[ ] Essence Diagram Research - Time to remove Tyranshal's Extirpation (after carefully archiving its formulae) and develop a Grand Diagram of Essence that's actually useful against either Zang Kong or the Heroine!
This is an option with a lot of potential Oomph, and something that has been considered heavily in the past as a powerful path to follow. That being said, Rihaku has already that we would not save a True slot for it, so I feel like it is a case of either take it with Persuit of Truth and hope for True Incarnation being discovered just before creating out new Diagram, or not taking it at all. Would probably be more tempting with extra BP spare to upgrade the diagram. Would have positive feedback with Veil due to intellectual stimulation, though lesser than future choices as half the time is removing an old diagram.
[ ] Pursuit of the Truth (with Suizhen) - Suizhen has further developed her eyes to help Nameless discover the other Truth Diagrams. Has a fairly good chance of resulting in successful acquisition of True Incarnation or Azure Flare.
I consider this an utter necessity. I only want True Incarnation however. Not only would it allow us to get at least one extra true spell (and we know exactly how amazing they are) but give us a bunch of other options. With the Veil up, discovering breakthroughs in Truth will help set up beneficial positive reinforcement, and we know that Nameless loves diagram research as well. I feel like this would help improve our character.
[ ] Extra Diligent - Work exceptionally hard to master Necromancy, causing the lich to work somewhat harder as well. Results unpredictable but potentially massive.
I actually consider this the True Path towards removing spoiled. As opposed to the near certainty of Aurelia removing our trait, we instead develop our own resolve. Internal change and motivation rather than external is vastly better, even if slower. As well as that, we are working diligently on pure intellectual tasks, once again getting synergy from Veil. Further, our Extrusion would also be working harder throughout the entire time skip. I very much doubt we are going to get Incarnation even with this, but it is a possibility and it is certainly the path forwards to get it.
[ ] Strategic Complexion (with Xiaoling, Yong Shen) - The Empire seems to be experiencing a bout of instability. Yong Shen hasn't acted, but why? Perhaps it would be wise to pay grandpa a visit; and, if necessary, forcibly smooth out the ripples that have disturbed the previously tranquil pond of the Labyrinth.
Even though this offers the least benefit to us, it offers the most to our overall goals. Stability of the Empire for example is our technical goal. Xiaoling has also been somewhat neglected of late with her choices recently, such as us skipping her actual loyalty event. This may also let us see Yong Shen's point of view, and is a good chance to both stabilize the Empire and learn more information. I could very easily be tempted to take this over any option but Truth.
[ ] I'll Face Myself (with Aurelia) - It is touching that Aurelia does not wish to unduly influence Nameless with her supernaturally persuasive presence, but this is simply a case of "the mind is willing but the spirit is weak." Request Aurelia go all-out (within the bounds of her ethics) to convince Nameless not to be Spoiled anymore. High chance of removing Spoiled, which may alter your Emanation and will seriously change the Extrusion's personality. But as she herself asked, is it worth removing a defining feature of oneself for mere power? When you've come this far, isn't this precisely the type of choice that power should liberate you to discard?
My first reaction was to take this instantly. It is afterall, what i voted so hard for in the previous update. However, with the option of Extra Diligent and Pursuit of the Truth to work on instead, I would rather not take this. Change through external means is not as good as Internal. Further, this is mostly the brute force removal of a negative trait leaving nothing to balance Vengeful, as opposed to us developing an increasing interest in research and working diligently. Because of that I would rather skip this option in favour of Extra Diligent.
In short, going to go with
[X] Pursuit of the Truth
[X] Extra Diligent
[X] Open the Way
[X] Palimpsest - Form of Balance [1 Beyond Point]