The Queen of Chalices (Grail War Quest, Fate Series AU)

Votes closed.

Given the arguments made, while I'll focus mainly on the usual Stats sheets, I do think I might throw in a couple of title-like descriptions (I mean, more so than the regular Servant sheets already have).
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Mar 6, 2018 at 12:18 AM, finished with 150 posts and 16 votes.
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Chapel Ceasefire.
"Alright, stop!" I shouted out. As the Einzbern and her Archer both looked at me, I breathed deep and went on to say, "Fine. I'm willing to hear you out, but first let's get back to neutral ground, to that church down the hill".

Didn't surprise me to see Archer simply scoff at me, as she retorted, "So now you beg for mercy, like a worm before an eagle?"

Karisviel, to my luck, raised her hand to Archer and said instead, "Hold on, it had negative desire to fight Hillcrest in the first place. Besides, I calculated, Archer, that you could be open to or at least see the point of a ceasefire, if not an alliance, due to how many enemies you faced when you lived".

"And why should I? I faced down the whole world during my reign, seven so-called Heroes will be hardly anything for me, especially without the trust of some wrench who, for all we know, could try to stab us in the back," her Servant spat out.

"Archer, one quick truce would have a low probability of endangering us," Karisviel said back, her monotone gradually breaking and her eyes sharpening.

Archer at last sighed, and said "Oh all right, yet just this once, do I make myself clear?" she then glared down at me. Part of me then honestly wished that I'd used my imaginary Numbers on her when I had the chance...

"A t-truce?" Avenger came up and said to me "My Master, are these not Villains? Just l-look how Archer talks down to us, how she so quickly tried to bury us both under heavy snow. How could a Princess ever associate with such, such scoundrels?!" she finished blurting out. Heh, of course Avenger would be slow to forgive, what did I expect from such a Class?

"Trust me, I have little love for this Archer either, but if anything she's just shown herself to be a prat, hardly a 'villain'. I assure you, what I've heard from Karisviel assures me she's much more reasonable," I whispered to the Vengeful Princess, "...Well I hope so anyway".

The four of us walked into the Church Hall, and I immediately noticed that it'd clearly seen better days. Well, unless it was always this wrecked.

"Ah, Lady Blossom, thanks goodness you're alright!" Quinton beamed.

"Yeah 's like I told ya, we knew ya'd make it," Trevor piped in.

"Oh good, those mage-types are comin' in," a bleary-eyed, grey-haired priest snarled in an Irish brogue from the pulpit, "Just tell me your bleedin' little scuffle's wrapped up already, that's all I wanna hear".
Huh, seemed oddly unenthusiastic for a conflict with the Holy Grail at stake, but questioning him's not what I was here for.

I smiled at Trevor and Quinton yet said, "You're welcome, but er, a little space if you wouldn't mind". I then turned to Karisviel, only to find myself somewhat lost for words when I tried to begin the negotiations.

"Master of Avenger, if you doubt I am on the Allies' side in this War, then this should be sufficient to convince you?" Karisviel took the opportunity to start from me, as she drew out a rune-bound passport, containing the Einzbern coat-of-arms and marks belonging to the Mages' Association and Great Britain in general within. This certainly would be a lot to forge, and though it was her blocky signature and photograph within, that still didn't rule her taking and rewriting this passport off someone else, though she indeed looked like an Einzbern.

"My Servant is specifically Archer of Red, as two whole sets of Servants have been summoned for this War," Karisviel went on, and I honestly had to step back at that statement. "The Red side is the seven Servants summoned by the Allies, I have already encountered all of them in person, while the Black side would be the Servants in the Nazis' possession.
All except one, for there's a possibility your Avenger has stolen the spot intended for Berserker of Black," she then said.

[ ] "So I should join you, giving the Allies advantage in numbers? I might have to grill Quinton more on anything my in-laws have had to do with the Nazis, but we could easily spread the lie that I've been kidnapped by your side".
[ ] "So you want me to say with the Wisterias, but act as a spy for your side?".
[ ] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
[ ] Write-in.
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[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
While I'm not going to vote yet, I'd very much rather not go for the third option, since Avenger was a possible servant for the Axis team, meaning that our character's in-laws are most certainly Nazi sympathisers, and I don't want to be involved with the Axis.

Now to decide if we should act as a mole for the Allies, or defect to them and leverage Avenger against the Axis team...
[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
While I'm not going to vote yet, I'd very much rather not go for the third option, since Avenger was a possible servant for the Axis team, meaning that our character's in-laws are most certainly Nazi sympathisers, and I don't want to be involved with the Axis.

Now to decide if we should act as a mole for the Allies, or defect to them and leverage Avenger against the Axis team...
Could you elaborate? I don't know how much our situation mirrors the novel, as while I have had it on my phone for years, I've yet to read it.

*Basically it was downloaded to my phone by a fan-game, and my concerns about the ethicality have prevented me from reading it.*

Do we know Avenger confirming Axis is the case now?
Could you elaborate? I don't know how much our situation mirrors the novel, as while I have had it on my phone for years, I've yet to read it.

*Basically it was downloaded to my phone by a fan-game, and my concerns about the ethicality have prevented me from reading it.*

Do we know Avenger confirming Axis is the case now?

I admit that the information I'm basing my theory on is not that concrete and that I might be overanalysing things, but on the servant sheet before the update, both the Axis and the Allied team had Rider\Shielder as possible servant classes on the Rider slot, yet only Axis had Berserker\Avenger as possible servant class on the Berserker slot. I may not know what exactly the author was planning, so maybe the quest author already had planned a way for us not to discover what side we would be fighting for that fast, but the catalyst meant for our in-laws summoning Avenger seems like a big sign that they might be part of the Axis team, and due to more personal reasons I really do not want our character to be on the Axis team.
[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
One is out. We're far too eager to betray people we're close to on the word of a stranger. While it's become rather likely that Karisviel isn't maliciously deceiving us, that isn't an indication that her information must be accurate either, and we have reason to find it improbable. Not to mention this being a bluff isn't inconceivable. But three is a pretty risky choice too- we definitely don't want to get dragged into the war on the Axis' side, or have any harm come to us through asking inconvenient questions. I think that the best thing to do at the moment is push for more information and see if that gets us anywhere fruitful, rather than jumping the gun in either direction.

(For clarity I think "say" should be "stay" but it couldn't really matter in the longrun.)
[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
Okay, I don't want to work for the axis either, but I don't want to betray people only to find out they were innocent.

[X] "...Sorry, but could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe? I'd have to speak with my in-laws, being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find far more evidence for".
Honestly I'd be interested in knowing the downside of trying to get more information. It's a reasonable clarification question, so I'm not sure that our conversational partner would take it that badly (It's possible she would but she doesn't come across as overly unreasonable), and I'm uncomfortable just charging into potentially Bad Territory without knowing as much as humanly possible. It just feels reckless. We might end up just ending up where we started at, but there's no harm in trying, you know? We don't have to COMMIT to betraying them yet, after all. If this is that fragile an offer, saying that we need more time is just as likely to shut the door as asking for more details.
I think we really should try thinking up a write-in here, since all options have risks that are bad for us if they happen. Especially the third and first option...

Just think about it... if the in-laws are on Axis team, we're either going to at risk of being killed, or we will be forced into helping team Axis, which I doubt any one of us really wants that to happen...
I think we really should try thinking up a write-in here, since all options have risks that are bad for us if they happen. Especially the third and first option...

Just think about it... if the in-laws are on Axis team, we're either going to at risk of being killed, or we will be forced into helping team Axis, which I doubt any one of us really wants that to happen...
Check with our hubby first of all of course. We don't know anything, so see for our own eyes. The Servant is contracted directly to us. We have a deciding vote via command spell if nothing else
[X] "...So you want me to spy on the Wisterias for you? Could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe, is noonish good for you? I'd have to grill Quinton about my in-laws, as being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find more evidence for".

Is this okay?
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Really good compromise. It gives her an exact time we'll get back to her, which is probably safer than just saying we'll need to think it over and talk more at some unspecified future, gives us an actual gameplan which I like, and it does at least raise the question for clarification, which could lead to some new info about our potential ally, at least.

[X] "...So you want me to spy on the Wisterias for you? Could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe, is noonish good for you? I'd have to grill Quinton about my in-laws, as being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find more evidence for".

It's worth noting that I don't think we're going to DIE if we just jump in there, with Avenger on our side. I just think there could easily be other consequences if we act too hastily here; this is shaky ground to be treading. I think this is a good route to take.
[X] "...So you want me to spy on the Wisterias for you? Could I get back to you, tomorrow maybe, is noonish good for you? I'd have to grill Quinton about my in-laws, as being told they're Nazi sympathisers is something I'd need to find more evidence for".