Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

that's agreeable, plus not to mention we don't have the resources now that the moblins are coming down on us, maybe in a few years if we find a gold mine or other gems...maybe even some other resource we can use/export!

otherwise we should stick to getting things done...hmmm...

I just had a thought guys, once we get this invasion over with and the temples set up...

why don't we found a adventurer's guild? put in rewards for information and deeds of service and such? It will help with local monster problems and would promote hero units in coming times! not to mention said adventurers could be helpful in terms of fighting and defeating groups and bands of moblins in the near future or to go around as a sort of spy network!

so many possibilities, also we should make a merchant guild (and by association a guild to insure corruption doesn't happen in our lands, like administrative or just plain evil!)
I will allow write-in actions on regular turns if you PM me about them, give me a rough idea of what you want and what you think it should do. However you have to PM BEFORE THE TURN STARTS! I don't want to have to constantly edit while the moratorium is going on.

EDIT: also CAN SOMEONE PLEASE START VOTING! I want to have the vote done before tonight so I can begin work on part 2. I want to have it out by tomorrow afternoon AT THE LATEST! but I can't if no one votes. :(
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[X] Plan Friendship
-[x] sign a friendship pact between our kingdoms
-[x] promise for both kingdoms to pass Intel on moblins between each other
-[x] look into ways for safe trade routes
-[x] mention that right now we have a lot of wood in use but should have enough freed up for trade in a few years

Okay one thing I noticed is the main trade route would pass through moblin controlled territory for the time being which works well for us as we don't have the wood free thanks to current projects and sending wood to the Twili. One thing we may want to do is scout out the forest to see if we can't expand our logging operations.
[X] Plan Friendship
-[x] sign a friendship pact between our kingdoms
-[x] promise for both kingdoms to pass Intel on moblins between each other
-[x] look into ways for safe trade routes
-[x] mention that right now we have a lot of wood in use but should have enough freed up for trade in a few years

this works and the reasoning is sound.
thank you guys for voting, I need 6 more votes or 5 more hours before I close the vote.

every vote I get lowers the time the vote stays open slightly.
[X] Plan: Submit or Die
-[X] The Western Kingdom will be annexed
-[X] The King of the Western Kingdom will abdicate in favor of Link
-[X] The Subjects of the Western Kingdom will be integrated into our kingdom as a whole
-[X] 25 Noble Children will be given to Overlord Link as Hostages to assure compliance of the Nobles
-[X] The Army of the Western Kingdom will submit and use only defensive action until given direction and Leadership
-[X] The Western Kingdom has the time-equivalent of 1 Turn to comply in favor of these demands or see itself at War
[X] Plan Friendship
-[x] sign a friendship pact between our kingdoms
-[x] promise for both kingdoms to pass Intel on moblins between each other
-[x] look into ways for safe trade routes
-[x] mention that right now we have a lot of wood in use but should have enough freed up for trade in a few years
[X] Plan: Submit or Die
-[X] The Western Kingdom will be annexed
-[X] The King of the Western Kingdom will abdicate in favor of Link
-[X] The Subjects of the Western Kingdom will be integrated into our kingdom as a whole
-[X] 25 Noble Children will be given to Overlord Link as Hostages to assure compliance of the Nobles
-[X] The Army of the Western Kingdom will submit and use only defensive action until given direction and Leadership
-[X] The Western Kingdom has the time-equivalent of 1 Turn to comply in favor of these demands or see itself at War

One of these things is not like the others~
alright VOTE CLOSED! Plan Friendship wins!

I will do my best to get the update out sometime tomorrow.
Adhoc vote count started by san on May 4, 2018 at 5:43 PM, finished with 1038 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Friendship
    -[x] sign a friendship pact between our kingdoms
    -[x] promise for both kingdoms to pass Intel on moblins between each other
    -[x] look into ways for safe trade routes
    -[x] mention that right now we have a lot of wood in use but should have enough freed up for trade in a few years
    [X] Plan: Submit or Die
    -[X] The Western Kingdom will be annexed
    -[X] The King of the Western Kingdom will abdicate in favor of Link
    -[X] The Subjects of the Western Kingdom will be integrated into our kingdom as a whole
    -[X] 25 Noble Children will be given to Overlord Link as Hostages to assure compliance of the Nobles
    -[X] The Army of the Western Kingdom will submit and use only defensive action until given direction and Leadership
    -[X] The Western Kingdom has the time-equivalent of 1 Turn to comply in favor of these demands or see itself at War
[X] Plan: Submit or Die
-[X] The Western Kingdom will be annexed
-[X] The King of the Western Kingdom will abdicate in favor of Link
-[X] The Subjects of the Western Kingdom will be integrated into our kingdom as a whole
-[X] 25 Noble Children will be given to Overlord Link as Hostages to assure compliance of the Nobles
-[X] The Army of the Western Kingdom will submit and use only defensive action until given direction and Leadership
-[X] The Western Kingdom has the time-equivalent of 1 Turn to comply in favor of these demands or see itself at War
I want you to know that if it weren't for the Moblins i would be totally down for this declaration of war, you got to start somewhere after all and i still very much want to take everyone else over.
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I want you to know that if it weren't for the Moblins i would be totally down for this declaration of war, you got to start somewhere after all and i still very much want to take everyone else over.
Lol still planning world domination even when we're busy getting ready to get swarmed by moblins. You my friend have your priorities straight.
ok everyone I am sad to say there is no chance of my update coming out tonight and probs not tomorrow either. I am sorry for the delay but things have come up IRL (mostly a lack of sleep from my grandparents dog which I am taking care of while they are on Vacation kicking me while I am trying to sleep)

plus this miniturn part is MUCH harder to write than I thought it would be.... mostly because I have made the western kingdom FAR more important long term than I had originally intended.

I am plugging away at it whenever I find the chance but I have already had to restart it once and may have to do so a couple more times. So it may take me as long as a week to complete though I hope to have it out before that.
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ARC 1: Diplo Miniturn: West kingdom part 2
27 on authority roll = he has little respect for Bo's authority while Bo has an insane amount of respect for his.
131 = he considers Bo to be delightfully rustic and a very likable minion of Links.
98 = Bo considers him to be a good person and to have a very likable personality in spite of his obvious noble personality quirks.

Mayor Bo and his guards were escorted past the wall the western kingdom set up to stop the Moblins and through the rest of the kingdom town by town towards its capital by General Nilkast Contra and his troops. As they finally reached the capital Mayor Bo looked up and saw the Castle, no PALACE of the king. It rested on the side of a mountain that was partially leveled to support it and it was a glorious thing that was also obviously very defensible. While most of it was open and on top of the mountains side, part of it was obviously also built into the mountain as well. To get up to it there was both a staircase, a few lever and pulley systems that lifted up a cage of people, and some kind magical device that used wind to teleport people from the description given to Bo.

As General Contra led Bo and his entourage forward towards the foot of the mountain, he began talking to Bo.

"We will be going up using the teleporters. However your guards as well as my troops will need to use the elevators, that is the cages hauled up using rope and pulleys, to get up as the teleporters take a fair bit of magic to use and need some time to recharge between uses." General Contra explained. "Plus they can only teleport a few people at a time. They are less there for regular usage and more for Vips such as diplomats from other nations, like yourself. High ranking officials/nobles either in court or in the military, like me. Or on the rare cases that the King gets a break from his paperwork and running the kingdom, He will use them himself."

"I see, well I thank you for the honor then." Diplomat Bo stated with a smile. "Hopefully my meeting with your king goes well, if only so I can come back here and see such a marvel of a palace again. I have never seen such a work of art of such a massive scale before!"

Bo looked up as they got closer gazing once more on the magnificence of the Palace before them. Looking again upon the golden spires towering in the skies. The many artworks made of stained glass apparently reinforced with magic. The way it was built so that a large part of it was inside of the mountain itself. How high up it was with so few ways up to attack it. The grand staircase lined with magical flames of varying colors leading all the way to the front entrance. The silver inlay with embedded whitish jewels along the walls. The way the mountain river was channeled through aqueducts to flow over various parts of the palace and designed to even flow through it and provide fresh water while causing a fine mist and rainbows to spring up at different points along the walls. Truly the palace was a majestic work of art as well as a nigh-impregnable fort that simply had no equal in the world.

Finally the duo reached and entered the teleporter whereupon Bo felt a weird feeling throughout his body as if it was twirling all around at unbelievable speeds before finally settling at their destination a teleporter room located in one of the smaller palace towers with a bit of a walk ahead of them before they would reach the throne room. Forcibly ignoring the mildly queasy feeling in his stomach Bo followed right behind General Nilkast Contra to the throne room where he would be meeting the king.

As they entered the Throne room Bo was stunned once again by the sheer wealth and art on display. The entire room was lit via large windows designed to capture as much light as possible, as well as dozens of chandeliers which were lit with the many colored magical flames rather than regular candles. All of this light was reflected off of all the gold lining and plating spread over the white walls and pillars spread throughout the room giving the entire throne room a majesty incomparable with any other room Bo had ever seen. All of this outlined a clear path where the lights did not reflect to showing Bo a way forward that forced him to feel inadequate compared to those around him.

As he approached the king himself he saw that he was grey skinned but his golden bejeweled hat-crown rested upon his head capturing the light perfectly, and he was outlined with all the colors of a rainbow and he himself was lit up with golden light as if to suggest he was sent by the goddesses themselves to grace Hyrule with his presence.

"My general tells me you are here to treat with me on behalf of the king of Ordanna." King Micori stated after Bo had finished his bow. "Who has the kind of authority needed to unite that province anyway? From what I heard the nobles were incredibly divisive and you had the most authority among the common people, so it must have been an outside source. What does he desire of me anyway, some of the wealth and power of my kingdom I assume?"

"Your grace, my king is Link Ordanna the Hero of Twilight who purged our realm of invaders before being defeated by the demon Ganon. He sent me here to negotiate a political alliance as both of our nations would be viewed with obvious derision by the Hyrule family and any of its allies. He also sent me to offer our current intelligence on the movements of the moblins in exchange for anything you are capable of offering in return on the Blin tribes. Finally, we offer trade between our nations as long as you are willing to help patrol and create a route between us, and the possibility of trading you some of lumber we are harvesting from Faron woods in exchange for equivalent goods of your own that we may need. However that will have to wait a year or so as we are currently using most of it ourselves in a few building projects with the rest being traded to our newest ally."

"The Hero himself is your king! ...I see... The political alliance is acceptable. Especially with such a well known and respected figure as your king. However I would prefer to expand upon the intelligence on the Blin tribes to a full military alliance against the Blin." King Micori stated with surprise coloring his voice. "The trade would also be acceptable and my own troops can cover the route for this year, though next your troops will need to help with that. Finally we will be able to trade plenty of metal, stone or rupees in exchange for any wood you offer though we will expect the trade to happen in two years time at the most. Are these terms acceptable?"


[] Take new deal: full military and political alliance, trade route established with a commitment of having a substantial number of your troops patrolling it next turn, (minimum 500) and finally you will be trading wood for other resources within 2 turns (minimum 500 wood) for a number of other resources (600 metal, 700 marble, or 1500 rupees for 500 wood.)

[] Keep old deal: full political alliance, agreement to share information on the blin tribes, trade route established with a need to send troops next year to patrol the route (minimum 500 troops), and a vague possibility of trading wood to them in the future though no expectation of it, plus your wood will be worth less than other deal.

[] write in combination of previous options of your own choice. (if you do not keep enough of them relations have a chance of taking a hit.)

[] Back off entirely from the deal. Relations between the two nations will take a MASSIVE blow and will likely eventually lead to war.

Miniturn part 2 ends here!

there you guys go sorry for the delay but this was VERY hard to write and I was very busy this past week.

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[] Take new deal: full military and political alliance, trade route established with a commitment of having a substantial number of your troops patrolling it next turn, (minimum 500) and finally you will be trading wood for other resources within 2 turns (minimum 500 wood) for a number of other resources (600 metal, 700 marble, or 1500 rupees for 500 wood.)

this is better then what we saw before, plus this opens a new front for the Blin to have to fight, of course we would have to share eventually, but if we can slowly creep in strength to the point where we can vassalize or even better yet unite the two kingdoms from marriage (link and midna's kid with this kings kid, possibly) that would unite the two kingdoms into one. a good possibility, which also means we get a awesome castle, but also keep our other city (which we can use as a province capital)
fk I forgot one thing give me a minute and then refresh your the page, I have a couple of picture to add to showcase the descriptions a bit, neither are even CLOSE to accurate but they are the best out of several hundred google search images for each...

EDIT: and done :D enjoy the pictures, and remember the actual castle surpasses every work of art ever made by people in real life, and every fantasy castle ever in magnificence and size.
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[] Take new deal: full military and political alliance, trade route established with a commitment of having a substantial number of your troops patrolling it next turn, (minimum 500) and finally you will be trading wood for other resources within 2 turns (minimum 500 wood) for a number of other resources (600 metal, 700 marble, or 1500 rupees for 500 wood.)

Sure, this is fine. It's not really anything we couldn't have seen coming, Besides where going to need the back up when everything gores to shit anyway and having a tech allies to back up our magic seems smart.
[] Back off entirely from the deal. Relations between the two nations will take a MASSIVE blow and will likely eventually lead to war.

you truly live up to your name, if anything you seem like the type that wants to watch the thread burn in madness and despair.

prepare yourself chaos scum, for we shall defeat you whole-sale with sane and benevolent idealology!!! (and conquering the world so it doesn't burn from your madness!)
If we are still alive after the moblin-campaign, there is no reason to not annex this kingdom in a benevolent dictatorship to secure the area. It increases our ressource-output and, if done correctly, can be done with the consent of the army in order to unite the kingdoms against the moblins.
I love how everyone is thinking to annex this kingdom currently... its really making me go like this:

just loving what is going to come :evil:
let me guess, this guy is going to scout us out and try to attack us while were blindsided?

I'm betting he's going to be demanding shit from us soon enough, or try to vassalize us.

time to get the military up as much as possible!!!