- Monster Hunter World is good.
- Switch axe is awesome.
- Kei doesn't like axes or switch axe for some reason, and needs to be properly exposed to them.
Although I also like Switch Axes, I can see why Kei excluded them- setting wise I don't think anyone has the tech to make the things right now.
-[x] Bow
-[x] Buster Sword
-[x] Tactics and Command
-[x] Alchemy and Botany
-[x] Bestiary

[x] Dagger
[x] Alchemy and Botany
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
[x] Buster Sword
First preference:
[x] Mace
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Trade and Commerce

Second preference:
[x] Trade and Commerce
[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Dagger
Last edited:
[X] Mace
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Trade and Commerce
[X] Strategy and Logistics

[X] Mace
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Buster Sword
[X] Trade and Commerce
[X] Alchemy and Botany

Last edited:

When you placed certain weapons as derivatives, did the derivatives needed to be specified in the vote or was it intended to just use the the main weapon type vote as a catch all term and deciding on the specific weapon preference later?

I'm pretty sure it is meant to work like Greatswords did; we pick the base weapon and then once we have enough skill in it we can specialize into one of the sub-classes.

What @UberJJK said.
So, before the vote, 2 things I noticed I want to comment on.
[x] Dagger
Derivatives: Dual Daggers, Rapier, Throwing Knives
Why in hell is the rapier a derivative of the dagger? It weighs only a bit less than an arming sword(or about the same depending on specific blade), and it has even more reach than an arming sword. It should if anything be a derivative of the straight sword category rather than the dagger category.

2) We are going over secondary weapons, supposed to be used in areas too tight for the greatsword right? As such, shouldn't we be looking for something like a straight sword of some sort? It would have enough reach to be far more effective in combat than just the daggers(unless we go for rapier, but in that case the combat style would be really different and so the first period working with the daggers wouldn't be that helpful), and it'd still be something we could thrust with in hallways and such.
Anyways, voting time.
First Preference
-[x] Straight Sword
-[x] Buster Sword
-[x] Strategy and Logistics
-[x] Tactics and Command
-[x] Trade and Commerce

Second Preference:
-[x] Mace
-[x] Buster Sword
-[x] Strategy and Logistics
-[x] Tactics and Command
-[x] Trade and Commerce
Why in hell is the rapier a derivative of the dagger? It weighs only a bit less than an arming sword(or about the same depending on specific blade), and it has even more reach than an arming sword. It should if anything be a derivative of the straight sword category rather than the dagger category.

I ran out of good ideas for categorization, and just went "ugh, let's just go with 'dueling weapons'". >_>
Plan #1, Professionals Study Logistics.
[x] Staff
[x] Strategy and Logistics
[x] Tactics and Command
[x] Trade and Commerce
[x] Buster Sword

Plan # 2
[X] Mace
[X] Tactics and Command
[X] Alchemy and Botany
[X] Beastiary
[X] Trade and Commerce
Presumably whoever thought that saying up was an optimist who thought war ought to be resolved primarily by shuffling numbers around on a spreadsheet.