Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

Yeah I'm thinking on troop quality if I do a Ganon quest. Because Moblins exist and are the definition of fodder armies. Well as yiga for instance are very high quality but very sparse.

Personally I haven't read everything for this quest yet. But finding a solid balance of standard army and numerous special units of elites seems a solid path if allowed.
I am pretty torn on the option for our army. On the one hand a elite army gives us super soliders but slow growth. These would be very useful in allowing our small forces survive going into hostile territory. A large army let's us react to multiple threats but lowers our skill. That can be counteracted by equipment and enchantments a bit.
ok first sorry for all the wait, the update is well on its way to completion with all the rolls complete and it being partly written up. I should have it done sometime today or tomorrow unless I get too caught up in playing WoW to finish the war of thorns and get ready for the new expansion. In any case, it will be done and up here soon enough. What is completed is the vote for what army type you guys get to use going forward.:)

Now that thats over with... holy fking SHIT this turn.... you all will be happy to know Malo was indeed just testing you, plus roughly half your rolls are crits.... and while most of the rest are large success or lower even with a small success added in... Your crits were where they would gain the MOST possible effect and by my interpretation have given you all some RIDICULOUS bullshit boosts. :cry: seriously, these are too powerful, I honestly lowered them slightly from what I was originally going to give if less crits happened and they are STILL bullshit. :(
To be honest I expected a wait as well since you mentioned you were going to re-balance the influence mechanic plus you have to decide on how Midna will be able to take actions. But crti train! So Malo was on the expand Faron which is always good news. Scout for resources, new troop types and wedding would be the areas a crit would help us a lot I imagine.
ok first sorry for all the wait, the update is well on its way to completion with all the rolls complete and it being partly written up. I should have it done sometime today or tomorrow unless I get too caught up in playing WoW to finish the war of thorns and get ready for the new expansion. In any case, it will be done and up here soon enough. What is completed is the vote for what army type you guys get to use going forward.:)

Now that thats over with... holy fking SHIT this turn.... you all will be happy to know Malo was indeed just testing you, plus roughly half your rolls are crits.... and while most of the rest are large success or lower even with a small success added in... Your crits were where they would gain the MOST possible effect and by my interpretation have given you all some RIDICULOUS bullshit boosts. :cry: seriously, these are too powerful, I honestly lowered them slightly from what I was originally going to give if less crits happened and they are STILL bullshit. :(
Never change sans never change
ok first sorry for all the wait, the update is well on its way to completion with all the rolls complete and it being partly written up. I should have it done sometime today or tomorrow unless I get too caught up in playing WoW to finish the war of thorns and get ready for the new expansion. In any case, it will be done and up here soon enough. What is completed is the vote for what army type you guys get to use going forward.:)

Now that thats over with... holy fking SHIT this turn.... you all will be happy to know Malo was indeed just testing you, plus roughly half your rolls are crits.... and while most of the rest are large success or lower even with a small success added in... Your crits were where they would gain the MOST possible effect and by my interpretation have given you all some RIDICULOUS bullshit boosts. :cry: seriously, these are too powerful, I honestly lowered them slightly from what I was originally going to give if less crits happened and they are STILL bullshit. :(

So you see now the foolishness in denying our holy savior Malo. In your shortsightedness you proclaimed him a mere mortal, a false prophet, and so in his infinite wisdom he has seen fit to show you the error of your ways and reward his faithful all in one turn by granting us blessed crits to help fight back the encroaching darkness.

In Malo we trust.
So you see now the foolishness in denying our holy savior Malo. In your shortsightedness you proclaimed him a mere mortal, a false prophet, and so in his infinite wisdom he has seen fit to show you the error of your ways and reward his faithful all in one turn by granting us blessed crits to help fight back the encroaching darkness.

In Malo we trust.
Okay so in the time I was trying go beat first sem college Malo has a cult now? Man time flies.
So I talked to San. The update is mostly done but work and study has gotten hectic. It will be a little while before it is up.
Arc 2: Turn 1: The beginning of your rise to glory. Featuring Link's wedding! Results!
"This year went perfectly." Link smiled thinking back to how well everything went in the past year. "Especially the wedding and afterwards. Plus I have more kids on the way! Though that is going to prevent Midna from helping out as much next year sadly."

"Oh well, thankfully this year has set us up very well for the future." Linked thought with a shrug. "The rupee income gained this year is going to take the edge off the upkeep increase. And with the extra troops and mages we should be able to fight and win a defensive war against the Moblins so long as they don't send more than a quarter of their supposed full strength at us. Especially if we get around to building the wall west of Malonville and boost the strength of our current defenses."

"Yes, and with the lack of a pressing need, that frees our budget up to continue expanding." Link nodded with a thoughful look on his face. "Speaking of which, I need to send the resources to either expand or build more villages to the Twili in their desert next year. Get all of their remaining people set up with a place to live and all that lest they feel I am neglecting them."

"Oh well, thoughts for later, for now though its time for me to check on Midna and the kids!" Link smiled before putting his reports back in order and getting up to leave his office. " Hopefully I have the chance to spend more time with them this coming year."

[X] Plan Cav and Expansion

-[] Train Medium Cavalry (Lance, Sword, Shield, Chain Shirt, Cloth Barding, Use Iron for Armor and Weapons- Lancers with sword as a back up weapon}
Roll: 38+22=60 Medium success.
You succeeded in adding several hundred lance cavalry to your armies ranks.
Result: 500 Medium lance cavalry trained, -1000 rupees, -300 metal, -200 wood, +100 rupees upkeep.

-[] Train Medium Cavalry (Bow, Sword, Shield, Chain Shirt, Cloth Barding, Use Iron for Armor and Weapons- Horse Archers that are also trained to close into melee- Siphai}
Roll: 94+22=116 !CRITICAL SUCCESS!
Not only were your medium cavalry trained up to their maximum numbers but since you utilized some of your Horse militia you were able to train them up to elite levels. You are certain they will be a major addition to your armies ranks.
Result: 500 horse archers found and then trained up to elite level, -1700 rupees, -300 metal, -300 wood, +200 rupees upkeep.

-[] Upgrade a troop types equipment to iron - {Legionaries to Iron Weapons} -Rusl
Roll: N/A
Your legionnaires are now using iron weapons and are all the stronger for it.
Result: -500 rupees, -400 iron, +400 bronze, legionnaires now use iron weapons, +.5 to +1 melee role effectiveness increased based on army type chosen.

-[] Build Military Barracks
Roll: 55+22=77 Large Success.
With the barracks built near the end of the year the only thing left is deciding how to furnish the insides. Will you focus on luxury for a smaller number of troops or the bare basics for a massive number of troops?
Result: -500 wood, Medium Barracks built, Can now house either 10,000 troops for 30% upkeep reduction or 20,000 troops for 20% upkeep reduction based on which army type is chosen.

-[] Expand (Faron) {East} - Malo +1 Authority
Roll: 96+28=124 !!!SUPER CRITICAL SUCCESS!!!
Malo has come through for you perfectly once more. Not only was he able to convince the new settlers to help build the town themselves thereby drastically reducing the rupee costs of the expansion, but he also was able to get them to start up a nearby lumber mill and use the wood from there to build the town. In this way he nearly completely negated all the expansion costs and also added not only a small town to Faron province but also a medium lumber mill that they are now exporting wood from. Malo truly is your greatest advisor and asset.
Result: -100 rupees, Small town built, land expanded, Medium lumber mill set up, +1400 wood per turn, no resource costs incurred from expansion, +400 wood, +300 rupee income.

-[] Twili Town completion- +2 Authority
Roll: 88+28=116 !CRITICAL SUCCESS!
The Twili worked themselves to exhaustion day in and day out for months to get their town built to this point. They were even able to stretch the resources they were given to build the town even larger than it would have been. Now they can begin paying you taxes and providing authority. Plus there are only twenty percent of them left as refugees giving you back a full level of food throughout your kingdom thanks to them providing for themselves.
Result: -600 stone, -400 metal, Twili town built up to a large town, +1200 tax income from the Twili, Twili refugees 80% settled, +1 food level, can now begin to establish resources in Twili desert province.

-[] Attempt to improve population morale -Mayor Bo and 1 Authority
Roll: 28+29=57 small success. 1d50=33
Despite the small turnout this year with how busy everyone was Mayor Bo was successful in establishing a new holiday that everyone will try and celebrate each year from now on.
Result: -200 rupees, New Holiday established, +26 progress to improving moral each turn, current progress to improving pop moral: 219/500

-[] Wedding Ceremony - 1,500 Rupees version.
Roll: 79+15=94 Great Success!
To be continued in the wedding of rulers.
Result: -1500 rupees, +1 population moral, +Midna relations, +100 trade income, Midna pregnant again.

-[] Establish into law the position of non-Ordonians/Hylians in your society +3 Authority
Roll: 66+45=111 !CRITICAL SUCCESS!
You were easily able to convince your people that all races should be treated equally with how the Goddess Din herself literally came down and blessed your rule last year. However not only did your words improve the loyalty the Twili felt towards you immensely but they also improved the loyalty and moral of all other provinces by convincing them you would always have everyone's best interests in mind. Once word of this gets out to other nations you will likely find non Hylians immigrating to your nation far more than they otherwise would. Plus relations with other nations that contain races like the Zora or Goron will likely be amazing given they know you do not view them as lesser as Hylians often did.
Result: -200 rupees, +1 pop moral, +Twili desert province loyalty, +increase to immigration of other races once you meet a nation with them, +loyalty with all other provinces, +relations with other nations.

-[] Scout Faron for resources -Telma +1 Authority and 3 Scouts
Roll: 69+38=107 !CRITICAL SUCCESS!
Telma was able to convince the scouts to search for reduced pay by waving the tabs they had at her bar. During their search fornew resources in Faron province they found nothing of note until they searched the western mountains. In them they found a source of tin with plenty of gems embedded in it including emeralds and sapphires.
Result: -200 rupees, Found a tin source with a high quantity of gems in it, searched every corner of Faron for resources, All resources in Faron found until turn 30.

-[] Figure out how to build a printing press -Shad +1 Authority
Roll: 22+29=51 Medium success.
Shad got a printing press built this turn yes, it is a shame it was so unwieldy and slow. The good news is he things he has a good idea where he screwed up and just needs to make sure before implementing the changes in future printing presses to make them far better than the current version which works but far worse than the one he remembered.
Result: -400 rupees, -100 metal, -100 wood, unwieldy prototype printing press built, figured out possible ways to improve printing press, may build more unwieldy printing presses.

-[] Build a Grand Temple to Nayru
Roll: 41+35=76 Large Success.
The construction of the Grand Temple to Nayru has begun nicely. It looks to complete in two more years. You even managed to pay a bit less to start the construction!
Result: -1500 Rupees, -700 marble, -100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep, 2 more turns until Grand temple to Nayru is complete.

-[] Train a priest -Carlyle +1 Authority
Roll: 33+36=69 Large Success.
Carlyle continued training the priest this year. The priest managed to succeed on healing light wounds one hundred percent of the time and moderate wounds sixty percent of the time! (don't ask what happens when they fail to heal the wounds...)
Result: 1-3 turns left of training a priest remaining.

Resources at the end of the turn:
Rupees: 0
Food: natural food level 6.
Stone: 650 total, 650 Marble, 0 Granite.
Wood: 700
Metal: 400, 400 bronze, 0 iron

Turn Results end here

Military standards vote:

[] Elite army -
⦁ bonus to all stats for all troops, troops incapable of having a stat lower than 6 and a main stat lower than 9 as long as they can somewhat function in the role.
⦁ Can train up to 5000 troops of five different kinds at a time per level 2 training ground with automatic success.
⦁ When training new troops will no longer roll to determin skill level or amount trained. Always train exactly how many you want at maximum level of skill for equipment.
⦁ Super elite troops made availible to train. (aka the upgraded royal guard)
⦁ Upgrade costs for troops lowered by 50%, Barracks upkeep decrease doubles.
⦁ Upkeep costs for all troops increases by 100%.
⦁ Training times for all troops increases by one turn.
⦁ Soft and hard Maximum army size lowers by 2 and 4% of the population respectively.
⦁ Training ground level 3 and all similiar upgrades permanently removed.

[] Standard army -
⦁ Can upgrade to training ground level 3 and train the full amount of troops in it with no loss of skill.
⦁ Soft and Hard maximum army size increases by 2.5 and 5% respectively.
⦁ Barracks changes to lower upkeep for an increased number of troops, Barracks upgrades made availible.
⦁ Current skill level maxed out, troops can't get any better than they are except by training elites.
⦁ Upgrade costs for troops increased by 20%.
⦁ Can never train troops beyond the skill level of 10.
⦁ Can only train up to 3 different unit types at any given time.

Update ends here

So there you guys go, sorry for the massive wait, between exams, World of Warcraft and my depression weighing me down I just could not find the time nor the will to update. That said, I might go through a series of mini-hiatuses in the coming month or so. I feel as if I am hitting one of my depressive periods where I just feel like life is pointless and the only thing keeping me from offing myself is the fact that I am admittedly too afraid of the unknown. So basically I become for a short time the stereotypical suicidal goth. :(

By mini-hiatus I mean there may be 2 weeks to a month between each update for the next few. so nothing super severe, just me struggling to find the will to write. Sadly depression runs in the family but I have it worst than most of it for some stupid trick of genetics. :cry:

Anyway ignore me being stupid, I am probably going to be bringing down the mood for awhile but that's just my usual, Nothing new for me so don't worry about it! ;)

Leave a like if you enjoyed the update! also 5 HOUR MORATORIUM!
Keep chugging on sans I am also being beaten to death with Group finals. We shall SURVIVE!!!
Stay strong San, from my own experience being able to acknowledge it helps a lot along with talking about it so that you can do that is a good thing.

On the update... I mean wow that is a lot of very good results. Crits everywhere and oh more lumber income and hey gem deposits! Choosing our admin actions next turn will be difficult as we will have a lot of resources available to exploit.

Oh and that crit on the equality laws may be the biggest edge we can get after marrying Midna. Not only does that solidify our independence from Hyrule and improve our population morale and loyalty, it also makes it easier to integrate both immigrants and other kingdoms, say the Wolfos to our north in the forest. Plus getting a zora population to move to the lake if there is not one already can pay off big.

Oh and we have elite siphais, which are nice and can help form the core of our offensive cav force.

Printing press looks like we will need to take a follow up research action or two to improve quality but hey progress.

And oh look, more kids, boy Midna and Link may need to look into birth control at this rate.

Now for army quality I favor elite, we have a few possible fronts and with careful diplomacy we should be able to keep most of those neutral or better. Getting our current troops upgraded to elite would be big and combine that with a good amount of mages is a lot of concentrated power we can bring.

Upkeep will hurt a bit except for the income we just gained and that we will also have both a rupee mine and gem mine available to add more income amongst other income actions. Still we will need to keep an eye on our upkeep ( maybe see if we can expand our barracks to house more troops?).
you mean among your kids? Well, to be fair there is no real min-maxing here. All the stats are equally important so getting screwed in even 1 stat is harmful in the long run.
Mostly thinking of Vaike!Severa type link that OHKO every other unit though I'm guessing alot of them have good amgic stats.
Mostly thinking of Vaike!Severa type link that OHKO every other unit though I'm guessing alot of them have good amgic stats.
well yes all your kids should have high combat so long as they are raised in a way that they think combat is important or they enjoy it. Not very hard to do either.

But yes they will both have decent combat modifiers and the ability to use magic, more often than not both faith AND learning based magics. Though some of your grandkids may be unable to use learning based magics.

(Sorry for lateness on that, lost track of time.)
[X] Elite army

@san the previous turn it was mentioned that doing the improve morale would :

Do this for 1 more turn in a row for unique rewards and a new action.

What did we get or unlock for doing it again this turn?