Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

We could just have them drop of at a random alley way we can mysteriously emerge from and we can pay for it using money BB has skimmed from Cauldron. I'm sure they won't miss a few million dollars. :p
Next chapter from the perspective of a really confused/disturbed Amazon delivery driver.
That said, I really don't know, maybe it would be nice to catch up with vista?
[X] Go dumpster diving

Whichever choice ends up winning, I can't help but shake the feeling that BB's going to have a run-in with Dragon. Unless Musashi's counting as the Saber in this war, Dragon still has a chance to get a Saberface.
It's a pity that Lancer was already summoned because if we manage to meet Rachel and make her a Master, we could've summoned Enkidu as her Servant.

As for the vote, I'm going to wait a bit. Exhibitionist is the go-to vote if you want crack, messaging Vista will lead to a discussion between us, her, and Chiron with possible encounters with the PRT, and the dumpster may have random encounters. The encounter can be any villain or neutral. It's also the choice that made me think of Rachel since we can always encounter a stray dog or something.
[X] Go dumpster diving
My god, BB's worse than I thought. I am disgusted.

Why does everyone want to walk around naked, anyway? Is this some waifu plot?
Yes! Yes! YEEESS!!!! BB-CHAAN!!!

[X] Go dumpster hiding

Frankly this is the best choice among the three. You want to go to Vista? Really? She have Archer with him! There chance we will meet Protectorate or got caught! Even if we are the Grail but doesn't mean Heroes will holding back against us

And no, no go naked, our reputation already bad enough don't add pervert to it
[X] Go dumpster diving

I must admit the fact that no one thought what exactly Digital Servant means and thus being surprised by how literal that description was is absolutely hilarious.

In a way Holy Grail and BB have something in common now. They really need to get some clothes (well, more like a body outside cyberspace for Ruler).
I have no idea what you are talking about. I mean the snake in the picture is white. Never heard of race being applied to snakes before. Though the coloration around that snakes flared head is a bit pink there. You shou-hey, what are you doing in here? Wait, stop. I'm not done! GIVE IT BACK! I NEED TO MAKE PENIS AND SNAKE JOKES! DAMN YOU YOU ROTTEN BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone else want to see BB getting away with shitposting and trolling mods on PHO due to her hacking skills now? Because that would be pretty funny.

Also maybe impersonating Dragon. Which would be pretty easy for her to do, and would give us access to all the robots.