[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

Statistically speaking, we're probably going to run into a new potential husband along the way, so let's go for it.
Picking this because it's more obviously cooperative, which means more conversation, and yeah I want to mention the map to get rolling on touring the other spots. Actually, @ZerbanDaGreat would it be valid to add that in as a write-in sub-vote?
Calm yourself, my child. The map, its remaining treasure spots and the pursuit thereof will be addressed by the story in a mandatory fashion.
[X] Go into Söfnun as mortals and have dinner together. There's a much wider variety of cuisine on display and thus a much greater chance of Jun-ho liking whatever it is you settle on - but it might come off more romantic and you don't know how you'll handle that. Probably badly.

I still want to show Söfnun to Jun-ho. It's...well, it's Eldingar's town/city in a sense.
I like the names but I'm not gonna lie...I can't see the incubus as a bara or daddy option. Maybe it's the lack of facial hair or the long ponytail but he just doesn't scream middle aged or daddy to me, still too pretty.

So I'm changing him in my head as the bara/daddy option to simply gymrat.

I like the sass of dragon husbando. It's gonna bring him a long way .
[X] Go into Söfnun as mortals and have dinner together. There's a much wider variety of cuisine on display and thus a much greater chance of Jun-ho liking whatever it is you settle on - but it might come off more romantic and you don't know how you'll handle that. Probably badly.

This is going to be hilarious considering how they mortals in Söfnun may react. But I feel this is important, it gives us the opportunity to warn our people someone might be making a move against us (Hi, Mom), and also shows Mom, who lives there, that we are actually trying and we do need our credit line so please don't ruin it.

Also about the Ifrit, I found this line very interesting

The ifrit slowly arches one eyebrow, staring down at you with a silent look of 'oh, worm?' "Freeloader, am I? And... who was it, pray tell, that saved your life from your horrid mother by finding all that wine? That wine you've been busy scoffing like water?"

He's a traditional Ifrit--he doesn't magic stuff into being, he has to actually get it.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

ok I want to mention that while I would love the romantic option, I just can't see the MC being ready for that one.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[x] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

ok I want to mention that while I would love the romantic option, I just can't see the MC being ready for that one.

any option can be romantic if you're tryhard enough.

or if you're inept enough.

Eldingar might be both.
[X] Go into Söfnun as mortals and have dinner together. There's a much wider variety of cuisine on display and thus a much greater chance of Jun-ho liking whatever it is you settle on - but it might come off more romantic and you don't know how you'll handle that. Probably badly.

Not being ready just makes it b-e-t-t-e-r
[x] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
I feel like this quest exists so that I can meow at people over the Internet.

A quest that I'm actually hanging off of, hoping that it updates and frantically clicking when it has. I thought that'd never happen again.
Ha Ha Ha! I have found the ultimate method of ensuring Jun-ho options win! Which is to not vote for then since I am apparently cursed.

100% success rate so far!
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[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Go into Söfnun as mortals and have dinner together. There's a much wider variety of cuisine on display and thus a much greater chance of Jun-ho liking whatever it is you settle on - but it might come off more romantic and you don't know how you'll handle that. Probably badly.

I've really, really enjoy how we interact with mortals. More of that please.
Alright @ZerbanDaGreat, please don't bullshit me. Are you actually doing this, or is this a spur-of-the-moment thing that you'll abandon once the shine rubs off? 'Cause this kind of thing is legitimately something I have wanted to play for years, so if you want this to last I will treasure it forever and spur you on every step of the way, but if this is liable to burn out in less than 30 pages like Lamplighters or Deus Ex: Sixth World, please tell me now so I don't get my hopes up.
Page 34 can't stop won't stop fucker how you like it
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.