Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

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June 4th, 1938 was the beginning of the First Age of Heroes.

When some people debate the exact...
June 4th, 1938 was the beginning of the First Age of Heroes.

When some people debate the exact start of the First Age of Heroes, most agree that it was on June 4th, 1938, when Richard Wright confronted a member of a mob who was attempting to kidnap a woman who turned him down. The gangster fired a revolver at Richard three times. All three shots hit, but Wright was unharmed. Wright then apprehended the gangster, using inhuman strength to defeat him, as well as his escort before the police arrived. While it was the first act of Super heroism, it would be far from the last.

Starting in the small Illinois town and moving to larger cities, Wright started fighting criminals, many of them too well armed or too good at covering their tracks for the police to handle. But Wright, now calling himself Paragon was the first person who could ever be called a Super Hero. Super Strength, Invulnerability, and Flight. No one had had these abilities before. And to have such a powerful being dedicate himself to helping others, not because of the promise of wealth or power, but because it was the right thing to do, it inspired something in the collective human psyche.

More and more people started to become heroes. Other people with powers started to reveal themselves. Some had them since birth and hid them. Some who had developed them later in life. It wasn't much in those early years, just one or two for every several million, but it was enough to be considered the start of something that would change the course of history forever. Even people without powers, people whose only advantage was their gear, their determination, and if they were lucky, their training, started their more powered peers to help people.

At first, the respective governments were content to let these Heroes operate as they would. As long as they obeyed the law themselves, it was seen as a boon for law and order.

Then, in 1944, as the Second Great War was raging on, and more and more people with superpowers, or Supers as they were then called, joined their respective armies. In the chaos of the War, civil unrest started brewing. The reasons varied from country. From disaffection with the government, racial tensions, economic collapses plagued the world during this time. While people with powers had used their power for crime ever since there were people with powers, this unrest gave rise to the first supervillains.

For the first few years, they just committed mundane crimes using their powers. A man with super strength ripping open a bank vault. A woman with fire powers committing arson. But then, as time went by, and most heroes were called oversees to fight for their countries in war, they became bolder. More ambitious.

This came to a head In 1954, the aftermath of the second world war, with many nation's armies and economies drained a dozen powers people, each individually powerful even by the standards of those with superpowers, launched a coup. Lead by a villain simply known as the Dominion, they attempted to bring several countries still recovering from the War under their heel. With few nations able to intervene, they succeeded. These countries, a combination of Eastern and Middle Eastern countries, as well as some client States of the former Axis Powers, were reformed into the state of Asterica.

While conventional forces were deployed both within their borders and without, and while it is disputed just how much, if any, effect this had in this new war, what isn't in dispute is that it was a Team of Superheroes lead by Paragon, who ultimately saved the world.

In the years following, several governments around the world would form their responses. Whether these were chiefly to combat the growing threat of Supervillains, to consolidate their power for protection from other nations, to increase their hold on their citizens, or all the above.

The Brownell Act, the Liu Proclamation, the Sokolovsky Proposal, the Adanauer Accords. The specifics were different, but they all had one thing in common. They required anyone with powers to be registered with the governmentand, if they wanted to legally fight crime, they had to be trained and found of sound mind.

Some governments required these people to just obey the law or face harsher punishments if they used their powers to commit crimes. Some would met out harsher punishments regardless. Still others required superheroes to fall under State mandate, to use their powers as ordered by the government. Over time heroes were used to crack down on those they felt were a threat to their power. At first, it was genuine threats like powerful villains. Then, it became people who were on strike. Then journalists, then activists.

At this time, several heroes, including Paragon, became disillusioned. They found themselves being used to enforce the government's will instead of keeping the people safe. This is who Paragon, along with several dozen of the planet's strongest heroes renounced their citizenships, and went on to form the League of Heroes.

No one knows where the League of Heroes' base is, how they support themselves, how they deploy, or even how they recruit. But at the end of the day, if there is a villain that can't be stopped by normal means or by the local heroes, they show up to help. In just over a year, heroes from around the world flocked to the League, leaving their former homes behind.

Some global governments took a look at their actions, how it lead to this, and what it cost them in both talent and influence, and drew back. Some governments didn't have a choice, as those who were responsible were removed from power. Some through legitimate and peaceful means. Others… not so much. Some government have an uneasy truce with them with exactly how stable this peace is depending on who is in charge. Some are outright hostile. But one undeniable effect of their existence. This also lead to a growing movement of vigilantism. People who wanted to do good without being accountable to the government. Or who wanted to rebel in their own way, started fighting crime on their own.

Heroes have come and gone since then, and the Superhero Community has faced a lot of challenges since then. But on this day in 2015, you are about to become your city's newest hero. But before you can decide anything, you need to decide just what kind you're going to be.

Are you a Hero or a Vigilante?

[] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identities are kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access to exclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimately beholden to the government.

[] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their own bosses and are only beholden to themselves.

And do you have Superpowers? Or are you one of the many people who don't, but choose to be a hero anyway?

[] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.

[] Non-Powered – People without powers make up for them in different ways. They often use training, both physical and mental, as well as equipment. That equipment can be archaic weapons wielded with mastery like swords and bows, guns, or even advanced technology.
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Character Sheet
Name: Sonya Northwest
Alias: The Vigil
Gender: Female


Inconel Armor[10]: A suit of armor made of some of the toughest material you can buy. Has a resistance to elemental damage like heat.

Broadsword: A steel broadsword. Enchanted to prevent chipping, cracking, breaking and dulling.


Thunderbolt- Calls down a bolt of lightning from above.
Barrier: Creates a barrier around yourself to absorb damage.
Reflect: Blocks an incoming attack and reflects it back at your attacker.
Vox: Used to disguise your voice.

HP: 20/20
FP: 10/10
Base Dodge 10
Strength: (Tier 2): 14
Dexterity: 11
IQ: 11
Constitution: (Tier 2): 15
Perception: 12
Will: 13

Accounting: 9
Brawl: 15
Broadsword: 14
Diplomacy: 9
Finance: 9
Guns (Pistol): 8
Hapkido: 9
Metalworking: 14
Mystic Arts: 13
Pursuit Riding: 15
Shield: 10

Fearless (1)
Self Employed
Sense of Duty: Friends and Family
Stable Family Life

Wanted for Questioning

A Family Waiting At Home: Will prioritize her own safety and the safety of her family.
Civilian Savior: -1 To all rolls when risking your life to save civilians.
Savings: 3.5
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Name: Jasmine Keller

FP: 10/10
Base Dodge 8
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 12
IQ: 15
Constitution: 9
Perception: 14
Will: 12

Brawl: 10
Club: 11
Computer Operations: 14
Computer Programming: 15
Current Events (Local): 11
Current Events (Country):9
Diplomacy 8
Electronic Engineering: 13
History: 12
Music Coinsure: 12
Pistol: 12
Roleplaying: 13
Stealth: 11

High Work Ethic
Luck: 1
Sense of Duty: Friends and Family


Quirk: Fears Poverty
Quirk: Fears Prison

Name: Adrian Northwest
Allegiance: You
Alignment: Good
Powers/Abilities: None.
FP: 10/10
Base Dodge 9
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 11
IQ: 13
Constitution: 12
Perception: 13
Will: 12

Brawl: 11
Carousing: 12
Diplomacy: 13
Driving: 11
Guns (Shotgun): 9
Lockpicking: 7
Mechanical Repair: 13
Riding Motorcycles: 11

Loving Family

Bad Back
Quirk: Skeptical about Law Enforcement

Name: Gwen Northwest
Powers/Abilities: None.
FP: 9/9
Base Dodge 9
Strength: 7
Dexterity: 11
IQ: 111
Constitution: 9
Perception: 14
Will: 13

Brawl: 10
Kid Mechanic: 11
Schoolwork: 10
Stealth: 12
Fan of Starhammer
Identity: Stampede
Real Name: Katherine "Cathy" Wheeler
HP: 24/30 (Mech) 9/9 (Human)
FuelP: 8/10+5 (Mech) 9/9 (Human)
Base Dodge 9 (Mech) 8 (Human)
Strength(Tier 2): 16 (Mech) 12(Human)
Dexterity: 11 (Mech) 14 (Human)
IQ: 14
Constitution: 15 (Tier 3) (Mech) 12 (Person
Perception: 12

Armor: 8
Acrobatics: 14
Close Combat: 16
Heavy Ordnance: 13
Machinegun: 11

Backup Power Supply
Extra Ammunition
Redundant Systems

Human Pilot

Electronics/Mechanical Repair (Tier 3): 14
Guns (Laser); 11
Law (Criminal): 11
Melee (Blunt Objects): 9
Programming: (Tier 2): 12
Scavenging: 13
Surgery: 11

Combat Reflexes (Never surprised when entering combat)

Bad Temper

Alias: Operative
Name: ??? ???
HP: 12/12
FP: 12
Base Dodge 9
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 13
IQ: 13
Constitution: 11
Perception: 15
Will: 10

Acting: 17
Brawl: 14
Carousing: 14
Detect Lies: 12
Diplomacy: 13
Duel Wield: 15
Fast Talk: 15
Guns (Pistol) 17
Guns (Rifle) 13
Intelligence Analysis: 13
Interrogation: 13
Intimidation: 14
Investigation: 15
Language (Japanese): 14
Language (Spanish): 15
Pickpocketing: 11
Quickdraw: 13
Shapeshifting: 17
Stealth: 9
Streetwise: 12

Combat Reflexes
Rapid Healing
Social Etiquette: Mafia
Social Etiquette: Street Gangs
Social Etiquette: Yakuza

Active Warrants
Addiction: Alcohol
Low Grasp On Own Identity
Reputation: Hated By Police

Believes in Imminent Apocalypse
Prone To Excessive Force
Sense of Honor: Civilians

Alias: Deprived
Name: Julius Simmons
HP: 10/10
FP: 10/10
Base Dodge 10
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 10
IQ: 10
Constitution: 10
Perception: 10
Will: 10



Name: Phillip Montego
Alias: Gangbuster
Sex: M

Powers(s): Minor Regeneration

HP: [7] 12/12
FP: 14/14
Strength: 13
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 14
IQ: 12
Perception: 14
Will: 12


Animal Handling: 11
Brawl: 12
Demolition: 13
Grenade: 13
Guns (LAW): 12
Guns (Pistol): 13
Guns (Rifle): 15
Knife: 11
NBC Warfare: 10
Quickdraw (Pistol): 11
Soldier: 14
Survival (Desert): 14
Survival (Tropical): 12
Tactics: 10

Rank (Private)


Protective of Home

HP: 11/11
FP: 13/13
Base Dodge 9

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 15
IQ: 14
Constitution: 13
Perception: 11
Will: 12

Acting: 11
Aerobatics: 13
Aesthetic Appeal: 16
Blinking: 13
Dancing: 12
Damage Control (Social Media): 10
Diplomacy: 13
Energy Blasts: 14
Fast Talk: 15
Gambling: 14
Muay Thai: 14
Public Relations: 12
Singing: 14
Social Media Promotion: 16
Teleportation: 14
Trash Talking 13

Hard To Kill
Stage Confidence

Fame Seeker
High Profile
Rivals: 30Down, B*Friends

Collateral Coverage
Does not like when people look at the camera/camera crew when filming.
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Villains and Criminals
Independent Criminals

Name: Unknown
What you know: A "Contractor" for the Coalition. They act as a heavy when someone needs to be sent a message. When not working for them, they act as a mercenary, selling their services to the highest bidder.
Location: Operates throughout the city.
Powers: Can travel on the ground as a shadow, becoming invulnerable to most attacks, as well as resistance to most conventional damage. Can form weapons out of their body.

Name: Dr Hamilton
What you know: A former chemist. After she was implicated in a scheme to sell bioweapons to terrorists, she went on a killing spree, attempting to kill her former boss and succeeding in killing the former police chief, Arthur Blankenship.
Location: "Crematorium"
Powers: None.

Name: Gadial Green
What you know: He was a former gambler who used his powers in order to cheat, taking home large winnings before he was eventually thrown out. This eventually lead to the Green Act, which banned people with certain powers from entering or being employed at casinos. Angered, he put on a mask, bought a gun, and robbed the casino that threw him out. Despite his inexperience, his powers managed to succeed, and has went on a crime spree that lasts to this day.
Location: Unknown. Operates across America, but has been known to operate in Hartford due to the state's large number of casinos and it's highway system leading to many of them.
Powers Probability Manipulation

Name: Robert Graft
What you know: Pentagon is a well known as a criminal, but very little about his past is known. Generally performs high-stakes robberies, either for himself, or at the behest of an employer. Amoral, and violent, will eliminate whoever is in the way of completing the job.
Abilities: Can copy the last 5 powers that he perceives. If he copies a new power, he must discard the oldest power that he copied.
Location: Prison. Trial schedule pending.

Name: Charles Garrick
What you know: A young man named Charles Garrick. His family owns several businesses throughout the city. Has recently escaped from prison. Has been in contact with a person only named K, who seems to be a benefactor, but who they are and what they want is unknown.
Location: Deceased.

Gangs and Organizations
Ordinance's Crew
Area of Operation: US. Mexico
Not the official name. This group of arms dealers are lead by Ordinance, a long time villain that has been the thorn in the side of several governments for decades. The Inner Circle is made up of superpowered Villains. They have several proxies operating throughout America that enforce their will, from street gangs, to mobs. Have been in conflict with The Coalition for the ability to move weapons using Hartford's highways.

The Coalition
An alliance of three organized crime families in Hartford. The identities of the three heads are unknown, but they all rule their respective parts of the city with an iron fist. They are involved in crimes ranging from robberies, to racketeering, to drug dealing, to assassinations.
How they feel about you: ???
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[X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their ownbosses and are only beholden tothemselves.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
[X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their own bosses and are only beholden to themselves.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
[X] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identities are kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access to exclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimately beholden to the government.

[X] Non-Powered – People without powers make up for them in different ways. They often use training, both physical and mental, as well as equipment. That equipment can be archaic weapons wielded with mastery like swords and bows, guns, or even advanced technology.
[X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their ownbosses and are only beholden tothemselves.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.

So magic exists, cool. Do gods and other mythological beings exist as well? Kinda curious if it'd be possible to go demigod route or something similar if they do.
[X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their ownbosses and are only beholden tothemselves.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
[X] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identitiesare kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access toexclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimatelybeholden to the government.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
[X] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identitiesare kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access toexclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimatelybeholden to the government.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
[X] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identities are kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access to exclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimately beholden to the government.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
[X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their ownbosses and are only beholden tothemselves.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
[X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their own bosses and are only beholden to themselves.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
[x] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their own bosses and are only beholden to themselves.
[x] Non-Powered – People without powers make up for them in different ways. They often use training, both physical and mental, as well as equipment. That equipment can be archaic weapons wielded with mastery like swords and bows, guns, or even advanced technology.
[X] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identities are kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access to exclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimately beholden to the government.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.

[X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their ownbosses and are only beholden tothemselves.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is th
[X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their ownbosses and are only beholden to themselves.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.

Vigilantes have more fun
[X] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identitiesare kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access toexclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimatelybeholden to the government.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
[X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their own bosses and are only beholden to themselves.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ghostdevil on Apr 8, 2018 at 8:00 PM, finished with 21 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
    [X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their ownbosses and are only beholden tothemselves.
    [X] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identities are kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access to exclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimately beholden to the government.
    [X] Non-Powered – People without powers make up for them in different ways. They often use training, both physical and mental, as well as equipment. That equipment can be archaic weapons wielded with mastery like swords and bows, guns, or even advanced technology.
    [X] Vigilante – Vigilantes help enforce the law, but they operate outside of it. They have to handle expenses, equipment procurement, medical care, on their own. However, they are their own bosses and are only beholden to themselves.
    [X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.
    [X] Non-Powered
    [X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is th
[X] Superhero – Heroes are people, both superpowered or not, who act with the Governments of their respective countries in order to enforce the law. They cooperate with Law Enforcement and are tasked with handling situations that conventional Law Enforcement can't handle or would carry a high risk to innocents. They are required to register with the government with their real identities, though these identitiesare kept Classified to the public. They also receive a stipend for living expenses and a bonus for every major crime stopped, free medical care, and access toexclusive gear and technology. However, they are government employees and are ultimatelybeholden to the government.

[X] Powered – Powers can vary in in strength and manifestation. They are generally broken up into 4 categories. Physical, powers that alters one's physical capabilities, Mental, typically psychic abilities, Elemental, granting control over the elements, and Magical, which can do almost anything, but is the hardest to master.