Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

[X] Elite army

@san the previous turn it was mentioned that doing the improve morale would :

Do this for 1 more turn in a row for unique rewards and a new action.

What did we get or unlock for doing it again this turn?

-[] Attempt to improve population morale -Mayor Bo and 1 Authority
Roll: 28+29=57 small success. 1d50=33
Despite the small turnout this year with how busy everyone was Mayor Bo was successful in establishing a new holiday that everyone will try and celebrate each year from now on.
Result: -200 rupees, New Holiday established, +26 progress to improving moral each turn, current progress to improving pop moral: 219/500

I believe that the unique reward we got is what I've bolded...
[X] Elite army

@san the previous turn it was mentioned that doing the improve morale would :

Do this for 1 more turn in a row for unique rewards and a new action.

What did we get or unlock for doing it again this turn?
well given I literally stated you created a new holiday and gained a permanent +26 moral every turn lol :p the reward SHOULD be pretty obvious! ;)

As for the action, you are getting the ability to directly create a new holiday for a permanent moral buff of the same level.

EDIT: partial :ninja:'d by @ThatGuyWithIdeas The evil ninja dastard! :lol
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Well we got more kids now. I'm still not sure if elite is better but I think it would be stronger. Since our original plan was to have a mobile Mongol style horde. Now I think an elite force backed up by our militia might be necessary. We won't be able to out number the moblin's forces due to their breeding rate.

We will have to aquire more territory to increase our build rate. The central woods and the wolfos are one option. The other is the Twilli desert. Aside from that maybe finish the expansion in Faron province and build that mine.

[X] Elite army
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Well we got more kids now. I'm still not sure if elite is better but I think it would be stronger. Since our original plan was to have a mobile Mongol style horde. Now I think an elite force backed up by our militia might be necessary. We won't be able to out number the moblin's forces due to their breeding rate.

We will have to aquire more territory to increase our build rate. The central woods and the wolfos are one option. The other is the Twilli desert. Aside from that maybe finish the expansion in Faron province and build that mine.

[X] Elite army
I would prefer to finish off Faron province to bring it fully under our control then expand into the Twilli area. The Wolfos and the woods can wait until we can get diplomatic ties with them with a long term view to annex them in, which is helped by the crit on the equality laws. At the same time I want to try and claim at least a piece of the Lake Hyrule region as that was found to be really rich in resources.
I would prefer to finish off Faron province to bring it fully under our control then expand into the Twilli area. The Wolfos and the woods can wait until we can get diplomatic ties with them with a long term view to annex them in, which is helped by the crit on the equality laws. At the same time I want to try and claim at least a piece of the Lake Hyrule region as that was found to be really rich in resources.
We already have diplomatic ties with the wolfo. It was one of the starting perks for choosing our province. Also when I asked San about it because of our wolf blessings it is very easy to get them to to agree to be annexed.
I would prefer to finish off Faron province to bring it fully under our control then expand into the Twilli area. The Wolfos and the woods can wait until we can get diplomatic ties with them with a long term view to annex them in, which is helped by the crit on the equality laws. At the same time I want to try and claim at least a piece of the Lake Hyrule region as that was found to be really rich in resources.
actually the further into Old hyrule you get the more resource rich it is. Mostly magic based resources though. Thanks to the Goddesses using so much power to perma kill Ganon the very land itself is infused with it to the point where even crops will grow faster and better and possibly evolve into new breeds capable of more than they currently are.

We already have diplomatic ties with the wolfo. It was one of the starting perks for choosing our province. Also when I asked San about it because of our wolf blessings it is very easy to get them to to agree to be annexed.
Well easy compared to normally annexing a heavily independent fairly uncivilized and tribal nation of wolves. You will need more than words to get them on your side, but I can guarantee that you don't need a war or anything too heavy. Probs just a minor show of strength and possibly a couple other things.
Right time to send in Link with our battle mages and Elite Royal Guard. We go in and make a show of killing some of the other monsters that live that in the forest. Show the Wolfos our power and take out some of their competition.
actually the further into Old hyrule you get the more resource rich it is. Mostly magic based resources though. Thanks to the Goddesses using so much power to perma kill Ganon the very land itself is infused with it to the point where even crops will grow faster and better and possibly evolve into new breeds capable of more than they currently are.

Well easy compared to normally annexing a heavily independent fairly uncivilized and tribal nation of wolves. You will need more than words to get them on your side, but I can guarantee that you don't need a war or anything too heavy. Probs just a minor show of strength and possibly a couple other things.
Hmm good to know, and it really tempts me to do expand into Lake Hyrule next turn except I want us to finish off Faron province first.

On the Wolfos, the display of strength would that be a follow up action to a Diplo action to contact them or can we do that as part of the contact? As it is having Link as part of the contact group with an escort of Royal Guard and Legionaries sounds like a good idea. One because we did find monsters in the forest when we were scouting, and two because I imagine Link will give us a boost to our diplo efforts due to his appearance and the fact that he can demonstrate strength quite well.
Hmm good to know, and it really tempts me to do expand into Lake Hyrule next turn except I want us to finish off Faron province first.

On the Wolfos, the display of strength would that be a follow up action to a Diplo action to contact them or can we do that as part of the contact? As it is having Link as part of the contact group with an escort of Royal Guard and Legionaries sounds like a good idea. One because we did find monsters in the forest when we were scouting, and two because I imagine Link will give us a boost to our diplo efforts due to his appearance and the fact that he can demonstrate strength quite well.
Honestly? Killing the forest monsters is unlikely to impress them.

secondly yes having link as part of the contact group is more likely to recruit them faster.

Thirdly it can be either part of the diplo action or a follow up action. (depends on rolls)
[X] Elite army
Honestly? Killing the forest monsters is unlikely to impress them.
That's fine, f killing the forest monsters wont do it we just need to send Link out to find another dragon to kill.

After all Link killed a Dragon before he was even in his 20's whats one more.
Vote closed, Elite army wins!

Also I am now holding a new vote! I am certain that if I am for actually doing the wedding thing right now it will be a LONG while before an update comes out. Whereas if I just continue on to the next turn and do the wedding later when I am less depressed it will be much easier on me and the update will be out sooner. Therefore it is coming to a vote

[] Do wedding canon omake

[] Skip to next turn and do omake later

The actual stuff the wedding does will still apply you will only be missing out on some character interactions and minor comedy and the like. However you will get that later and at a probably higher quality.

Also if someone else wants to do the omake instead they can do so at MUCH higher rewards than a normal omake would get since this is one I promised to do that is important to the story but am just to depressed to do right now. Anyway vote on which one you would prefer.
Adhoc vote count started by san on Aug 18, 2018 at 10:48 AM, finished with 26 posts and 8 votes.
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Planning for the coming turn, how important do people feel about the following:
Contact with the Wolfos
Army expansion (how much and what types of units)
Rupee income(trade vs mines vs new territory)
Next expand province action(continue in Faron or target elsewhere)
Research (military tech vs printing press followup)
Personal time (spending time with midna and our kids)

With an increased upkeep cost we are going to have to make decisions thanks to a more limited rupee income also the units are now 2 turns to recruit instead of 1.

Not included would be training spies (a must) and use of our scouts (depends on how much funds and authority we have to spare)
ok in order:

1: I have added how army types work in the Mechanics section. Primarily only focused on what regular troops get from training like how their stats are determined roughly but you might find it useful or interesting so check it out if you want.

2: I have updated the nation section, that is upkeep, resource numbers, income in every area, pop moral and the current effects of it, and all that.

3: I added your new units partially to your military section and the barracks to the buildings section. I will update your units stats and everything soon enough.

4: Before I get to writing any updates I will be working on the new province-based authority mechanics.

5: will add Midna's authority as well before any update writing.
@san the bow cav were Siphai, and was hoping for Winged Hussars for the Lancers, which makes even more sense with choosing the Elite army option. Also on the military page we should be at 14,000 troops. And oof we are going to be tight on rupees next turn.
@san the bow cav were Siphai, and was hoping for Winged Hussars for the Lancers, which makes even more sense with choosing the Elite army option. Also on the military page we should be at 14,000 troops. And oof we are going to be tight on rupees next turn.
the lancers are not the elite troops lol, your bow cav are! ;) also name choosing will be added to the next turns vote. I have plenty of stuff to work on before I can start working on the turn already so it will be a bit.
Ok everyone, I have updated how authority works/ is gained in the mechanics section. I updated your current authority (sadly you have 3 less than you normally would at this moral level. Though it is gained much more easily.) I updated your new troops stats and finally I updated Midna's authority and how it will work in the future so you can get it next turn! :D

Also final piece of news, it's mah birfday! ;)
Ok everyone, I have updated how authority works/ is gained in the mechanics section. I updated your current authority (sadly you have 3 less than you normally would at this moral level. Though it is gained much more easily.) I updated your new troops stats and finally I updated Midna's authority and how it will work in the future so you can get it next turn! :D

Also final piece of news, it's mah birfday! ;)
Happy birthday! So no working on the update today, go out and enjoy your day.