Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse


For the expansion actions into the Faron province what directions do we have east-east north-east or south-east. Can we influence the wolfos to expand their own territory in the woods? Maybe a while down the line integrate them into the Kingdom as well?

You said the new Authority actions would be for each province so does that mean we can have training in each province? This would make sense since it would be easier then constantly having to send people to our Capital to train. Maybe make it available after we take a action to build a Province capital? We have partial control of three provinces Ordon, Faron, and the Twilli desert with an ally in the central woods province.
ok so in order

1: you only have eastwards expansion in Faron province.
2: The Wolfos already prefer expanding in the forest.
3: That is VERY much a possibility especially with Link being blessed with the wolf form and features.

4: Yes you will be able to create a training grounds in each province so long as you fully control a certain percentage of it atm I am thinking 50-60%.
5: Provincial capitals can only be built once you control 75% of a province so I am likely to allow it before then. (That is also why the Moblins want you dead so badly, because you are keeping them from controlling more than 70% of Ordon province.)
6: Yes that is indeed the case, however you will need to expand some more in each province before you can get anything truly meaningful from them.

Hope that answered your question! :D
ok so in order

1: you only have eastwards expansion in Faron province.
2: The Wolfos already prefer expanding in the forest.
3: That is VERY much a possibility especially with Link being blessed with the wolf form and features.

4: Yes you will be able to create a training grounds in each province so long as you fully control a certain percentage of it atm I am thinking 50-60%.
5: Provincial capitals can only be built once you control 75% of a province so I am likely to allow it before then. (That is also why the Moblins want you dead so badly, because you are keeping them from controlling more than 70% of Ordon province.)
6: Yes that is indeed the case, however you will need to expand some more in each province before you can get anything truly meaningful from them.

Hope that answered your question! :D

Yeah most of them. What I was trying to ask for the wolfos was weather we couldget them to expand in the province they are in the Central woods? If we sent Link to do it would that counteract his lower diplomacy score because of his blessings?

Alright guys right now the moblins need to kick us out of Ordon to secure their advantage. If we can push them back a bit they will also lose the ability to recruit units in the province slowing their growth. They are in a three way war we have to keep pressure on them.
Yeah most of them. What I was trying to ask for the wolfos was weather we couldget them to expand in the province they are in the Central woods? If we sent Link to do it would that counteract his lower diplomacy score because of his blessings?

Alright guys right now the moblins need to kick us out of Ordon to secure their advantage. If we can push them back a bit they will also lose the ability to recruit units in the province slowing their growth. They are in a three way war we have to keep pressure on them.
yes Link's blessings would increase his rolls with the Wolfos, however they can only expand slightly as their population is fairly low overall.

I wouldn't take the Moblins lightly dude, the only units you fought that were trained at ALL were the spear infantry they had and those were barely trained. Everything else was free units for them from one of their racial bonuses. They have been training more and more units since the war and have a FAR stronger army in terms of individual strength now than they did before (Especially in terms of their lighter units aka archers and light infantry.)
yes Link's blessings would increase his rolls with the Wolfos, however they can only expand slightly as their population is fairly low overall.

I wouldn't take the Moblins lightly dude, the only units you fought that were trained at ALL were the spear infantry they had and those were barely trained. Everything else was free units for them from one of their racial bonuses. They have been training more and more units since the war and have a FAR stronger army in terms of individual strength now than they did before (Especially in terms of their lighter units aka archers and light infantry.)

Is there anyway to help the wolfo population growth?

I wasn't trying to take the moblins lightly. I'm pretty sure they will be an existential threat to us for a long while. What I was saying was that we can not ignore them at all or we risk death. The actions I suggested were for over a long time no quick fixes. If we are going to beat the moblins it's going to take all of the current enemies working together. On that note I know the Western Kingdom and us are fighting them who is the third enemy?
Is there anyway to help the wolfo population growth?

I wasn't trying to take the moblins lightly. I'm pretty sure they will be an existential threat to us for a long while. What I was saying was that we can not ignore them at all or we risk death. The actions I suggested were for over a long time no quick fixes. If we are going to beat the moblins it's going to take all of the current enemies working together. On that note I know the Western Kingdom and us are fighting them who is the third enemy?
Yes but only if you take them over ;) They are hunters-gatherers atm which is why they like the forest.

The bulblins actually, that is the Blin tribe to their south. They happen to be the only neutral Blin tribe. (as in neither good nor evil.) They are also the most civilized of the three and are the strongest of the 3 troop for troop in as research furthers and the quest progresses. (Like right now they are weaker but the longer they survive the stronger they get.

They are also the nation that your version of Link has a history with. They are the ones Ganon used in his most recent invasion of Hyrule. So ya remember Links conversation with the Bulblin boss? Think on what he said and what that might mean.
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They are also the nation that your version of Link has a history with. They are the ones Ganon used in his most recent invasion of Hyrule. So ya remember Links conversation with the Bulblin boss? Think on what he said and what that might mean.

In the game he joined Link after his defeat. So if we can get someone to him we could probably from an alliance against the moblins. On the other hand if he is defeated he might switch sides which would put use on the back foot.

Yes but only if you take them over ;) They are hunters-gatherers atm which is why they like the forest.

Quick lets send link and annex our friendly wolfo friends. Lets make some doggos for every family. It will also check some boxes for our people expansion and diplomatic contact and relations.
Well if we get the racial equality law passed then recruiting the wolfos should be easier and it would grow our kingdom. As it is the moblins are hopefully fighting their kin as well which should take some pressure off of us.
The moblins are fighting the Bulblin tribe. We have defeated the Bulblin King and gained his allegiance. If we send someone to contact them we could start a long term plan to launch a three way invasion. If we get the wolfos we pair them with the scouts I could see them synergizing well together. Maybe we shouldn't use the wolfos as combat units and use them as support.
The moblins are fighting the Bulblin tribe. We have defeated the Bulblin King and gained his allegiance. If we send someone to contact them we could start a long term plan to launch a three way invasion. If we get the wolfos we pair them with the scouts I could see them synergizing well together. Maybe we shouldn't use the wolfos as combat units and use them as support.
ok gotta put you on hold here, he is not your underling or ally. You merely have his respect as someone strong. As for a three way invasion... that is unlikely as the Bulblin tribe is the one that the Moblins are focusing most of their troops on. So they are kept completely suppressed, your victory over the Moblins with how massive it was actually let up a LOT of the pressure on them. In fact if not for that they probably would have broken in a few more years. Now they can easily last for 4-5 more from the current year, though I would recommend sabotaging the Moblins soon if you intend to become allies with the Bulblins... which would NOT be popular with your Hylians that is for certain.

Also yes the Wolfos would make very good scouts on their own or paired with your current ones. They would also make fairly powerful medium shock infantry if you give them a bit of armor and Metal claw extensions.
ok gotta put you on hold here, he is not your underling or ally. You merely have his respect as someone strong. As for a three way invasion... that is unlikely as the Bulblin tribe is the one that the Moblins are focusing most of their troops on

Yeah I figured it was more of a respect thing. I see it as the king would just not ignore any diplomatic overturns from us. So if the King was defeated by the moblin's leader would they submit, or would that only be the case if he was killed?

The invasion plan is a possible long term goal. When ever I bring stuff up it is almost always going to be for the long term payoff. I like to set up options for later since I'm not to good at planning short term outside military matters.
Yeah I figured it was more of a respect thing. I see it as the king would just not ignore any diplomatic overturns from us. So if the King was defeated by the moblin's leader would they submit, or would that only be the case if he was killed?

The invasion plan is a possible long term goal. When ever I bring stuff up it is almost always going to be for the long term payoff. I like to set up options for later since I'm not to good at planning short term outside military matters.
Actually the Bulblins and Moblins have a fairly strong hatred of each other.... as in to the point of wanting to completely exterminate the other. So no, they are not about to submit. I consider that why you never see Bulblins and Moblins working together in any LoZ game. Also no the King of the Bulblins would be likely to even look at working together with you as favorable so long as it does not harm his people or him.

As for the invasion plan I figured that was the case but even in 20-30 turns they Bulblins will likely be unable to help with offense, they are simply too weak.
A few bookkeeping items
1. The troops and mages from the Twili have not been added to our military page yet
2. The 2 authority from Twili refugees and the Twili population have not been added to the Nation Status page yet.
3. Technology on nation status shows we do not have the crossbow, we researched that on turn 8.
4. I am assuming the military upkeep for rupees on nation status does not include the Twili troops and mages yet
A few bookkeeping items
1. The troops and mages from the Twili have not been added to our military page yet
2. The 2 authority from Twili refugees and the Twili population have not been added to the Nation Status page yet.
3. Technology on nation status shows we do not have the crossbow, we researched that on turn 8.
4. I am assuming the military upkeep for rupees on nation status does not include the Twili troops and mages yet
first thank you, now in order:

1: will add that right away, thought I did awhile back :oops:
2: not going to bother with that since I intend to change over to provencial based authority next turn
3: will add that thanks for catching it!
4: not sure but I will make certain before I make any changes!

EDIT: alright updated all of that and I got good news! Your upkeep is only equal to your tax income! meaning you are still earning a good 3000+ rupees each turn without any of the income increasing actions this turn! :D

also VOTE CLOSED! I will begin working on the update shortly!
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Actually the Bulblins and Moblins have a fairly strong hatred of each other.... as in to the point of wanting to completely exterminate the other. So no, they are not about to submit. I consider that why you never see Bulblins and Moblins working together in any LoZ game. Also no the King of the Bulblins would be likely to even look at working together with you as favorable so long as it does not harm his people or him.

As for the invasion plan I figured that was the case but even in 20-30 turns they Bulblins will likely be unable to help with offense, they are simply too weak.

Right good to know that we don't have to worry about those two being joined together. With bulblin tribe unavailable for the three-way Invasion plan might as well just have them continue doing what they're doing holding out. We will have to coordinate with the Western Kingdom for any planned assault to take territory. We can still launch attacks and sabotage before that though. Spies sabotage assassinations we're going to have to use all of them to buy time at so we can build up our own forces.
@san is the +10% rupee income from morale included in the income on the nation status or is that calculated separately?

Also guys looking to next turn for recruitment:
1 authority- recruit Light Cav Horse Archers (500 men, 100 upkeep +??? metal, +??? wood)
1 authority- recruit Infantry
Rusl or 1 authority- recruit Infantry x2

That would be 2,500 more troops only question is what type of infantry would we want more of? I lean towards archers or hoplites currently.
@san is the +10% rupee income from morale included in the income on the nation status or is that calculated separately?

Also guys looking to next turn for recruitment:
1 authority- recruit Light Cav Horse Archers (500 men, 100 upkeep +??? metal, +??? wood)
1 authority- recruit Infantry
Rusl or 1 authority- recruit Infantry x2

That would be 2,500 more troops only question is what type of infantry would we want more of? I lean towards archers or hoplites currently.
Ah the income is included at the end there, +700 from population moral ;)

As for the rest..
1: Assuming you arm them with a Mongolian Cavalry saber or another similar weapon that is +200 metal, +200 wood. If just ranged than you can take off 100 metal.
2: I would recommend getting more Twili royal guard or Legionnaires actually, you are sorely lacking in heavy infantry and honestly do not need any more archers with your mage count for now. Hoplites are still a suitable choice however.
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Problem is the Royal Guard are recruited by 500, though more Legionnaires would be good and yeah saber for a backup weapon or for running down routed foes.

edit- oh and getting the barracks down this turn is going to be a big help with managing our military upkeep. Huh, missed the 700 from pop morale. Good to know.
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Is half plate or scale a good choice for heavy or medium armor?

Also guys looking to next turn for recruitment:
1 authority- recruit Light Cav Horse Archers (500 men, 100 upkeep +??? metal, +??? wood)
1 authority- recruit Infantry
Rusl or 1 authority- recruit Infantry x2

That would be 2,500 more troops only question is what type of infantry would we want more of? I lean towards archers or hoplites currently.

Depending on San's answer on my armor question we could try for some offensive a infantry units preferably medium but heavy works fine too. For the cav still the same for me the Iberian Style Jinetes with a bow. For infantry we can try these two options light and heavy/medium with options to either up or down armor them to fit.

If we want to be more realistic with weapons than Spears and polearm are easier to train for our levies. Swords generally take years of training to use properly. It makes sense for the Royal Guards and other elites to be able to use them. So if we want different options I have the pavise spearmen for medium and the Voulgier for heavy infantry.

If we are going to launch offensive raids on the moblins we need units designed for attacking instead of the units we have which were originally designed for defense.

Is half plate or scale a good choice for heavy or medium armor?

Depending on San's answer on my armor question we could try for some offensive a infantry units preferably medium but heavy works fine too. For the cav still the same for me the Iberian Style Jinetes with a bow. For infantry we can try these two options light and heavy/medium with options to either up or down armor them to fit.

If we want to be more realistic with weapons than Spears and polearm are easier to train for our levies. Swords generally take years of training to use properly. It makes sense for the Royal Guards and other elites to be able to use them. So if we want different options I have the pavise spearmen for medium and the Voulgier for heavy infantry.

If we are going to launch offensive raids on the moblins we need units designed for attacking instead of the units we have which were originally designed for defense.
Another option is to use our cav to launch raids and try and draw them back to prepared positions where our infantry are setup more so once we have siege engineers to setup fortified encampments with siege weapons to help thin out our foe. As it is light bow cav would be perfect for a raiding component. Just keep in mind we will also be outnumbered versus the moblins so drawing them to battlefields of our choosing should be the operative strategy.
Is half plate or scale a good choice for heavy or medium armor?
half plate is medium, scale is heavy.


Is half plate or scale a good choice for heavy or medium armor?

Depending on San's answer on my armor question we could try for some offensive a infantry units preferably medium but heavy works fine too. For the cav still the same for me the Iberian Style Jinetes with a bow. For infantry we can try these two options light and heavy/medium with options to either up or down armor them to fit.

If we want to be more realistic with weapons than Spears and polearm are easier to train for our levies. Swords generally take years of training to use properly. It makes sense for the Royal Guards and other elites to be able to use them. So if we want different options I have the pavise spearmen for medium and the Voulgier for heavy infantry.

If we are going to launch offensive raids on the moblins we need units designed for attacking instead of the units we have which were originally designed for defense.
ok um.... I must warn you on EVERY except 1v1 or melee combat a pole weapon beats out a sword period end of story. I am sorry but swords are literal garbage as a main weapon in battlefield combat. If you want shock infantry you would be better off with warhammers, poleaxes, or other offensive polearms. Swords are great secondary weapons or for when the fight devolves into melee combat instead of formations or charges and yes melee combat is more common that the other types.... However if you don't have a proper weapon you will take MASSIVE losses trying to punch through a formation or trying to hold against an enemy charge BEFORE it gets into melee combat.
Another option is to use our cav to launch raids and try and draw them back to prepared positions where our infantry are setup more so once we have siege engineers to setup fortified encampments with siege weapons to help thin out our foe. As it is light bow cav would be perfect for a raiding component. Just keep in mind we will also be outnumbered versus the moblins so drawing them to battlefields of our choosing should be the operative strategy.

Yeah the medium and light cavalry are our raiding units for now as we build up an attack force that can hit hard. For that we need offensive units which is why I gave the options. On the other hand I would also say legionnaires if no new infantry units.
Why not build Roman legion style armies but with more flexible gear and shit?

Also out of curiosity would you guys rather have small expensive as hell elite units. Or the ability to cheaply crank out tons of large regular units?
Why not build Roman legion style armies but with more flexible gear and shit?

Also out of curiosity would you guys rather have small expensive as hell elite units. Or the ability to cheaply crank out tons of large regular units?
you think it is tons but it really isn't trust me, the number of standard units vs elite only equal about 50% more in terms of population vs army size.

The big difference is the ability to train more troops faster.
Cx @san I more meant as a general strategy thing. Though in this setting you were sure to point out quality can't be spread as far but has more stopping power.
:D EXACTLY! also far more survivability. While you can't simply throw away your troops in a standard army like you can in a numbers one, in an elite army every single soldier is like a spartan from sparta, easily worth 10 of the other guys troops and with the skill and ability to reflect it!

It will be much more difficult to lose a lot of troops in an elite army but when you do, it hurts FAR more than a standard army. However the standard army will lose a lot of troops more often. But basically the benefit of going elite over can be surmised as this:

An elite army will NEVER drain the population the way a standard or numbers army would.

But again the standard army trains troops FAR faster, as one of the downsides of the elite army is doubled training time. (the exact details on everything they are good for is still being thought over by me but that is one of the things I am sure of.... I am trying to HEAVILY emphasize the differences between the two in practice once you use them. Like for example, once you go elite you will need to send your troops back for further training, but in exchange that will massively improve their stats... for example the Twili Royal Guards stats will rise to above 10 in melee and hit 10 in defensive role. They will also gain special abilities that improve them in every situation.)