Question. How will we be able to communicate this to Fang discretely? We haven't really had time to train him to interpret non-verbal orders, and giving him verbal commands kind of makes it hard to be discrete.
"Disretely" here means out of Gligar's focus. I want Mael to keep enemy pokemon occupied for long enough that Fang will be able to get high advantage (and get away from Bulldoze AoE).
Question. How will we be able to communicate this to Fang discretely? We haven't really had time to train him to interpret non-verbal orders, and giving him verbal commands kind of makes it hard to be discrete.
Yeah, that's the one thing that doesn't really work in my strategy, that it'd probably take all three rounds to work.
[] Strategy Bait and Switch
-[] Have Maelstrom harry the Gilgar with Aqua Jet while it is above ground, to force it into Fang's range, while Fang waits on the ground until Gilgar gets in range for an Ice Fang.
i'm just gonna go with this because Gligar isn't actually flying, it's "falling with style", so forcing it to do aerial combat with Maelstrom should force it closer to the ground where Fang can strike.
I dunno, if anyone else wants to take over Plan: High Ground they can, it's just that looking back, it seems a bit too unwieldly to actually use. I was kinda channeling the Pokemon Adventures Manga when I did that, but we're probably not good enough to pull off Adventures level stuff yet.
I dunno, it's just hard to judge Haru's skill level when making plans, I guess. Because on one hand, he's only been an actual trainer for a week, but on the other hand he went to a trainer academy for seven years and scored well enough to catch the eye of the Champion herself.
Edit: Switching back because I'm indecisive af
[X] Strategy High Ground Round 1
-[X] Have Maelstrom do an aerial battle with Gligar using Aqua Jet. Focus on dodging and being distracting
-[X] Have Fang discretely climb up shipping boxes and containers until he's as high as he can get.
The original strategy I posted was meant as a general thing for the entire battle, so here's one for the first round.
I'm not doing the battle cry because i dunno, I just don't think it really fits what we've seen of Haru.
Like, he's not a hotblooded shounen protagonist. He wanted to be, but then he had to go to school.
The major negative emotions that we've seen from Haru have been his loss of his parents and subsequent fear of thunderstorms, which he's kept buried whenever he can,
I dunno, it just seems like it's more in character to just be silent and calm on the outside, putting everything that he has into the battle.
@KidFromPallet do you want to add in that Shonen Declaration too? This is the first human threat that Haru's faced to his team. And it's something that he can actively fight back against. I think that it might actually be a Berserk Button for him given the situation surrounding him gaining his team.
@KidFromPallet do you want to add in that Shonen Declaration too? This is the first human threat that Haru's faced to his team. And it's something that he can actively fight back against. I think that it might actually be a Berserk Button for him given the situation surrounding him gaining his team.
i dunno, it's just that Haru hasn't really seemed like a typical shounen character. Like, Rose is the one who can just go out and SHOUNEN with a smile on her face, but I just can't see Haru doing that. I dunno, it's just that Haru seems to have a more quiet determination, as compared to your typical shounen protagonist.
[X] Strategy Bait and Switch
-[X] Have Maelstrom harry the Gilgar with Aqua Jet while it is above ground, to force it into Fang's range, while Fang waits on the ground until Gilgar gets in range for an Ice Fang.
--[X] "You will nevertouch any of my partners as long as I live!" Haru mad.
[X] Strategy High Ground Round 1
-[X] Have Maelstrom do an aerial battle with Gligar using Aqua Jet. Focus on dodging and being distracting
-[X] Have Fang discretely climb up shipping boxes and containers until he's as high as he can get.
Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Dec 17, 2018 at 5:53 PM, finished with 13 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Strategy Bait and Switch
-[X] Have Maelstrom harry the Gilgar with Aqua Jet while it is above ground, to force it into Fang's range, while Fang waits on the ground until Gilgar gets in range for an Ice Fang.
--[X] "You will nevertouch any of my partners as long as I live!" Haru mad.
-[X] Have Maelstrom do an aerial battle with Gligar using Aqua Jet. Focus on dodging and being distracting
-[X] Have Fang discretely climb up shipping boxes and containers until he's as high as he can get, then have him wait until Gligar is in range for him to pounce on her and attack with Ice Fang.
--[X] "You will nevertouch any of my partners as long as I live!" Haru mad.
Well… They are trying to steal Maelstrom and erase your memories. You can't afford to lose here, and escaping… yeah, no. You are not going to leave her alone. She will lose if you do that.
Your two pokemon now between you and the Gligar. They are protecting you and waiting for orders. And you are going to do just that… This isn't a normal league battle. You are fighting for your pokemon.
"Maelstrom, Aqua Jet! Keep him busy!" You shouted. As soon as you did, Maelstrom surrounded himself in water and rocketed in Gligar's direction. That surprised your enemy and his pokemon enough that the Gligar had no way of dodging that.
Maelstrom vs Gligar roll: 75 vs 40
The Magikarp hit his enemy like a really wet cannonball. It launched them both against one of the containers, making an indentation in the metal. You are not sure if it's because that was really strong or because the containers are pretty cheap.
You use that distraction to tell Fang to climb one of the nearby containers and get ready. You will let him do his own thing for now, he is smart enough. He nods and with surprisingly agility starts to jump on top of a bunch of stacked boxes, climbing higher and higher.
While he is doing that you look around to check on your ally. Ros… The Purple Protector is fighting against the woman. Their pokemon locked in combat. Even with his type advantage it seems that the Torchic is having some trouble. He was just hit by a Mega Drain and it seems that the enemy is healing more than he is hurting it. It seems like he is not good at ranged combat.
"Ares!" The Purple Protector shouts. "It's time to teach her our final attack! The one we spent all our training last week practicing. BLAZE KICK!" She pointed at the enemy Roselia and the Torchic started to run in its direction at surprising speed. Faster and faster.
Blaze Kick…? That's… Impossible. You are not a move expert, but you know that a pokemon like that doesn't learn that move, right? It's a pretty powerful one, but shouldn't be able to do it after evolving?
Ares vs Roselia: 50 vs 30
The Torchic jumped high into the air when he was closer to his enemy. When he was there he did something… weird. He used Ember on himself. What was he…? Oh… Oh, you now get it. He used Ember on his claws and they were now on fire. It looks like it hurts a little, but that's not the end of his attack. After lighting himself on fire he uses Aerial Ace from above, landing with some sort of fire Aerial Ace… It hurt himself doing it, but you guess that works? The Roselia flies backwards a short distance and looks hurt and burnt. Sadly, the Torchic looks poisoned, one of Roselia's spines embed on his leg. That probably hurts.
You then realize something. You were distracted by Rose's weird attack. When you look back it seems that your combat is going okay. It's only been a couple seconds after all. Maelstrom is now on the ground, waiting for orders. The Gligar seems pretty hurt after that attack, but not enough to stop fighting. She climbed the container and was now ready to jump.
Your enemy… wait, where is…?
Galactic Grunt vs Haru: 65 vs 26
You are on the ground, confused. What happened? You… Oh, right. A punch. You felt a hit on your cheek. A strong one. You were now sitting there and looking up. The man had a serious face, ready to strike again.
"So two versus one, huh? If you want to play dirty I can do that too… Gligar! Cover me!" He yelled, looking at his pokemon. You had a second to crawl away, recovering your senses. It's been a long time since you got into a fight like that. You are not Maylene. You are healthy but not strong enough to take on someone taller and stronger than you!
The Gligar jumped and started to glide in your direction. Her plan was to act as a barrier between her master and your pokemon, not letting any of them attack him. When their trainer is in danger pokemon usually help, but without any strategy Maelstrom would be easy prey.
But he wasn't alone.
Halfway in her glide, the Gligar felt something staring. Something above her. She heard paws against the metal of a container, a jump and a battlecry. "Shiiiinx!" Shouted Fang as he dropped from the sky on top of the Gligar, his icy fangs ready to strike. It was a really dangerous attack, he had no way of landing safely, but he wanted to protect the leader of his pack.
Fang vs Gligar: 90! vs 6…
He landed on top of his enemy, making the Gligar drop like a rock to the ground, her gliding not good enough to carry them both. As they fell, Fang bit her, hard. His fangs coated in ice type power started to freeze the water around the ground pokemon. Maelstrom's attack left her even more vulnerable to his icy bite.
When they landed Gligar was already frozen and unable to keep fighting for now. She was still conscious and struggling, trying to keep moving her limbs coated in ice, but it wasn't easy.
You looked at the man and smiled. He wasn't feeling safe anymore. His pokemon was as good as defeated and, after punching their trainer, those two pokemon would go against him now. He wasn't a weakling but humans are not made to fight pokemon.
"Goddammit!" He shouted and moved away from you and your pokemon as you stood up, to a more secure position. "Marissa, we might have a problem here!" He yelled at his companion, who was giving her orders to her pokemon.
"I'm busy! Use the fucking Kadabra if they are giving you trouble!" She replied, paying more attention to her own combat.
Your blood froze for a second. A Kadabra is… well, it's not a weak pokemon. There are weak Kadabra but it wouldn't surprise you if it was as strong as Lily. You don't think Maelstrom or Fang can defeat a pokemon like that.
You wanted to give your pokemon the order to attack the trainer but something stopped you. Using two pokemon against another is bad, but using two pokemon to attack a human? Can you give that order…?
In your moment of hesitation the man returns his Gligar to her pokeball and releases another pokemon. A Kadabra.
Kadabra ♂
Psychic Type
Rank: C+
Ability 1: Magic Guard (Can only take damage from direct attacks.)
Ability 2: Inner Focus (Nothing can break his focus. Immune to flinching.)
Trait 1: Researcher (This pokemon is smart enough to be used for complicated tasks. Can have up to 10 moves.)
Trait 2: Protector (His psychic barriers are stronger than normal. The mental and physical ones.)
Temporary trait: Borrowed pokemon (This pokemon isn't with his true trainer. Might not follow orders.)
Moves: Psychic, Kinesis, Teleport, Reflect, Psybeam, Disable, Recover, Light screen, ???
It was as strong as you feared. Maybe even a bit stronger than Lily, you are not sure. The pokemon was looking around, slightly confused as why he was called into battle. This shouldn't be a combat mission. He looked at the man, a silent conversation between them.
"Yeah, I fucked up, I know. Can you PLEASE make sure that kid doesn't remember this?" The man asked, his ego slightly deflated.
The Kadabra looked at you, wondering what should he do to you.
[] FIGHT. That Kadabra is really strong but this is still a two on one. You might be able to pull this off.
[] FLEE. Make some sort of distraction and get out of here. You can't win this. No way.
[] SURRENDER. You don't see any of the other options working. Maybe if you surrender they will not take your pokemon?
[] DIPLOMACY. Talk to that Kadabra. He is smart and you might be able to convince him to NOT erase your memories.
Maelstrom and Fang vs Gligar:
M&F: Massive Damage, Autowin.
Gligar: Returned to pokeball.
[X] DIPLOMACY. Talk to that Kadabra. He is smart and you might be able to convince him to NOT erase your memories.
The way I see it a fight is almost an auto-lose, or at least a very improbable win. Running ain't gonna cut it with Rose there and him knowing Teleport, which can be used to catch up easily. Surrendering means our memories are a no go, and quite possibly losing our Pokemon. The fact that the Kadabra doesn't belong to these grunts means it could possibly be reasoned with. Depending on who its original trainer is and such. But yeah. That's my reasoning.
Shouldn't it be "Purple Protector" instead of "Rose" in the write-in vote? Calling a superhero by their secret identity's name seems like a good way to tick them off.
[x] DIPLOMACY. Talk to that Kadabra. He is smart and you might be able to convince him to NOT erase your memories.
-[X] Point out that the grunt has no idea how to use the Kadabra and in fact already let a witness escape. A witness that has called the police, while you called over a powerful friend before coming here as well. Then there's the the powerful Slowpoke that specialises in breaking down mental barriers just so it can do the theme song schtick. It might not get involved now, but when he tries to erases his trainer's memories? Their operation has already failed because of the grunt and erasing your memories of his loss only serves to protect his ego. Is that really worth the risk of getting captured?
[X] FIGHT. That Kadabra is really strong but this is still a two on one. You might be able to pull this off.
-[X] Maelstrom Aqua Jet the Kadabra.
-[X] Fang, Fire Fang the Rosalia!
[X] FIGHT. That Kadabra is really strong but this is still a two on one. You might be able to pull this off.
-[X] Maelstrom Aqua Jet the Kadabra.
-[X] Fang, Fire Fang the Rosalia!
doesn't mealstrom know the flying move bounce? also shinx is dark type right, now the remaining two moves are most likely coverage moves or miracle eye. but it still seems like a better match-up to me.
doesn't mealstrom know the flying move bounce? also shinx is dark type right, now the remaining two moves are most likely coverage moves or miracle eye. but it still seems like a better match-up to me.
He does know Bounce, but it's a move that's easy to evade. Kadabra are fast mon, and it has teleport, so evading that is simple. And no, the Shinx line isn't dark typed, at all.
He does know Bounce, but it's a move that's easy to evade. Kadabra are fast mon, and it has teleport, so evading that is simple. And no, the Shinx line isn't dark typed, at all.
i meant more in order to use him to hit the distracted rosaria, and damn just looked up the shinx line, they suck way more than i thought... in that case the priority stab is probably our best bet.
[X] FIGHT. That Kadabra is really strong but this is still a two on one. You might be able to pull this off.
-[X] Maelstrom Aqua Jet the Kadabra.
-[X] Fang, Fire Fang the Rosalia!
i meant more in order to use him to hit the distracted rosaria, and damn just looked up the shinx line, they suck way more than i thought... in that case the priority stab is probably our best bet.
Lux has said that he likes keeping to a theme, so he's going to be making all the Fang moves available to Fang. Including Poison Fang and Psychic Fangs.
Lux has said that he likes keeping to a theme, so he's going to be making all the Fang moves available to Fang. Including Poison Fang and Psychic Fangs.