[x] Plan Orc Trap
-[x][Construction] Complete a much larger wall encompassing quadruple the area so you won't need to expand for a long time. 1 actions, 50 denier, increases space by 36
-[x][Construction] An infirmary is needed to get the most out of having a healer. (1 action, 100 denier, 1 space)
-[x][Construction] You don't need a steady supply of bricks for your current operation. But you do have a number of things you could use them for. Produce a unit of bricks.
-[x][Personal] Work on the laundry list of enchantments that Kaleb wants you to put on his equipment. (1 half season action. 50 denier per half season)
-[x][Hunters1] Scout to reduce chance of enemies slipping by.
-[x][Hunters2] Work together to prepare an ambush for enemy troops (scouting)
-[x][Skirmishers] Work together to prepare an ambush for enemy troops (ambush setup)
-[x][Footmen1] Work together to prepare an ambush for enemy troops (the lid)
-[x][Olivia] Help the ambushers
-[x][Footmen2] Guard
--[x] The base and sawmill
-[x][Levy] Train with the captain (must be taken with captain action)
-[x][Captain] Train unit: levy
-[x][Assistant] Recruit Specialist: horse trainer
[x][Nerissa] Try something more normal like a dog first.
[x][Contact] Anyone you know
-[x] your father, inquire about the war and uses for ironwood
I don't want to extend the building operations too far from the base explicitly when the orcs are about to attack us.
@inverted_helix, how would you interpret this plan? Any clarifications I need to make about the highlighted actions? Does a guard tower as a building make sense? Something to improve our defending/scouting rolls and reduce the losses of non-combatants. I don't know whether to call it a guard tower or armory or something else.
Edit: plan edited.