I wonder, what is that Reality Forming master even doing in the Vault next to the Dimension that all his followers are so desperate to stop people from interrupting him?
Also, we can trade Baenlixnaire's Deliberation. It's blurb indicates it's the best spell for something approaching increased intelligence ever developed, which makes it very valuable. It's also Baelixnaire's own self-developed spell, meaning they won't have it. We can market it as helping their research and improving their effectiveness, since that doesn't really matter given their Doom approaching.
I'm getting a vibe that there is something shifty going on.
the blurb for:
Expend a Mastermind Point: Guarantee safe and quiet entry into the pocket dimension, if one exists. If one does not exist, Nameless will have a significantly improved chance to figure out what is going on. "
Doesn't just say something may be going on, it basically states that something IS going on, and it is up to nameless (alone) to find it with this choice.
Additionally isn't it a little strange that the patriarch is being kept separate? This could mean one of many scenarios is taking place.
1) The master's lackeys are trying to sabotage him by preventing help from coming.
----This is unlikely, as there has been no news of civil strife according to Ming's gossip, and more then that filial duty is BIGLY in this verse.
2) The master is trying to pierce the veil, and is weakened by whatever method is being used to enter the dimension. More then that, it may simply require intensive meditation that leaves him vulnerable, rather then there being a particular weakness. Although this leads to conspiracy theory
-2a) THERE IS NO LICH. The master has been weakened by the form of forbidden cultivation and needs time to recover. The LICH IS A LIE.
-2b) There is a lich, but there is a curse, too. The master is currently trapped/cannot appear in public for some reason. This could be due to the weakness of the clans here, with no clear leader having come out ahead. This is plausible in my opinion.
---the most plausible here is that the piercing of the dimension veil requires meditation or vulnerability. This leads to a bargaining advantage if we can get to him... especially if we look more powerful then we are. Remember not everyone has Kong eyes, accurately judging power is difficult. We can "flex" our metaphorical spiritual muscles. Maybe use illusion to augment it? Using force to rofl-no our way through defences may be part of this.
3) There is no weakness, no trap. It is instead... a negotiation. Look at it like this. You are desperately struggling to make your clan more powerful to the point of dominating; but there are three other clans, and no one could possibly overcome all of them. The situation is precariously balanced. So you, an ambitious patriarch, reach out to your eternal enemies.... the liches. By combining cultivation with diagram we found an extra stage, a revelation that could lead to all-out war with elves if publicised. If we could do it, why not a lich and a patriarch?
The scenario is quite persuasive too- just breaks through to reality-forming, then realises how weakened the foundation is. Maybe fears about his slower growing enemies overwhelming him. So desperation strikes.
----I can definitely believe something like this happening. Given what we've heard about the situation with the warring clans and wekend foundations, it provides more then adequate motive.
Implications: The fact that there is no reward offered for helping pierce the veil is important. It either means that the clan is acting against its better interests, or alternatively that there is something deeper going on. It could just be prestige, with them wanting all the rewards and fame for themselves. Somehow I doubt it. I sniff conspiracy.
Plan [
Dazzle them]: Play to a charmed life. Go all out. They know about Ming, she's bought out the biggest hotel in town. They may have heard of us; if not, present them with a story that fits our narrative. We are diagram prospectors. We have Ming's plate, a suitable prop. We have some tricks we can show of ourselves. Pretend to be cultivating collectors on holiday. More money then brains, but lots of influence. It's time to put on the tricksters hat.
- take
[ ] Direct Investigation
- take Ming. Dress up. Ooze wealth. Ooze importance. Wear the nicest clothes... and the most dangerous smiles. Suizen can sit there and look tough. Or maybe have her play the distressed manservant/maid? Scurrying around, obeying orders. She'd be good at this role, and Ming would find it very funny. Most importantly, we CANNOT TAKE THIS ROUTE WITH
[ ] Take Out a Loan because of the prestige hit. If they know we aren't actually wealthy it will make the deception less plausible. We could coast by on our name, but it would be risky.
- Barge in. Overwhelm the guards. "Don't you know who I am" thirty times a second. We can simply bluster through the initial guards. Ming in full force is a something to be reckoned with I suspect.
-When we meet the middle ranking officer, simply go for the "bribe/benefit for your clan/important news your patriarch needs to hear" approach. This is a time-honoured strategy. Act like you belong wielding this much influence. next thing you know you will have that influence to wield.
The critical question is whether 2b) or 3) is the case. Or both- a weakened negotiation. If the patriarch is, in fact, being a traitor, we put them on the spot. I'm certain we can barge in, but the issue is that may get us assasinated if we find ourselves in a public way and also knowing of the treachery. THIS OPTION MUST NOT END IN COMBAT. "you don't believe you can contest a Reality Forming master on prepared ground, no matter how subpar his foundation is." THIS IS IMPORTANT. There are reinforcements waiting. The boss is a stage too high for our effective offence to play. We must cut a deal, or find some angle to play at.
Let's brainstorm people. With this particular option, I recommend going with
[ ] Stealth Insertion
*Expend a Mastermind Point
[ ] Choose an 'expend Mastermind point' option this update for free
To allow us to max our bluff, while getting most out of the scamming option (even if we dont get a priceless treasure we can surely make lots of money off it, thereby refunding our time investment and more). Remember that we are going to get "lucky" with this approach- find the stupid guard who will take us to the elder, wander in at their most vulnerable etc. We can leverage this to extraordinary heights if we play it right. But in this scenario we can't pick a fight. Elders and guards everywhere- it is a fail condition.
Not voting yet because we need to plan this more.
Metal gear: ReNameless coming soon