Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

So depending on the Solomon's Castle thing she might not be allowed in that hypothetical...

Sure, crush my dreams of a SaberfaceXMusashi!Contessa Team Up where they fight to win a War and Wish to replace all Saberfaces! I just have clouds in my eyes, that's all! T_T
Every party needs a pooper and that's you,
Party pooper,
Party pooper,


Sorry friend, but my eternal youth feeds on ruined parades, crushed dreams, and the misery of others.

Nothing personal!
I would like to take a moment to point out that walking around naked is currently winning over calling someone.

But that returning to our natural environment is still number one.
...Dumpster Diving
...c-can you not read the small text, or are you fucking with me?
Not upset, just want to make sure that there are no issues with small text so I know if I should cut down on my use of it
What he said, I missed it. It doesn't help the fact that I'm on my phone, so everything is a lot smaller than what I am used to. Sorry about that.
Okay so now that the all important question of shopping has been answered we can move on to other, less important matters!

Like which Rider people are hoping to see. Since my girl Santa Alter is out of the running (rip) I'm thinking Medusa or Marie. What about you guys?
Okay so now that the all important question of shopping has been answered we can move on to other, less important matters!

Like which Rider people are hoping to see. Since my girl Santa Alter is out of the running (rip) I'm thinking Medusa or Marie. What about you guys?
Either Martha for some good ol' fistcuffs or Drake/Blackbeard/Anne and Mary for pirate shenanigans that increase amount of chaos and conflict (some more than others).

Or we could try for Iskandar so he and Romulus will compete in empire building.
Either Martha for some good ol' fistcuffs or Drake/Blackbeard/Anne and Mary for pirate shenanigans that increase amount of chaos and conflict (some more than others).

Or we could try for Iskandar so he and Romulus will compete in empire building.

I don't think we can summon Blackbeard, there are children present.
...I want Fisto the fisting queen (Martha) but I will take anyone that isn't that Fking Mary Sue (Astolfo).

To bad we didn't get a good Rampage on or else it would be Hilarious if she gets in and she calls up her mount....

Anyway, she seems to be much stronger in Brockton since there's a Bay.

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Personally, I'm hoping for something like the Wright Brothers or the Red Baron or something. Something that flies. I have no idea if either of those are actual Servants, though.
Personally, I'm hoping for something like the Wright Brothers or the Red Baron or something. Something that flies. I have no idea if either of those are actual Servants, though.
Just Google their name with "Nasuverse" after it and if it comes up with a Wiki Link for that Servant then there probably is.

From personal Search: those two don't exist.

Although a USA Hero would be much more stronger Summoned in the USA (example: Vladimir Tepes of Wallachia in Romania being pretty much unbeatable). No clue if Tesla would count though. Also their reputation governs their power and strength (Example: Vladimir hates Bram Stoker and can turn into a vampire). Best way to deal with Servants native to USA is launching them 3,000 miles out to sea so the international boundaries lock them out and then nuke them on high and hope they don't swim back. Alternatively launch them into the stratosphere and turn them into a fine mist before they come back to the troposphere. Final choice is to get them onto a Territory of a Servant (BB thusfar is the only one who can do this for some reason). Although I do have to wonder if a USA Hero getting closer to their state of origin would make them stronger... LETS SUMMON A FOREIGNER CLASS (probably Abigale or Lavinia, pretty sure Brockton is in Massachusetts since it's near Boston so... Yeah, in the same State of Salem) AND FIND OUT!:D
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That, that wasn't what I was talking about at all.
Were you talking about Blackbeard being bad influence because of how he is portrayed in FGO? If so I was replying that Brockton Bay already has worse influence and things happening there and I was kinda joking maybe I should have added a :p in my post.
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Were you talking about Blackbeard being bad influence because of how is portrayed in FGO? If so I was replying that Brockton Bay already has worse influence and kinda joking maybe I should have added a :p in my post.

Look okay, it can always get worse. Some things should never leave the internet.

@Fezzes as far as I'm aware there isn't any plane based heroes. Plenty Riders do fly, however.
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Just Google their name with "Nasuverse" after it and if it comes up with a Wiki Link for that Servant then there probably is.

From personal Search: those two don't exist.

Although a USA Hero would be much more stronger Summoned in the USA (example: Vladimir Tepes of Wallachia in Romania being pretty much unbeatable). No clue if Tesla would count though. Also their reputation governs their power and strength (Example: Vladimir hates Bram Stoker and can turn into a vampire). Best way to deal with Servants native to USA is launching them 3,000 miles out to sea so the international boundaries lock them out and then nuke them on high and hope they don't swim back. Alternatively launch them into the stratosphere and turn them into a fine mist before they come back to the troposphere. Final choice is to get them onto a Territory of a Servant (BB thusfar is the only one who can do this for some reason). Although I do have to wonder if a USA Hero getting closer to their state of origin would make them stronger... LETS SUMMON A FOREIGNER CLASS (probably Abigale or Lavinia, pretty sure Brockton is in Massachusetts since it's near Boston so... Yeah, in the same State of Salem) AND FIND OUT!:D
Well that's a shame. Oh well, this is fanfic, surely we can just make shit up to some extent. Right? Probably not.

Thanks for the info. Wright Brothers are out then. Manfred von Richthofen it is. Or would be, if I had my way.
We need more villain masters, inspire more conflict. On the subject of rider, totally summon santa alter, gotta have dem meme servants.:p Also, if BB can be summoned, can other non-standard servants be summoned? Like summoning the Shielder or Foreigner classes from FGO?
We need more villain masters, inspire more conflict. On the subject of rider, totally summon santa alter, gotta have dem meme servants.:p Also, if BB can be summoned, can other non-standard servants be summoned? Like summoning the Shielder or Foreigner classes from FGO?

QM has said no to joke servants so sadly no Santa :(

BB was summoned as a Ruler, not one of the weirder extra classes. So we'll have to wait and see about additional classes.

I think Grue might make a good Master.
Okay so now that the all important question of shopping has been answered we can move on to other, less important matters!

Like which Rider people are hoping to see. Since my girl Santa Alter is out of the running (rip) I'm thinking Medusa or Marie. What about you guys?

Hmm I think Drake would be pretty appropriate considering the War is gonna be located by a bay. Especially, if we choose Sveta to be her Master. We would have Drake paired paired up with someone who wants the kind of freedom a pirate enjoys. Also as much as I love Marie Antoinette, I can't think up a good scenario where she would be summoned as a Servant. There would be no interesting conflict or development unless we picked other Servants from her era to face her. Others Riders I think would be good would be Medusa or Saint Martha.

We need more villain masters, inspire more conflict.

Villains? Well there's plenty of options to choose from. My main picks would be either Oni Lee, Squealer, Purity, or Grue. With Oni Lee, it would be interesting seeing a Master in a subordinate position due to Lung leading the gang. Also with Purity we could set it up that she ends up fighting Theo.