The Queen of Chalices (Grail War Quest, Fate Series AU)

changing my vote
[X] "...So you want me to spy on the Wisterias for you? Could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe, is noonish good for you? I'd have to grill Quinton about my in-laws, as being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find more evidence for".
we really do need more information if we're going to turn on the family we're marrying into.
[X] "So you want me to stay with the Wisterias, but act as a spy for your side?".

Spying on Nazi's sounds like fun. Plus, if it turns out after a little digging that the Wisterias are actually the good guys, we'll be in the the perfect position to play double agent.
[X] "...So you want me to spy on the Wisterias for you? Could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe, is noonish good for you? I'd have to grill Quinton about my in-laws, as being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find more evidence for".
[X] "...So you want me to spy on the Wisterias for you? Could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe, is noonish good for you? I'd have to grill Quinton about my in-laws, as being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find more evidence for".
On another topic, I've been wondering how close so far Blossom has been coming off as "Dark Sakura, but as an anti-hero instead of a villain", if at all? True, adding more Dark Sakura-ish trait could end up pushing this Quest into NSFW territory, so er, there's that
I personally think you're doing fine. She has a Dark Sakura-feel to her and a definite independent streak, which is what we should be aiming for, but it doesn't go too far and the character is still her own thing, which is basically what everyone should want.
Well you might want to change the composition of Mana Potions to Raw Milk and/or Gemstones. Have Familiar bonding as more of a contractual employment, with feeding Familiars being possible remotely. And change absorption to getting a grip on someone with her hand, if she's learned that with her imaginary numbers.
Votes closed. You'll be heading to Wisteria Manor as planned, but you'll definitely be keeping an eye and ear out.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Mar 8, 2018 at 3:25 AM, finished with 31 posts and 14 votes.
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Masters and Maids.
For a second Karisviel didn't respond to my words, but she then spoke, "Hmm, that is at least understandable. It would be satisfactory to hear a more complete answer from you, while there's still a chance in this War for negotiation... but I acknowledge this would not be a binary yes/no matter for you. Either way, take caution". Uh, thanks I guess?

"You too," I said in return, though so instinctively that on second thoughts I wasn't really sure why I did.

She and Archer in spirit turned to depart, but on the way out they briefly ran into that professorial pipe-smoker I think I saw before, thought part of me vaguely recalled his face from elsewhere still. "Shame about the state of this church. Ah, negotiations with our foe I take it? Good good, combat has inflicted enough strife on our Earth's poor soul" I heard him say. His voice started warm but ended with a sudden bitter tone. Karisviel only nodded in response.

This newcomer certainly wasn't dressed as elaborately as an Einzbern, nor did he have the look of a mere butler, so that made me assume he was a fellow Master, or at least a Servant with strong enough cloaking ability. I vaguely heard Karisviel quickly whisper something into his ear, though nothing I could make out, to which I could hear him reply "Well now, that does sound familiar indeed. Perhaps better to discuss this back at base though, after all you can never tell who'll be listening".

As they left, a muffled "So, uh..." courtesy of Trevor caught my attention. "Mind fillin' us in on what all that was about?"

"Now Trevor," Quinton quickly stepped in "I believe Lady Blossom is entitled to her privacy".

"Well yeah, 'course she is, but who's to say we ain't involved in this too? I mean, 's not like they cared if we weren't in their crossfire back there or not, right?" Trevor had to cut back with.

"Ahem, first to Wisteria Manor, I believe my arrival there has been delayed enough," I raised my voice at the two of them.

"Good, off ya go, bloody tourists," I could catch the priest here grumbling.

It was something of a trudge up to Wisteria Manor, since we were now entering the mountains I suppose, but at long last I was able to set my sights on my husband's childhood home, ornate and elegant as it was. Oh, and also where my in-laws lived, their political affiliations aside.

This is the Castle of your husband's family? I heard Avenger speaking from in spirit. Well 'castle' was still an utter exaggeration, but yes. I see, it certainly makes a fair winter retreat for a Princess! she added. Wait, just 'winter retreat'?

As expected my father and mother in law had not shown up at the door to greet me in person. Instead, I was met with the sight of a scruffy short-haired maid, carrying a seamstress' needle and looking at me with wide, spaced-out eyes. This girl muttered "So, Jarvis' wife then. You were delayed, no? A most curious misfortune indeed, perhaps you were visited with a bad omen...?"

"Oi Ally, easy on her will ya, Lady Blossom's just got here!" Trevor then stepped in, "Yeah, don't mind Alicia here, she can get a bit, er, 'peculiar' at times, some folks'd say".

"Simply wondering, that's all," this Alicia kept muttering, "I sense a spiritual presence all around you, I suppose it's a quality that led to your arranged marriage with Jarvis. Ah, I also notice no package, was what I said about an ill omen truer than I could predict?"

"What, the package? Oh blast!" Quinton hissed, before he took a deep breath and said, "No matter, easily enough explained, aha..."

"Psst, ya got a cover story, don'tcha?" Trevor whispered in my ear. Er, but of course, yes:

[ ] "Must've been delayed. Such is to be expected, what with the War on".
[ ] "It was... stolen from us. It was obviously quite a valuable artifact" This might get my in-laws off my tail.
[ ] "Sadly seems it broke on the train ride here. Must've been quite a fragile thing".
[ ] Write-in.

Why do you fret so much over this mere worker girl? Avenger had to have her say. What excuses do the company of Heroes need to make?

"Quite a few, if I don't want potential Nazis on my tail," I gritted my teeth.

"Huh, ya say something?" Trevor just had to say, I almost could've froze. Luckily I was able to calm his suspicions with a mere shake of my head.

"My oh my, we do have strange tidings. Ah, I have also been told to inform you that Lord and Lady Wisteria expect an early night of you, they have guests they've scheduled to entertain tonight," Alicia then said, "Hmm, two events on the same date, can this be any longer called 'coincidence'?"

'Expect an early night', they do know I'm officially a grown woman, don't they?! My in-laws also said nothing of guests until now, I wonder...

[ ] I'll take the risk. I'll sneak out my bedroom and eavesdrop on these 'guests' they're entertaining.
[ ] I'll stay in my room while those guests of theirs are around, but later at night I'll be out of bed sneaking around the manor for secrets.
[ ] I'll be getting a good night's sleep then, it's been the quite the day. Yes, I'll likely find out nothing, but it's the least risky option.
[ ] I'll just interrogate Quinton in private, I only hope he doesn't rat me out.
[ ] Write-in.
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[X] "Must've delayed. Such is to be expected, what with the War on".
[X] I'll just interrogate Quintonin private, I only hope he doesn't rat me out.
[X] "Must've delayed. Such is to be expected, what with the War on".
[X] I'll just interrogate Quintonin private, I only hope he doesn't rat me out.
[X] "Must've delayed. Such is to be expected, what with the War on".
[X] What little I managed to glean from my family's research suggest that a Servant in Astral Form is intangible and undetectable, yet still capable of gathering information. I'll have Avenger spy on the proceedings while I stay in my room.
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[X] "Must've delayed. Such is to be expected, what with the War on".
[X] What little I managed to glean from my family's research suggest that a Servant in Astral Form is intangible and undetectable, yet still capable of gathering information. I'll have Avenger spy on the proceedings while I stay in my room.
[X] "Sadly seems it broke on the train ride here. Must've been quite a fragile thing".
[X] I'll just interrogate Quinton in private, I only hope he doesn't rat me out.
[X] "Sadly seems it broke on the train ride here. Must've been quite a fragile thing".
[X] What little I managed to glean from my family's research suggest that a Servant in Astral Form is intangible and undetectable, yet still capable of gathering information. I'll have Avenger spy on the proceedings while I stay in my room.
[X] "Sadly seems it broke on the train ride here. Must've been quite a fragile thing".
[X] What little I managed to glean from my family's research suggest that a Servant in Astral Form is intangible and undetectable, yet still capable of gathering information. I'll have Avenger spy on the proceedings while I stay in my room.

Is there any reason we can't question Quinton while Avenger is spying for us?
Personally I have a bad feeling about the it broke option, they might ask what we did with the pieces.
Personally I have a bad feeling about the it broke option, they might ask what we did with the pieces.

I'm also very hesitant to go for the "it broke" option, as it could expose us easily, especially if our in-laws had some way to observe the regalia and realize that we're lying... Going for the "delayed" option seems to be the best idea, as it wouldn't a too suspicious explanation.
I thought the cover story was just for the maid. After all it is somewhat the truth, just we broke it so that it wouldn't get stolen.
I don't like any of our excuses that much- if we say it was stolen they will be interested in who stole it, if we say it broke they'll want evidence of that, and if we say that it was delayed... that's just a weak excuse. On the other hand, there aren't many GOOD options when it comes to what happened to the catalyst. The first one may raise suspicion, but also raises the least amount of questions.[1]

[X] "Must've been delayed. Such is to be expected, what with the War on".

I think that using our Servant as a subterfuge tool is optimal. I'm torn about also interrogating Quinton; it'll further increase our pool of information, but the optimal scenario is that we don't get found out here and I'm not that confident in our ability to properly do that balancing act and manage to interrogate somebody without them getting suspicious enough to spread the word. Avenger should be able to glean enough from this "visit" that we can draw our own conclusions. If we are going to question Quinton, I'd rather we do both it and Avenger spying, since it's unlikely Quinton will pose a big enough threat to us to warrant Avenger's necessary intervention.

[X] What little I managed to glean from my family's research suggest that a Servant in Astral Form is intangible and undetectable, yet still capable of gathering information. I'll have Avenger spy on the proceedings while I stay in my room.

1. It may just be to the maid right now, but the information is undoubtedly going to be passed on.
[X] "We have it, but sadly circumstances necessitated us to use it to fend off an attempted theif."
[X] What little I managed to glean from my family's research suggest that a Servant in Astral Form is intangible and undetectable, yet still capable of gathering information. I'll have Avenger spy on the proceedings while I stay in my room. guys do realize that a servant in Astral form is only undetectable to mortals?
Any magi that can sense spirits can sense any servant without Presence Concealment, what with being a giant fountain of magical power. guys do realize that a servant in Astral form is only undetectable to mortals?
Any magi that can sense spirits can sense any servant without Presence Concealment, what with being a giant fountain of magical power.

Oh huh, right. My Fate lore is pretty rusty. Anyway, that leaves us without any "easy" options so let's move onto Plan B then. I think spying on the meeting COULD work, but it's pretty risky, especially if they're talking about something huge, and I'd rather not be sneaking around the manor when we have no idea what we're even really looking for. So let's do what we promised we'd do.

[X] "Must've been delayed. Such is to be expected, what with the War on".
[X] I'll just interrogate Quinton in private, I only hope he doesn't rat me out.
[X] "Must've been delayed. Such is to be expected, what with the War on".
[X] I'll just interrogate Quinton in private, I only hope he doesn't rat me out.

Any magi that can sense spirits can sense any servant without Presence Concealment, what with being a giant fountain of magical power.

Okay, so here's a teeny tiny question. If Avenger can still be sensed in spirit form, how exactly do we hide her from our in-laws? Wouldn't they just sense her and figure it out, what with the catalyst seemingly missing and a very powerful magical presence around us.
Okay, so here's a teeny tiny question. If Avenger can still be sensed in spirit form, how exactly do we hide her from our in-laws? Wouldn't they just sense her and figure it out, what with the catalyst seemingly missing and a very powerful magical presence around us.
They SHOULD know a powerful spiritual entity entered the building the moment we crossed the boundary field at the very least, yes. Even Shirou could sense one, though he wasn't much good for more than "there is a strange feeling in the area"
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