I like
@uju32 's arguments that this is
probably an anti-Reaper artifact (or anti-Thorian or even anti-Leviathan).
Of course, as I note below, the Lystheni might reasonably mistake certain kinds of Reaper indoctrination behaviors as 'anarchist,' simply because to them
anything other than 'do normal Lystheni things' might be labeled as 'anarchist behavior.'
Notably, the precursors we're seeing in this cluster are very clearly from a much-previous Reaper cycle. It's possible if unlikely that they somehow self-destructed before even encountering the Reapers, but they're clearly about twenty times older than the Protheans. We know that some races in the past managed to at least make a dent in one or more of the Reapers trying to develop countermeasures or counterweapons, and if this turns out to be one of those countermeasures, it would be good to have it in the archives for later.
Are there any positive canon examples of studying the effects of indoctrination?
If we knew how to detect it, how to scan someone and go "welp, they're indoctrinated," or even something as basic as "it works by projecting low-energy microwaves that we can detect, but they're in this really disturbing fractal-static non-pattern that we neither know nor want to learn..." That would be
great. As noted, though, it's not clear whether anyone really tried this. The only groups researching indoctrination prior to Mass Effect 3 were reckless groups that themselves became indoctrinated in short order.
The only reason I can see for keeping it around is for possibly creating countermeasures. So I'm leaning towards putting it on ice, buried as deep as possible with as few people knowing about it as possible, just in case more of this mental affecting tech shows up. Reaper or otherwise.
if not iced, then shoot it into the sun.
I'd rather not put it on ice. I'd rather do one last round of experiments
now, see if we have the technology to learn anything relevant right now. If we don't, INTO THE FIERY ORB WITH YE!
Because if we keep this thing buried at the south pole or something, there's always a risk of someone digging it up later. Or someone finding out that we buried an artifact at the south pole, NOT knowing what it does, and stealing it because they figure it must be valuable or the government wouldn't be covering it up.
The wording is strange tho, Reaper and Organic cuttlefish are both about exploiting the subject races; implanting ideology opposing anything organizing or collectivizing is not useful to them.
It appeared to implant an anarchist ideology. That's the conclusion that they came to, not necessarily what actually happened. What actually happened was that the people researching the artifact all collectively were brainwashed by something and tried to kill everyone they could.
Yeah, by the standards of the Lystheni,
anything besides 'do normal Lystheni things' is probably a sign of 'anarchist tendencies.'
Their society is basically a game of Paranoia, only with the absurd and dark-comedic elements toned down.
We throw that one into the sun, too. Or, if we keep running into the damn things, we can eventually decide to study one of them. The thing is, though, I can't think of a single instance of studying indoctrination effects that didn't result in the scientists doing the studying getting indoctrinated. Yeah, it would be nice to get a couple thousand year head start on beating the Reaper indoctrination, if that's a realistic goal. But... we're not going to be here two thousand years from now, and we probably won't see any results in our lifetime that are anything but "Hey, all those people you had studying that thing are trying to kill everyone again."
Mira's lifetime is about eight hundred years; it's not unlikely we'll run across a(nother) Reaper artifact in that timespan.
Also, basically every group studying indoctrination that is brought to our attention started futzing around with the artifacts
before they knew about indoctrination, and had goals
besides learning about indoctrination itself. Goals that kept them poking at the artifact long past the point where it was wise or safe to do so.
Given the Reapers' conspicuous role in Mass Effect 3, there almost has to have been research into what the hell indoctrination is, how to detect it, and how to block it during that game. The bare fact that we
don't hear about indoctrination research groups in Mass Effect 3 strongly suggests that they existed but were moving very, very carefully. On the one hand, they didn't get infected; on the other hand, they also didn't learn anything useful before the whole issue had ceased to matter.
Okay, so what sort of in-character justification would you use to support studying it, since our character knows nothing about the Reapers?
"Studying it would let us know whether someone has already been affected."
"There may be more of these things with this sort of effect, and I want to be able to protect our researchers going forward."
(I have more, but they're mostly jkes)
Yeah those are the big ones. Knowing something as insidious as artifacts that mind control people is out there, you really
do want some way of observing directly whether or not any given person has in fact fallen prey to mind control, or whether any given weird artifact you find is itself a mind control device.
I would like to point out that we were informed that the Lystheni did perform rather stringent protocols to try and have it only affect their test subjects. The paranoid nation state bent on attempting to control these affects failed at keeping the affects contained only to their subjects. I would be all for trying to figure out the how of it working, but we would end up sacrificing people figuring it out.
Uh, it sounds like they only failed to keep the effects contained
before they realized it was a mind control device in the first place. Remember that it was one of a huge pile of artifacts they gathered up in a haphazard way; they weren't studying it systematically before it had already done its work.
[] Continue full experimentation. While the Lystheni's direction of research was utter madness, they weren't wrong about the sheer potential of this artifact. If it can be invented once, it can be invented again -- and you'd like to know if there's a countermeasure.Authorize a full and proper team, and tell them to get you answers.
Would you consider voting for multiple options? That way there's no vote-splitting; you can vote for the thing you want without fear that the thing you want
least will win due to being incrementally more popular than the other options in, say, a 35-27-27-10 split.
An anti-hierarchy weapon? This is pretty evidently an anti-Reaper weapon. Specifically, an anti-Husk measure, to subvert them from enemy control.
It would help explain why the ruins of that particular planet were so intact if Reaper infantry couldn't be deployed on the planet without rebelling...
Oh, heyyy, you're right, that would explain a lot.
As I understand it... Normally, Reapers sweep planets carefully to make sure no archives or evidence of their existence survives. If they couldn't do that with this one particular species because they'd created anti-indoctrination devices that would cause husks to turn on their controllers or just shut down... Well then, all they could do would be to bombard the shit out of the planet until all life on the surface was exterminated, then hope for the best. It would also explain the (as I recall) lack of garden worlds in the general area these precursors lived in; the Reapers
killed those garden worlds rather than leaving them to evolve future intelligent species, because they had no option for dealing with the inhabitants besides "bombard the planet into a radioactive wasteland."