Preferences:
[x] Bow
[x] Beastiary
[x] Scouting and Tracking
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Buster Sword
King Prussia

[X] Dagger
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[X] Alchemy and Botany
Lazy Minx

[X] Dagger
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[X] Trade and Commerce

[x] Mace
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Trade and Commerce

[x] Dagger
[x] Alchemy and Botany
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
[x] Buster Sword
Nervos Belli

[X] Tome
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[X] Alchemy and Botany

[X] Dagger
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Alchemy and Botany
[X] Advanced Unarmed Combat

[x] Staff
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
[x] Buster Sword

[X] Straight Sword
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Etiquette
[X] Trade and Commerce

[x] Mace
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Bestiary
[x] Trade and Commerce

[x] Bow
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Alchemy and Botany
[x] Bestiary

[x] Buster Sword
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Dagger

[X] Mace
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Alchemy and Botany
[X] Beastiary
[X] Trade and Commerce

[x] Bow
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Scouting and Tracking
[x] Alchemy and Botany
[x] Beastiary

[X] Advanced Unarmed Combat
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Stealth
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Beastiary

Running through the first preferences gives:
[x] Staff
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
[x] Buster Sword
16 Votes
King Prussia
The Meddler

[X] Dagger
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[X] Trade and Commerce
7 Votes
Lazy Minx
The Laurent

[x] Bow
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Alchemy and Botany
[x] Bestiary
6 Voters
Nervos Belli

[X] Dagger
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[X] Alchemy and Botany
4 Voters

[x] Mace
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Trade and Commerce
4 Voters

[x] Mace
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Bestiary
[x] Trade and Commerce
3 Voters

[x] Dagger
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Bestiary
[x] Alchemy and Botany
3 Voters

[x] Bow
[x] Beastiary
[x] Scouting and Tracking
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Buster Sword
2 Voters

[X] Mace
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Scouting and Tracking
[X] Advanced Unarmed Combat
1 Voter

[X] Mace
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Scouting and Tracking
[X] Law and Politics
1 Voter

[x] Mace
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Bestiary
[x] Trade and Commerce
1 Voter

[x] Straight Sword
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
1 Voter

[x] Bow
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
1 Voter
A pretty solid initial lead for:
[] Staff
[] Strategy and Logistics
[] Tactics and Command
[] Trade and Commerce
[] Buster Sword
With over twice as many votes (16 vs. 7) as the runner up. However now secondary preferences come into play and things get complicated. There are multiple ways of doing this but I'm going for the relatively simple and straightforward method:
  1. Look at the lowest scoring Vote.
  2. Look at it's voter's second preferences.
  3. Add their vote to the preferred vote.
  4. Delete the lowest scored vote.
  5. Repeat.
In cases where someone's second preference isn't actually in the primary vote, lots of people haven't quite voted the way they were meant to, I put it off to the side. Then once I was done I made sure it hadn't accumulated enough votes to be note worthy and if not removed it.

So with that in mind I've gone through and compiled the top two votes:
[x] Staff
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
[x] Buster Sword
18 Votes
King Prussia
The Meddler

[X] Dagger
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Strategy and Logistics
[X] Trade and Commerce
13 Votes
Lazy Minx
The Laurent
So with preferences taking into account the above Staff vote is still winning with 19 votes but this Dagger vote:
[] Dagger
[] Buster Sword
[] Tactics and Command
[] Strategy and Logistics
[] Trade and Commerce
has managed to close the gap with 13 votes.

Still seeing as there are a total of 50 voters there is still plenty of room for this result to change in light of people altering their primary/secondary choices. Personally I'm hoping things will remain the same, honestly going into this I didn't think my first choice was winning but surprisingly it is, but with how muddled this thing is and how important this decision is people should have all the facts available to them.

Seriously though it is rather surprising how things basically come down to a choice of either Staff or Dagger with every other option being identical.
Honestly I think our buster sword has enough mass that it can function as a mace. Just leave it in the scabbard and bash people with it.
Well yes but this is CQC in cities kind of stuff. A War Pick is a wondrous weapon for busting through armor and it's stupidly simple to use. Of course the Buster sword is better at that, but this is when we can't use the buster sword.
First choice

[x] Staff
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
[x] Buster Sword

Second choice

[x] Bow
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Alchemy and Botany
[x] Bestiary

And I'll go and delete my previous vote