Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

Ok everyone, I have updated how authority works/ is gained in the mechanics section. I updated your current authority (sadly you have 3 less than you normally would at this moral level. Though it is gained much more easily.) I updated your new troops stats and finally I updated Midna's authority and how it will work in the future so you can get it next turn! :D

Also final piece of news, it's mah birfday! ;)

Happy birthday, san!
Ok everyone, I have updated how authority works/ is gained in the mechanics section. I updated your current authority (sadly you have 3 less than you normally would at this moral level. Though it is gained much more easily.) I updated your new troops stats and finally I updated Midna's authority and how it will work in the future so you can get it next turn! :D

Also final piece of news, it's mah birfday! ;)

Happy birthday ! Stop to work immediatly and go to have fun fool !
Ok everyone, I have updated how authority works/ is gained in the mechanics section. I updated your current authority (sadly you have 3 less than you normally would at this moral level. Though it is gained much more easily.) I updated your new troops stats and finally I updated Midna's authority and how it will work in the future so you can get it next turn! :D

Also final piece of news, it's mah birfday! ;)
Okay so looking at Midna and trying to make sure I understand how she works. If we are using Midna authority we get the standard stat-10 if not using an adviser. If we chose to boost an adviser or put more then one Midna authority on a project the extra authority only provides a +5 (and not the +10 like Link's does). However if we also use a Link authority then the extra Midna authority provides a +10 bonus in addition the first time for each action gets a +10 bonus as well.

Build Stone Road- Admin
1 Midna Authority = +14 (stat-10)
2 Midna Authority = +19 (14 from stat, 5 from extra Midna authority)
Malo + 1 Midna = 23 (18 advisers, 5 from extra Midna authority)
1 Midna + 1 Link = 24 (14 from stat, 10 from extra Link authority) or 34 (14 from stat, 10 from extra Link authority, 10 from one time boost)
2 Midna + 1 Link = 44 (14 from stat, 10 from extra Link, 10 from extra Midna-raised due to extra Link, 10 from one time boost)

Are those correct? Also the extra Midna authority giving a +10 instead of +5 is that only if they are paired with an equal number of Link extra authority?
3 Midna + 1 Link = 14 stat, 10 extra Link, 10 extra Midna 1, 5 extra Midna 2, 10 one time bonus
3 Midna + 1 Link = 14 stat, 10 extra Link, 10 extra Midna 1, 10 extra Midna 2, 10 one time bonus
Ok everyone, I have updated how authority works/ is gained in the mechanics section. I updated your current authority (sadly you have 3 less than you normally would at this moral level. Though it is gained much more easily.) I updated your new troops stats and finally I updated Midna's authority and how it will work in the future so you can get it next turn! :D

Also final piece of news, it's mah birfday! ;)
I took a look at the nation status, and I think you got Faron and Ordon mixed up on how much authority Ordon and Faron produce. Shouldn't Ordon be the one that produces 7 authority not Faron, since Ordon is our central province?
Okay so looking at Midna and trying to make sure I understand how she works. If we are using Midna authority we get the standard stat-10 if not using an adviser. If we chose to boost an adviser or put more then one Midna authority on a project the extra authority only provides a +5 (and not the +10 like Link's does). However if we also use a Link authority then the extra Midna authority provides a +10 bonus in addition the first time for each action gets a +10 bonus as well.

Build Stone Road- Admin
1 Midna Authority = +14 (stat-10)
2 Midna Authority = +19 (14 from stat, 5 from extra Midna authority)
Malo + 1 Midna = 23 (18 advisers, 5 from extra Midna authority)
1 Midna + 1 Link = 24 (14 from stat, 10 from extra Link authority) or 34 (14 from stat, 10 from extra Link authority, 10 from one time boost)
2 Midna + 1 Link = 44 (14 from stat, 10 from extra Link, 10 from extra Midna-raised due to extra Link, 10 from one time boost)

Are those correct? Also the extra Midna authority giving a +10 instead of +5 is that only if they are paired with an equal number of Link extra authority?
3 Midna + 1 Link = 14 stat, 10 extra Link, 10 extra Midna 1, 5 extra Midna 2, 10 one time bonus
3 Midna + 1 Link = 14 stat, 10 extra Link, 10 extra Midna 1, 10 extra Midna 2, 10 one time bonus
close not quite, even if she is boosting link she only provides a +5 to him. But the first time she does so she also provides a +10 on top of that. Even if Link is boosting her own action he only provides a +15 not a +20.

I took a look at the nation status, and I think you got Faron and Ordon mixed up on how much authority Ordon and Faron produce. Shouldn't Ordon be the one that produces 7 authority not Faron, since Ordon is our central province?
Except the central province is called Faron province after the woods in it. ;) The Ordon province is the plains that the Moblins control most of where Ordontown is.
close not quite, even if she is boosting link she only provides a +5 to him. But the first time she does so she also provides a +10 on top of that. Even if Link is boosting her own action he only provides a +15 not a +20.

Except the central province is called Faron province after the woods in it. ;) The Ordon province is the plains that the Moblins control most of where Ordontown is.
Oh, my bad. Also how many kids will Link and Midna by the end of next turn, because Midna had triplets while trying avoid a pregnancy? I shudder to imagine how many they would have while not using birth control, though something tells me it will probably be quintuplets. I really will not suprised if Link has over 30 children by the end of his life.
So it looks like upgrading the Twili city to the provincial capital is our quickest way of gaining more authority (goes from 1 for a medium town to 3 for provincial capital) though we cant do much expansion there as that is mainly Twili settled since they handle the climate and everything there the best of all our people. An expand the province is likely to only be a single small town each time so that would be .5 authority an expansion with later actions to fill in more cities or increase their size (and we have that action already). But right now I think we are more in try to claim area as opposed to increasing pop density. Of course we have Ordon and Lake Hylia provinces where we still need provincial capitals but I I don't think we have a good spot in our control yet for them.

Hmm, what do people think expand to have full control over Faron or do an expansion in Lake Hylia up the land bridge which would bring in a bigger rupee mine, small granite and a decent sized marble area close to or into our territory. Also I think the Land Bridge would make a nice provincial capital area due to being in a central location in the province. Faron has the benefit that we are not expanding near the moblins plus brings the strange metal deposit under our control.
Oh, my bad. Also how many kids will Link and Midna by the end of next turn, because Midna had triplets while trying avoid a pregnancy? I shudder to imagine how many they would have while not using birth control, though something tells me it will probably be quintuplets. I really will not suprised if Link has over 30 children by the end of his life.
Hmm.... given the fact you have a healer in training to check that I will tell you. You have twins, the rolls were VERY low this time around allowing you to avoid having so many kids at once.

Also when Midna tried the birth control all it did was a -20 to the initial roll but with every roll being fairly high even with that she nearly had quadruplets.

So it looks like upgrading the Twili city to the provincial capital is our quickest way of gaining more authority (goes from 1 for a medium town to 3 for provincial capital) though we cant do much expansion there as that is mainly Twili settled since they handle the climate and everything there the best of all our people. An expand the province is likely to only be a single small town each time so that would be .5 authority an expansion with later actions to fill in more cities or increase their size (and we have that action already)
first its more that you gave the Twili desert to the Twili making it a Twili only province for the most part. Second you can't build cities safely yet, just warning you on that one. Need more public health care otherwise you will be prone to plagues. Also given the public health care is locked behind public education well.....

On the other hand expanding too much also can be useless as the further from you national capital your towns/cities get the harder it is to maintain influence over them!

Hmm, what do people think expand to have full control over Faron or do an expansion in Lake Hylia up the land bridge which would bring in a bigger rupee mine, small granite and a decent sized marble area close to or into our territory. Also I think the Land Bridge would make a nice provincial capital area due to being in a central location in the province. Faron has the benefit that we are not expanding near the moblins plus brings the strange metal deposit under our control.
just remember, All the metals and new resources are for the most part not from LoZ universe but taken from other games and books and the like. So they could be anything that has a similar coloration and description!

Also expanding onto the land bridge is VERY risky As that means you expansion will be separate from your current borders and will be hard to keep influence over once your whole 'god' status wears off. Plus it will be easy for the Moblins or other nations to cut off that town from your current lands.
Ok everyone, I have updated how authority works/ is gained in the mechanics section. I updated your current authority (sadly you have 3 less than you normally would at this moral level. Though it is gained much more easily.) I updated your new troops stats and finally I updated Midna's authority and how it will work in the future so you can get it next turn! :D

Also final piece of news, it's mah birfday! ;)

So it looks like upgrading the Twili city to the provincial capital is our quickest way of gaining more authority (goes from 1 for a medium town to 3 for provincial capital) though we cant do much expansion there as that is mainly Twili settled since they handle the climate and everything there the best of all our people. An expand the province is likely to only be a single small town each time so that would be .5 authority an expansion with later actions to fill in more cities or increase their size (and we have that action already). But right now I think we are more in try to claim area as opposed to increasing pop density. Of course we have Ordon and Lake Hylia provinces where we still need provincial capitals but I I don't think we have a good spot in our control yet for them.

Hmm, what do people think expand to have full control over Faron or do an expansion in Lake Hylia up the land bridge which would bring in a bigger rupee mine, small granite and a decent sized marble area close to or into our territory. Also I think the Land Bridge would make a nice provincial capital area due to being in a central location in the province. Faron has the benefit that we are not expanding near the moblins plus brings the strange metal deposit under our control.

I say we finish Faron first then work on consolidation of our territory. We can't afford to expand to fast or we become to vulnerable. The next place I think is best for us would be the central woods province.

We can us our diplomacy bonus with Link for the wolfos. Maybe have Link transfom into his wolf form and challenge the alphas of the other tribes and packs to show our power. After that we can help them expand both their population and territory.

The Ordon Province will be a long dragged fight to reclaim from the Moblins. It will be where most of the combat will happen for our army. This is the way to gain experience since right now only the survivors of the war have any experience outside of training.

The Lake Hylia Province has alot of opportunities for us but also dangers. The land Bridge is very exposed so probably not a good location for a Capital. If we look for one I would go with a city built in the base of a mountain valley like Helms Deep but a city instead of a Fortress.
So based on what we have been told I guess another round of Faron expansion. Ordon Province, yes we can't expand there for a long time thanks to the Moblins occupying it, I do hope to build up to the point we can at the least launch some raids to prevent the moblins from gaining ground against their other foes, then eventually launch a major push to claim additional territory but that is going to be a long term constant struggle. Lake Hylia, I guess until we can start pushing the moblins back that is a no go, which means expanding in the Twili desert whenever the Twili have enough people to support it and expanding into the forest once we incorporate the Wolfos.

For next turn I am hoping to run 3 admin actions: Expand Faron, Build Rupee Mine, and Western Trade is penciled in but really just looking for a rupee income action there that is not too expensive. Though we still have some Twili in need of housing so if we get an action for that I would drop western trade first to do so.

Rupee Mine is a 1 turn action that is 500 to 1100 for 10 to 16 turns then dropping by 20% after that, but is still a quick action to provide some additional funds which we need.
Rupee Mine is a 1 turn action that is 500 to 1100 for 10 to 16 turns then dropping by 20% after that, but is still a quick action to provide some additional funds which we need.
ahhh thats a bit wrong, it drops TO 20% not by. In other words worst case 500 income for 10 turns which then drops to 100 income permanently. Best case 1100 income for 16 turns then dropping to 220 income permanently.

Lake Hylia, I guess until we can start pushing the moblins back that is a no go, which means expanding in the Twili desert whenever the Twili have enough people to support it and expanding into the forest once we incorporate the Wolfos.
Lake Hylia is fine, I just recommend you expand too far beyond your current borders, and don't expand in a way that creates an outpost instead of a continuation of your lands.
ahhh thats a bit wrong, it drops TO 20% not by. In other words worst case 500 income for 10 turns which then drops to 100 income permanently. Best case 1100 income for 16 turns then dropping to 220 income permanently.

Lake Hylia is fine, I just recommend you expand too far beyond your current borders, and don't expand in a way that creates an outpost instead of a continuation of your lands.
Well, still worth it at only 500 rupees it will provide some of the funds we need during that time as we need more money to take additional money actions. Will be interesting to see what the gold mine does now that the Twili town is setup and it can be exploited.

For Lake Hylia would expansion be towards the granite mine near our current borders? I am trying to get a sense if it will bring in any of the known resources deposits under our control.
Well, still worth it at only 500 rupees it will provide some of the funds we need during that time as we need more money to take additional money actions. Will be interesting to see what the gold mine does now that the Twili town is setup and it can be exploited.

For Lake Hylia would expansion be towards the granite mine near our current borders? I am trying to get a sense if it will bring in any of the known resources deposits under our control.
You can already take the granite mine lol ;) anytime you wish. It would extend your borders slightly too.

As for where the expansion would go in the Lakes Hylia province well... it would go directly west so most of what you would be getting is farmland but also that iron mine on the land bridge. The rupee mine is slightly out of reach.
Well I think we get the granite mine before trying to expand the lake hyila province. Since it seems like the Twilli will take a bit of time to be able to expand let's finish building the town's for the remaining refugees. Then we can go in order of expansion the faron province, then the wolfo/central woods, at least one in lake hyila province to get us closer to the ruppes mine, and by then the Twilli desert should be ready for an expansion.
Well I think we get the granite mine before trying to expand the lake hyila province. Since it seems like the Twilli will take a bit of time to be able to expand let's finish building the town's for the remaining refugees. Then we can go in order of expansion the faron province, then the wolfo/central woods, at least one in lake hyila province to get us closer to the ruppes mine, and by then the Twilli desert should be ready for an expansion.
oh you can expand right now with the Twili, nothing stopping you from doing that instead of building villages. Though you will only get a small town out of it. Also you only have 1 small town expansion left in your Hylian/Ordonian people without doing a Census.
Well I think we get the granite mine before trying to expand the lake hyila province. Since it seems like the Twilli will take a bit of time to be able to expand let's finish building the town's for the remaining refugees. Then we can go in order of expansion the faron province, then the wolfo/central woods, at least one in lake hyila province to get us closer to the ruppes mine, and by then the Twilli desert should be ready for an expansion.
I mean we should be able to do a few admin actions, as it is since expansion is normally a multi turn action (unless we get Malo to crit it for us) it is best to have one going at any given time. Also to give you an idea of the rupee crunch we are facing here is my updated spreadsheet with numbers for next turn resources in here. Note that the rupee upkeep is either temp upkeep (expansion and trade) so it applies the following turn, or upkeep once the action finishes (so does not actually apply despite showing up under the next turn- put those in more to keep an eye on things). One of the big things is this coming turn we are going to be tight on funds and the following turn tight on stone. Unfortunately the granite mine is too expensive to do next turn if we also want to build up troops and other actions. Of course the following turn we will have more funds to play with since we will have more actions locked in that are not taking up rupees and the rupee mine is giving us at least 500 a turn for 10 turns which we do need to keep ahead of upkeep costs.

This was only with actions from the past turn available, no idea on the cost for finishing settling the Twili in place but that should be slotted in place of the trade action. Also gold mine may or may not be better then rupee mine will need to see costs and income from it.
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ok everyone, GOOD NEWS! I have some motivation again and have started working on an update! :D its part way done, but I had to do a bit more background work which is the only reason I am typing here atm.... because I also have REALLY BAD NEWS!!!

(not as bad as it could be but pretty bad)

The Moblins have smartened up a bit and have decided to let up a bit on two targets.... The Bulblins and the West kingdom.... by withdrawing about half their armies attacking both of them to focus on their other two opponents, us and the Bokoblins. (The bulblins are the decent Blin tribe so mild plus there)

The bad news is those troops are going to be evenly split.... and attack you again in 2-4 turns. Now you would actually be better off if they only focused you ironically (Long term anyway) Because given the Bokoblin tribe is the weakest and most fractured of the surrounding peoples they will fall the easiest and be more or less enslaved so even if you beat back the current threat the Moblins will come out stronger.

From my estimates which this current level of focus the Bokoblins will only last 10 turns tops after which you have maybe another 5 before you have to worry about the Moblins being able to field a stronger than ever attacking force.

Now so long as you build the Northern wall and boost your military the current attack should not be TOO much of a threat.... but you need to do those things soon and also you will need to further fortify and boost your army over the next 10 turns afterwards and perhaps raid or sabotage the Moblins a decent amount to slow the them down.

In any case, something to think about, with me working on it the update may take awhile but I doubt it will be a full month or even 2 weeks unless life decides to hit me.


Seriously this quest is getting into hard mode now, cause we aren't that united and this fight is going to leave us to weak to resist any other kingdom that's going to make a play here.

Really you haven't seen what threads do when there is a impenitent threat on the horizon and shit explodes at home.

I'm not hopeful for the prospects of this quest in the future since we really can't fight the moblins or take the fight to them either way.
We can barely afford to do this...especially if we want to be able to expand in the future.
The good news is you CAN upgrade your troops to Elite levels, ATM you have a 100 rupee discount per 10 squadrons. (A squadron is base unit size, 100 for infantry, 50 for Cavalry) That would improve your military quite a bit, though it would also increase your costs by 10 upkeep each squadron too....

still a major cheapish improvement to your military plus if you wall up the north, and add in your militia you are pretty solid. Also if you take the Census action you will get extra income anyway because population increase! (though not by too much) and once you do that you can refurbish your militia again.



Seriously this quest is getting into hard mode now, cause we aren't that united and this fight is going to leave us to weak to resist any other kingdom that's going to make a play here.

Really you haven't seen what threads do when there is a impenitent threat on the horizon and shit explodes at home.

I'm not hopeful for the prospects of this quest in the future since we really can't fight the moblins or take the fight to them either way.
Trust me dealing with 35% of the Moblin army instead of 20% is not as big a difference as you think with the improvements you now have. Remember you have nearly TWICE the size of an army as you did before and have the same amount of mages. Plus you can always ask for aid! :D

Also everyone near you is also getting pressed fairly hard, except the Kokiri and Wolfos of course, but they are VERY unlikely to attack you (They stick to their forests rather than plains and stuff.) Also the Hyrulian Dynasty is focused on expanding into old Hyrule rather than warfare atm. Truthfully, no one is capable of fighting you that you know of.