[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering splendid.
A brief silence falls. Lightning flashes far off in the distance, a brilliant white bolt striking the sea far below in a flash of burnt water and smoke. You're craving a recharge but the storm's too far out for now. You can wait.
I don't know if Jun-ho knows the full details of how Eldingar eats lightning, so could be a chance for a mildly horrifying bit where we pretend to fall into the sea.

[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
The water around our home is too cold for comfort?

[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

Better find a hot merman to heat it up!
Sofnun has disaster flags all over the place and cattle sounds boring.

[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

...That said Eldingar is a flying bugzapper so I'm having visions of them going out there to hunt sealife, expecting teamwork and effort, then El just zaps the ocean and all the fish just flop dead out the waves anticlimactically.

Hoooopefully he doesn't do that.
Ok. Catching up, and the Ifrit (haven't gotten his name yet) made me...*ahem*...question things.

Felt like the mental equivalent of a round about 'cause I spent roughly ten minutes going in circles only to end up where I started.

So yeah, this is gonna be a good read.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

Unlike the other 2 or 3, he's actually our guest (albeit a guest shoved onto us by Mother Dearest, but one we accepted nevertheless). We should make him feel welcome and do something he'll enjoy. Hell, at this rate we'll also end up picking up a merman or aquatic elf. Or an inexplicably sexy sahuagin.

Also, good on Jun-ho for socializing with the others for us. I'm beginning to root for him.
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[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

Unlike the other 2 or 3, he's actually our guest (albeit a guest shoved onto us by Mother Dearest, but one we accepted nevertheless). We should make him feel welcome and do something he'll enjoy. Hell, at this rate we'll also end up picking up a merman or aquatic elf. Or an inexplicably sexy sahuagin.

Also, good on Jun-ho for socializing with the others for us. I'm beginning to root for him.

Or we could end up meeting a sea serpent torn between thoughts of "Dragons taste good" and "Dragons are sexy".

This quest called to me first with gay dragon of handsomeness. Then it made me stay with an eastern dragon. I'd buy this if it where a graphic novel or watch if it was an anime.

Also, it seems that eastern dragons in our world can end up poisoned by Iron and are afraid that metal, and also scared of centipedes as those bugs will try to crawl in to their heads, through the nose or ears, and eat their brains. I hope these things are not true for this world, but if so, we might want to get him an animal that would eat centipedes.

Edit: Though I imagine other funny meetings we will have.
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[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

give me sexy elder gods or GIVE ME DEATH
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

Unable to perceive the shape of you, I find you all around me.
give me sexy elder gods or GIVE ME DEATH
If people think Belial is bara wait until we meet eleven dimensional size king M'as Ybrach. :V
Also, it seems that eastern dragons in our world can end up poisoned by Iron and are afraid that metal, and also scared of centipedes as those bugs will try to crawl in to their heads, through the nose or ears, and eat their brains. I hope these things are not true for this world, but if so, we might want to get him an animal that would eat centipedes.

Better yet, cute ear muffs and eye masks! He can sleep comfortably and undisturbed as the rest of the harem tries to slip into Eldingar's bed and fight over him.
[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.
Also, it seems that eastern dragons in our world can end up poisoned by Iron and are afraid that metal, and also scared of centipedes as those bugs will try to crawl in to their heads, through the nose or ears, and eat their brains. I hope these things are not true for this world, but if so, we might want to get him an animal that would eat centipedes.
Oh, no. Oh no. I'm reminded of many things. Guys, we have to get our new friend a pet.

[X] Fly out across the ocean and go looking for some seafood. You and Jun-ho working together you could probably get something nice and big to share or something. And hey, he apparently likes the water anyway.

Yelling tomodaaaaa into the distance
I'm a little upset that we didn't get to learn Makram's name from the source and I channeled that into making this.
Then I felt a little bad for leaving the others out and did this.
His name is nice, though, for real Zerban. Looked into it a little, and apparently it means "generous" or "noble" in Arabic? Belial's name feels weird for an incubus though. I've got connotations from In Nomine and Devil Survivor that tell me that I should be expecting a hot shot fire demon from that name, not a sex dream demon.

Either way, I'm excited for the next chapter, whatever may come.
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I'm a little upset that we didn't get to learn Makram's name from the source and I channeled that into making this.
Then I felt a little bad for leaving the others out and did this.

I don't know which I love more, Makram being as butthurt as physically possible or the only hotdog that should never be for eating.

His name is nice, though, for real Zerban. Looked into it a little, and apparently it means "generous" or "noble" in Arabic? Belial's name feels weird for an incubus though. I've got connotations from In Nomine and Devil Survivor that tell me that I should be expecting a hot shot fire demon from that name, not a sex dream demon.
The name comes from the Hebrew adjective meaning 'worthless', which may alternatively be translated as 'never to rise'. In at least one text his 'nets' are given as 'fornication, wealth, and the pollution of sanctuary'.
Well if appears we're off to find some seafood.

If there aren't any giant clams around for Eldingar to pointedly spurn, I don't even know Zerban anymore.