Resistance 2.5
Theo sighed. Being the son of Kaiser, he knew about a number of smaller E88 outposts, and while he didn't have a photographic memory by any stretch, he had, before his father and Kayden split up, taken up temporary residence in this particular hideout on more than one occasion when there was some worry that their home might be compromised. Overtime, of course, his father had become more and more comfortable with his position, the E88 continued to grow and grow, and their enemies became more and more complacent. As bad as the city was now, there had been a time when it was much worse.
As such, this particular hideout stuck out in Theo's memory, and it was not in use anymore. It was a simple three story concrete block on the fringe of E88 territory. Though it was abandoned now, there was a time where the bottom floor had been a laundromat run by some Empire thugs that his father had once used to launder money, once upon a time.
The upper two floors had been a pretty nice living space, all things considered, with a two bedroom one bath apartment one the second floor and a penthouse sweet on the top. It was devoid of furniture now, though the laundry machines were still there. The windows were boarded up and it was covered in graffiti. Theo was pleased to find that no one had bothered to cut off the utilities to the building. It was likely overlooked because of just how expansive E88 territory was and just how much money Medhall made.
This, of course, meant that a dozen or so squatters had to be kicked out, but Lancer made that part easy.
This, wasn't why he was sighing though. No, he was sighing because of just how enthusiastic Romulus had become after he had triggered. Theo had spent the better part of the day talking Lancer down from raiding a liquor store or kidnapping a cape for "recreational fighting". Instead Romulus went into astral form, probably to sulk, though Theo had a hard time imagine the stern though sometimes insane Servant sulking.
Then the Roman founder returned with a large flat screen television he had "claimed for glorious Rome!" Theo sighed, but allowed the Servant to hook it up. He wasn't exactly going to complain, and it was interesting seeing Romulus react to films taking place in ancient Rome like Gladiator.
He seemed to fluctuate between stern criticism of their historical accuracy, outrage over characters not being "true Romans", and total focus of unmatched intensity at the sight of the gruesome violence, loud speeches, and overall drama. More than once he mentioned other Romans that would have enjoyed the television, bringing Emperor Nero up more than once.
Theo, having read about that particular sociopathic emperor, was none too keen on meeting him any time soon.
They had just finished the 2003 film "Boudica" (Romulus' main commentary being "She should not struggle. She is already Roman, she just does not know it. Though, I suppose, the struggle is what proves how Roman she is.") when the television went totally white and a purple haired girl wearing a black coat and a white dress shirt that struggled to contain her...assets appeared on the screen.
Romulus rose to his feet, materializing his spear in his hand. That was enough for Theo to know that this girl was somehow dangerous, so he too rose to his feet and moved away from the tv.
"Oh, you two, relax. I'm not an enemy! I'm Ruler!"
Lancer did not lower his weapon, but his tense shoulders slackened and his breathing slowed. Theo allowed himself to relax as well. "Uh...Ruler? Are you know?"
It was Romulus who answered. "Ruler. Summoned by the Grail. Not to fight, but in situations where the functioning of the Grail is threatened. The Ruler class serves to ensure the War proceeds smoothly."
The purple haired girl smiled widely, nodding her head as he spoke. "That's right! What a smart boy you are." Lancer growled. "But you forgot just one teensy little detail. Well, two, but the one is the reason why I am here."
Romulus narrowed his eyes, pits of fire smoldering, growing brighter under the pressure. "All I have neglected to say is that you have your own command seals, so that you may compel Servants to act if need be." Theo blinked in surprise at that. So his control over Lancer could be pulled out from under him at any time? He did not like the sound of that. Not at all.
And that I must also uphold the laws of Heroic Spirits! There are rules to the dead and their interactions with the living after all."
Lancer tensed again. "I have broken no such laws."
"Oh I know that, silly! But you have been making me awfully nervous, and I just want to give you a bit of a reminder, kay?" She smiled, though it seemed sharper now. This was not a reminder, but a warning. "I know all about your plans. To make a new Rome out of this Empire 88. I just need you to remember though.
The dead cannot lead the living. Do you understand?"
Romulus did not answer. He only scowled, his face morphing into the expression of a wolf whose territory was being encroached on.
Ruler only smiled wider, her eyes narrow, her entire body leaning forward towards the screen. "I asked you a question,
For a long moment they only glared at each other. Finally, Lancer relented. "Yes...I understand."
"I knew you would! Okay, I'm gonna go now! Bye bye!" And with that she was gone, and the television returned to what it had previously been playing.
Romulus walked forward and, squatting down, turned off the television. He stood up and walked out of the room, picking his Master up by the back of his shirt as he went.
"H-Hey! What are you doing?"
"You are still only a small wolf pup who has barely learned to bite and claw. If I shall not be allowed to found this nation, then it will fall on you, and I refuse to just give you that honor. It will be earned."
Brian grunted as the bottom of the couch bumped into his shins
again. "God damnit, Alec. Fucking lift."
"Hey, you don't know how heavy this is."
"Yes I do! I'm the one doing most of the lif-Fuck! Alec!"
"You aren't holding
this side of the couch though."
The black teen narrowed his eyes at his teammate. "This couch is just as heavy on both sides!"
"How would you know without holding this side?"
Their argument was interrupted by the sound of stomping feet. A blonde girl with wide muscular shoulders and a flat square face walked into the hallway, her blunt features set into an annoyed frown. Holding up Alec's side of the couch with one hand, Rachel shoved the brunette pretty boy to the ground. Getting a better grip on the couch, Rachel nodded once at Brian.
The brown eyed boy smiled, a sort of expression that was all at once grateful and tired. "Thanks Rachel." She did not acknowledge his thanks, instead opting to start walking forward, forcing Brian to backpedal quickly to keep from being bowled over.
Alec rose to his feet and followed them. "Yeah, thanks! Not that it was all that heavy to begin with."
Brian just barely suppressed a scowl, instead opting for a deadpan. "Weren't you just saying how your side was heavier than mine?"
"Yeah, but she evened it out. Weight's better distributed now. So it's lighter."
"That makes no sense!"
The three walked out the backdoor (after some effort was spent fitting the couch through it) and into the back alley behind their "secret base". The couch was covered in blood, courtesy of Brian courtesy of Shadow Stalker. Brian spent quite a bit of time on the couch while he healed, and once he had it was decided that it was time for them to get a new couch.
Supposedly Lisa was out finding them a new couch, but they all knew that she just left so she wouldn't have to help clean up the stray blood stains that ended up under the couch that she noticed but no one else did. She was probably eating at a cafe or trolling around a park, and would no doubt show up without a new couch and would force her entire team (sans Rachel since her identity was known) to the store to go shopping with her.
Brian didn't need a Thinker power to see the future in this case.
Actually, why had they believed her in the first place? Even if she didn't buy a couch, how would she get it back to base? They didn't have a car!
Alec groaned. "I just realized that there's nowhere to sit inside now!"
could just sit on the floor."
"But that's
laaaame." he threw back his head and whined. "I really wish, seriously, that we had a couch right now."
There was a loud bang as the dumpster nearby practically bounced. All three of them turned towards it, suddenly on alert.
"This one has identified a potential Master."
"I think he was just being melodramatic."
"This one suggests we leap out and give our greetings."
"Listen, I think we all agree that making people with powers Masters seems like the way to go. I mean, they have prepackaged rivalries and conflicts! Or someone closely connected to the 'cape' scene at least. That kid whose dad is a racist doesn't have powers."
"So I say, while there is definitely quite a bit of negativity around these three, lets see if we can't get a supervillain or something here first. I say we make a big explosion and see what we attract."
"This one believes the one known as Angra Mainyu is too reckless."
"Hey, look at it this way. If no one comes and those kids survive we'll make a really good impression which can only help our introduction."
"What? Hide? I mean, not that hiding in garbage is a problem per say, but my way seems much better. Though I guess showing off out mastery of stealth and subtlety wouldn't be so bad…"
"This one is a master of stealth. Expenditure of prana defeats stealth without fail."
[] Jump out and say "Hello"
[] Try to attract a cape with an explosion
[] Use stealth to observe the 'kids'
[X] Exhibitionism
The Grail walked out of the alley. Their body was not moving as smoothly as it normally did, so the Holy Grail stretched their arms above their head, their bones popping as they did so. They arched their back, hearing their spine crackle.
Then a familiar man in a metal mask popped into existence in front of them, another man, this one in a japanese demon mask, next to him with his hand on his shoulder.
Lung pointed a finger dramatically at the Grail. "So, we meet again, Exhibitionist. I knew I should have dealt with you personally when I had the chance. I will not make the same mistake twice. I will not let you corrupt the youth of this city!" Oni Lee nodded his head from his spot beside him.
The Grail tilted her head to the side, lifting one hand to scratch her cheek. Lung did not notice, because despite pointing his finger at the Grail, his head was facing a different direction entirely.
"As the leader of the Secret Japanese Moral Task Force, I demand that you surrender and put on some clothes, or Me and my teammate-" "My teammate and I" Oni Lee helpfully corrected. "-my teammate and I will be forced to resort to force!"
The Grail was not listening, instead opting to continue stretching, now attempting to touch their toes.
Lung turned his head slightly, his neck went red, and he turned away again. "Young lady! What are-I mean...So you mock the Secret Japanese Moral Task Force! So be it!"
Oni Lee let go of Lung's shoulder. The man in the dragon mask walked forward with heavy steps, his large form cutting an intimidating figure. Or it would have if his eyes were not glued firmly to the ground. The Grail righted themselves, and could only tilt their head again as Lung reached them. His arms extended hesitantly, as though to grapple them, but he froze.
He trembled, his exposed skin, from his neck to his ankle which was exposed where his pant leg rode up a bit, was colored crimson. He let out a grunt as he tried to make himself move. Then…
"Oni Lee! She's too powerful! We have to go!"
The demon masked man leapt forward, laid a hand on his leader's shoulder, and they teleported away.
When they appeared on a nearby rooftop, Lung fell to his hand and knees. "It's no use. A man touching a woman, a naked woman, is just too...I can't do it. I am sorry Lieutenant Lee of the Secret Japanese Moral Task Force. I couldn't do it."
Oni Lee did not reply, instead opting to pat his captain on the back.
Lung let out a shuddering breath as he climbed to his feet. "But...I think I have a solution." He pulled out his phone from his pocket. After a moment, he showed his lieutenant a picture of a college aged girl. She was obviously of some asian descent, Chinese by the looks of it, but was obviously not full blooded. The picture was of her in front of a university, a strange device in her hand while she smiled sweetly (smugly, threateningly, madly) at the camera.
"The nice old man that helps me out and pays me to run errands with his relatives showed me this article. Couldn't understand a word he said, since he speaks vietnamese, but I got that this girl is apparently a really impressive Tinker, college educated, and her name is Bakuda. If we find her, she just may be what we need to deal with this new villain that threatens the morality of this city."
"How so?"
"Girls do things like get changed and talk about their periods with each other all the time! So a girl touching another girl, even a naked one, shouldn't be too bad, right?"
"Alright. So then, our mission now is to find and recruit Bakuda to the Secret Japanese Moral Task Force so that we can defeat Exhibitionist!"
They high fived.