There was something whimsical, yet deeply melancholy about the land. Northern Yong as-yet lived its high noon, but the sun had long set on Southern Vane. Outside the extravagant Ruby Court itself, the region sported very few Cultivator cities, for any mid-sized settlement that failed to contain a Dao Cleaving-or-higher expert was under the remote but menacing prospect of Diagram Lich attack.
Hmm. What exactly are the Diagram Liches doing that for? Just general spite+vengeance style motivations, they want some test subjects, both, or something else?
Yong Clan headhunters of the Reality Forming stage could slay Diagram terrorists without locating their phylacteries, but few other paths of Cultivation demonstrated so comprehensive an offensive ability, and Northern Yong was literally halfway across the world.
Heavy Counter OP, even those degenerate versions not used by a Titan, I guess?
For low-level Cultivators, a locale not worth the risk of exploitation, despite its relative abundance of resources. For the mighty, a distant and politically marginalized zone not worth the time to explore. For Nameless - an immortal psuedolich, immune to offensive Diagrams, with no vital organs in his flesh body - it was nearly perfect. It was likely that other Diagram liches believed the same. If he dug deeply enough, he expected to find a Diagram stronghold in a pocket dimension anchored here, containing peers and contemporaries of his ancient mentor. Whether they received him fearfully or well, he would extract what secrets he could before they perished.
So it's full of mid-level guys, should mostly be like Soul Chrysalis and Dao Cleaving? Considering we have the Ring, the Liches might be pissed at us for chopping time off their lifespans (deathspans?), but that boost to social? Don't discount the possibility of a female lich who
likes broody youngsters!
(somehow, the fleshless hypothetical fangirl Lich is less disturbing than a normal fangirl. Mostly because she can't jump Nameless.)
"Xiaoling doesn't get along well with others," he said offhandedly to Suizhen. "When we get there, hang back at first and let me handle her."
Others meaning literally anyone who is not Nameless. What a understatement.
"I certainly can't rely on you to protect us against scams," he needled gently. Suizhen stiffened, embarrassed.
"S-sir! You could have told me that those 'Spiritwood fruits' were but normal cherries! Does not your Ring allow you to see through all manner of illusion?"
Bullying Suizhen is Good Civ. Good work, Nameless.
"But we're already low on money as it is..." Suizhen slumped. "Sir, you're consuming so many materials on your own, is it really alright to spend so much on me as well? At this rate I'll never work off my debt! To say nothing of your Quickening fee..."
"That is the plan," he nodded sagely. "But really, Suizhen, two centuries' wages is nothing. Anything less than a millennium is an eyeblink in the life of a Titan, and I'm sure your rates will increase as you grow in power."
Debt Slavery is apparently a really strong scam, and Nameless is playing off its seriousness to Suizhen, but what if someone comes in and offers to pay off her debts? Someone like... the Heroine?
(Nah, the Heroine can't poach our carefully nurtured minions like that, you say? Don't discount it yet!)
He paused. "I still can't believe you've never eaten a cherry before. Does the house of Kong truly suffer from such grievous deprivation? Is his tyrannical denial of foodstuffs the reason you want to off your old Patriarch?"
I mean, Zang Kong made the Overgrowth, so clearly his priorities lie in other places rather than feeding his experimental fodder. Not surprising, really, such a visionary can't be bothered to care for the welfare of the common folk, only for
SCIENCE cultivation and
PROGRESS power consolidation.
"Unloved child!" She shrieked gleefully, gathering up her skirts and rushing down to embrace him. "It's been far too long."
"Spoiled brat," he said, returning her hug affectionately. "And how are you? Not suffering too terribly, I hope."
Oh man, these nicknames, this banter. No wonder she doesn't have any other friends.
Her ears had been allowed to grow, he noted, and were now disguised by a minor but true Artifact, a thin golden choker. A product of her mysterious mother?
What, were they trimming her ears or something?
"I'm put out," she replied, doe-like eyes flashing. "Not only were you late, forcing me to subsist within this hovel, but now I see you've picked up a stray! Why didn't you mention her in your letter?"
Imagining anime eyes. Clearly, Xiaoling needs to be bullied. Only then can more cuteness and despair be born.
"She's my bodyguard," he replied, amused. "The genius, if you recall. Suizhen broke through into Soul Chrysalis last month, a day before her fifteenth birthday."
"Ah," Xiaoling sniffed disdainfully. "It's good she's blessed with something. The girl is rather plain."
"I find her eyes very striking," he teased, turning and waving to Suizhen.
I see how she was going to demoralize the other girls. Bad Xiaoling! Only we get to bulli!
Xiaoling, if he were to be frank, was indeed a heart-stopping beauty, even among the noble ladies of the Ming Court. Her light brown hair, pale green eyes, and near-translucent skin made her partial elven heritage very clear; that heritage, in conjunction with her intimidating looks and ferocious personality, had driven away most of the would-be allies and admirers in their peer group.
Don't be swayed, Nameless! Keep your eyes on the prize: the more females that delude themselves into thinking they have a chance, the more cannon fodder you can throw at the heroine!
She had been a generous and gregarious child, openly disclosing her half-elf ancestry to him when they'd first met, but the official story was that she was only one-eighth elven (an acceptable degree of deviance for an heiress of the Trade Throne). Many of her friends of lower stature, to whom she had also disclosed the truth, had been assassinated in order to maintain the pretense. The distraught Xiaoling was subsequently spoiled by her apologetic father, and she learned that a combative stance towards others was safer for all involved. Habit became character, and Xiaoling's original open-hearted motivations had perhaps been forgotten along the way.
Oh. So she was deredere but didn't understand infosec, and thus, everybody but Yong among her friends got disposed of. Then, she became himedere.
Clearly, if Xiaoling becomes untouchable, i.e. A TITAN, then she won't have to be himedere anymore!
Sidequest Get!
"Eyes of Kong," Xiaoling said, studying his bodyguard. Her own eyes narrowed in response. "And of that purity grade... I recognize her. She's from the Sui family branch, isn't she? I thought Zang Kong had exterminated them for treason."
You know, maybe you shouldn't put too much stock in Zang Kong's public announcements. I bet
he knows about infosec. Wait, can you really reveal your shameful half-elf nature at Titanhood then, Xiaoling, if even Zang Kong uses infosec? Oh well. Sidequest Lost.
"It was some kind of experiment, from what I've gathered," Nameless replied. "But yes, treason against one's Marquis was the official story. Suizhen wasn't implicated, her parents were."
... Guess Zang Kong doesn't know shit about infosec then. Sidequest Re-Get!
"Enough about her," he said sharply, "What about me? And more importantly - the presents you've surely bought for me. Let's get to it! Emperor knows I only put up with you for your money..."
"Oh, that reminds me!" Xiaoling squealed, slapping a hand against his torso. "I found a new palanquin that's absolutely divine! You simply must see it, I've had an exhibition built on the 37th floor. You'll never guess where I dredged this up..."
Nameless beckoned Suizhen over and headed into the hotel-fortress. It was good to be back in civilization, he mused, if only for a spell.
... Nameless, are you a Gold Digger? It's fine even if you are, don't worry, your Fangirls will happily be scammed out of everything they own by you!
Xiaoling is surprisingly genki. Himedere are usually more cold and in control? Blame it on hormones or something.
... For a spell, you say? Shit! We missed a pun! If we'd only picked Kleinvarr's Greater Refining, that could have been that spell!
"...And you must be the bodyguard!" Xiaoling said sweetly, but with an air of appraisal. It was some hours into the tour, and the first time she'd acknowledged Suizhen's existence.
Somewhat taken aback, Suizhen merely nodded.
"What a delightful outfit," Xiaoling continued, stalking a semi-circle around her newest victim. "It looks so... practical."
"Thanks!" Suizhen perked up. "I really like it. Yours is beautiful too, but how do you fight in heels?"
"Oh, you poor thing," Xiaoling shook her head consolingly. "That's what a change of outfits is for. I suppose you mustn't have had much opportunity for that. Don't worry, we must all play to our strengths... your case is simply more literal than others'."
"Um..." Suizhen faltered, somewhat confused. "I, I guess? I mean, I'm happy to be strong?"
"Of course you are, dear, it's not like he hired you for the conversation," Xiaoling dismissed, turning back to Nameless.
"You know she's going to be carrying our luggage," Nameless pointed out.
Away, foul Xiaoling. Only we can bully Suizhen. Luckily, Suizhen understands about zero of what you're saying, so she's fine. Note that we're defending Suizhen slightly here. Don't anger the loot-holders, or you might find your loot lost, after all!
"All the more important that she be strong," Xiaoling replied airily. "And now, Unloved Child: I have been an absolutely wonderful hostess to you, catered to your every want, anticipated your every need-"
He nodded. "Yes, everything has been perfect despite our being forced to live in a hovel. Good job!" He gave her a cheesy thumbs-up.
Xiaoling rolled her eyes. "I'm adrift in the winds of your flattery. But have you really not gotten anything for me?" She pouted beseechingly.
He thought for a moment, then indicated himself with a flourish. "Ta-da! It's me, your only friend!"
She sniffled. "You wound me so deeply..."
"I'm my father's son," he admitted. "Scum of the earth, the worst dregs of Yong."
"Absolutely heartless," she accused.
"The Mountain's Refuse, they call us. To press against us is to sink into trash."
Xiaoling snorted and he pulled her into a hug. "The truth is," he whispered, "I did get you something. But it's so much better than the crap you've gotten me that I haven't felt like bringing it out. A giant gold-plated Diagram, really? So, if you want to see it, you'll have to do me a favor."
Begging for presents, really? I guess she's still pretty young, and Spoiled at that.
Note that Xiaoling is surprisingly physically affectionate? Guess it's because we're her only friend, and thus we get the deredere bits.
Another note that we're pressing against her in a hug after mentioning sinking into trash. Imagine Nameless as a Garbador or something, and Xiaoling's slightly flailing as she's sinking in?
"You didn't like the Diagram?" She whispered concernedly.
"I love the Diagram," he reassured, "but it's still nowhere near as spectacular as my gift. Therefore I'll need that favor."
"Well," she said with mock umbrage, "my wish is your command, then."
"Be nicer to Suizhen."
"You ask too much."
"I didn't say to be nice. Just... a medium amount nicer. Can you do that? For me?"
"Begging for mercy on her behalf?"
"That's right."
"Hmph. I suppose if it's a request from my... only friend," she said haughtily, "then in... desperation not to lose your friendship, I must accede."
Xiaoling is seeming ever more needy in my head. If we up her loyalty enough, she'll probably develop a dependency on us or something. Also, Nameless has some wheedling skills. Harem Management is in your future! If we even manage to acquire a waifu in this quest. If Fate doesn't off her as soon as we hit 18.
"Just as planned," he said smugly. She swatted him on the arm.
"Ow!" Xiaoling looked at her hand. "You monstrous beast, you've hurt me. Did you complete that flesh-reinforcing Diagram you were dreaming about?"
"I learned to Cultivate," he said. "And, I discovered a stage between Ego Barrier and Organ Refining. Diagram Mages can access it."
"You what?"
"Don't worry, half-elves can access it too."
I see she doesn't have too much experience with our BS Thrice-Great synergies. She will, though. She will.
Last time, the winning votes were [X] Liches, [X] Xiaoling Cultivation Buff, and [X] Spend a Beyond Point. You now have 1 (and change) Beyond Point(s).
Xiaoling has attained Beyond Ego Barrier and has promised to be nicer to Suizhen. We'll see how that holds up. She's also done some preliminary fieldwork on this area, mostly by paying off the local Sects to dish out the gossip on their competitors. As it is, it appears that a probable Lich stronghold has been discovered by the Bleak Ravens sect, and their newly-ascended Reality Forming Patriarch has taken up residence in the subterranean vault adjacent to the suspected pocket dimension. No outside information has leaked on his activities in the vault, but he seems determined not to leave. Bleak Ravens Elders and high-ranked officers have been seen patrolling the area and fighting desperately to intercept any attempts to reach and potentially disrupt him.
The Bleak Ravens practice a form of Forbidden Cultivation that allows for rapid Stage breakthroughs in exchange for a weakened core. Still, you don't believe you can contest a Reality Forming master on prepared ground, no matter how subpar his foundation is.
... Let's say each of his stages is worth like .75 of a normal stage, he's at like 3.75. It's probably safer to assume he's around High-Peak Dao Cleaving overall. Ah, if only we'd taken Crown, 1 touch attack would end that subpar trash's .75 Ego Barrier.
[ ] Direct Investigation - None of the Ravens' other officers are above mid Dao Cleaving, and it very much appears that their Patriarch does not wish to be disturbed. Save time and energy, just investigate directly. If they attack, your vastly greater speed should allow you to keep your Lackeys safe.
*Immediately receive your Mastermind Point for the month, cancelling out your Mastermind Point debt.
*Directness: The Overlord's favored path grants increased probability of success as your Charmed Life activates
*Attempt to resolve things diplomatically before resorting to surreptitiousness or force
*Write-in tactics and relevant omakes can further improve chances
*Moderate risk to Lackeys
Immediately paid 1 MP. Good chance of success, but have to protect our puny Lackeys. Our Mid Dao Cleaving effective strength should destroy these probably about Peak Soul Chrysalis to Low Dao Cleaving effective lieutenants.
[ ] Stealth Insertion - Don't take your Lackeys along, try to use your Diagram skills to stealthily reach the dimensional anchor from an oblique angle and get into the pocket dimension that way. Given the array of exotic offensive Diagram effects that an unannounced intrusion might provoke, it would be unwise for non-Ringbearers to accompany you.
*Virtually no risk to Lackeys, who will train while you are gone
*If you are just interested in the Liches, a much more intelligent way of meeting them inconspicuously
*Might trigger the Reality Forming Patriarch into action, depending on what he is doing
*Write-in tactics and relevant omakes can further improve chances
*Expend a Mastermind Point: Guarantee safe and quiet entry into the pocket dimension, if one exists. If one does not exist, Nameless will have a significantly improved chance to figure out what is going on.
Buff lackeys, but we can't take the Patriarch. Probably best to do this if we want to trade with the Liches.
[ ] Pass - There's more than one Lich stronghold around here, you can feel it. No reason to approach the one guarded by a Reality Forming Patriarch. But how will you search for them?
*Xiaoling slightly piqued you're not investigating her lead, but at her current level of Loyalty this is barely relevant
*You will need to figure out a way to find the other Lich Vaults in the area
*Many plans can be viable, but most will probably not be
*Can collect cultivation materials while searching
*May have to fight monsters while searching
*If enough time passes, Nameless will train/cultivate while searching
*Expend a Mastermind Point: Nameless will take the best elements of proposed plans and add his own insights.
Xiaoling's at like +3 Loyalty, and it might drop by like .1 or .25 because of this? It may be worthwhile to get Eyes of Kong and use them to detect Diagram Magic in the vicinity, if we do this, instead of .4 BP.
You're poor now, and it doesn't feel right to rely on Xiaoling's perpetual generosity. What to do?
[ ] Take Out a Loan - There's a Bank of Yong branch in this city, as in most major trade ports. You can take out a loan up to 4x your original net worth, but it'll basically shut down this branch as its reserves will be totally depleted. [Spoiled]: Taking out a smaller loan would be super lame, you need that money for cultivation materials! And it won't do to make Yong look poor in front of Ming.
*Get tons of money without substantial effort
*Minor prestige hit to the Yong in the area
*You technically owe money to the bank
*Benefit from near-zero interest rates
This is basically pulling out the Yong coffers. I'd rather grind Scamming, to be honest, though?
[ ] Scam People - The time-honored classic. What else is there to say?
*Work long and hard for your money, slightly improves social skills relating to deception and manipulation
*Unlike the other two options, consumes time that could be spent doing other things
*Will probably make enemies
*Most enemies can be tricked with Illusory Guise
*Small chance of acquiring Treasures along with money
*Expend a Mastermind Point: Small chance of acquiring Priceless Treasures along with money, guaranteed to avoid enemies
Exactly how small is that small? If it's like 10%, that alone is worth about 15% of a BP, probably extra cash for spending the MP, but avoiding enemies may not really be worth it, as I think we can take on mid-rank Dao Cleaving, as Archsmith was Low Dao Cleaving level strength without the Beyond Ego Barrier boost of about +0.25 stages.
[ ] Mooch off Xiaoling - Accept poverty. It doesn't look good, but it's not like Xiaoling cares. With access to Daddy's credit line, she's even richer than you!
*Nameless slightly demoralized
*Xiaoling can buy luxuries, food, and lodging, but serious cultivation materials would drain her budget rapidly, as it did yours
*You can still get cultivation materials from killing monsters later
*May raise or lower the potency of Spoiled, unpredictable
If we could lower the potency of Spoiled with this, predictably, then I'd take it. However, since we can't...
Discussion and fanworks have unlocked one of four bonuses:
[ ] +40% Beyond Point Progress
If we plan on pure save, getting this is good. Its value is actually under the next option, however...
[ ] Choose an 'expend Mastermind point' option this update for free (you must choose this option to Expend any Mastermind points this update)
A Mastermind Point is worth slightly less than half a Beyond Point due to imperfect liquidity. Great value, but exactly how efficient are these options, really?
[ ] Eyes of Kong [Diagram] - By training with Suizhen, you can refine her ability to detect exotic energies, allowing her to track and perceive the residue of Diagram magic in an area. Suizhen becomes more adept at disrupting Diagrams of all types.
This might be worth considering if we plan on hunting a lot of Liches.
[ ] Actually Useful - It turns out this giant gold-plated Diagram is actually a minor Artifact on the level of Xiaoling's collar. You're pretty sure it will slightly (~10%?) improve the effects of a Grand Diagram scribed upon its surface. Remember, some Grand Diagrams (like your Forge of the Nameless) take a lot of time and rare materials to construct.
The only Grand Diagrams we know of for the foreseeable future are the Crown and the Vault, unless we trade for them. May be useful, but situational. Basically, if we want to grab the Vault soon.