Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

Im a bit confused on what system were using, shouldn't each category have a certain amount of actions instead of being blank and what the heck is imperial authority?
[X] Plan Building Infrastructure
-[X] Build a proper Capital - Ordona has always lacked a central city to rally around being a vassal of Hyrule. However now Hyrule no longer exists and you need to rule yourselves. Build the beginnings of a capital for the people to rally around.
--[X] Assign Malo to this action
-[X] Survey for mines - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are seperated from that province and must get your own metal.
-[X] Build lumber camps - The Kokiri forest and the towns nearby it used to provide most of the lumber for Hyrule. While your people have always harvested some wood from the nearby Faron woods, with your people cut off from Hyrule it is time you established proper lumber camps.
-[X] Survey for possible Quarries - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are separated from that province and must get your own stone.

For now, I think we should start getting up our resource production and expanding our authority via morale and racial influence by starting to build a capital for the province.
ok actually I just realized 1 MASSIVE problem with this plan.... I can't believe I didn't notice and mention this earlier.

Lastly are your advisors and hero units. Some of these are interchangeable, your military ones in particular. Your advisors are VERY important as they grant you additional actions in a given category. They are however not easy to recruit, though you are young and have time to find them. You will start out with a few but definitely not one for every category.

There is a reason I included advisors in the turn.

you have 2 more actions you can take or 3 if you want to focus your 4th point of authority on something other than what Malo is doing.
Im a bit confused on what system were using, shouldn't each category have a certain amount of actions instead of being blank and what the heck is imperial authority?
ok short answer, go look in the Mechanics section.

Long answer: Imperial Authority is your actions per turn, basically I don't lock people into specific categories except for their advisor actions. So you can choose to focus entirely on economy or entirely on your military. It is up to you :D


@Hoshu @RandomDwarf @hcvquizibo @ThatGuyWithIdeas @Kalrotix

You guys are missing actions in the plan you all voted for. I would fix that if I were you.

Especially since I will go for plans with those actions filled rather than plans that don't even if the plans that lack those actions have more votes.
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[X] Plan getting started.

-[X] Census on how many militia you have - You lack precise numbers on how many militia you can call upon when needed. This is unacceptable as you can't be sure word gets out to every town and village that they are needed if you lack knowledge on how many people can call upon in a crisis.
Cost: 100 Rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Know exact number of militia you can call upon, will allow you to call upon more militia than if you lacked knowledge of the exact numbers.
--[X] Rusl

-[X] Build a proper Capital - Ordona has always lacked a central city to rally around being a vassal of Hyrule. However now Hyrule no longer exists and you need to rule yourselves. Build the beginnings of a capital for the people to rally around.
Cost: 200 Rupees, 500 stone/wood, 100 rupees per turn upkeep for 3 turns.
Time: 3 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: A Capital of varying size and complexity. Increased tax income from the Capitals population. New houses for the Hylian refugees to settle in. Increased trade income thanks to having a central hub. +1 population Morale for having a capital. +1 racial influence with each race in your nation for having a capital.
--[X] Malo

-[X] Survey for mines - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are seperated from that province and must get your own metal.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: new ore veins discovered.

-[X] Build lumber camps - The Kokiri forest and the towns nearby it used to provide most of the lumber for Hyrule. While your people have always harvested some wood from the nearby Faron woods, with your people cut off from Hyrule it is time you established proper lumber camps.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +200-600 wood Income

-[X] Survey for possible Quarries - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are separated from that province and must get your own stone.
Cost: 300 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: possible quarry locations discovered.

[X] Meet Ilia - Ilia is your childhood friend who has recently taken up the role of leading and representing the villages of Ordona Province. Meet her to get an idea of what Orondians in the villages want.
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
DC: guaranteed success
Reward: Information on the villages of Ordona Province.
--[X] Bo

[X] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about spying, stealth and assassination. Start by looking through the Refugee camps as you know that no one in Ordona really fits the bill.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: An advisor

We need to get our military forces together asap and we need to get spy's as soon as humanly possible so we keen keep an eye on the moblins and other threats.
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[X] Plan getting started.

-[X] Census on how many militia you have - You lack precise numbers on how many militia you can call upon when needed. This is unacceptable as you can't be sure word gets out to every town and village that they are needed if you lack knowledge on how many people can call upon in a crisis.
Cost: 100 Rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Know exact number of militia you can call upon, will allow you to call upon more militia than if you lacked knowledge of the exact numbers.

-[X] Build a proper Capital - Ordona has always lacked a central city to rally around being a vassal of Hyrule. However now Hyrule no longer exists and you need to rule yourselves. Build the beginnings of a capital for the people to rally around.
Cost: 200 Rupees, 500 stone/wood, 100 rupees per turn upkeep for 3 turns.
Time: 3 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: A Capital of varying size and complexity. Increased tax income from the Capitals population. New houses for the Hylian refugees to settle in. Increased trade income thanks to having a central hub. +1 population Morale for having a capital. +1 racial influence with each race in your nation for having a capital.

-[X] Survey for mines - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are seperated from that province and must get your own metal.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: new ore veins discovered.

-[X] Build lumber camps - The Kokiri forest and the towns nearby it used to provide most of the lumber for Hyrule. While your people have always harvested some wood from the nearby Faron woods, with your people cut off from Hyrule it is time you established proper lumber camps.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +200-600 wood Income

-[X] Survey for possible Quarries - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are separated from that province and must get your own stone.
Cost: 300 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: possible quarry locations discovered.

-[X] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about spying, stealth and assassination. Start by looking through the Refugee camps as you know that no one in Ordona really fits the bill.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: An advisor

We need to get our military forces together asap and we need to get spy's as soon as humanly possible so we keen keep an eye on the moblins and other threats.
ok some problems here too

1) you have a diplomatic advisor not an intrigue advisor so the action to take with them needs to be diplomacy, advisors do not grant authority they only grant 1 action in their category as I stated.

2) all advisor actions MUST be labelled that the Advisor is doing them.

3) you are still 1 action short.

you have 4 Authority plus 3 advisor actions, this means you can take up to seven actions total with 3 of them category locked. (Though you can also add 1 authority onto an already taken action for a +10 bonus to the roll.)

EDIT: c'mon guys can I get just 1 proper plan? :(
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ok some problems here too

1) you have a diplomatic advisor not an intrigue advisor so the action to take with them needs to be diplomacy, advisors do not grant authority they only grant 1 action in their category as I stated.

2) all advisor actions MUST be labelled that the Advisor is doing them.

3) you are still 1 action short.

you have 4 Authority plus 3 advisor actions, this means you can take up to seven actions total with 3 of them category locked. (Though you can also add 1 authority onto an already taken action for a +10 bonus to the roll.)

EDIT: c'mon guys can I get just 1 proper plan? :(
Thanks, the problems have been fixed.
[X] Plan getting started.

-[X] Census on how many militia you have - You lack precise numbers on how many militia you can call upon when needed. This is unacceptable as you can't be sure word gets out to every town and village that they are needed if you lack knowledge on how many people can call upon in a crisis.
Cost: 100 Rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Know exact number of militia you can call upon, will allow you to call upon more militia than if you lacked knowledge of the exact numbers.
--[X] Rusl

-[X] Build a proper Capital - Ordona has always lacked a central city to rally around being a vassal of Hyrule. However now Hyrule no longer exists and you need to rule yourselves. Build the beginnings of a capital for the people to rally around.
Cost: 200 Rupees, 500 stone/wood, 100 rupees per turn upkeep for 3 turns.
Time: 3 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: A Capital of varying size and complexity. Increased tax income from the Capitals population. New houses for the Hylian refugees to settle in. Increased trade income thanks to having a central hub. +1 population Morale for having a capital. +1 racial influence with each race in your nation for having a capital.
-[X] Malo

-[X] Survey for mines - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are seperated from that province and must get your own metal.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: new ore veins discovered.

-[X] Build lumber camps - The Kokiri forest and the towns nearby it used to provide most of the lumber for Hyrule. While your people have always harvested some wood from the nearby Faron woods, with your people cut off from Hyrule it is time you established proper lumber camps.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +200-600 wood Income

-[X] Survey for possible Quarries - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are separated from that province and must get your own stone.
Cost: 300 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: possible quarry locations discovered.

[X] Meet Ilia - Ilia is your childhood friend who has recently taken up the role of leading and representing the villages of Ordona Province. Meet her to get an idea of what Orondians in the villages want.
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
DC: guaranteed success
Reward: Information on the villages of Ordona Province.
--[X] Bo

[X] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about spying, stealth and assassination. Start by looking through the Refugee camps as you know that no one in Ordona really fits the bill.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: An advisor

We need to get our military forces together asap and we need to get spy's as soon as humanly possible so we keen keep an eye on the moblins and other threats.
Thanks dude :D

First proper plan here, now This plan is guaranteed to win unless someone else comes up with a different full plan and it beats this one in votes.
[X] Plan getting started.

Seem to be a good plan to begin. I think that for next turn we shoul be concentrate to developp our army, especially our cavalery and archers. Inutile to try to equal moblins infantry, they will crush it.

@san do we have idea of what type of units we have ? Are ther the sames that in the game ?
[X] Plan getting started.

Seem to be a good plan to begin. I think that for next turn we shoul be concentrate to developp our army, especially our cavalery and archers. Inutile to try to equal moblins infantry, they will crush it.

@san do we have idea of what type of units we have ? Are ther the sames that in the game ?
you have no units atm... though you can train units later.

As for what type they are or whether they are the same as in the game, what game? Hyrule total war/Conquest? If so then no because your not Hyrule your Ordona meaning different faction than any of the ones shown.

You will see what you have as they become available. For now, you have a bunch of ragtag militia types with 0 coordination between their uniforms and equipment.
you have no units atm... though you can train units later.

As for what type they are or whether they are the same as in the game, what game? Hyrule total war/Conquest? If so then no because your not Hyrule your Ordona meaning different faction than any of the ones shown.

You will see what you have as they become available. For now, you have a bunch of ragtag militia types with 0 coordination between their uniforms and equipment.

Thanks ! I spoke about hyrle total war units, that i found interesting; But the possibility to creat our own units in very seductive ^^
Thanks ! I spoke about hyrle total war units, that i found interesting; But the possibility to creat our own units in very seductive ^^
ya sorry but no total war units 4 you, had you chosen any of the other three kingdoms you could have made those units, but well... Ordona isn't a faction in it yet. :(

Good news is you can build an army however you wish with the tech and resource on hand. :D

(this means you could eventually have an army of spartans as your main infantry backed up by repeating crossbowmen with gunpowder arrows, Mongol archers with the same as a hit and run unit, Teutonic knights for a shock cavalry, light mages for healing your troops, and Elemental mages to bombard your enemy, with plenty of French style early cannons to siege their castles/forts.)

This is just one possible idea of a military you can create.
Ok guy's iv'e been thinking about what our overall game plan should be and I came up with a basic outline for how i think we should build our military and what our first major political move should be and i want to run it by you guy's.

After considering the types of land that we are surrounded by and the enemy's we are dealing with i feel like we would be best off specializing in a mongol like form of combat with a core of horse bound archers and woodland rangers. We will of course have other types of units but i fell like with how close we are to the woods and Ordon's cavalry breeders trait we are in a prime position to go full mongol, combine that with Wolfos friends making us all but built for an elite group of rangers and we are in the perfect position for rapid land grab of the near by area once we get our shit together.

As our first step once we have our shit together and are ready to expand we should use our closeness to the Kokiri Forest and our rangers to go on a blitz by killing any monster standing between us and Zelda. If we play our cards right we can then marry her (and if that's not an option at least use our closeness as a pair of serial reincarnating lovebirds/best friends to set up an iron clad alliance) and thus gain access to the vaunted heavily armored royal guard and sneaky sneaky Sheikah thus perfectly rounding out our forces and replacing our average heavy armor and sneaky units with specialized units picture perfect for the role.

With Zelda on side and her heavy units and spy's backing up our horde we should be able to tear our way through the moblins and what ever there largest settlement is before turning our attention to the rest of Hyrule and starting on our way to reclaiming the kingdom in it's entirety thanks to that wonderful legitimacy she brings as the defacto queen of Hyrule.

This of course is just a military plan, were still going to need to cover stewardship and what sorts of research we should be doing but those aren't my fields of expertise I'm more of a combat strategist.

Here is a map of Hyrule for those of you who need it.

Zelda is so close it's ridiculous to not do our damndest to get her on side.
Ok guy's iv'e been thinking about what our overall game plan should be and I came up with a basic outline for how i think we should build our military and what our first major political move should be and i want to run it by you guy's.

After considering the types of land that we are surrounded by and the enemy's we are dealing with i feel like we would be best off specializing in a mongol like form of combat with a core of horse bound archers and woodland rangers. We will of course have other types of units but i fell like with how close we are to the woods and Ordon's cavalry breeders trait we are in a prime position to go full mongol, combine that with Wolfos friends making us all but built for an elite group of rangers and we are in the perfect position for rapid land grab of the near by area once we get our shit together.

As our first step once we have our shit together and are ready to expand we should use our closeness to the Kokiri Forest and our rangers to go on a blitz by killing any monster standing between us and Zelda. If we play our cards right we can then marry her (and if that's not an option at least use our closeness as a pair of serial reincarnating lovebirds/best friends to set up an iron clad alliance) and thus gain access to the vaunted heavily armored royal guard and sneaky sneaky Sheikah thus perfectly rounding out our forces and replacing our average heavy armor and sneaky units with specialized units picture perfect for the role.

With Zelda on side and her heavy units and spy's backing up our horde we should be able to tear our way through the moblins and what ever there largest settlement is before turning our attention to the rest of Hyrule and starting on our way to reclaiming the kingdom in it's entirety thanks to that wonderful legitimacy she brings as the defacto queen of Hyrule.

This of course is just a military plan, were still going to need to cover stewardship and what sorts of research we should be doing but those aren't my fields of expertise I'm more of a combat strategist.

Here is a map of Hyrule for those of you who need it.

Zelda is so close it's ridiculous to not do our damndest to get her on side.

I like this plan and i admit it's tempting ^^
Ok guy's iv'e been thinking about what our overall game plan should be and I came up with a basic outline for how i think we should build our military and what our first major political move should be and i want to run it by you guy's.

After considering the types of land that we are surrounded by and the enemy's we are dealing with i feel like we would be best off specializing in a mongol like form of combat with a core of horse bound archers and woodland rangers. We will of course have other types of units but i fell like with how close we are to the woods and Ordon's cavalry breeders trait we are in a prime position to go full mongol, combine that with Wolfos friends making us all but built for an elite group of rangers and we are in the perfect position for rapid land grab of the near by area once we get our shit together.

As our first step once we have our shit together and are ready to expand we should use our closeness to the Kokiri Forest and our rangers to go on a blitz by killing any monster standing between us and Zelda. If we play our cards right we can then marry her (and if that's not an option at least use our closeness as a pair of serial reincarnating lovebirds/best friends to set up an iron clad alliance) and thus gain access to the vaunted heavily armored royal guard and sneaky sneaky Sheikah thus perfectly rounding out our forces and replacing our average heavy armor and sneaky units with specialized units picture perfect for the role.

With Zelda on side and her heavy units and spy's backing up our horde we should be able to tear our way through the moblins and what ever there largest settlement is before turning our attention to the rest of Hyrule and starting on our way to reclaiming the kingdom in it's entirety thanks to that wonderful legitimacy she brings as the defacto queen of Hyrule.

This of course is just a military plan, were still going to need to cover stewardship and what sorts of research we should be doing but those aren't my fields of expertise I'm more of a combat strategist.

Here is a map of Hyrule for those of you who need it.

Zelda is so close it's ridiculous to not do our damndest to get her on side.
ok 1 MASSIVE problem with this plan... wrong map bro, I am using an original map based off of a VERY different map than this one... If you must have a base map to go off of, then look at Hyrule total war for a rough idea.

I will warn you though remember the Prologue?
The land itself was reshaped by the cataclysm however, and even the maps must now be redrawn.
sooo ya VERY different map than even that one sorry.

There are a few minor problems with the plan as well as you need some research to do some of that stuff but eh, your pretty close to that kind of army technology wise anyway.
Hey you gus wanna chance it later and see if Nyaru can give us a map of reshaped world once we build a temple for her and shes not mad at us
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