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- Europe
I mean, it's not like the options we don't tackle will definitely errupt in crises.
Aesernia and Abellinum seem to be there to strike fear into them and force them to be quiet.
(Also, the way Sertorius talks it looks like he will choose the option we don't take, but which is in the same sentence as our.)
Sertorius assumes that if we win two, we'll put out the other fires, too. It seems more like the choice questions how we will proceed. We help the Hiripini and Bovianum and we will likely work towards our goal of bringing the Samnites willingly into the fold during our social war as we find allies among them to divide them."Luckily, it is not so dire as you might imagine, Atellus. Those partial to Roman interests here in Samnium inform me that the Samnites are stubborn, but not so stubborn they cannot see sense. We need not solve all these problems, only a few, and others will quiet. Turn the Hirpini and Bovianum to our side, and much of our opposition will melt away. Or, should we pacify Aesernia and Abellinum, the tribes will fall in line."
Aesernia and Abellinum seem to be there to strike fear into them and force them to be quiet.
(Also, the way Sertorius talks it looks like he will choose the option we don't take, but which is in the same sentence as our.)
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