I'm not too bothered about names, although Amani North seems like it's preferred here, so I'm happy with that.
Personality-wise, I would've preferred something like "graceful" or "mild-mannered". Seeing the lack of a write-in option, while I'm okay with straight-laced, I prefer "bubbly" just by a little bit, and "straight-laced" has enough of a lead that I'm not worried about anathema "aggressive" taking the lead, even under set voting conditions.
Who the protagonist's parents are is a question that deserves greater attention, I think. Being the illegitimate daughter of aristocrats may allow us to have a finger on the pulse on the happenings of the navy's aristocratic leadership; even nobles gossip, after all. And being illegitimate provides that extra friction, too, with active and background characters. Being the daughter of a knight is also potentially interesting, because I suspect many of them are mecha pilots (I'm admittedly making an assumption here, we don't have enough information on what knights are exactly), and having the protagonist being a bridge bunny opens a lot of interesting narrative consequences. Is our parent disappointed that we did not follow in their footsteps and have instead joined the ranks of REMFs? Are we predisposed to get along better with pilots, having been raised by one? If our parent is still in active duty, will we ever be in a situation where we end up being in the same battle together? It's potential narrative consequences like these that makes me vote "the daughter of a penniless knight" here, although I suppose it's a little tactical when "daughter of common soldiers" is still in play.
On similar narrative terms, I'm inclined to vote for the Ranger-class heavy reconnaissance craft, because it's the type of vessel that really accommodates quests more. While Flower- and Metallic-class vessels are undoubtedly better suited for conventional battles, the Ranger-class is probably better suited for more independent action like scouting or hit-and-run missions, something that is relatively more quest-like, especially since we're playing a bridge bunny instead of a captain.
So, that being said...
[x] Amani North
[x] Bubbly
[x] The daughter of a penniless knight
[x] Ranger Class heavy reconnaissance craft