God A Sword (CWMGQ Spin off #64)

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God A Sword (CWMGQ Spin off #64)
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A young boy becomes a magical girl and finds that life doesn't change that much, until it does.

Emotions run high, Engines roar, and Blades are raised. May the goddess smile upon these demons.
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Too lazy to leave the house
I wish I could stay
A girl held up a blade and stared into its clear reflection.

I don't know why I'm writing this.

A breathless sigh drifted into the wind as the god in front of her roared.

I guess I just wanted someone to know.

With a burning fire in her eyes she looked back.

It's not your everyday story after all.

And Struck.

But only you and I will know.

The air exploded as the two opponents came into conflict.

Of the Red Warrior who fought a God of War.

I have to start of course at the very beginning, which was one of the worst days of my life.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How bad could it possibly be?

Well it all started when I was kidnapped by a giant lizard.

Yes you heard me right. A giant, two legged walking lizard was my current captor. I didn't even believe it myself when I first saw him but here I was, tied up in the back of a warehouse watching the girl I was looking for huddling scared while she posed on a bed next to a bunch of dolls.

And they say reality is stranger is fiction…

Why was I here? Ah, it's kind of an embarrassing story. I was on my way back with the groceries when I was asked by a mother if I had seen her daughter anywhere, and of course I offered to help the woman. After all, the picture of the little girl held the thing most precious to my heart.

That hair of hers, dressed up in the twintails style. I couldn't just leave that alone, and had immediately begun my search for the girl.

...It's not in the sexual way I swear. I'm not a pedophile, I'm just the "Twintail Maniac" people like to call me. I won't deny it. A girl's hair, streaming down her head in various ways but always in pairs of two. They were the source of all my admiration, even though I had lived for 16 years of life and my peers had begun looking to more mature things.

It was that love of twintails that caused me to run back home, drop the groceries off, and immediately begin to search for that girl.

I guess you could also say that it was my love for twintails that got me into this situation.

"Yeah, that's it." The lizardman mumbled, holding up a digital camera and taking pictures of the girl, who posed with a scared look on her face, "Ah, nothing beats a little girl holding a doll."

My face scrunched up.

Wow, what a freak. Is this how other people see me?

"Oh- A, right!" He glared at me, "Intruder! After this I shall finish you off myself!"

Honestly he's lost all credibility. I don't even think he expected me to find him, all he had done was tied me up with a rope and shoved me against the back.

"D-Don't look at me like that!" He shouted, turning back to the girl while grumbling. "Now where was I? Right, take the doll to you left and lift your arms up a bit… Yeah that's right…"

"P-Please…" Tears started to form in her eyes, "I-I want to go back to my mommy."

"Hey!" I shouted, "Just let her go already! Can't you see that she's upset!"

"Never!" He shout back, "If I let her go the counter force would be on me in seconds! And besides, there are so many dolls that she hasn't been able to pose with! Oooh I can't wait!"

"That doesn't make it right!" I struggled to get to my feet but eventually I manage to stand up to face him. "Just because you like to see little girls with dolls doesn't mean you should force them to pose for you!"

He placed the camera on a tripod before stomping towards me, "You don't know anything! The internet only has so many pictures and if I just asked them to pose for me I look like a creeper! Now sit back down before you piss me off enough to actually kill you!"

"K-Kill…" The girl exclaimed from behind him, her eyes wide. "No! I'll do it just-"

"As if!" I interrupted, "Don't worry about me! I won't let him scare you any longer!"

"Shut up!" The lizard yelled. With a roar he shook his fist back and punched forward. I froze and before I knew it his fist had flew straight past my head and slammed against the metal wall, denting it.

I-If that was my head right now I would've…

"Now do you see?" He sneered, "There's no being a hero here, so be quiet and let me complete my collection."

And with that he turned around and began to walk back towards the camera.

My entire body felt heavy, as if that single punched had turned me into ice. I tried to stand straight but my knees wobbled and I had to use the back of the wall to stand up.

The girl looked into my eyes, tears threatening to spill out of them as she immediately turned away.

I…. had failed. My little outburst wouldn't stop anything, in fact it might've made things worse. Who knows what the Lizard would do now that he was angry, all because I couldn't keep standing up.


It was like a fire burst within in me. The thought of the one who wore those precious twintails being hurt, I just couldn't allow such a thing to exist! I wouldn't!

"Hm?" The Lizard let out as he turned back to me, "Oi! What did I just say!?"

"You…" I growled, "There's no way. No way am I letting you scare her any longer! No matter how much you threaten me, I won't stand down! Not now!"

The more I stood, the more the fire within me grew until it became an all-encompassing inferno ready to explode. My blood boiled and the heat grew, pouring out of every pore of my body as words that I had never heard in my lips escaped my lips.

The words that would forever change my life.

"Tail…" My mouth moved, "On!"

My entire body burned away to the feeling inside of me. My mind seemingly consumed with a white hot rage as I instinctively reached out and grabbed a blade that appeared in front of me.
"I AM MAGICAL GIRL TAIL RED!" I instinctively shouted, striking a pose. "And if you continue down this path, than your existence ends here!"

A beat.

Than my brain caught up with what just happened.

"Huh?!" I yelled, whipping my head to a nearby mirror. The person who stared back at me wasn't the face I had grown accustomed to seeing. Rather, the one who stared back at me was a young girl who looked like she hadn't gotten out of 6th grade, wearing a skintight mecha bodysuit and had her adorned in the most beautiful twintails I had ever seen.

Oh I should probably mention.

One minute ago, I was a man.

"W-What the hell?!" The Lizard yelled, "But you were- I don't- You're a magical girl?!"

"I don't know! " I yelled back, "This is also sudden that i-"

"Say no more!" He roared, grabbing a doll and reaching for his camera, "Quick! Hold this doll up!"

"No way!" My hands held up the blad- No, the Blazer Blade. "As if I would just pose for you!"

"Tch, to think I would see the most beautiful little girl blossom in front of me only to be turned down."

"I'm sixteen!"

"Nevertheless, I have prepared for this situation my entire life!" He continued, "You who call yourself Tail Red! If you wish to save the girl behind me than you must defeat me, LIZARD GUILDY!"


[] Rush in
[] Attempt to destroy his dolls
[] Other

AN: Welcome. God A Sword. Crystal Watcher Magical Girl Quest spin off. FitS isn't dead. That's about all I'm contractually obligated to say.

My soul is Drunk.
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Allied Character Sheets


Magical Girl Tail Red

Hong Liang


Health: 1,400
Base Damage: 480
Base Resilience: 175
Magic Modifier: 160

Affinity: Hope | Twintails | Story Maker

Blazer Blades
Level 12
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Twintails
Ability: Critical Strike | Protean | Twintails Boost

Aura Pillar
-A single targeting beam that also serves as a barrier, may fail if target's health is above 55%
Level 6
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Hope
Ability: Bind | Homing

Grand Blazer
-Unlocks the Blazer Blade's full potential. Brake Release must be in effect
Level 10
Base Damage: 500
Magic Modifier: 250
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Protean | Twintails Boost

Twinned Tails
-Tail Red generates a copy of herself, existing for a moment as two halves of a pair.
Level 7
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Clone Self | 2 Turn Duration

Ignition Rush
-Engine output to full! Charge!* Add's spell level to Sprint's level for one turn, raises High Speed Combat as necessary.
Level 5
Base Damage: 250
Magic Modifier: 250
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Boost-Self | Accelerator| Two Turn Effect

Tail Assault Level 5
-Tail Red's ability to resist incoming damage. Edit as necessary for active Affinities.

Tail March Level 8
-Tail Red's ability to survive blows. Edit as Necessary for Active Affinities.

Brake Release
- For two turns, Tail Red can release her energy to give a 200% boost to her MM. However, Grand Blazer must be used the following turn.

Sprint: Level 8
-Tail Red has a footspeed of 80 mph.

High Speed Combat (Level 1)
-Tail Red is able to track objects moving up to 90 mph.

Transience Engine: R.
-Allows Tail Red to superficially copy the Affinities and Abilities of certain defeated enemies. During battle, at any time, Tail Red may replace her Twintails Affinity with any copied Affinity in order to activate those abilities
Doll - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Mana Charge and Stagger, respectively.)
Red hair - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Blind and Ray, respectively.)
Boot - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Knockback and Batter, respectively.)
Coat - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Vacuum and Intercept, respectively.)
Imagination - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Murder and Mangle, respectively.)
Sadism - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Juggernaut and Execute, respectively.)
Trickery - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Protean.)
Transience - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Catastrophic Damage and Priority Boost, respectively.)
Hugs - (Replace Protean on Grand Blazer and Blazer Blades with Unerring and Auto Grapple, respectively.)

Transience Part: DOLL
-Allows the user to store energy in inanimate objects and use them as temporary stat boosts as long as Transience: DOLL is equipped.

Transience Part: REDHEAD
-Allows the user to make enemies unable to perceive a specific color, as long as Transience: REDHEAD is equipped.

Transience Part: BOOT
-Allows the user to ignore terrain modifiers while moving as long as Transience: BOOT is equipped.

Transience Part: COAT
-Incoming attacks have a 50% chance of being deflected as long as Transience: COAT is equipped.

Transience Part: IMAGINATION
-Allows the user to teleport behind any combatant once per turn as long as Transience: IMAGINATION is equipped. Activates the Alternative Transformation "Tail Infrared"

Transience Part: SADISM
-Every landed attack gains +10% Base Damage as long as Transience: SADISM is equipped.

Transience Part: TRICKERY
-Allows the user to make a statement and have it be initially taken as true without fail so long as Transience: TRICKERY is equipped.

Transience Part: TRANSIENCE
-Body Modifiers and Status effects last no longer than the turn they are applied while Transience: TRANSIENCE is equipped.

Transience Part: HUGS
-Allows the user to continue a grapple after separating from a target as long as Transience: HUGS is equipped.

Light Red
-Tail Red has access to 50% of his base stats in civilian form.

Inhuman Agility
-Tail Red can perform feats of agility that beggar belief.

Alternate Forms

Magical Girl Tail Infrared (Nightmare)


As Tail Red.
Affinity: Hope | Imagination | Story Maker

Inferno Saber
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: As Tail Red.
Affinities: Imagination
Ability: Critical Strike | Mangle

Aura Pillar
-A single target beam that also serves as a barrier. Effectiveness scales inversely with target HP, guaranteed success at 25%.
Level As Aura Pillar
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Hope
Ability: Bind | Homing

Grand Inferno
-Unlocks the Inferno Saber's true potential. Brake Release must be in effect.
Level: As Grand Blazer.
Base Damage: As Grand Blazer.
Magic Modifier: As Grand Blazer.
Ability: Murder

Infinite Tails
-Tail Infrared generates a copy of herself, existing for a moment as two halves of a pair.
Level 7
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Clone Self | 2 Turn Duration

Oblivion Rush
Level As Ignition Rush
Base Damage: As Ignition Rush
Magic Modifier: As Ignition Rush
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Boost-Self | Accelerator| Single Turn Effect

Tail Assault Level 5
-Tail Infrared's ability to resist incoming damage.

Tail March Level 8
-Tail Infrared's ability to survive blows.

Brake Release
- For two turns, Tail Infrared can release her energy to give a 200% boost to her MM. However, Grand Inferno must be used the following turn.

Sprint: Level 8
-Tail Infrared has a footspeed of 80 mph.

High Speed Combat (Level 1)
-Tail Infrared is able to track objects moving up to 90 mph.

Transient Engine: R.
-Allows Tail Red to superficially copy the Affinities and Abilities of certain defeated enemies. During battle, at any time, Tail Red may replace her Twintails Affinity with any copied Affinity in order to activate those abilities.

Sealed while in Infrared form. Imagination must remain equipped to maintain transformation.

Teleports Behind U: Level 5

-Tail Infrared may teleport behind any combatant on the field 5 time per turn.

Light Red
-Tail Infrared has access to 50% of her base stats in civilian form.

Inhuman Agility
-Tail Infrared can perform feats of agility that beggar belief.

Magical Girl Tail Infrared (Dream)


As Tail Red, except Base Damage.
Base Damage: 1.5 X Tail Red's
Affinity: Hope | Imagination | Story Maker

Inferno Claymore
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 0.5 X Tail Red's
Affinities: Imagination
Ability: Crush | Mangle

Aura Pillar
-A single target beam that also serves as a barrier. Effectiveness scales inversely with target HP, guaranteed success at 25%.
Level As Aura Pillar
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Hope
Ability: Bind | Homing

Grand Inferno
-Unlocks the Inferno Claymore's true potential. Brake Release must be in effect.
Level: As Grand Blazer.
Base Damage: As Grand Blazer.
Magic Modifier: As Grand Blazer.
Affinity: Imagination
Ability: Murder

Infinite Tails
-Tail Infrared generates a copy of herself, existing for a moment as two halves of a pair.
Level 7
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Clone Self | 2 Turn Duration

Oblivion Rush
Level As Ignition Rush
Base Damage: As Ignition Rush
Magic Modifier: As Ignition Rush
Affinity: Twintails
Ability: Boost-Self | Accelerator| Single Turn Effect

Tail Assault Level 5
-Tail Infrared's ability to resist incoming damage.

Tail March Level 8
-Tail Infrared's ability to survive blows.

Brake Release
- For two turns, Tail Infrared can release her energy to give a 200% boost to her MM. However, Grand Inferno must be used the following turn.

Sprint: Level 8
-Tail Infrared has a footspeed of 80 mph.

High Speed Combat (Level 1)
-Tail Infrared is able to track objects moving up to 90 mph.

Transient Engine: R.
-Allows Tail Red to superficially copy the Affinities and Abilities of certain defeated enemies. During battle, at any time, Tail Red may replace her Twintails Affinity with any copied Affinity in order to activate those abilities.

Sealed while in Infrared form. Imagination must remain equipped to maintain transformation.

Oh Hey, Neat Trick: Level 5

-Allows Tail Dream to create a copy of any spell which she has seen. Only 5 such copies can be retained at one time. These spells can be upgraded, and refund invested EXP if discarded.

Light Red
-Tail Infrared has access to 50% of her base stats in civilian form.

Inhuman Agility
-Tail Infrared can perform feats of agility that beggar belief.


Transience Part: DOLL
-10 EXP
Grants access to the DOLL affinity shard

Transience Part: REDHEAD
-10 EXP
Grants access to the REDHEAD affinity shard

Transience Part: BOOT
-10 EXP
Grants access to the BOOT affinity shard.

Jet Engine
-70 EXP
-Unlocks the Sprint ability for Tail Red.

Transience Part: COAT
-10 EXP
Grants access to the COAT affinity shard.

Transience Part: CHUUNIBYOU
-10 EXP
Grants access to the CHUUNIBYOU affinity shard.

-50 EXP
-Sprint Level 5
Grants Tail Red the Ignition Rush spell.

Transience Part: SADISM
-10 EXP
Grants access to the SADISM affinity shard.

Transience Part: TRICKERY
-10 EXP
Grants access to the TRICKERY affinity shard.

Transience Part: TRANSIENCE
-10 EXP
Grants access to the TRANSIENCE affinity shard.

Mutable Blaze
-100 EXP
-8 Transience Parts
Grants the Blazer Blade the Protean ability.

Harder Better Faster Stronger
-80 EXP
-Complete 5 Civilian Workout actions
Grants Hong the Light Red ability.

Transience Part: HUGS
-10 EXP
Grants access to the HUGS affinity shard

Sick Flips
-100 EXP
Grants Tail Red Inhuman Agility.

Transience Part: SOCK
-10 EXP
Grants access to the SOCK affinity shard.

Magical Girl Tail Blue

Lan Yu


Health: 4,050
Base Damage: 1,365
Base Resilience: 800
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Transience | Schema | Legend Maker

Wave Lance
Level 21
Attacks Per Turn: 8
Affinities: Transience
Ability: Critical Strike

Azure Armory
Level N/A
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Schema | (Variable)
Ability: Limitless | (Variable)

Execute Wave
Level 10
Base Damage: 1,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Transience
Ability: Punch-through


Tail Assault
Level 20
-Tail Blue's ability to resist incoming damage.

Tail March
Level 18
-Tail Blue's ability to survive blows.

Inhuman Skill
-Spend two Actions to nullify an opponent's action.

-Tail Blue may sacrifice an action to instantly close to melee range.

High Speed Combat (Level 2)
-Tail Blue is able to track objects moving up to 180mph.

Transient Evolutionary Engine: B.L.U.E.
-Allows Tail Blue to create a copy of any weapon she sees on the battlefield. These copies are added to the Azure Armory, and may be called upon at will.

Infinite Azure: Level 25
-When drawing upon the Azure Armory, Tail Blue's base damage is set to the Base Damage of the weapon currently in use, times the level of this ability, and her Attacks Per Turn are set to the level of this ability. Only one weapon may be drawn at a time, and use of the Armory seals the Wave Lance and all spells for the duration of its use.

Pattern Correction
-Tail Blue cannot be counterattacked.

Light Blue
-Tail Blue has access to 50% of her base stats in civilian form.

If You Would Like To Read This Quest Unspoiled I Suggest You Stop Reading Here
Phoenix Guildy

Phoenix Guildy


Health: 2,500
Base Damage: 200
Base Resilience: 150
Magic Modifier: 100

Affinity: Ponytails

Ponytail Gear
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Ponytail
Abilities: Double Hit

Burning Phoenix Kick
Level 10
Base Damage: 1,500
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinities. Ponytail
Abilities: Knockback | Burn

Guildy Gear: Level 10
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Transient Engine: R.
-Allows Phoenix Guildy to superficially copy the Affinities and Abilities of certain defeated enemies. During battle, at any time, Phoenix Guildy may replace her Ponytail Affinity with any copied Affinity in order to activate those abilities

Transience Part TRUTH
-Phoenix Guildy can perceive the true form of all things.

Brake Release
-Phoenix Guildy may release her energy to ensure maxed out modifier rolls for two turns; however, Burning Phoenix Kick needs to be cast on the following turn, or will be rendered unusable until the end of battle.

Mirage Revive
-Each dawn, this Ability gains a stack. Upon death, Phoenix Guildy may consume these to revive, regaining 20% of her maximum Health for each stack used.

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Character Files

    • Name:
      Hong Liang
      Alias: Tail Red
      Title: The Twintail Idiot
      Affinity: Hope | Twintails | Story Maker

      Quote: "If you continue down this path then your existence ends here!"
      Hobbies: Thinking about Twintails, watching Television
      Special Skill: Ashakic Record of Twintail - As long as he's seen a person's twintails he can instantly recall every detail about them

      Weakness: Obsessed with Twintails, Has to put in ten times the effort of a normal person in order to learn things, makes most normal people around him cringe (Only mildly aware of this himself), oblivious lady killer(?)
      Strength: Obsessed with Twintails, surprisingly in-shape, can ad-lib up a hammy monologue like nobody's business.

      Bio: A sixteen year old high school student obsessed with twintails. One day managed to awaken to a magical girl form known as Tail Red much to the shock of everyone around him. Though his twintail obsession puts many people off, he strives to be like the heroes in his television shows and generally acts hot blooded. However, if it doesn't included twintails or tv shows, he is very ignorant and can come off as an idiot. Unfortunately, an accident caused him to lose his memories eight years ago shortly before he moved in next door to his best friend Lan Yu.

    • Name: Lan Yu
      Alias: Tail Blue
      Title: Savage Princess/The Blue Emotion
      Affinity: Transience | Schema | Legend Maker

      Quote: "...Sorry I don't have a catchphrase."
      Hobbies: Martial Arts, Cooking, Occasionally reading fashion magazines
      Special Skill: Jack of All Trades Master of All of Them - When it comes to Martial Arts, Lan is skilled in just about every one. This comes with the added benefit of picking up new styles, techniques, and weapons with almost no effort.

      Weakness: Easily Teaseble, Quick to anger, Is way too biased for her older sister, Waits until the last minute to cram in studying, bad at hammy acting
      Strength: True-Blooded Martial Artist, surprisingly very fashionable, master taste critic

      Bio: Hong's best friend and also a sixteen year old high school student. The heir to a martial arts dojo, Lan has studied martial arts and the philosophy of fighting since she was a young girl. Eight years ago she awakened as Magical Girl Tail Blue along with her friend Erina but ever since Erina died four years ago most of her training is used fighting against the increasingly stronger Tail-Bots Twirl sends at her whenever they happen to get into an argument. Due to Hong's unknowing influence, she has begun to branch out into cooking and fashion though she is very envious of her older sister's natural charms and has become a bit body-conscious.

    • Name: Secret~
      Alias: Twirl
      Title: The Genius Scientist who Lives In a Basement/The White Atoner
      Affinity: N/A

      Quote: "When you're a genius like me, you can manipulate reality until fiction becomes reality."
      Hobbies: Anime and Manga watching, Shitposting on internet boards, designing new projects
      Special Skill: Seek Time ZERO - Knows how to manipulate both Magic and Physics using multiple methods like it's nothing. The name has nothing to do with the skill, it's just what Yuan Liang dubbed it.

      Weakness: Way too prideful, Goes berserk whenever she sees practitioners actually dressed as wizards, Is probably being driven insane trying to comprehend the laws of the universe, Tries too hard to hide her sensitive side, doesn't bother giving explanations because "They're boring"
      Strength: Ridiculously smart in both mathematics and science, Good with people (In her own way), Could probably make a quick buck as an IT person, would be famous if it wasn't for… Oops I said too much~

      Bio: A genius scientist who lives in the Liang's Basement. Despite being twenty two years old, she doesn't have a proper job and just leeches off the Liang's, spending her days either doing questionable science in their basement or wasting time online. She's been with the Liang's as long as Hong and Lan can remember and hung out with the pair since they were kids. However, she has never been seen outside of the house and the questions as to who she really is and how she came to live with the Liang's have yet to be answered.

    • Name: Yuan Liang
      Alias: Hong's Mom/Owner
      Title: Delusion Master
      Affinity: N/A

      Quote: "Mmmh, yep. This is what you call the Perfect Recipe."
      Hobbies: Cooking, Watching TV, Cosplay
      Special Skill: False Reality - She's just really good at cosplay and acting. The name is stupidly dramatic.

      Weakness: Thinks her naming sense is cool when it's not.
      Strength: Yes.

      Bio: Hong's mother and the thirty-five year old owner of the Cafe Adolescencia. Despite her age, she occasionally relapses back into eighth grade syndrome and her customers are also mostly middle school dropouts. According to Twirl, she had a period where she was completely normal and serious but the laid back atmosphere of Adolescencia ended up bringing it back. In her youth she delusionally thought she was a superhero however, nowadays she's content with being just a female commander and lets her son take on the role of Hero instead.

    • Name: Emu Huang
      Alias: None
      Title: Yellow M
      Affinity: N/A

      Quote: "...Sip."
      Hobbies: Tea Drinking, Dancing, Scamming Kids out of their money
      Special Skill: Culture Thief - Despite the fact that she's obviously not Japanese, she easily convinces people she's just met that she is.

      Weakness: Saying negative things about Erina, drinking coffee, pointing out she's not Japanese, definitely "Yellow"
      Strength: Skilled Businesswoman, Great Educator, Most people think she's cultured

      Bio: The mother of the deceased Erina Huang. At thirty five years old, she's the head of both the Huang family/cooperation and the chairmen of the city's biggest private school. Yet despite all of this, or maybe because of it, she never hesitates to make some quick cash off of whoever happens to be her latest victim. However, she also greatly values proper teaching so even if her prices are sometimes ridiculous they're generally worth the cost. Despite acting cultured, she occasionally lets her "Yellow" side slip out. Nobody knows why she dresses in a kimono but after the last person who asked people don't dare to questions it.

    • Name: Dark Grasper
      Alias: Anko Isuna
      Title: Glasses of Love
      Affinity: Glasses

      Quote: "Hi hi! It's everyone's favorite YouTube idol Anko-chan~"
      Hobbies: Playing Video Games, Analyzing things, Stylizing her Glasses
      Special Skill: Style Switch - Just by altering her posture, Grasper can make her Glasses appear either stylish, cool, or cute and can switch between these modes with a 0.1 second delay.

      Weakness: Bugs, Sweet food, Having someone throw her off while she's trying to Ham, Doesn't actually think she's cute
      Strength: Awesome by Analysis, Can instantly make up a hamny monologue on the fly, Glasses-Master

      Bio: A mysterious girl who works with the Guildys, most details about her identity are unknown. As a side thing, she works under the name "Anko Isuna" as a Net Idol with the goal of spreading the love for Glasses. Yes, Dark Grasper is in fact her real name and her status as a human is uncertain.

    • Name: Drag Guildy
      Alias: Xu Mei Han
      Title: The Wandering Wind
      Affinity: Transience

      Quote: "Past the future is where the truth lies."
      Hobbies: Martial Arts - Swordplay, Music, Hair styling,
      Special Skill: Faster The Master - Xu Mei's reaction time is insane, to the point where she can easily get a Perfect on the hardest difficulty in a rhythm game with little effort

      Weakness: Dislikes getting dirty, Slow things, Lemonade,
      Strength: Pretty good musician, Can kick your ass, can read people's emotions easily, probably the closest to a normal person here

      Bio: A Guildy Hong met in her civilian identity. Drag is the leader of the Noble Heart guildy unit, though occasionally she doesn't feel like that good of a leader. Out of all the Guildy commanders, she's the one with the closest relationship with the Guildy leaders? When she's not training, she's working at her part time job or learning to play an instrument. Did some of the music for Grasper's idol work and is letting her stay at the Noble Heart apartment for the time being. Is deceased as of END GUILDY.

    • Name: Swan Guildy
      Alias: Hu Kang
      Title: The Furious Swan
      Affinity: Sadism

      Quote: "The hell are you looking at?!"
      Hobbies: Acting (Attempting), Getting into fights, roasting cheap meat
      Secret Skill: Mood Brood - Surprisingly, when Swan is trying to act, he becomes both a much more competent fighter and actor at the same time. He doesn't use this ability much though because it reminds him of Crab.

      Weakness: Shen Liang, Carrots, His own Fashion Sense
      Strength: Intimidating glare, his stomach is a bottomless abyss where he can forever eat as much meat as he wants, theoretically a good fighter when he isn't jobbing

      Bio: A Guildy that tried to beat up Hong in his civilian form. Neither of them knew they were Magical Girl and Guildy though so it's technically okay. Swan is a wannabe actor who has a tendency to annoy the rest of the Noble Heart unit by constantly starting to quote shakespeare in bad english. In return, the unit never fails to point out his lack of a job. It doesn't help that he spends the budget allocated to him on expensive burgers and old clothes from thrift shops. He had a girlfriend named Shen Liang but they broke up for… complicated reasons. He is the most motivated of the Noble Heart unit barring Drag herself. Is deceased as of LIAR GUILDY.

    • Name: Fox Guildy
      Alias: Shuo Huang
      Title: The Most Handsome Man In The Universe The Lying Fox
      Affinity: Ribbon Trickery

      Quote: "Good luck Hong you crazy bastard!"
      Hobbies: Conning other Guildys (Pays it back eventually), freestyle rapper (Not), Modeling (Fucks sake man stop lying) Never.
      Secret Skill: Yes.

      Weakness: None. (Lazy, the truth, can't stand potatos or cows)
      Strength: Yes (No)

      Bio: A Guildy who Hong met in his civilian Identity. Fox helped Hong workout until he ended up buff in less then a month what the fuck dude. He is the Vice Commander of the Noble Heart Guildys but you'd be excused if you thought that was Swan. In truth, he's actually not qualified to be a gym trainer. He used his ability, Suspension of Disbelief, to lie and get the job. He refuses to tell anyone what he does in his freetime, including the one writing this character file. Fox may know the truth, but it's not like he's ever going to tell you what it is. Well, I could, but it's not something you'd really like to hear. Is deceased as of DOUBLE GUILDY.

    • Name: Crab Guildy
      Alias: Huan Xiang
      Title: Shadow LIghtning of the Wandering Clouds of the Golden Sands
      Affinity: IMAGINATION! Chunni

      Quote: "Quick as lightning, fast as thunder, swift as the wind, thin as the air, fluid as water, overwhelming as the ocean, bright as light, golden as the sun, hot as fire, powerful as a volcano, and as holy as an angel! That is who I, Crab Guildy, am!"
      Hobbies: He reads way too much, way too much, pretty much just spends all his free time reading and watching tv
      Secret Skill: Golden Tongue - Despite floundering in pretty much any other skill, Crab Guildy's sense of taste is actually really refined. Granted to him everything taste lopsided but if he says it's fine then it's great.

      Weakness: Taking out the trash, takes criticism harshly, has way too much free time
      Strength: A… Very Vivid Imagination

      Bio: A Guildy who Hong met in his civilian Identity. Crab occasionally comes to the Adolescencia cafe in order to drink some of their delicious coffee. He is the one who introduced Hong to Shuo in the first place after Hong "saved his life". When he's not training his ability to be the best it could be, he's watching old anime on a tv or surfing the web in internet cafes. The truth is, when Crab was younger, he was bullied by some other Guildys for his attitude and his spell ability. It was originally called Dance of the Shadows but everyone else just referred to it as Nothing Personnel Kid despite how many times he told them to stop. It was Drag who stepped in and got everyone to stop and since then she has always been his role model. Is deceased as of REJECTION GUILDY.

    • Name: Turtle Guildy
      Alias: Zhong Li
      Title: The Tired Turtle
      Affinity: Coat

      Quote: "Just tell me when things make sense again."
      Hobbies: Ice Skating

      Secret Skill: Energy Saver - Turtle Guildy can do anything with the least amount of energy possible. Literally anything.

      Weakness: Almost never says anything, has spent his whole life on Ice Skating
      Strength: Can read other people's emotions easily, has perfect balance, pretty good Cook.

      Bio: The fourth Guildy that Hong fought. They actually met earlier when Hong decided to scout out the place of the duel before the fight began. If he knew of this however, Turtle would just sigh at how of course the magical girl he was going to fight was the guy who was terrible on ice. Turtle has spent his whole life dedicated to Ice Skating, in fact it's pretty much been dedicated to that specific Ice Skating rink for years. Whenever he's not Ice Skating, Turtle spends his time either sleeping. He is the Noble Heart's team cook and without him they have to subsist on a diet of fast food and convenience store snacks. In the days leading up to his duel, Turtle realized that he was probably going to die, and so he arranged for his duel to be on the ice skating rink that he so loved. For once in his life, he decided to use some of the energy that he never used and go out with a bang. Is deceased as of SHELL GUILDY.

    • Name: Rabbit Guildy
      Alias: Shi Shang
      Title: The Expensive Rabbit
      Affinity: Boot

      Quote: "How the hell is any of this my fucking fault?!"
      Hobbies: Blogging, Spending money, Karaoke
      Secret Skill: Advertisers Secret Weapon - Rabbit Guildy can frame pretty much any object in a way that'd make someone want to buy it. She could probably sell you a literal trash can and you'd buy it with a good deal on her end.

      Weakness: Spends way too much money, will do almost anything if you flatter her enough
      Strength: Her singing range is pretty wide, has a good fashion sense

      Bio: The third Guildy Tail Red faced off against. Rabbit Guildy has one thing on her mind at all time: Shopping. Specifically, shopping for Boots. It's gotten so bad that Drag has had to limit the amount of money she could spend each month. In the meantime, Rabbit runs a fashion blog on the internet that gives her a modest amount of income. In her off time, Rabbit likes to sing karaoke at a place right around the corner of the street the Noble Heart apartment is on. She's been scouted to be a model a couple of times but for some reason she always turns the offers down. Though Rabbit Guildy gets along well with the rest of her Unit, her feelings towards Drag go a bit beyond friendship… Is deceased as of TRY GUILDY.

    • Name:
      Chameleo Guildy
      Alias: Zhai Nan
      Title: The Dorky Chameleon
      Affinity: Red Hair

      Quote: "Damn you normal bastards!"
      Hobbies: Dating sims, taking care of animals
      Secret Skill: Baritone Voice - Chameleo Guildy can shout loud enough that whoever hears him is instantly paralyzed. However, he only gets this loud when it concerns waifus.

      Weakness: Hates those who he considers to be better off then him, never bothers to train, has no self confidence when it comes to talking with Girls
      Strength: Is surprisingly good at taking care of animals

      Bio: The second Guildy that Hong ever faced off against. Chameleo is responsible for a series of incidents around town of women fainting for no discernible reason. The truth is that he tried to hit on him, however due to his poor social skills, he ended up flubbing it so bad that he accidentally used his ability Tue Heart's Colors on them. He's tried online dating before, that didn't work out. Chameleo spends most of his days just playing dating sims, writing bad poetry, and hanging out with the stray dogs that live around the neighborhood. He gets a lot of flack for the fact that his Guildy ability, while in civilian mode, can only be used by changing the colors of his eyes. Though he may be a loser, even he wishes that he could have some youthful heart pounding romance. Is deceased as of MAN GUILDY.

    • Name: Lizard Guildy
      Alias: Ji Xing
      Title: The Forgotten Lizard
      Affinity: Doll

      Quote: "Just remember me and I'll be able to face my death proudly."
      Hobbies: Photography, stiching
      Secret Skill: Picture Capture - Lizard Guildy seems to capture the essence of whatever he takes a picture of. This usually comes at the price of acting like a total weirdo when taking the picture though.

      Weakness: Fades into the background, gets too ecenteric when doing his work, slightly impulsive
      Strength: good photographer

      Bio: The first Guildy Hong ever met and the one that caused him to awaken as Magical GIrl Tail Red. Lizard Guildy is the weakest of the Noble Heart Guildys and yet he's also the one who makes the most money out of all of them. Contrary to popular belief, Lizard Guildy is not interested in children in a certain manner. In fact, he doesn't actually have many of those kinds of desires to begin with. Lizard Guildy, in normal day to day life, acts very shyly and little more then a background character. However, when it comes to his art, Lizard Guildy gets very energetic and impulsive. At the end of the day, the thing that Lizard Guildy truly wants is to be remembered. Is deceased as of IGNITION GUILDY.
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Enemy Character Sheets


(Noble Heart) Lizard Guildy

Lizard Guildy


Health: 150
Base Damage: 45
Base Resilience: 20
Magic Modifier: 5
Affinity: Doll

Doll Gear
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Doll
Ability: Knockback | Stagger

Inazuma Shocker
-Converts the energy inside dolls to form a ball of pure electricity
Level 1
Base Damage: 30
Magic Modifier: 55
Affinity: Doll
Ability: Stun

Guildy Gear: Level 1
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Memories of Youth
-Before battle, the user can give their energy into dolls for later use. When used, they can sacrifice one of the dolls for a 20% boost to a stat of their choosing. This effect can be stacked via multiple dolls but it only lasts for 1 turn.

(Noble Heart) Chameleo Guildy

Chameleo Guildy


Health: 165
Base Damage: 35
Base Resilience: 40
Magic Modifier: 10

Affinity: Red Hair

Hair Gear
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Red Hair
Ability: Ray

Paint Me The World
-By using a series of certain colors, the user blinds anyone looking at him while simultaneously putting them in a state of Vertigo.
Level 1
Base Damage: 15
Magic Modifier: 45
Affinity: Red Hair
Ability: Blind | Vertigo

Guildy Gear: Level 5
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Colors of Me
-User can change the color of his skin in order to better blend in with the environment

True Heart's Colors

-The user can change the color of their skin into a rapidly changing series of colors which put the target into a hypnotic trance. Once in this state, the user can implant suggestions in the target's head to act a certain way, but only when they are looking at the changing color.

(Guildy) Rabbit Guildy

Rabbit Guildy


Health: 600
Base Damage: 90
Base Resilience: 160
Magic Modifier: 45

Affinity: Boot

Boot Gear
Level 3
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Boot
Ability: Knockback

Inaba Drop
Level 3
Base Damage: 225
Magic Modifier: 150
Affinity: Boot
Ability: Armor Pierce

Usagi Pound
Level 3
Base Damage: 120
Magic Modifier: 120
Affinity: Boot
Ability: Rain of Blows

Guildy Gear: Level 4
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Sprint: Level 4
-Rabbit Guildy has a footspeed of 40 mph.

Fancy Feet
-If Rabbit Guildy hits an object with her foot, the object will follow the trajectory she wants it to follow.

(Noble Heart) Turtle Guildy

Turtle Guildy


Health: 800
Base Damage: 90
Base Resilience: 175
Magic Modifier: 60
Affinity: Coat

Coat Gear
Level 3
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Coat
Ability: Intercept

Storm Center
Level 4
Base Damage: 200
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Coat
Ability: Vacuum

Guildy Gear: Level 5
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Heavy Weather
-Turtle Guildy can increase and decrease gravity in an area around him.

(Noble Heart) Fox Guildy

Fox Guildy


Health: Ask me no questions,
Base Damage: and I'll tell you no lies.
Base Resilience: Unless I feel like it, of course.
Magic Modifier: Then you're just shit outta luck.

Affinity: Trickery

Trickery Gear
Level Ɛ
Attacks Per Turn: ?
Affinities: Trickery
Ability: (Variable)

Lie to me baby
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Trickery
Ability: Perception Control

Guildy Gear: Level 3
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Suspension Of Disbelief
-The lie is truth and the truth, a lie. Fox Guildy can craft lies and deceptions so exquisite that even reality itself believes them. Though only one such fabrication can be maintained at a time, the limits to what they can be are quite broad.

(Noble Heart) Crab Guildy

Crab Guildy


Health: 400
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: 150
Affinity: Chuunibyou

Chunni Gear
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Chuunibyou
Ability: Critical Strike

Absolute Destruction Twin Pincer Annihilation Attack From the Crab Born In The Ever-Shifting Golden Sands of Sunlight Whose Rays Eternally Shine Down Upon The Earth Without Mercy
Level 5
Base Damage: 400
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Chuunibyou
Ability: Maim


Guildy Gear: Level 4
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Nothing Personnel, Kid
-Crab Guildy may teleport directly behind any combatant on the field, at will.

(Noble Heart) Swan Guildy

Swan Guildy


Health: 1,000
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinity: Sadism

Sadism Gear
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Sadism
Ability: N/A

Level 3
Base Damage: 150
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Sadism
Ability: Double Hit


Guildy Gear: Level 5
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Make em Hurt
-Every time Swan Guildy deals damage, increase his base damage by an equal amount. Resets at the end of battle.

(Noble Heart) Drag Guildy

Drag Guildy


Health: 1500
Base Damage: 350
Base Resilience: 350
Magic Modifier: 65
Affinity: Transience

Transience Gear
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Transience
Ability: Damage Block

Blazer Blade
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Transience
Ability: Critical Strike


Sky Wing Beat
Level 5
Base Damage: 750
Magic Modifier: 750
Affinity: Transience
Ability: Catastrophic Damage

Guildy Gear: Level 5
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Dual Wield
-Drag Guildy can utilize both of her weapons simultaneously.

Blink And You'll Miss It
-Drag Guildy's actions require one more level of High Speed Combat to follow than they would otherwise.

Passing Immortality
-All damage Drag Guildy takes is healed after a delay of two turns.

Past The Future
-This phase of weakness is temporary. Given time, we will surely grow, and achieve true strength in doing so. Drag Guildy may ignore prerequisites when purchasing items in the shop.

Brake Release
- For two turns, Drag Guildy can release her energy to ensure her Magic Modifier always rolls at maximum. However, Sky Wing-Beat must be used the following turn or be rendered unusable for the rest of the fight.

(High Valhalla) Valkyria Guildy

Valkyria Guildy


Health: 5,000
Base Damage: 600
Base Resilience: 400
Magic Modifier: 30

Affinity: Honor

Valkyrie's Call
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Honor
Abilities: ???

Honor Gear
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Honor
Abilities: ???

Guildy Gear: Level 10
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Master Skill
-Valkyria Guildy may sacrifice three actions to negate an opponent's action

Ride of the Valkyrie


(High Valhalla) Medusa Guildy

Medusa Guildy


Health: 1,600
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 160
Magic Modifier: 100

Affinity: Hugs

Hugs Gear
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Hugs
Abilities: Auto-Grapple | Hit by Level | Target by Level

Snake Eater
Level 3
Base Damage: 375
Magic Modifier: 225
Affinities. Hugs
Abilities: Detonate | Undodgeable

Guildy Gear: Level 8
-Controls HP and Resilience.

Deadly Wait
-For every two turns that Phantom Snare has been activated on a target, Snake Eater's affects increase by thirty percent

Slippery Snake
Level 3
-As long as Medusa Guildy is not engaged in a grapple, her apt is increased by the level of this ability.

Phantom Snare
-Once Medusa has touched a target, she can place a "lock" on them that allows her to grapple them at any time on the battlefield.

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Let's see. Magical girl Quest, a demon comes crashing through your house killing your sister before it gets a proverbial bitch slap by the 1#. Twin quest, a demon attacks your school and by extension your entire town before you run away. Fire that Burns, a demon attacks the town you and your cute sister are currently squatting in before you burn it to death like a badass.

God a Sword, you get kidnapped by a dorky lizard who really loves dolls being held by little cute girls. Oh and you were a guy.

These are all memorable openings in their own unique way.:V

Ok, besides panicking maybe we could not? Just by looking at the stats for the both of them it's in our favor, his spell or spells are hidden but I'm still confident we can win.

[X] Rush in
[X] Attempt to destroy his dolls

I'm feeling vindictive today
Voting is open