Occasionally insightful, possibly grumpy
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People really need to be more thrifty with their XP purchases. With Aisha out, it would behoove us to start hoarding for our next Alchemical.
That is not how it works.Just because we can semi-constantly go into XP debt doesn't mean it's a good idea, mind. Chasing after unnecessary Ability purchases
And if nothing ever shows up, you have wasted multiple updates playing packrat.Chasing after unnecessary Ability purchases now could very well come back to bite us when something important shows up, and oops, can't get it because we're in XP debt.
Our next Alchemical vote is (probably) Orichalcum. The candidates are:People really need to be more thrifty with their XP purchases. With Aisha out, it would behoove us to start hoarding for our next Alchemical.
I'm waiting for the next Assembly member and/or us finally getting the opportunity to fix our overlocked frame issue and getting IAT back (will probably have to dump the 2nd Perception Aug to make room though).Banking XP when you have a goal in mind, like a certain charm or talent that requires you to save for it, is sensible.
Banking XP on a 'maybe something better will come along' when you don't even know what you're waiting for or how much it will cost, is foolish.
I'm waiting for the next Assembly member and/or us finally getting the opportunity to fix our overlocked frame issue and getting IAT back (will probably have to dump the 2nd Perception Aug to make room though).
Yes I am. Because chargen, even if the next candidate doesn't need much in the way of Abilities/Attributes, will still spend multiple dozens of XP on Charms, slots, and Backgrounds. I see no issue with saving some XP here and there in light of that. More worthwhile than questionable things like a specialty dot that's not going to measurably improve our Crafting capabilities, imo.
These stats suggest to me that Aisha is going to be very popular with the public (especially with a younger demographic), but rather less so with those who will have to live with her.AISHA'S ATTRIBUTES:
Dexterity ●●●●●
Appearance ●●●●●
Wits ●●●●●
Strength ●●●○○
Manipulation ●○○○○
Perception ●●●○○
Stamina ●●●○○
Charisma ●●●●○
Intelligence ●●○○○
Our remaining Exalt candidates have enough life experience that they will show up with a large amount of XP in their own right, as well as whatever we choose to contribute at that time. And XP debt remains a fallback option anyway.Yes I am. Because chargen, even if the next candidate doesn't need much in the way of Abilities/Attributes, will still spend multiple dozens of XP on Charms, slots, and Backgrounds. I see no issue with saving some XP here and there in light of that. More worthwhile than questionable things like a specialty dot that's not going to measurably improve our Crafting capabilities, imo.
The GM has explicitly stated that there are non-mechanical benefits to Specialty dots.More worthwhile than questionable things like a specialty dot that's not going to measurably improve our Crafting capabilities, imo.
If such a Martial Arts existed, it would rely upon Stealth and Larceny rolls in order to allow the user to cover their actions. If Saki has used this martial art before, she must have gotten some really good rolls to not be noticed, and that's something you don't want to rely on in critical situations. Further, a reminder that Specialties have a general "passive" effect on our characters that make them more likely to behave, be seen, or work in that manner.
If she doesn't like you, maybe.These stats suggest to me that Aisha is going to be very popular with the public (especially with a younger demographic), but rather less so with those who will have to live with her.
She'd probably be really good at dancing and parkour.
Yes it did. Or am I imagining that we spent a very large amount of Assembly XP for each of Aisha's and the Twins' chargens?Most of the XP for Aisha didn't come from any special store of saved XP either
Differing priorities then, I suppose.Having Taylor be better at drones rolls over in a passive manner to all her operations involving drones.
Having Saki look harmless rolls over to every time she has to negotiate with paranoid people who are suspicious of law enforcement or capes. And so on.
It's not just about min-maxing numbers, much as I enjoy doing that.
Yes I am. Because chargen, even if the next candidate doesn't need much in the way of Abilities/Attributes, will still spend multiple dozens of XP on Charms, slots, and Backgrounds. I see no issue with saving some XP here and there in light of that. More worthwhile than questionable things like a specialty dot that's not going to measurably improve our Crafting capabilities, imo.
Didn't chargen work somewhat differently way back then though? It's been several years so I don't fully remember.remember Marrow's exaltation? you advocated not spending any exp on her because her converted exp covered everything.
this is relevant because 5 out of our 6 candidates should have similar or greater amounts of personal experience to draw upon during exaltation, and the 6th while less than the other five has more than 4 of our exalts had at the time of their exaltation.
in the end we bought 16 points of Stealth and 4 points of Linguistics, no charms
They were beneficiaries of write-in XP. A LOT of write-in XP.Yes it did. Or am I imagining that we spent a very large amount of Assembly XP for each of Aisha's and the Twins' chargens?
chargen's basically the same, if anything it was harsher when Marrow was exalted( no bonus familiars, no PLMs fully stocked with a mastered MA style, or 25 dots of Artifacts).Didn't chargen work somewhat differently way back then though? It's been several years so I don't fully remember.
Old Realm is very linguistically dense, moreso than English or normal human languages. It is inherently magical, having been borne of the Primordials and their component spirits, which is why even Dragon's translator fumbles it. As a result, meatrobot!Ciara had difficulty communicating exactly which meaning for the words she was saying, but soulgemmed!Ciara will have much less difficulty in her lessons when she wakes up despite nothing else changing. Related: Ciara is a smart cookie, but she only managed to (partially, ~60% of the way there) learn a new, alien language in ~4 days due to Lord Grasp's non-stop tutelage and Saki's repeated experimentation with Happy Fun Spike - not a set of circumstances easily repeated with others.Rereading the chapter, and I have a question.
Why does Ciara say synonyms for words? Is it because one word has more than one meaning/intent/inflection? Or is she actually saying more than 1 word in sequences (way to practice the words/vocab?)
Clarification: the Assembly XP pool earns .5 XP per active Alchemical at the end of a Chapter. As a result, since Aisha just managed to squeak in at the end of 10.2, the Assembly earned 2 XP for Chapter 10.2.At the moment, each Alchemical earns 1XP per full update, and Assembly XP generates 2.5XP per full update.
We have 31 XP in total in the pool at the moment, and will add more between now and Tuesday.
Taylor: Omnitool ImplantYou mentioned once that all of our Exalts have a signature charm (outside of their shard charm). I remember that Taylor's is her Omnitool Implant, but what are the others'?
As noted in the chapter, Ned has currently been engaged with Ash Beast already for two days straight. Ned's having a ball, since Ash Beast is still able to harm him even after all this time, but mostly because he isn't able to keep within Ash Beast's damaging range for long enough to adapt to the constantly-changing damage before being punted away by shockwaves (they're in the Sahara, so not much to grab on to for support). I'll note that "focus" means she dedicates most of her time towards that choice, but if we don't choose Ash Beast for Prayer then she'll only pop over when Ned finally gets bored and things start to deteriorate rather than being preemptive and striking early.A bit of in-character clarification, @Gromweld: would Sirkalla choosing to focus on something besides helping Ned with Ash Beast involve delaying her 'appointment' with the two, and do Sirkalla and PRT intelligence (read: Dragon) believe it would be safe to do so? Do both think it would be a good idea?
It looks like a lot of voters would like Sirkalla to focus on personal relations first, but I don't think we or Sirkalla herself would prioritize repairing relationships over the safety of an ally, civilians, or maintaining professional obligations. Mind, this is Crawler we're talking about, so he may just treat an extended bout with Ash Beast as a welcome extension of his paid vacation.
Parkour? Parkour!
Banking XP on a 'maybe something better will come along' when you don't even know what you're waiting for or how much it will cost, is foolish.
I do a roll to see how much she's recovered each day, reduced by how many times she "pushed" her range that day and how intensively she used her multitasking (actually controlling things rather than just letting them do whatever). Given four days of pure relaxation and complete "hands-off" use of SoPA (never controlling anything in her range), as well as keeping her essence at max so that excess goes to SoPA, she might get it back to fully operational given great rolls. More realistically, she probably needs ~10 days of vacation with minimal control and zero pushes to get her full range back full-time again. However, this concern is certainly a thing she's going to in-story comment about if we choose either of the "take a break" options.if Taylor goes on vacation and keeps SoPA usage to a minimum during it, would that speed up SoPA's recovery? The 'base' recovery ETA (never use SoPA) was a mere 1 week, but the thread voted for the option that gave a full recovery ETA of ~4 weeks. I think it's been about 1 or 2 weeks since then (depending on when the ETA started counting from), about a quarter to halfway done, so it's conceivable that a 3-6 day vacation would give Taylor time needed to make a full recovery.
Munchkin role-playing aside, I think this would be an excellent in-character justification for Taylor to convince herself to take a vacation. It's not rest, it's recovery! Just what the robo-doctor ordered! She needs to be at full strength to purge the criminal infestation of her city, right? I am not merely saying that to justify a cheap power increase. Honest.