Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Don't worry even if she 'die'. She will just return to the Throne of Heroes.
Or if you want to be heartless, she is but a mere copy that will dissolve into memories for the original one in the Throne of Heroes.
Don't worry even if she 'die'. She will just return to the Throne of Heroes.
Or if you want to be heartless, she is but a mere copy that will dissolve into memories for the original one in the Throne of Heroes.

Or to be even more heartless, she's not actually on the throne of hero and instead is the real BB from the mooncell that got a second chance of life after being deleted only to die again.
Resistance 2.4
Resistance 2.4

In a totally different completely white room, a plain looking young man in his teens looked at his phone. He furrowed his brows as he stared at the text from Contessa. He looked over at his companion, a twenty year old man who was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, his bare back pressing against his own bare back, while the older man played mario kart.

It was normal for the two to be like this. Doormaker needed to be in physical contact with Clairvoyant at all times to make use of their combo of powers, and this was a lot less cumbersome than having to hold hands all the time, but he really wished Clairvoyant would at least put on some pants instead of sitting around in his boxers.

Clairvoyant's abilities allowed Doormaker to see any location he needed to see, and made it so he always knew when someone was asking for a door to be made, which is what made the text message strange. Contessa had just texted him asking for a door to be made. Specifically, a door to be made behind the prisoner, the "Grail", to Brockton Bay, and to close the door exactly four seconds after opening it.

It seemed weird, but then again, she was the one with the bullshit Thinker ability. Who was he to question it?

In another, totally different white room, Custodian was confused. Custodian acted as security for Cauldron, given that her existence as a cape made of air made it possible for her to be practically omnipresent and unnoticable within the Cauldron facility. As such, it was rather strange seeing the little screen she had in this room that was meant to serve as a means by which other Cauldron members could communicate with her seeing use. Most of the time they just said what they wanted since she was literally everywhere in the facility.

Though they seemed to forget that sometimes, not that she brought it up too often. Reminding people that she saw everything they did in the facility tended to make things awkward.

Anyways, the screen had pinged as a new alert popped up in her inbox, the first one in a very long time. And it was from Contessa, asking her to press a certain button once she had gotten another message from her telling her to do so, for some reason.

Custodian could apply some force to things, so it wasn't like doing so was impossible, but it seemed strange. Why not have someone else do it? Like Number Man?

Then again, she was the one with the bullshit Thinker ability. Who was she to question it?

There was a bright flash of light, and then…


Musashi blinked in surprise. "Uh...nothing happened?" She looked around the room. Maybe they were in astral form? She had never heard of a Servant being summoned in astral form by default, but it didn't seem too out there.

The Grail was equally confused. Where the fuck was their Ruler? Seriously, they had a huge argument about whether or not to summon the detective or the AI, then they finally settled on the AI and-


A portal of light appeared behind them. The Grail looked at it, blinked, then grinned. The remnant then copied a gesture it managed to pull out of the memories stored in their body's brain, one involving the folding up of two middle fingers, and they jumped through the portal.

Musashi growled and ran forward, only for the portal to close before she could get there.

Then the sound of an alarm sounded throughout the room. Her eyes widened. "Wait, who the fuck pressed the panic button!?" The walls began to vibrate, quickly becoming brittle and falling apart. Foam expanded from all sides, and Musashi cursed. "Fuck! This is going to suck to get out of!"

Doormaker frowned. Another text. This one read, "Good job. All according to plan. Now one last thing. Open a portal next to you to where you dropped off the prisoner, and drop your phone through it. Then close the portal."

The young man pouted. But he liked his phone…

Oh well. She was the one with the bullshit Thinker ability. Who was he to question it?

He did as ordered.

The Grail tumbled through the portal, landing on their backside in a dark alley. They looked around, and upon seeing no sign of any sort of ambush allowed themselves to relax.

Then a phone fell on their head.


It bounced off the top of their head and landed in their hands. It was a sleek smartphone, with a pristine touch screen and white body. It overall looked very nice and very expensive. The Grail blinked, and examined the phone. How did they turn it on?

"Oh senpai, you look so cute acting like you can't work this phone. Silly Grail-chan."

"...I do not like this Ruler."

"Hah! Grail-chan."

The screen lit up, revealing the image of what appeared to be a young school aged girl. She had long straight purple hair that matched with her purple eyes. She wore a long black coat that went down to her knees. It had wide sleeves, reminiscent of a fantasy wizard's robes, and a high collar. It was worn open, showing off her white dress shirt (which seemed a bit...tight) which was tied around the collar with a red ribbon. Under this she wore a black miniskirt and black thigh high boots. The girl was smiling earnestly, leaning towards the screen, her face taking up most of its space.

"Hello, Ruler. I am the Grail." The remnant stumbled over the words a bit, caught off guard by the turn of events.

"I know that, silly! But if we are giving introductions, feel free to call me BB! Or maybe BehBeh? That sounds pretty cute, right?" Suddenly, the AI's expression shifted, her eyes narrowing and her smile turning sharper. "Or, if you want, you can call me baby~. I am, in practice, your servant."

"Aberrant behavior. This one hypothesizes that the remnant broke the summoning."


"Oh my~"


"Well then, Ruler…" BB pouted. " have my thanks." The Grail stood up, and began walking towards the entrance of the alley. They were stopped by a loud exclamation by Ruler.

"Wait! You're naked! Just give me a second so I can text Doormaker to...uh...oops. He doesn't have a phone anymore." BB leaned away from the screen, scratching the back of her head as she let out a nervous chuckled. "Uhm...any ideas on how we can get you some clothes? I can call someone or something. I mean, there really is no need for you to go showing yourself off to other people, senpai."


"What is wrong with you?"

BB did have a good point. Vista had explained to them that they needed clothing so they wouldn't stand out too much, and while they could steal clothing, they'd garner far too much attention before they'd manage to do so.

They could ask BB to send a message to the green Master, Misty or something. She was very helpful when it came to this last time. Then again, spending too much time with the girl may limit their options for potential Masters. They seemed to be in a pretty poor part of town. Maybe they could just grab an old blanket from a dumpster or something? That would probably suffice here until they stole something different. It also wouldn't require much help from Ruler.

Or, the Holy Grail considered, they could just go out as they were. The area seemed fairly empty, and it was a much more straightforward plan than either of the other two.

"Uh...hello? Grail-chan? You are kind of spacing out there."


[] Message Vista

[] Go dumpster diving

[] Exhibitionism


Jeanne was...fine. She didn't have much utility, in all honesty, and escaping an enraged Musashi had been quite an affair that ultimately ended with the poor girl having an aneurysm. But overall it had gone fairly well except…

"Jeanne, can I call you Jeanne?" Angra Mainyu was currently in control of their body.

Ruler nodded her head once respectfully from where she remained kneeling on the ground. "Of course your divinity."

"Where did I go wrong?"

"I...don't understand."

"Look around. What do you see?"

"Uh...buildings, some trees, a few rats…"

"And what do you not see?"

"...a lion?"

"Wrong! Well...actually...anyways! No! That is not what I mean! There is no fire, no destruction! The Masters have hardly fought one another at all! Instead, Lancer and his Master have removed a major militant and oppressive faction from the city and have, in its placed, formed some weird humanitarian group. Assassin and his Master have been solving cold cases left and right, bringing justice to men and women that have gone off scot free for years, if not decades, and Archer and his Master have become a huge deterrent for crime!"

Jeanne smiled brightly. "That sounds wonderful, your divinity!"

Every muscle in her body locked up as the Grail turned to her, eyes boring into her soul, a deep scowl on their face. "What was that?"

"I mean...oh no. That is horrible." Her voice was completely deadpan.

Angra Mainyu made one of their eyes twitch unconsciously. "That didn't sound convincing at all! Ugh! Listen, I need you to go out their and use your authority as a Ruler to make them fight each other in a grand battle!"

"Of course, my divinity." She lowered her head. "I will be sure to lead them away from the city, and shall have them confront one another so they may ascertain who among them is in most need of a miracle so that your divine light may be visited upon them."

...was this girl for real?

"You know what, fuck it. Mud."



Suddenly tendrils of black tar wrapped around the virgin, slithering up her thighs, pressing against her back, coiling around her midsection. She let out a high pitched whine as they squeezed, slowly inching into her until her virtue was destroyed.


"What? Ow! Did you just slap me!? How the fuck did you do that!?"

And as Angra Mainyu's tendrils continued to penetrate-"OW! QUIT IT!"-her soul her armor became stained black. Her face was covered in-"STOP HITTING ME!"-the mud, and as it dripped off of her what was left behind was a sickly pale visage. Her hair was stained white. "WHY ARE YOU HITTING ME!?" Her eyes opened, revealing the pale yellow that they had now become. The girl threw back her head and laughed, her chest heaving-"OW! OW! OW!"-as sounds of her glee filled the air.



Jeanne would eventually turn back to normal, though it seemed she had somehow come down with a fever. Angra Mainyu's kouhai wasn't speaking anymore either, more like occasionally growling in the back of their head. It was weird.

And for some reason Angra Mainyu was reminded of Bazett and Caren, which made no sense. It was weird.
[X] Go dumpster diving

Oh my.

That was, that was amazing! BB just got super OP.

And we have returned to the true purpose of this quest: clothes.
Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Mar 5, 2018 at 6:55 PM, finished with 437 posts and 156 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Mar 6, 2018 at 3:30 AM, finished with 67 posts and 39 votes.