Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by BlackHadou on May 8, 2018 at 4:50 AM, finished with 226 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Talk to Astolfo.
    -[X] Why is Saber your worst class? Is there one you would have preferred?
    [X] 1867 AD – Bakumatsu Inferno – Japan
    [X] Talk to Astolfo.
    -[X] Why is Saber your worst class? Is there one you would have preferred?
    [X] 1431 AD – So Roar the Trumpets of War - France
    [X] 1495 AD – The Secret War of the Holy Grail – Italy
    [X] Talk to Astolfo.
    -[X] Why is Saber your worst class? Is there one you would have preferred?
    [X] 1495 AD – The Secret War of the Holy Grail – Italy
    [X] 1867 AD – Bakumatsu Inferno – Japan
Chapter 10 - 1867 AD - Bakumatsu Inferno - Japan, Foundation Value B
Astolfo seemed happy enough to be summoned, all things considered. A young man, his form was perhaps a bit lankier then you would expect of a knight, however, his mouth was set in a smile. Still, there was one thing he'd said that would not leave Shinji's mind.

"Why not Saber?" He asked. He could remember a whisper from a long time ago, 'whoever controlled Saber would probably win'. It was words that were meant for another at the time, but they stuck out in Shinji's memory.

He couldn't remember if it was Zouken who'd said them or someone else, though. Astolfo just smiled sadly.

"Well, I suppose to answer that..." He mused. "I need to ask you a question in return. When you think of King Arthur, what is the weapon you think of first?"

"Excalibur." Sheba answered, rather matter of factually.

"Right. Goro Masamune?"

"Honjo Masamune." Shinji knew his history well enough to answer that.

"Right. Now… what do you think of when you hear Astolfo?"

"… I don't." Shinji admitted. Sheba pursed her lips briefly.

"Your lance." She answered. Astolfo clapped his hands together.

"Bingo. Can you even think of a sword I used?" He asked. Sheba shook her head. "That's because I usually didn't. This..." He lifted his sword belt to punctuate his words. "Isn't a Noble Phantasm. I called Saber my worst class because I don't have the Noble Phantasms I prefer in it."

"A drawback for greater stats." Sheba muttered. "Is the trade off worth it, I wonder..."

"Who cares!" Astolfo seemed cheery regardless, slinging his arm around Shinji's neck. "It is what it is. Make do with what we've got and all. There's no reason to worry about it."

Shinji couldn't help but join in that infectious smile. Astolfo seemed happy to simply be here. That was reassuring, to say the least.

"Speaking of..." Sheba's lips twisted. "That's odd."

"What's odd?"

"Here is no longer where it was a few moments ago. We must have crossed near a time." She muttered. "You might get to work sooner then you think."

"Right, so where's Archer then?" Astolfo called out, glancing around. "Come on, I know there's one more."

Shinji and Sheba simply looked between each other.

"I never summoned an Archer." Shinji muttered. Sheba just rolled her eyes.

"He can sense Archer's Saint Graph in the worm." She answered. "We don't actually have an Archer, one is just engraved inside Shinji." Astolfo just stared for a long moment, before pumping his fist.

"Got it. Didn't expect to meet another person like Sieg, but I can deal." He answered. "Don't worry, Master, uh… Caster?"

"Sheba." Sheba grumbled. "It's easier to not get mixed up."

"Any relation to the Queen of the middle east?"

"Not really."

"Pity." Astolfo just grinned. "Well, I suppose it's better to know then to always wonder. I've been there before."

Shinji knew he was going to have to ask for the details of that later. Sheba let out a short breath, making her way to the hold's door.

"I better go ask Jason what's going on." She muttered. "Before something blows up."

The way she spoke made it sound like that had happened before.

The deck did not look like it had when the Argo had taken off. The colours in the sea had drifted to a singular hue of orange. The stars in the sky had grown few. Sheba took one look, and groaned.

"Of course I'd be wrong. Time doesn't exist. Why would we follow a logical travel time?" She complained. "Jason, how rough is it?"

"Getting pretty bad." Came the man's reply. "I'm ready to breach the timeline. Think we're close enough?"

"Only one way to find out!" Sheba called back.

"Right, breaching time! Grab something guys!" Shinji was about to open his mouth and ask what, exactly, breaching meant, but Astolfo just giggled.

"Wow, it is pretty here." He declared, spinning in a circle. "So this is what the world looks like from outside time?"

"To normal eyes, yeah." Sheba mused. "I suppose it must look weird for you two. I can see it for what it is, but you can't."

"And what do you see?" Shinji asked. Sheba just smirked.

"Possibilities." She pointed at a singular spot of gold in the distance. "That is what we're aiming at, the resonance of a Holy Grail. That's where we'll find our singularity."

"Yes, the strongholds of the enemy." Shinji almost jumped at the voice. It was soft, almost kind and warm. He'd heard that one once before. "They say that by destroying the singularities and gathering the Holy Grails, we'll be able to pierce the stronghold of the one who incinerated the world."

"That would be right, Istari." Sheba nodded. Heine leaned against the mast absently, a green haired girl melting in beside him. "Archer. Where's Rider?"

"I asked him to stay below deck. He did not seem eager to watch the boat arrive. I suspect he might be motion sick, strange as that sounds." Heine's answer was gentle. "So this is Saber, I take it?"

"Astolfo of the Paladins!" Astolfo had introduced himself before either Sheba or Shinji could open their mouths. Heine just chuckled as Sheba's palm met her forehead.

"Right, you don't have working common sense." She grumbled. Even so, the huntress that was called Archer didn't seem too bothered.

"Atalanta, huntress of Artemis." She introduced in kind. Heine just raised an eyebrow. "Fair is fair, Master. Besides, he's more tolerable then the weed up there."

"Pipe down Atalanta! I'm steering!"

"Focus on your job, you spineless invertebrate!"

"I take offense to that! I have at least half a spine!"

"Yelling for Herakles to save you doesn't count!"

Shinji wasn't exactly sure where the tales of Atalanta and Jason intersected, but the two appeared to know each other quite well. There was very little venom in her words. Indeed, it sounded like she was shit talking an old friend.

Though where she'd gotten the apple she was currently munching on, Shinji had no clue.

"Should we call up the other Masters?" Shinji asked. Heine just shook his head.

"Enjoy the view and savor the moment, kid." He answered. "You might not see another like it."

"Besides, I doubt Jason's gotten better at docking his ship." Atalanta retorted. "You're probably safer up here." As if to prove her point, the Argo heaved, as it smashed nose first into something.

"Breaching the timeline! Tie yourselves down! Argonautica! Haul anchor!"

Shinji simply squealed in terror as reality around them seemed to smash, his body lifting from the deck as if it was lighter then air. It was like he'd been flung into the distance, yet something had seized him by the scruff of the neck at the last second, holding him in the air like a flag.

"Hmm. He's not very good. Even Medea's worst is better then that." Atalanta quipped. Sheba just shrugged.

"He'll work it out eventually."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then we'll start tying him to the mast."

"Oh, I can do that!" Astolfo declared. "I have some experience with ropes!"

"Kill me." Shinji was not at all enthused by the line of discussion at all.

The world around the Argo slowly melted into clouds, and the world came into view beneath them again. Shinji was far more glad to be deposited back on the deck, and not be dangled about like a flag.

Yet there was one, huge white ring he could see in the sky.

"Isn't that…"

"Ars Almadel Salomonis." Sheba confirmed. "The enemy's grand weapon. Don't worry, we won't have a repeat. It doesn't work in this time period."


"It's a wave of light powered by the destruction of human history. In order to wipe out the world in the modern day, it had to draw the power from elsewhere." Sheba answered softly. "So, we're safe. The enemy already used it. He won't try again. Not unless he's sure it'll hit."

"Like while we're in the middle of fighting?"

"Hah. Their reach is not so precise. Their vision has the same limitation mine does." Sheba retorted. "He can see the outcome a Singularity can lead to, but not what's in it."


"The murderer of man." Kayneth's voice cut in. "I see we are all assembled. Good." Behind him, his son and the Einzbern Master stood, Galahad standing just behind his Master. None of the other three Servants were visible, yet Shinji was sure they were watching, waiting. "Gentleman. Ladies. I need not tell you the time has come. This is the task Chaldea was made for. Recover the Holy Grail and seal the Singularity, and we will be one step closer to rescuing humanity." He nodded at Sheba. "Where have we arrived, if you will?"

"The year is 1867, year of the Lord in case you were curious, though not for much longer. The Holy Grail is within the Japanese capital of Kyoto." Sheba answered. "I'm sure some of you can guess, but this is a significant time."

"The Maeji Revolution." Shinji muttered.

"Speak up, boy." Kayneth's voice urged. Shinji just steeled himself.

"It's the Maeji Revolution. The end of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the revitalisation of Imperial Rule." He stated. Sheba nodded.

"Normally, yes."


"Well… take a look for yourself." She nodded towards the side of the boat. Shinji merely crawled forward, glancing over the side.

He saw a city of fire and smoke. Thick stacks of black reaching to the heavens.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Well, I suppose you might interpret this better then I do, but here goes." Sheba mused. "About three days ago, the Singularity began. Time becomes unknown and the Holy Grail arrives. Immediately before that, the coup of the capital began." She raised an eyebrow, as another form of a Servant, a strong man in holy vestments and bronze armour, strode onto the deck, almost attempting to hide a green hue on his face.

"I sensed demons. Are we under attack?"

"Stand down, Rider." Heine's voice cracked like a whip, and the Rider nodded.


"You could call them that. Monsters of imagination spewed out of a Holy Grail." Kayneth was somewhere between explaining and patronising. "They have more in common with curses that have taken a physical form then anything else. We have encountered this before."

"They set them on Kyoto?" Shinji asked. Sheba just nodded.

"It looks like it. The grail is somewhere in there." She motioned at the burning city below them. "The real question, is how do we go about even getting it."

"Two teams. Two Masters to a team." The Einzbern spoke up. "That is protocol. One team investigates the city, the other the outside areas. We meet up and share what we learn."

"Yes. That is a good start." Kayneth's son snarked. "Of course, it would be a waste of my Servants talents to keep Assassin with us. I will send him to investigate, father."

"That is your decision." Kayneth's answer was blunt. "If you believe it right. Masters. Teams. Who will pair with who?"

[ ] Pair with-
-[ ] Einzbern (Galahad and Caster).
-[ ] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).
-[ ] Idael Archibald (Berserker)

Assassin is not available during pairing up.

[ ] The ruined city of Kyoto. Lancer Diarmuid will assist.
[ ] The outer areas of Kyoto.
[X] Pair with-
-[X] Einzbern (Galahad and Caster).

why would we ever not be with Caster without us who'll force her to take her medication by threatening mutual self-destructive acts

[X] The ruined city of Kyoto. Lancer Diarmuid will assist.

I'm sure the fact that this gives us +1 Servant will only mean good things, and cause no problems. There will not be any risk of this being a more dangerous situation where that extra Servant is there to balance out running into two or three of Japan's greatest monsters.


Hmm. We didn't really talk with any of the other masters yet, so it's a shot in the dark as to who we'll get along with. With that in mind, Atalanta seems cool and knows Jason. The friend of a Bro is a potential Bro slash friend. I'll take it.

[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).

Now Heine has Archer, so they should cover the outskirts better. And it being his best class or not, Saber is still a good class and Astolfo is solid in it, I'd think. We'll take the city itself.

Ignore that, I was sleep mad.

[X] The outer areas of Kyoto.
Last edited:
Hmm. We didn't really talk with any of the other masters yet, so it's a shot in the dark as to who we'll get along with. With that in mind, Atalanta seems cool and knows Jason. The friend of a Bro is a potential Bro slash friend. I'll take it.

[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).

Now Heine has Archer, so they should cover the outskirts better. And it being his best class or not, Saber is still a good class and Astolfo is solid in it, I'd think. We'll take the city itself.

[X] The ruined city of Kyoto. Lancer Diarmuid will assist.
I have a hard time parsing this. You're saying Atalanta should cover the outskirts, but you're suggesting to go with them to the city center?

[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).
[X] The outer areas of Kyoto.
[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).

[X] The outer areas of Kyoto.
[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).
[X] The outer areas of Kyoto.
[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).
[X] The outer areas of Kyoto.

As much as the Lancer Diarmuid team-up tempts me, the seemingly more difficult run is making me wary.
[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).
[X] The ruined city of Kyoto. Lancer Diarmuid will assist.
[X] Pair with-
-[X] Einzbern (Galahad and Caster).
[X] The outer areas of Kyoto

Bravely forwards young hero
I have a hard time parsing this. You're saying Atalanta should cover the outskirts, but you're suggesting to go with them to the city center?
Now that I've slept, I realize what the vote actually meant. For some reason I was thinking that once the teams were picked, they split again to cover the city and outskirts. Inspite of there being a whole team to cover either one already. That's a derp.
[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).

[X] The outer areas of Kyoto
... Just in case this is actually confusing people. The two servants you bring to the mix are Sheba and Astolfo. The Caster the Einzbern master has is not Sheba.
"Why not Saber?" He asked. He could remember a whisper from a long time ago, 'whoever controlled Saber would probably win'. It was words that were meant for another at the time, but they stuck out in Shinji's memory.

Hah. This is FGO, where class is irrelevant and card composition is king. The old rules do not apply, it's all memeland now.

"Well, I suppose to answer that..." He mused. "I need to ask you a question in return. When you think of King Arthur, what is the weapon you think of first?"

"Excalibur." Sheba answered, rather matter of factually.

"Right. Goro Masamune?"

"Honjo Masamune." Shinji knew his history well enough to answer that.

"Right. Now… what do you think of when you hear Astolfo?"

"… I don't." Shinji admitted. Sheba pursed her lips briefly.

"Your lance." She answered. Astolfo clapped his hands together.

Man, I didn't now Astolfo had a self-immolation ability, because that's one hell of a self-burn.

"Who cares!" Astolfo seemed cheery regardless, slinging his arm around Shinji's neck. "It is what it is. Make do with what we've got and all. There's no reason to worry about it."

It's not like you're the only surviving members of humanity or anything. No pressure, just a bunch of sightseeing yeah?

"Got it. Didn't expect to meet another person like Sieg, but I can deal." He answered. "Don't worry, Master, uh… Caster?"

Oh boy that's a comparison I really needed.

"I asked him to stay below deck. He did not seem eager to watch the boat arrive. I suspect he might be motion sick, strange as that sounds." Heine's answer was gentle. "So this is Saber, I take it?"

HAH. Boatsick Rider.

"Atalanta, huntress of Artemis." She introduced in kind. Heine just raised an eyebrow. "Fair is fair, Master. Besides, he's more tolerable then the weed up there."

"Pipe down Atalanta! I'm steering!"

"Focus on your job, you spineless invertebrate!"

"I take offense to that! I have at least half a spine!"

"Yelling for Herakles to save you doesn't count!"

Shinji wasn't exactly sure where the tales of Atalanta and Jason intersected, but the two appeared to know each other quite well. There was very little venom in her words. Indeed, it sounded like she was shit talking an old friend.


(jk Atalanta has standards and also a vow of chastity)

"Hmm. He's not very good. Even Medea's worst is better then that." Atalanta quipped. Sheba just shrugged.

"He'll work it out eventually."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then we'll start tying him to the mast."

"Oh, I can do that!" Astolfo declared. "I have some experience with ropes!"

"Kill me." Shinji was not at all enthused by the line of discussion at all.

AND THEN THEY-ok you get the idea.

He saw a city of fire and smoke. Thick stacks of black reaching to the heavens.

....I'm sad because A) now we can't burn down the city, and B) someone started the party without us. Rude.


"You could call them that. Monsters of imagination spewed out of a Holy Grail." Kayneth was somewhere between explaining and patronising. "They have more in common with curses that have taken a physical form then anything else. We have encountered this before."

Oh look Grail Mud how wonderful let's try to encounter that never.

[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).
[X] The outer areas of Kyoto.
Book of Masters - Astolfo

    • True Name: Astolfo
      Class: Saber
      Gender: Male
      Height: 181cm
      Weight: 69kg
      Alignment: Chaotic Good
      Attribute: Earth
      Armament: Sword, Chainmail, Horn flute

    • Strength: B
      Constitution: B
      Agility: A
      Magical Power: B
      Luck: A+
      Noble Phantasm: C

    • Magic Resistance: B+
      An ability that grants resistance to the magic of others. At this rank, a spell of three verses or less is cancelled. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy or Great Rituals, it is unlikely the Servant will be affected. In the case of Astolfo, the resistance actually appears lower then the reality, due to the possession of a certain Noble Phantasm. Even so, he appears to have a degree of luck that negates magic at a chance, due to the affections of a certain witch. Of course, even if this were not the case, Astolfo would still boast high grade Magic Resistance befitting a Saber.

      Riding: B
      The ability to ride beasts and vehicles. As a matter of course, all beasts and vehicles can be ridden with great skill. However, only certain phantasmal species can be ridden. The root of this is his nature as a paladin, strongly associated with the idea of mounted combat. As a result, even riding things he has no right to is quite easy, coming as if breathing. However, it has also awakened a bit of a thrill seeker within him.

    • Monstrous Strength: C+
      A skill that grants its owner a temporary rank-up to the Strength parameter while it is active. Normally, it is the result of the blood of a demonic beast or monster. In the case of Astolfo, due to possessing an affinity for Dragonkind due to events of another time, it is actually quite easy for him to sustain for a long period. However, the rapid destruction and regeneration of his muscles as a result leads to rapid fatigue.

      Independent Action: B+
      The ability to remain independent even when rejecting the magical energy of one's Master, or even perhaps in a Master's absence. Technically speaking, the rank is unusual; so long as the Servant does not exert himself, it seems that something is maintaining his existence from outside the current observation of the world. However, the moment combat begins, this ability to remain manifested diminishes severely.

      Evaporation of Sanity: D+
      The disappearing reason that has been hidden upon the moon. It is a skill that makes the concept of secrets impossible. Often, Astolfo will mention true names and weaknesses, and indeed, other secrets without thought, as if bound by an extreme curse. However, in exchange for his lack of reason, his sixth sense is sharpened significantly. It is said that during a certain phase of the moon, his abilities receive a sharp increase due to finding his reason again.

    • Casseur de Logistille
      Destruction Declaration
      Type: Anti-Unit (Self)
      Rank: C

      A thick leather book given to Astolfo by the witch, Logistilla, after a charming encounter. It is the recording of every means necessary to shatter magecraft, granting the owner the ability to passively destroy any magecraft of A-rank or less. Even though Astolfo's Magic Resistance is normally of a high B rank, it is elevated by the possession of this book, effectively rendering him invincible to the mages of modernity.

      By reciting the true name, all magecraft in the vicinity becomes 'that which will be shattered'. Though it is questionable if the magecraft of a certain desert enchantress can be broken in this fashion, it is otherwise considered the supreme anti-magic attack. However, due to a curious situation regarding the reason of Astolfo, it's True Name can only be found in the reason he accidentally left on the moon.

      At a certain time, under a certain moon, this Noble Phantasm gains another effect, but that effect is not recorded here.

    • La Black Luna
      Magic Flute that Calls Panic
      Type: Anti-Army
      Rank: C

      A hunting horn granted to Astolfo by the witch, Logistilla, after a charming encounter. It's original purpose was to annihilate a flock of harpies. The reality is, of all the equipment he possesses as Saber, it is all he possesses that is suited for army battles.

      The sound it emits is close to the screech of a certain kind of divine beast, a sonic attack that slams into all nearby creatures with the force of an explosion. It is a weapon of mass destruction, but its normal state is that of a small horn, and it only transforms to be blown.

      If the damage caused by this Noble Phantasm would cause a target to expire, they are instead rendered as dust, and all hearing is rendered in chaos. Because it is both a weapon of mass destruction and a weapon of sowing chaos, it is extremely valuable in the battles of armies, however, against a Servant its effectiveness is less then average.

Book of Masters - Annotations of Sheba

    • True Name: ???
      Class: Caster
      Gender: Female
      Height: 152cm
      Weight: 51kg
      Alignment: Lawful Good
      Attribute: Earth
      Armament: A ring

      Note: She calls herself Sheba. Comments of others revealed this is a name she gave herself.

    • Strength: E
      Constitution: E
      Agility: B
      Magical Power: A+
      Luck: B
      Noble Phantasm: ???

    • Territory Creation: -
      Due to the lack of possession of a certain Noble Phantasm, this skill has been lost. It is representative of a true lack of talent that was not altered during the process of becoming a Servant.

      Item Creation: C
      The ability to create magical items and trinkets. Nominally, the skill is only average, although on occasion she displays abilities quite a bit beyond her normal talents. These strange bursts of talent, however, cannot be attributed to this skill.

    • Clairvoyance: EX
      The possession of sight beyond sight. The ability to glance into the past and future without much restraint. Because the scope of the ability is rendered only in the scope of what she views, it is not an ability of all knowing. The skill is not dissimilar to a certain King of Magic, but the differences are notable enough to raise the question of if it is the same kind of eye.

      High Speed Divine Words: C
      Possession of the ability to rapidly incant spells using abilities dating back to the Age of Gods. Due to circumstances, it appears to have been adopted into the invocation of multiple magical foundations. Utilising this skill, it is possible to activate High-Thaumaturgy far faster then a modern magus, in only a few verses.

      ???: ?

      ???: ?

    • ???
      Type: ???
      Rank: ???

      An unknown Noble Phantasm. Until it has been revealed by it's true name, it cannot be discerned.

That singular ring, EX Clairvoyance , lack of TC due to lacking a NP and false name of Sheba are awfully suspicious. I suspect Romani's a red herring here, but I'm also not entirely confident on the situation being that similar to canon.
That singular ring, EX Clairvoyance , lack of TC due to lacking a NP and false name of Sheba are awfully suspicious. I suspect Romani's a red herring here, but I'm also not entirely confident on the situation being that similar to canon.
Watch it either be Human King Goetia, one of the 72 Pillars, or Solomon's actual wife :V

[X] Pair with-
-[X] Heine Istari (Atalanta and Saint George).
[X] The outer areas of Kyoto.