The Queen of Chalices (Grail War Quest, Fate Series AU)

even if the Edmunds option doesn't give out special hidden powers being an outsider in regards to magecraft is an advantage in and of itself since it means that our character will be more capable of functioning in modern society and will have been previously known to the established magical hierarchies.
[X] Heir (Going to live with a generous adopter. Younger, command less authority but are also less likely a target)
[X] Hillcrest, a branch of Japan's prestigious Tohsaka family, who you moved away from in the 19th century after the disastrous conclusion to the Second Grail War. Known for Jewelcraft and martial arts, and in your branch's case the element of Imaginary Numbers.
[X] Bride of a Magus Heir (Going to get officially acquainted with your in-laws as your husband's occupied by WWII)
[X] [Born] What the, 'magic'? 'Mage Lineage'? Er, my last name's Edmunds, if that's what you're asking.
[X] [Married] Sophia-Ri, a prestigious family linked with Spirits, Evocation and Summoning.
The MC's personality (which we should be deciding on in the next chapter) will play a role, but yes you will indeed get to choose your own catalyst, if er, not necessarily in the 'normal' way.

On that topic, you may have noticed I've written 'Rider/Shielder' and 'Berserker/Avenger' in the Servant section. This is not to say that there's any sort of Double Summoning going on, more that which Servant catalyst you end up choosing could shift around the possible Classes of other Servants.
In Shielder's case though, if I go with that Class it's not quite that we won't have the Rider Class, more that I was planning to give Archer and Lancer both Riding skills (in exchange for Magic Resistance) since many legendary bow and spear-wielders (e.g the Mongols and were just as much horsemen.

Lastly, would people like me to decide on the votes in about two hours' time, or wait until tomorrow in case others would like the chance to vote?
I'd like more time to get more players involved. But it's up to you, oh all-powerful QM XD.
Lastly, would people like me to decide on the votes in about two hours' time, or wait until tomorrow in case others would like the chance to vote?

[X] Bride of a Magus Heir (Going to get officially acquainted with your in-laws as your husband's occupied by WWII)
[X] [Born] Hillcrest, a branch of Japan's prestigious Tohsaka family, who you moved away from in the 19th century after the disastrous conclusion to the Second Grail War. Known for Jewelcraft and martial arts, and in your branch's case the element of Imaginary Numbers.
[X] [Married] Wisteria, known for using Costumes for their Mystic Codes.
Adhoc vote count started by Hydranax12 on Feb 24, 2018 at 9:38 PM, finished with 22 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Bride of a Magus Heir (Going to get officially acquainted with your in-laws as your husband's occupied by WWII)
    [X] [Born] Hillcrest, a branch of Japan's prestigious Tohsaka family, who you moved away from in the 19th century after the disastrous conclusion to the Second Grail War. Known for Jewelcraft and martial arts, and in your branch's case the element of Imaginary Numbers.
    [X] [Married] Wisteria, known for using Costumes for their Mystic Codes.
    [X] Heir (Going to live with a generous adopter. Younger, command less authority but are also less likely a target)
    [X] Hillcrest, a branch of Japan's prestigious Tohsaka family, who you moved away from in the 19th century after the disastrous conclusion to the Second Grail War. Known for Jewelcraft and martial arts, and in your branch's case the element of Imaginary Numbers.
    [X] Knightwave, specialists in 'overwriting' others' spells.
    [X] Bride of a Magus Heir (Going to get officially acquainted with your in-laws as your husband's occupied by WWII)
    [X] [Born] Hillcrest, a branch of Japan's prestigious Tohsaka family, who you moved away from in the 19th century after the disastrous conclusion to the Second Grail War. Known for Jewelcraft and martial arts, and in your branch's case the element of Imaginary Numbers.
    [X] [Married] Wisteria, known for using Costumes for their Mystic Codes.
    [x] Tsuchimikado, a clan that controlled Onmyoudou from the 11th century up until the middle of the 19th century, They focus on eastern Magecraft like Breathing and walking, Curses, Onmyoudou and Healing Magecraft.
    [x] What the, 'magic'? 'Mage Lineage'? Er, my last name's Edmunds, if that's what you're asking.
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[X] Bride of a Magus Heir (Going to get officially acquainted with your in-laws as your husband's occupied by WWII)
[X] [Born] What the, 'magic'? 'Mage Lineage'? Er, my last name's Edmunds, if that's what you're asking.
[X] [Married] Sophia-Ri, a prestigious family linked with Spirits, Evocation and Summoning.

jumping from just Edmunds but still this vote is a touch hopeless
[X] Bride of a Magus Heir (Going to get officially acquainted with your in-laws as your husband's occupied by WWII)
[X] [Born] What the, 'magic'? 'Mage Lineage'? Er, my last name's Edmunds, if that's what you're asking.
[X] [Married] Sophia-Ri, a prestigious family linked with Spirits, Evocation and Summoning.

jumping from just Edmunds but still this vote is a touch hopeless

Maybe, but if there's time there's a chance. I've seen votes completely flip in the last hour before.

Another thing that would make this vote great is that the prestigious family we're marrying into has to rely on us, a non-magical newcomer, as their Master for the War. I find this hilarious and want to see how the QM would work with this XD.
By the way, am I the only one who finds that this

[] [Born] Hillcrest, a branch of Japan's prestigious Tohsaka family, who you moved away from in the 19th century after the disastrous conclusion to the Second Grail War. Known for Jewelcraft and martial arts, and in your branch's case the element of Imaginary Numbers.

[] [Married] Wisteria, known for using Costumes for their Mystic Codes.

is the winning vote a little crazy? Like, the point of Wisteria is so we can do fun, probably inappropriate for the era, cosplaying. It makes so much more sense to be born to that family and married to Hillcrest, which is why I switched it around for my vote just now.

Edit: Fine, the two below me convinced me.
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By the way, am I the only one who finds that this

[] [Born] Hillcrest, a branch of Japan's prestigious Tohsaka family, who you moved away from in the 19th century after the disastrous conclusion to the Second Grail War. Known for Jewelcraft and martial arts, and in your branch's case the element of Imaginary Numbers.

[] [Married] Wisteria, known for using Costumes for their Mystic Codes.

is the winning vote a little crazy? Like, the point of Wisteria is so we can do fun, probably inappropriate for the era, cosplaying. It makes so much more sense to be born to that family and married to Hillcrest, which is why I switched it around for my vote just now.

That's why it's such a great combination. Imagine a jewel encrusted wedding dress made to help maintain a level of survivability in case we get caught in a cross fire or maybe help maintain a healthy prana link to our servant in case they're prana guzzlers like Heracles, Lancelot or Karna.
Indulge Husbando's cosplay hobby with gems and kung fu clearly. The stronger costumes are probably crazy power hungry, which gemcraft is ideal for. But the costumes are ALSO best used by a family that can fight.
[X] Head (Going back to your family's ancestral home after being too wrapped up in London affairs. Quite an obvious target though)

[X] Edelfelt, Finnish mercenaries known for Twin Heirs and Curses, humiliated in the previous Grail War (will be Nazi-aligned, but only because you're anti-Soviet)
[X] Bride of a Magus Heir (Going to get officially acquainted with your in-laws as your husband's occupied by WWII)
[X] [Born] Hillcrest, a branch of Japan's prestigious Tohsaka family, who you moved away from in the 19th century after the disastrous conclusion to the Second Grail War. Known for Jewelcraft and martial arts, and in your branch's case the element of Imaginary Numbers.
[X] [Married] Wisteria, known for using Costumes for their Mystic Codes.

Edit: apparently I copied too much.
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[X] Bride of a Magus Heir (Going to get officially acquainted with your in-laws as your husband's occupied by WWII)
[X] [Born] Hillcrest, a branch of Japan's prestigious Tohsaka family, who you moved away from in the 19th century after the disastrous conclusion to the Second Grail War. Known for Jewelcraft and martial arts, and in your branch's case the element of Imaginary Numbers.
[X] [Married] Wisteria, known for using Costumes for their Mystic Codes.
honestly this seems like it will create the most interesting protag
plus it gives us both decent starting gear and combat capacity
I feel as if this was copy and pasted...
Okay, consensus is pretty clear, so Votes Closed. Not sure how soon I'll be able to get back with the next update since I have college homework, but hopefully soon enough.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Feb 25, 2018 at 8:30 PM, finished with 41 posts and 23 votes.
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So as we've had a few votes already I figured I might decided to divulge some info, see if it sways things any.

The Knightwave are based on and connected with the Fate/Extra protagonist, their name being a rough translation I found of 'Kishimoto', while Wisteria are based on the F/GO protagonists, their name coming from one of their kanji.

And I guess Hilcrest comes from 'Tohsaka' meaning crest.
Disembarking at Winterwood.
Ever since leaving their roots in the Orient roughly seven decades ago, my lineage the Hillcrests, ah, hasn't had the smoothest time adjusting to this distant land of Britain. Odd that I call my country that, given it's the only country I've ever known. It has been mainly through our alliances with fellow magus lines gracious enough to lend a helping hand that we've managed to persist, as much as we tell ourselves it's been due to nothing but our own will and cunning.

That'd make me, drinking hot chocolate and seated quite comfortably in a first-class carriage on this train, a link in yet another chain my family has forged to keep itself anchored to this island. My name is:
[ ] Blossom Hillcrest, I'm only nineteen, it was imperative that my parents had me married into another mage family as soon as I was of age.
- [ ] Despite my youth, I always try my best to be ladylike, as befitting a noble English magus.
- [ ] Hah, I'm a magus, I treat others however I want. This has got me into some trouble, heh, but it's hardly like other magi are so well-behaved themselves.
- [ ] I try to be proper and noble towards others, regardless of how I really feel.
- [ ] I try to be proper and noble, towards those I feel truly deserve it.
- [ ] Write-in.
[ ] Lazuli Hillcrest, I won't be specific but I'm already in my late twenties. It was my husband Jarvis and I who decided on our marriage.
- [ ] I do feel truly honoured, but I try not to draw to much attention to myself. I hope my in-laws will accept me.
- [ ] I see no need to humble myself. If I don't get along with his parents, little matter, I am certain Jarvis himself'll always be by my side.
- [ ] Write-in.

With a great puff of steam announcing it, we arrived at Winterwood Station, yet the second I step out I'm stuck by an awful chill. The warmth of the train's interior must've made me forget just how cold it'd be outside, especially with Winterwood's infamous weather. The rusted, worn-down looking station added another startling contrast to the train.

"Oi, you'd be the new Missus, right?" a loud, chirpy voice came from the other station, with its owner having to brush past a couple of leaving passengers to meet with me. He looked a rather straggly young boy, in quite faded clothes and a frayed scarf around his neck, his hair brown and rather messy. Still, at least from the broad smile on his face, I judged that he didn't mean to be rude, so I nodded in return.

"Name's Trevor Daltrey meself, most of the lads just call me Trev," he went on, "Oh, I'm one of the workers at the old Wisteria House, pay's, er, alright. Mostly I'm on scrubbin' duties with the fireplaces and other crannies, so um, getting to greet Master Jarvis' bride is quite the step up I'd say".

"Trevor!" a harsher, more suitably icy voice shot out at him, with it belonging to more severe, sharper-eyed and sharper-suited man, "Would you please show more decorum towards no less than the young Jarvis' bride?! Hmph, if only the young Master himself could be here, surely he wouldn't tolerate such flippancy".

[ ] Really? That doesn't sound like Jarvis at all...
[ ] Why yes, that's pretty much Jarvis for you.
[ ] Write-in.

"Oi, seriously Quinn, just tryin' to be friendly here is all," this Trevor said in return, before he turned back to me and said, "Ah yeah, this here's Quinton Elliot, 'e's our butler up at the manor house".

"I am most capable of introducing myself," this Quinton could only snarl back.
What caught my attention about him though, was the quite neatly-tied together package Quinton was holding. When I gestured to it, he said "Oh, this is a most important delivery for none other than the Wisteria's head, and your new father-in-law, Lord Montgomery. Um, but as you are of course Master Jarvis' bride, y-you would be most entitled to hold it for just a while, ah, should you wish," he then gulped.

Smiling, I took the package and began feeling it all over, I could only come to guesses about what lay within:
[ ] Feels like, hmm, fossilised coral.
[ ] A fisherman's net? No wait, there's a scale of some sort in here.
[ ] A fine glass bottle, used for carrying high-quality water.
[ ] A baton I believe?
[ ] Feels like an old hat, a three-corner one I think.
[ ] A tiara, almost like one belonging to a princess. *giggle*
[ ] Mostly just feels like some ashes, yet no urn.
[ ] A plank of wood, but carrying an awful smell, like that of incense used at an old shrine.

I could see this maybe being used as a decoration for the garments the Wisteria are for known making, but I couldn't quell the suspicion that this strange object was really a summoning catalyst, for that rumoured Grail War I'd heard whispers about.
The very sort of thing my grandparents came to this country to avoid.

"Oh hey Missus?" Trevor spoke up and snapped me back out of my thoughts. "Since we're here and all, would ya like to see the town?"

"Priorities, Trevor. I do believe we should be heading back to Wisteria Manor first thing," Quinton said glaring down.

[ ] "No it's fine, I wouldn't mind getting to know Winterwood, cold aside".
[ ] "Why yes, it's about time I went and saw the Wisteria household. Especially with this cold around".
[ ] Write-in.
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[X] Blossom Hillcrest, I'm only nineteen, it was imperative that my parents had me married into another mage family as soon as I was of age.
-[X] I try to be proper and noble, towards those I feel truly deserve it.
[X] Really? That doesn't sound like Jarvis at all...
[X] A tiara, almost like one belonging to a princess. *giggle*
[X] "No it's fine, I wouldn't mind getting to know Winterwood, cold aside".
[x] Lazuli Hillcrest, I won't be specific but I'm already in my late twenties. It was my husband Jarvis and I who decided on our marriage.
- [x] I see no need to humble myself. If I don't get along with his parents, little matter, I am certain Jarvis himself will always be by my side.
from the descriptions it sounds like this will be the Protag with the most independence and drive, last thing we want is an NPC deciding what our strategy is.

[x] Really? That doesn't sound like Jarvis at all...
looks like we'll get a chance to decide the husband's personality after all. I'm choosing this because it sounds like the most likely choice to net us someone easy to work with
[x] A plank of wood, but carrying an awful smell, like that of incense used at an old shrine.
remember that when it comes to servants older is better and this choice gives a pretty good chance of one at least 1000+ years old

[x] "No it's fine, I wouldn't mind getting to know Winterwood, cold aside".
no sense waiting around, on with the plot!
[X] Lazuli Hillcrest, I won't be specific but I'm already in my late twenties. It was my husband Jarvis and I who decided on our marriage.
- [X] I see no need to humble myself. If I don't get along with his parents, little matter, I am certain Jarvis himself'll always be by my side.

I agree that we should vote for a more independent protagonist. This also might give us insight into Jarvis should he ever be in the story, though I'm pretty sure he's not in Winterwood since the vote for the Bride option said something about him and the war.

[X] Really? That doesn't sound like Jarvis at all...

Ya, we should make sure Jarvis isn't an asshole.

[X] A fisherman's net? No wait, there's a scale of some sort in here.

I have no idea what Servant any of these options will get us, though I'm worried that the coral one is actually Gilgamesh's catalyst, and even though he's powerful, he's not worth the trouble.

[X] "No it's fine, I wouldn't mind getting to know Winterwood, cold aside".

We should acquaint ourselves with the battlefield.
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[X] Lazuli Hillcrest, I won't be specific but I'm already in my late twenties. It was my husband Jarvis and I who decided on our marriage.
- [X] I see no need to humble myself. If I don't get along with his parents, little matter, I am certain Jarvis himself'll always be by my side.

[X] Really? That doesn't sound like Jarvis at all...

[X] Mostly just feels like some ashes, yet no urn.

[X] "No it's fine, I wouldn't mind getting to know Winterwood, cold aside".

I'm getting a Joan of Arc feel from this one.
[X] Lazuli Hillcrest, I won't be specific but I'm already in my late twenties. It was my husband Jarvis and I who decided on our marriage.
- [X] I see no need to humble myself. If I don't get along with his parents, little matter, I am certain Jarvis himself'll always be by my side.

[X] Really? That doesn't sound like Jarvis at all...

[X] Mostly just feels like some ashes, yet no urn.

[X] "No it's fine, I wouldn't mind getting to know Winterwood, cold aside".

I am instantly on board with a new Type-Moon quest. Like always with Fate Quests the regent is probably the single most important choice of the quest. I'm getting either an Enkidu or Joan of Arc feel from the ashes.