A true hero... in training (Pokemon Gym Leader's apprentice quest)

Honestly, I'm more inclined to just feed them and let them be on their way, getting a slightly better rep with the local mon could help us more. As was noted before, they're trying to hunt badly, and there doesn't appear to be a parent or elder sibling helping the bunch of them. That implies either they were orphaned or they were separated from their group. Lux is going to give us plenty of options, and honestly when it comes to electric types I've always been more of a fan of the Joltik and Elekid lines.
there is no way Maelstrom can take 3 shinxs on at the same time. i kinda doubt he could take them one on one at this time either.

[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.

If there was an option/write in option to let violet know we are being watched I would pick that but since there isn't.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
Let's check their potential and personalities. Maybe one of them could be a good fit with Haru and Maelstrom, maybe not.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.

Shinx is one of my favorite mons. I want him. Also Luxray should totally be big enough to ride on.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.

I'm tempted, but not 100% honestly. Shinx and its evos have a rather limited move pool, even with 8 moves, and they're a very physically inclined mon. We're going to need some mon capable of punching in on the Special side of the scale too eventually, or we'll be really impeded by physical walls like Chansey or Hariyama.

Just because they're the first mon we come across doesn't mean they have to be the first mon we capture. And it's also possible that they're a distraction.
on the move pool side, we can always train them to learn more.

On the phys attack point, yeah, you have a point. But doesnt mean we have to patch it immediately. This vote at the least shows if there are any outstanding ones from the pack.
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[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.

Feed the children. FEED THEM!
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.

Looking can't hurt, even if I don't particularly think that Luxray would make a good addition.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.
Adhoc vote count started by Gigaplex on Dec 6, 2018 at 8:16 PM, finished with 716 posts and 19 votes.
So, let's break down what Luxray would bring to the table as a mon on our team.

  • X-ray vision: Incredibly useful as an ability, but only gained when he hits his final form.
  • Ridable(?): Question mark on this because the only time we see someone riding a Luxray was Clemont, and he's not exactly a big guy to start with.
  • Type diversity: We get an electric mon, yay!
  • Limited move pool: While we can teach it new moves, and try combos of them, it's still got a pretty limited pool to draw on, especially since a lot of its moves probably aren't going to be easy to combine. Which leads me to...
  • Highly Physical: The Luxray line is very physically focused, with only a small handful of special attacks. If we come up against a hard physical wall, like most Steel types, the Chansey line, or the Makuhita line, we're going to be in trouble.
  • First Mon Syndrome: Just because it'd be the first mon we caught ourselves, I can see it getting some over-fixation.
  • Long time to get there: Even compared to Maelstrom, getting a Shinx all the way to Luxray is a pretty big project, and until we do we lose out on a two of the big pros above.
So, let's break down what Luxray would bring to the table as a mon on our team.

  • X-ray vision: Incredibly useful as an ability, but only gained when he hits his final form.
  • Ridable(?): Question mark on this because the only time we see someone riding a Luxray was Clemont, and he's not exactly a big guy to start with.
  • Type diversity: We get an electric mon, yay!
  • Limited move pool: While we can teach it new moves, and try combos of them, it's still got a pretty limited pool to draw on, especially since a lot of its moves probably aren't going to be easy to combine. Which leads me to...
  • Highly Physical: The Luxray line is very physically focused, with only a small handful of special attacks. If we come up against a hard physical wall, like most Steel types, the Chansey line, or the Makuhita line, we're going to be in trouble.
  • First Mon Syndrome: Just because it'd be the first mon we caught ourselves, I can see it getting some over-fixation.
  • Long time to get there: Even compared to Maelstrom, getting a Shinx all the way to Luxray is a pretty big project, and until we do we lose out on a two of the big pros above.

You're not wrong. Im a fan of the shinx line but it is somewhat limited in what it can do and even more limited for until that last evolution.

Considering that i recently caught one myself i wouldnt mind having an elekid on the team if we dont pick up the shinx.

The physical mon aspect doesnt bother me though considering that i typically have one, maybe two special attack pokemon per team but compensate by having coverage moves on a few of the others.
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[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.

Couple reasons for looking at potential and offering food and everything.
  • First is that three smol Shinx are absolutely adorable.
  • The second is that we've apparently got a weeks worth of rations on us, so we can afford to feed three small Shinx cubs.
  • The third is because this just smells of a plot hook, and so I wanna check if we can find another Huge Potential Pokemon here.
  • The fourth is because it might not be a Luxio/Luxray leading this pack. Now, Haru mentioning that usually Shinx packs follow a Luxio leader might just be a bit of Pokedex info Mazz is trying to work in there, but it might also be a hint that whatever is leading the pack isn't a Luxio/Luxray. And considering that we can find Magnemite-line, Electabuzz-line, and Flaffy-line here on this route, along with both the Skitty and Delcatty lines, gives Luxicato plenty of different species "bosses" for a Shinx pack

Also, just putting this out there, but Luxray isn't really that bad of a Pokemon.

It gets x-ray vision, is maybe ridable, and gets access to Rivalry, Intimidate, and Guts as species abilities(Could probably get nonstandard ones like the list I compiled for Maelstrom, but I'm not doing that for a Pokemon we haven't caught yet.)

Additionally, it's fairly fast, has high attack and moderate sp.atk, and gets access to a variety of status effects. (Paralysis through electric moves, Freeze through Ice Fang, Burn through Fire Fang, Confusion through Signal Beam)

I've seen people hating on it for it's relatively low sp.atk and lack of special attacks, but it's sp.atk clocks in at a respectible base value of 95, and it can get a few good ones. (Signal Beam for confusion hax and Dark types, Shock Wave and Swift to completely negate Double Team/speed/dodge tank hax that the enemy might come up with, Discharge for the paralysis chance, Thunder for maximum damage output, Hyper Beam if something just needs to die)

Additionally, the physical moves it has are pretty good. (Thunder/Fire/Ice Fang for that sweet sweet chance of status effect and flinching, because in the games at least those are rolled separately so it's really a 20% to hit the opponent with something every time this move connects. Plus, having an electric and ice move at the same time allows us to hit practically everything for at least neutral damage. It also gets Crunch, which is a fairly powerful move that will wreck any psychic or ghost types, which also has a chance to lower the opponents defense, and Wild Charge, which is just an electric type Takedown.

Plus, as just an extra note, we might be able to leverage the x-ray vision into being able to see phased Ghost types, pretty much giving us a special ability without using an ability slot.

The thing is, we have to look beyond stats and movepools to see what a Pokemon can actually do in this quest. Like, some Pokemon are just capable of more than other species. All ghost pokemon, for example can float and could dodge moves like Earthquake and stuff because that's what Ghost types do, they float. And the Magcargo line, for example, could probably gain the benefit of the Flame Body ability without actually having it, because their bodies are literally lava. And Flygon should be able to fly without the Levitate ability, clearing the way for another ability (And wouldn't that be a nice buff for the guy, actually having a useful ability. Note to self, stop by the Desert Resort some time)

And Luxray gets x-ray vision for free, along with a fairly good movepool and might allow Haru to ride it in the future, All in all, I think I'd be satisfied with a Luxray on our team if we find one with huge potential. (If it's not huge potential, then it can begone!)
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.
So random thought I just had. If Aqua Rocket deals both water and flying damage, would Gyarados!Maelstrom get double STAB on it? How does that work?

So, let's break down what Luxray would bring to the table as a mon on our team.

  • X-ray vision: Incredibly useful as an ability, but only gained when he hits his final form.
  • Ridable(?): Question mark on this because the only time we see someone riding a Luxray was Clemont, and he's not exactly a big guy to start with.
  • Type diversity: We get an electric mon, yay!
  • Limited move pool: While we can teach it new moves, and try combos of them, it's still got a pretty limited pool to draw on, especially since a lot of its moves probably aren't going to be easy to combine. Which leads me to...
  • Highly Physical: The Luxray line is very physically focused, with only a small handful of special attacks. If we come up against a hard physical wall, like most Steel types, the Chansey line, or the Makuhita line, we're going to be in trouble.
  • First Mon Syndrome: Just because it'd be the first mon we caught ourselves, I can see it getting some over-fixation.
  • Long time to get there: Even compared to Maelstrom, getting a Shinx all the way to Luxray is a pretty big project, and until we do we lose out on a two of the big pros above.
I mean, most of those cons don't really seem that bad to me? People already commented on the movepool and stat problems and not looking at this quest from pure game mechanics, because anime logic, natural abilities (actually, don't Shinx come with the ability to temporarily blind people solar flare style?) and all that, so I'm just going to comment on your point on first mon syndrom.

Mostly that trying to avoid it could cause more problems than it's worth. I know that Lux is going to give us more than one option for catching mons, but we shouldn't really set a precedent for being too picky right of the bat. Because more options doesn't necessarily mean better options and if we don't take option one, we might not take option two, or option three and so on. All to wait for a "perfect" canidate, that we might not even be able to catch with just Maelstrom.

We can get more picky once we actually have a team that's not just an, admitedly badass, magikarp, but I'd prefer starting out a bit catch happy and sort things out afterwards over risking potentially crippling our growth early game.

That's not to say we should have no standards, so I'm fine with not making the call until after we see them. Still, I'd rather err on the side of making a catch over not making one right now.
[X] Just... offer them food? They look hungry.
-[X] "Hey little guys, you hungry? I don't have much, but I'll spare what I can."
-[X] If they come up close enough for you to get a look, see if any of them might have potential.

Just because we can't see any other pokemon doesn't mean there isn't one watching. As stated Luxray have x-ray vision and I'd like to keep on the good side of an angry electric kitty. Also they're cute and I personally always liked them. Looking doesn't hurt.
The thing is, we have to look beyond stats and movepools to see what a Pokemon can actually do in this quest. Like, some Pokemon are just capable of more than other species. All ghost pokemon, for example can float and could dodge moves like Earthquake and stuff because that's what Ghost types do, they float. And the Magcargo line, for example, could probably gain the benefit of the Flame Body ability without actually having it, because their bodies are literally lava. And Flygon should be able to fly without the Levitate ability, clearing the way for another ability (And wouldn't that be a nice buff for the guy, actually having a useful ability. Note to self, stop by the Desert Resort some time)

And Luxray gets x-ray vision for free, along with a fairly good movepool and might allow Haru to ride it in the future, All in all, I think I'd be satisfied with a Luxray on our team if we find one with huge potential. (If it's not huge potential, then it can begone!)
I'm all for offering a chance for the Shinx, but I'm a bit unsure about this other thing in your post:

Pokemon getting the benefits of some abilities without actually having to use an ability slot to get said benefit.

We already have a system where any pokemon with teeth can bite, but they need to train and allocate a move slot to be able to "Bite (move)". Having the same system work with abilities as well sounds pretty good to me. However, you are suggesting that we should have a different system for abilities instead. With your model, if the pokemon doesn't touch the ground it can't just levitate but actually "Levitate (ability)" without using an ability slot, thus giving them immunity to ground type moves for free.

I think this is unnecessary, as the old system is good enough. It allows for any pokemon to try and limit an Earthquake's effect by somehow getting off the ground, but it doesn't allow a power creep and balance crash by allowing some pokemon to effectively get 5 or more abilities.