Uchiha Quest: Silver Edition [Naruto Reincarnation Quest]

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Uchiha Quest
Year One
Turn 0

You slowly approach consciousness surrounded by bright lights...
Year One Turn 0


May the World Turtle Save Us All
United States
Uchiha Quest
Year One
Turn 0

You slowly approach consciousness surrounded by bright lights, loud noises, and in the hands of giants. Overwhelmed by your new situation, your immediate response is to:
[ ] Get away from whatever the hell this is!
[ ] Cry out for help!
[ ] Freeze up, your tiny body can't handle this level of stress!

As the giants dote on you, you slowly start to comprehend exactly what the situation is. You can barely make out anything through your blurry eyes, and the sounds are too loud to be discernible as anything other than a roar, but the loving embrace of the giants whose arms you're in is unmistakable. It's a mother's embrace. Somehow, your death wasn't so permanent, and you've been born again. This realization drives you over the edge, and your immature mind needs rest. As you drift off you reach out and grab a few strands of:
[ ] Midnight black
[ ] Rich brown
[ ] Dirty blonde
[ ] Fiery red

hair, and swiftly begin to dream of your last memory:
Difficulty (better benefits come with worse detriments and a promise from the QM to make things more difficult.)
[ ] HARD: Facing down two monsters in human form to secure the future of your brother's dream (Once and Future Shinobi +30 to first 50 learning/training rolls related to the ninja arts and +10 from thereon after, Will of Fire 20% faster relationship gain with Konoha officials, Crouching Uchiha Hidden Senju 20% slower relationship gain with Uchiha Clan, The Awkward Brother -5 to all social and diplomacy rolls and 5% slower relationship gains overall, Fanatically Loyal 10% slower relationship gains to non-Konoha residents and 10% faster relationship loss, Water Spirit greatly increased water affinity, 10% more difficulty in learning elemental techniques outside of water release. Added benefit of in-world knowledge for character.)
[ ] DIFFICULT: Trying to stop your idiot boyfriend from getting killed while he was saving your sister and somehow ending up dead yourself (True Genius +10 to ALL learning roles period; Average One increased affinity to all five elements; Perfectly Poised Chakra Control starts at one full rank higher; High Quality Circuits Chakra Capacity starts one full rank higher, Rightfully Arrogant 10% faster relationship gains with Uchiha Clan but 10% slower relationship gain with all others; Apparent Bastard relationship with Uchiha Clan starts two full ranks lower)
[ ] MODERATE: Appeasing a god alongside the only tolerable human in this world (Hardened Durability starts one rank higher; Physical +10 to all taijutsu learning/training rolls; Wild Child all senses improved by one full rank, 10% slower relationship gain with Uchiha, Hyuuga, and nobility, 10% faster relationship gain with Inuzuka, +10 to all summoning related learning/training rolls.)
[ ] LIGHT: The memories are covered in a haze of red, but at least the one you loved kept his promise, even if that promise was to kill you (Drain -5 to ALL enemy combat rolls, 10% chance to automatically disrupt genjutsu cast within a 10 m radius; Conceptual Regeneration all injuries take one less turn to heal; Not Quite Right ALL relationship gains are 10% slower.)
[ ] EASY: Ending the cycle of hate, for you could never strike against the one you loved (True Dojutsu Only applicable after sharingan is activated 10% damage reduction from all ninjutsu, +10 to all dodge rolls against ninjutsu, +10 to all genjutsu detection rolls, +10 to all genjutsu learning/training rolls, 10% faster reputation gain with Uchiha Clan)

First person to correctly guess all five characters gets a free intermediate rank to add to one of Masako's stats.

Detriments are heavily focused on reputation/relationships for a reason. The time period is ~9 years before the Kyuubi's release by Obito. As such, if you wish to survive there are really only three realistic routes I have thought of (you are welcome to suggest more):
1. Becoming too powerful to be killed by Itachi
2. Becoming too integral to the village to be killed by Itachi
3. Becoming respected enough in the Uchiha clan to influence the chain of events by the time you are 17.
As such, reputation will be extremely important for
preventing bad ends.

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Quest Mechanics
Quest Mechanics

Rolls: Almost all rolls will be done by 1d100, but I will specify in unique circumstances.

Stats/Ranks: The primary stats are Strength, Speed, Durability (split into resistance and health), Intelligence, Perception (split into 5 senses and 'intuition'), Chakra (split into capacity and control), Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu. Secondary stats might be added later.

Strength will not directly factor into any rolls that aren't specifically strength checks, but will be necessary for almost all taijutsu related skills. Rank-up skills will almost always be combat related.

Speed will factor into combat rolls heavily. Half of the speed bonus will be added to all combat rolls, and the full speed bonus will be added to all dodge rolls. Speed will also be necessary for learning many skills.

Durability is split into two secondary stats. A high resistance means that damage below a certain threshold will be ignored, and high health means that the MC will be able to take more damage before reaching a bad end. Durability also factors into rolls involving poison, injuries, and sickness. Durability might be required for some skills.

Intelligence will provide a bonus to learning rolls and will be required for almost all skills. Intelligence related skills can offer benefits to learning, perception, and more.

Perception will affect rolls based on the sense(s) being used, with intuition adding a flat bonus to all perception rolls. Perception will be used for tracking, poison detection, genjutsu detection, and ambush rolls.

Chakra will be required to perform ninjutsu, genjutsu, and (depending on the skill) taijutsu. Almost all skills will have a chakra capacity and chakra control requirement to be used effectively.

Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu provide a bonus to learning/training rolls involving the three, and can provide bonuses during combat depending on the skill used.

There will be two stat/ranking systems used in this Quest. The first will be an alphabet based system used for character stats, going F/E/D/C/B/A/S with '+'s in between. Every four '+,' or intermediate, rank increases, will be followed by a letter, or full, rank increase. Exp starts at 100 per intermediate rank, but increases by 100 each full rank, before doubling once reaching 'A.' Every letter rank will give a technique/skill relevant to the stat, starting at rank 'D.' In addition to the letter based ranking, a number will be given which shows the bonus given on stat checks.

F is the overall ability level of any young child.
E is the overall ability level of an untrained, untalented civilian.
D is the overall ability level of the average member of the Genin corps (no Jounin sensei)
C is the overall ability level of the average member of the Chunin corps (non Chunin-exams promoted)
B is the overall ability level of the average Tokubetsu Jounin
A is the overall ability level of the average Jounin
S is the minimum ability level of the 5 kage.

The above are general guidelines, genin can have stats well above and below D, and chunin can have stats well above and below C, but across the board when you look at them as a collective the average will come out to C.

The second stat/ranking system used will be for reputation/relationships. The rankings are Abhorred, Despised, Hated, Disliked, Tolderated, Neutral, Appreciated, Liked, Adored, Loved, Exalted. Necessary increases/decreases to advance/recede a level start at 200 exp and double with each rank. At loved, the necessary exp doubles twice. The requirements are as follows:

Neutral: 200 exp to Appreciated, below 0 falls to Tolerated
Appreciated: 400 exp to Liked
Liked: 800 exp to next Adored
Adored: 1600 exp to next Loved
Loved: 6400 exp to Exalted

Tolerated: -400 exp to Disliked
Disliked: -800 exp to Hated
Hated: -1600 exp to Despised
Despised: -3200 exp to Abhorred

Experience: Experience will be added through learning/training rolls, and crit rolls when a stat is being actively used.

Rewards: Non-canon omakes can earn the following rewards if they're good enough: 1d100 training roll for desired stat/skill, +5-10 for next 1-5 rolls, or 1-5 extra votes. If an omake is good/relevant enough I'll make it canon and the rewards can range from free intermediate rank(s) to a chosen stat, +10-15 for next 5-10 rolls, or 5-10 extra votes. If the omake is truly exceptional I'll tack on rewards as I please regardless of whether it's canon or not.

Bonuses for rank-ups/crits will be applied with the following roll scheme:

01-20: Extra 1d100 training roll
21-30: Poor active perk/skill
31-40: Poor passive perk/skill
41-50: Decent active perk/skill
51-60: Decent passive perk/skill
51-70: Good active perk/skill
71-80: Good passive perk/skill
81-90: Great active perk/skill
91-99: Great passive perk/skill
100: Amazing perk/skill

Bonuses can be either new perks/skill, or can be level ups for existing ones.

In addition, a multi-crit will give a d10 roll for each crit roll, which will add up for an additional bonus. For example, a 6x crit will give a 6d10 which will use the above scheme to determine a bonus.
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Character Sheets
Character Sheets

Uchiha Masako
Name: Uchiha Masako
Village: Konoha
Age: 0
Height: 55 cm
Weight 4.2 kg
01 Strength: D++ (D+++) [+3] 9/300
02 Speed: E+ (E++) [0] 7/200
03 Durability: F+ (F+++) [-3] 53/100
---Resistance: F+ (F++) [-3]
---Health: F+ [-4]
04 Intelligence: E+++ (D) [+2] 17/200
05 Perception: E++ (E+++) [+1] 134/200
---Sight: E++ (D) [+2] 63/100
---Hearing: E++ (E+++) [+1] 0/100
---Smell: E++ (E+++) [+1] 0/100
---Taste: E++ (E+++) [+1] 0/100
---Touch: E++ (E+++) [+1] 57/100
---Intuition: E++ (E++++) [+2] 62/100
06 Chakra: E++++ (D) [0] 154/200
---Capacity: E++++ (D) [0] 0/100
---Control: D (D+) [0] 123/150
07 Ninjutsu: F++++ (E) [0] 98/100
---Katon: F++++ (F++++) [-1] 16/50
---Fuuton: F++++ (F+++) [-2] 0/50
---Suiton: F++++ (E+) [0] 0/50
---Raiton: F++++ (F+++) [-2] 0/50
---Doton: F++++ (F+++) [-2] 0/50
08 Taijutsu: E (E+) [0] 128/200
09 Genjutsu: F+ (F++) [-4] 82/100
10 Overall: E+ (E++)

Uchiha Lineage:
---You were born to the strongest clan in Konoha, and as a result your genetics have blessed you with numerous gifts.
+Chakra (Capacity)
+Chakra (Control)

Reincarnated Soul:
---You have memories from an entire past life sitting in your tiny head
100% chance of bad end by disclosing past life knowledge

Active Child:
---You literally came out of the womb ready to move

---Your mother grew up with almost nothing, and had to claw her way to where she is using every cheat, shortcut, and trick in and out of the book. She has passed on her scrappy training techniques, allowing you to cram more training into each day.
+1 training action per turn

Once and Future Shinobi:
---You are Tobirama Fucking Senju... at least you were. You might be losing memories by the second, but you've still got several truckloads of information related to the shinobi arts in your tiny head.
+10 to training/learning rolls

Will of Fire
---Your brother made this up while drunk one night, but little Saru took to it like a monkey takes to flinging shit
20% faster relationship gain with Konoha Officials
Can be dispelled by reaching Tolerated status with Konoha Officials or Konoha Residents

Crouching Uchiha Hidden Senju
---You were pretty much raised from birth to hate the Uchiha with a passion, and it's almost impossible to get rid of some level of disdain in your interactions
20% slower relationship gain with Uchiha Clan
Can be dispelled by reaching 'Adored' status with Uchiha Clan

The Awkward Brother
---You always had better things to do than talk to people, your lab was waiting! Unfortunately this attitude didn't do much for your social skills. At least that snake-looking guy seems to get you
5% slower relationship gain overall
Can be dispelled by going from 'Neutral' to 'Adored' in the eyes of 10 separate individuals

Fanatically Loyal
---This village was your brothers dream, and now that he's gone it's your responsibility
10% faster relationship gain with Konoha residents
10% slower relationship gain with non-Konoha residents
Can be dispelled by gaining the status 'Missing Nin'

Water Spirit
---You were considered the undisputed king of Suiton Ninjutsu when you were alive, this has carried onto your new life
++Suiton ninjutsu
-To all other elements

Keen Sense
---You were born with extremely effective sensory organs
+To all five senses

Active Chakra Network
---You can utilize Chakra for various skills
Allows you to learn ninjutsu
Allows you to learn genjutsu
Allows you to learn Chakra Techniques

Apparent Genius
---Your unnaturally fast development has people looking to you as the next Orochimaru or Namikaze Minato.
10% faster relationship gain with Uchiha Clan
10% faster relationship gain with Academy Staff
Increased likelihood of gaining training options
Increased likelihood of gaining unsavory attention
Mind's Eye of the Kagura Lv. 2/10: 75/200
---You can sense detailed information about all chakra signatures and their surroundings within a 250m radius.
+25 to Detect Hidden Enemy rolls.

Tracking Lv. 3/5: 36/400
---You've just started using your exceptional senses to search for the people around you. In time you could grow truly skilled in tracking.
+6 to Tracking rolls.
+6 to Detect Hidden Enemy rolls.

Bukijutsu Lv. 3/10: 29/400
---You've just started to learn how to use weapons, and can potentially use them to hit a stationary target.
+2 to close combat rolls while armed.
+5 to thrown weapon rolls.

Uchiha Interceptor Fist Lv. 2/10: 37/200
---The traditional style of Taijutsu for the Uchiha, designed to be used with the sharingan.
+5 to close combat rolls.
50% increase to Sharingan bonus for close combat rolls.

Stealth Lv. 1/5: 0/100
---You've gotten decently good at hiding from things.
-5 to opposing detection rolls.

Survival Lv. 1/5: 0/100
--- Your experience camping has given you the basic skills needed to survive in the wilderness.

Chakra Reinforcement Lv. 3/10: 200/400
--- You have learned how to consciously improve your physical abilities with the use of chakra.

Heavy Blows Lv. 2/3: 0/200
--- By releasing a properly timed burst of chakra, you can make your fists hit much harder than normal.
+5 to close range damage when active

Bone Hardening Lv. 2/10: 0/200
--- Your constant strength training has stressed your skeleton greatly, but you've healed all the damage and have become hardier than you were before.
Half of all Strength exp will be applied to Durability from now onwards
Nakamura Shiori (mother): Loved 3410/6400
Uchiha Ryota (father): Loved 3295/6400
Uchiha Clan: Liked 75/800
Konoha: Neutral 100/200
Uchiha Ryuusei: Adored 800/1600
Uchiha Mihoko: Adored 800/1600
Uchiha Shisui: Appreciated 200/400

Nakamura Shiori

Name: Nakamura Shiori
Village: Konoha
Rank: Tokubetsu Jounin
Age: 22
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Strength: C++
Speed: A
Durability: C+
---Resistance: C
---Health: C++
Intelligence: B++++
Perception: A++
---Sight: A+
---Hearing: A++
---Smell: A++
---Taste: A+
---Touch: A+
---Intuition: A+++
Chakra: B+
---Capacity: C++++
---Control: A
Ninjutsu: B
---Katon: D+++
---Fuuton: C++
---Suiton: B++
---Raiton: C+
---Doton: C
Taijutsu: B+
Genjutsu: B++
Overall: B+
Nakamura Shiori is a Tokubetsu Jonin from the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Her mother was a maid (yes a maid, not a 'maid'), and her father passed away when returning from a trade fair due to a bandit attack. Her poor childhood made her immensely dedicated to ensuring her own success by joining the shinobi program. Unfortunately, due to her background, she wasn't even considered for the Jounin strack, and was assigned to the genin corps directly out of the academy. She didn't allow her misfortune to discourage her, instead she channeled it into her training and became one of the youngest field promoted Chunin at 16.

In the Chunin corps she gained a reputation as a hard worker, and was frequently chosen for tracking and patrol missions due to her physical capabilities and sharp senses. Her work ethic gained the attention of one of the few other Chunin corpsmen who still possessed ambition: Uchiha Ryota. He was the first to notice her superior senses, and suggested she start training harder at stealth and tracking. After receiving tips from numerous Inuzuka, she became the premier tracker in the corps, and was offered a promotion to a Tokubetsu Jounin member of the Hunter Corps on her 20th birthday. It seems that she was pretty thankful for Ryota's advice, as she married him only two years after they first met.

*You gain the perk Scrapper from Shiori*
Training Options
---Shiori is a member of the Hunter Corps, making her one of the best stealth experts in the village outside of ANBU. There's no way she'll let any daughter of hers actually be seen during a mission.
+10 to Stealth skill training rolls
+10 to Chakra Control stat training rolls
---Can be trained up to B++++ rank with Shiori.

---Shiori is a member of the Hunter Corps, making her one of the best trackers in the village outside of ANBU. By the time she's through with you Tora won't know what hit him.
+10 to Tracking skill training rolls
+10 to Perception stat training rolls
+10 to Stealth skill training rolls
+10 to Survival skill training rolls
---Can be trained up to A+ rank with Shiori.

---The Hunter Corps often prefer to eliminate their targets quitely, and there's nothing better than poison for a low-fanfare assassination. You'll be sick for a while, but you'll definitely end up better off than you started.
+10 to Poison skill training rolls
+10 to Poison detection and resistance substat training rolls (Health, Touch, Taste, Smell, Intuition)
---Can be trained up to C+, A, A, A+, A++ respectively with Shiori.

---Your parents know that you've been playing around with your chakra, so your mother is more than willing to help direct your chakra to the right points of your body to optimize your growth.
+10 to Chakra stat training rolls
---Can be trained up to B with Shiori
+10 to Mind's Eye of Kagura skill training rolls

Uchiha Ryota

Name: Uchiha Ryota
Village: Konoha
Rank: Tokubetsu Jounin
Age: 23
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 74 kg
Strength: B
Speed: B++
Durability: C+
---Resistance: C+
---Health: C+
Intelligence: B+++
Perception: A
---Sight: A+++
---Hearing: B++
---Smell: C
---Taste: C++
---Touch: B++
---Intuition: A+++
Chakra: B++
---Capacity: B+
---Control: B+++
Ninjutsu: B++
---Katon: A
---Fuuton: C
---Suiton: D+
---Raiton: C+
---Doton: C+++
Taijutsu: C++
---Kenjutsu: A++
Genjutsu: B++++
Overall: B+
Uchiha Ryota is a Tokubetsu Jonin for the Village Hidden in the Leaves. He unlocked his sharingan during his second year in the academy when infiltrators from the Hidden Rain attempted to cull the current batch of students. His eyes allowed him to graduate a year early at the age of 11, but unfortunately he failed his Jounin sensei's secondary test, relegating him to the Genin corps.

As a member of the corps, he worked diligently and trained non-stop to eventually receive his field promotion. After becoming a Chunin, he started focusing on his one true talent: Kenjutsu. During his grueling training sessions, he noticed one other corps member insisting on keeping up with his workouts: Nakamura Shiori. A man can only see a woman drenched and panting so many times before losing control of himself, so after just a few weeks of torment he gave in and asked her out. Surprisingly enough, everything worked out, and they were married less than two years later.

Through years of constant training and battle Ryota has become one of Konoha's formost Kenjutsu practitioners, and is on the verge of being considered a master. He was never particularly talented, but his hard work and dedication allowed him to secure a promotion to Tokubetsu Jonin from the Chunin corps at the age of 20.

*You receive the perk Uchiha Lineage from Ryota*
Training Options
Kenjutsu: [LOCKED] (Requires Taijutsu: C)
---Ryota is one of the few Kenjutsu specialists in the village, and as your father he is always willing to help out.
+10 to all Kenjutsu training rolls
---Can be trained up to A+ with Ryota
Free 1d100 roll during training session to split evenly between Strength and Speed

Katon Ninjutsu:
---Your father is an Uchiha. You are also an Uchiha. Your father is a pyromaniac. Despite your past self's vehement protests, you are not also a pyromaniac.
+10 to all Katon ninjutsu training rolls
---Can be trained up to B++++ with Ryota
+20 to relationship gain between Masako and Ryota while training Katon ninjutsu

Sharingan: [LOCKED] (Requires Dojutsu: Sharingan)
---Your father has fifteen years of experience using his Dojutsu, experience he hopes to pass on to you.
+10 to sharingan training rolls
Free 1d100 roll during training session to be split evenly between 'Sight' and 'Intuition'
+10 to 'Sight'+'Intuition' training roll

---It may not be his best area, but he's still more than capable of teaching the basics of the clan style.
+10 to Taijutsu Rolls
---Can be trained up to C with Ryota
+10 to Uchiha Interceptor Fist rolls with Ryota
---Can be trained up to lv. 4 with Ryota

Namikaze Minato

Name: Namikaze Minato
Village: Konoha
Rank: Jonin
Age: 15
Height: 168 cm
Weight 65 kg
Strength: B+++
Speed: A+++
Durability: C+
---Resistance: C+
---Health: C+
Intelligence: A++
Perception: A++
---Sight: A+
---Hearing: A+
---Smell: A
---Taste: B+++
---Touch: A++
---Intuition: A+++
Chakra: A++
---Capacity: B++++
---Control: S
Ninjutsu: B+++
---Katon: C
---Fuuton: A
---Suiton: C+
---Raiton: B+++
---Doton: C
Taijutsu: A
Genjutsu: B++++
Overall: A+
Namikaze Minato is considered by many to be the greatest genius in Konoha's history. At 6 years of age, he broke the record for youngest academy graduate (previously held by Orochimaru of the Densetsu no Sannin) and apprenticed under another member of the legendary three, the Toad Sage Jiraiya. Under the legendary shinobi's guidance, Minato became a Chunin in only two years, before ascending to Jonin at the young age of 13, and breaking yet another record.

Namikaze minato is known for his overwhelming speed and his remarkable talent for Fuinjutsu. Not only is he immensely talented, he is considered by far the hardest worker of his generation, and is almost never seen outside of a library or training field. Recently, he has taken on an apprentice. Hatake Kakashi, the son of the late White Fang, broke his sensei's record by graduating from the academy at only five years of age, and shows a similar level of promise.


Name: Jiraiya
Village: Konoha
Rank: Elite Jounin
Age: 31
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 88 kg
Strength: S+
Speed: A++++
Durability: S+
---Resistance: S
---Health: S++
Intelligence: S
Perception: S++
---Sight: A+++
---Hearing: A+++
---Smell: S
---Taste: S+++
---Touch: S++
---Intuition: S+++
Chakra: S+++
---Capacity: S++++
---Control: S++
Ninjutsu: S+++
---Katon: S++++
---Fuuton: A
---Suiton: A+
---Raiton: B+
---Doton: S++
Taijutsu: S
Genjutsu: B+++
Overall: S+
Some consider him to be the strongest shinobi in the village behind his Sensei, some consider him to be just behind his teammates in terms of unimaginable strength. Either way it's impossible to deny that Jiraiya is one of the strongest shinobi in the world, and the world's foremost ninjutsu specialist after his sensei.

Raised a clanless orphan, Jiraiya was known across the village for being a loudmouthed menace. In truth he would spend a few moments each day making himself known to the villagers to receive some of the attention he craved, before training himself into the ground. His efforts were rewarded when he graduated the academy after only two years, alongside the prodigious ward of the Sandaime Hokage Orochimaru, and the Senju Princess Tsunade. Through hard work, guts, dedication, guts, inspiration, and guts he was able to overcome his lack of talent to keep up with, and in many ways surpass his two teammates.


Name: Orochimaru
Village Konoha
Rank: Elite Jounin
Age: 30
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Strength: A++
Speed: S+++
Durability: S
---Resistance: S
---Health: S
Intelligence: S+++
Perception: S+++
---Sight: S
---Hearing: A+++
---Smell: S+
---Taste: S++++
---Touch: S++
---Intuition: S+++
Chakra: S+++
---Capacity: S+++
---Control: S+++
Ninjutsu: S+
---Katon: A++++
---Fuuton: S+
---Suiton: A++++
---Raiton: A+++
---Doton: A++++
Taijutsu: S+++
Genjutsu: S+
Overall: S++
Considered by most to be the strongest shinobi in the village after the Hokage, Orochimaru has become a name many foreign shinobi whisper in fear. Known for his use of psychological warfare and outright cruelty, he has become one of the few shinobi to earn a flee on sight order without being the leader of a village.

Orochimaru graduated from the academy just under the age of seven, become the youngest academy graduate in Konoha's then short history. His parents were both well-regarded Jonin who passed away when he was young, leading to his becoming an informal ward of the Sarutobi clan. The texts and facilities made available to him allowed his genius to flourish, making him one of the most versatile shinobi in the world. He has reached a near mastery of almost all facets of the shinobi arts, leading many to wonder whether he will succeed his Sensei in becoming the third ot claim the title Shinobi no Kami.


Name: Senju Tsunade
Village: Konoha
Rank: Elite Jonin
Age: 30
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Strength: S++++
Speed: A+++
Durability: S++
---Resistance: S
---Health: S++++
Intelligence: S++
Perception: S
---Sight: A++
---Hearing: A+++
---Smell: S
---Taste: S
---Touch: S++
---Intuition: S++
Chakra: S+++
---Capacity: S
---Control: SS
Ninjutsu: S
---Katon: A+
---Fuuton: A+
---Suiton: S+
---Raiton: A+++
---Doton: S++
Taijutsu: S++
Genjutsu: S+
Overall: S+
Some consider her to be the strongest shinobi in the village behind her Sensei, some consider her to be just behind her teammates in terms of unimaginable strength. Either way it's impossible to deny that Tsunade is one of the strongest shinobi in the world, and the world's foremost medical nin bar none.

Tsunade was effectively born as the princess of Konoha. She was born just before the First Great Shinobi War, and was seen as the symbol for the world's first period of peace. From her early years she was trained by the two strongest shinobi in the world, allowing her to quickly outclass her peers. She was enrolled in the academy as a formality one year late, and passed within six months. Upon joining Team 7 she was taught by a Hokage for the third time, and swiftly became the strongest kunoichi in the village. Her advancement of medical ninjutsu has helped save thousands of lives, and she is likely the most well-liked shinobi in the village.

Unfortunately after her grandfather's mysterious death the tenuous peace swiftly ended leading to the war which took away half of her family. Over the coming years she lost nearly half of her clan, and then lost most of the other half during the second war just ten years later. The loss of her fiance was the last straw, leading Tsunade to unofficially retire from the Shinobi forces.

Sarutobi Hiruzen

Name: Sarutobi Hiruzen
Village: Konoha
Rank: Hokage
Age: 49
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 73 kg
Strength: S+++
Speed: S++
Durability: S+++
---Resistance: S+++
---Health: S+++
Intelligence: S+++
Perception: S+
---Sight: S
---Hearing: S
---Smell: S
---Taste: S
---Touch: S
---Intuition: SS
Chakra: SS
---Capacity: SS
---Control: SS
Ninjutsu: SS
---Katon: SS++
---Fuuton: S
---Suiton: S
---Raiton: S
---Doton: SS++
Taijutsu: S++++
Genjutsu: S++++
Overall: S++++
Sarutobi Hiruzen is without a doubt the most powerful shinobi in the world, at least among those currently alive. With the perfect blend of talent, hard work, and determination, he has managed to master just about every facet of a shinobi's skillset. During the Second Great Shinobi War he simultaneously defeated the Second Kazekage, Third Mizukage, and Third Tsuchikage during the battle of Sky Plants, mortally wounding the former two leaders and earning the title of Shinobi no Kami. Years of peace and bureaucracy have dulled his skills to an extent, but no living Shinobi exists with the capability to defeat Sarutobi Hiruzen.
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Available Skills
Available Skills

Academy Library
Leaf Sticking Exercise:
---A chakra control exercise with numerous additional uses, and a precursor to many more advanced chakra control exercises.
+Chakra Control
---E+++ Chakra Control
---E+++ Intelligence

Konoha Basic Standard Taijutsu:
---The Taijutsu style taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy, serves as an optimal base for many other common;y-used Taijutsu styles.
+5 when facing an opponent using Konoha Basic Standard Taijutsu
---E Strength
---E Speed
---E Intelligence

Henge no Jutsu:
---The basic transformation technique, creates a film of chakra around the user allowing him or her to transform into a larger object.
-3 to opposing Detection Rolls when used.
---E++ Ninjutsu
---E+ Chakra Control
---E Intelligence

Kawarimi no Jutsu:
---Allows the user to swap places near-instantaneously with a similarly sized object within the line of sight.
+3 to escape rolls when used.
+3 to dodge rolls when used.
---E++ Ninjutsu
---E++ Chakra Control
---E+ Intelligence

Bunshin no Jutsu:
---Allows the user to make illusionary clones out of clouds of chakra.
+3 to escape rolls when used.
+3 to dodge rolls when used.
---E++ Ninjutsu
---E+++ Chakra Control
---E++ Intelligence

Uchiha Clan Library
Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu: *LEARNED*
---The user launches a large fireball from the mouth which burns at over 1,200 °C. The fireball is capable of incinerating a live target within 15 seconds.
65% Accuracy
15% Lethality

Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu
---The user launches a barrage of small fireballs from the mouth to cover a wide area or hit multiple targets.
85% Accuracy
5% Lethality
---D Ninjutsu
---D++ Katon
---D++ Chakra Control
---D++ Intelligence

Katon: Endan
---The user launches a large, dense, fast moving fireball at a single target, that explodes violently on contact.
80% Accuracy
20% Lethality
---D++ Ninjutsu
---C Katon
---D++++ Chakra Control
---C Intelligence
---C Chakra Capacity

Katon: Chakra Flow Lv. 1:
---A chakra control technique specifically for Katon Ninjutsu.
---D++++ Katon
---D++ Chakra Control
---D++ Chakra Capacity
---D++++ Intelligence

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Assuming that we're free to post (will delete if we're not yet):

[x] Get away from whatever the hell this is!
Suggests pro-activity and independence in ourself, even in a young age, while the others suggest reliance on others / freezing up (PTSD from past life? inability to handle high pressure situations?)

[X] Dirty blonde
Unsure what this is. Blonde made me think Yamanaka, but that'd be more of a platinum. Maybe Tsunade or someone? Anyway, trying to avoid the Uzumaki option (Red hair I think, because SV always goes Uzumaki) and the straight Uchiha option (Black hair). Would be willing to switch to Rich brown.

Go big or go home, right? I like the skill set associated with this the most and the drawbacks don't seem too awful.
[X] Cry out for help!
[X] Dirty blonde
Sorry about the edit, but I realized I left some important info out which is pretty necessary for gauging detriments. Also, I'll be applying the stat bonus when voting ends. I don't have a set time for ending voting yet, it will depend on the response to the Quest. Once there are enough regular participants I'll establish a voting window.

*All new participants, please specify a stat for your bonus roll, or if you want to leave it random. If you specify a stat, I will simply add the roll from 1d50 to the stat, if you leave it random, I will roll 1d10 to determine the stat, and a crit will result in the experience being added to all stats.*

Detriments are heavily focused on reputation/relationships for a reason. The time period is ~9 years before the Kyuubi's release by Obito. As such, if you wish to survive there are really only three realistic routes I have thought of (you are welcome to suggest more):
1. Becoming too powerful to be killed by Itachi
2. Becoming too integral to the village to be killed by Itachi
3. Becoming respected enough in the Uchiha clan to influence the chain of events by the time you are 17.
As such, reputation will be extremely important for preventing bad ends.
[X] Get away from whatever the hell this is!
[X] Dirty blonde

Difficult is Rin.

Hard is Tobirama.
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Light i think is shirou?
Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Jun 5, 2018 at 8:48 PM, finished with 20 posts and 11 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Jun 5, 2018 at 8:52 PM, finished with 20 posts and 11 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Jun 6, 2018 at 1:59 PM, finished with 41 posts and 21 votes.
[X] Get away from whatever the hell this is!
[X] Midnight black
[X] Get away from whatever the hell this is!
[X] Midnight black
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I like DIFFICULT because affinity for all elements + high chackra/control + learning bonus + Sharingan = ALL THE JUTSU!

Back the hell up Orochimaru, THIS is how you technique collect!
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[X] Cry out for help!
[X] Fiery red

hair color might indicate a non uchiha parent, and I think red usually means uzumaki, which is a good heritage to have.