[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2

We're going to need that track if we want to keep up the 'we're not a cape' personality.

Hn...nah, I don't want to let our identity be shown in any way so, the power we pick should be subtle, Mirror's Edge seems like a trap song to me, I dunno if it'll give pakour or the lyrics will change the result
Not to mention the personality change.

I don't know what to suggest as an alternative one however.
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Kinda disappointed that she doesn't get the power to "Roll around at the speed of sound" or follow any rainbows.

[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2
It's only low level pyro skills, the endurance and telepathy package is way better

[X] Cool patrol

Taylor could use some "coolness"
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For those of you voting to replace Connect with Escape From The City, I have to point out that Prester Fred is technically correct: the vote is, from a purely practical stand point, rather foolish. Connect's agility boost leaves just as capable of parkour as Escape, it's just that Taylor will need some practice to get really good. Plus, Connect has the telepathy, a free costume change for the duration of the song, and it grants you a minor-ish brute rating. Take a baseball bat to the face and not break any bones, about that level.

If you're voting to replace Connect for other reasons like Prester, I won't stop you, but if you're voting because you think Escape is a better power, it's really not.
Eh, I was just going with the flow, it occurs to me that I Burn is mostly kinda worthless.

Fire abilities are pretty cool but the grab bag of Connect is too good to pass up.
[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2 - I Burn will be discarded permanently
Fire sounds a bit too dangerous, especially with the personality change this song comes with.

When you say 'discarded permanently' does that mean that we can never ever get it back? Even if we spend time out of combat to try and recall it?
[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2 - I Burn will be discarded permanently
Fire sounds a bit too dangerous, especially with the personality change this song comes with.

When you say 'discarded permanently' does that mean that we can never ever get it back? Even if we spend time out of combat to try and recall it?
Pretty much, yeah.
[X] No - Escape From The City will be discarded permanently

She can probably do all this but the pathfinding with an agility or reflex power (like Connections) anyway. The telepathy seems more interesting, and a dedicated combat song seems obvious. I want to keep I Burn until something better fightwise comes along.

EDIT: If I had to pick one to lose, though, it'd be I Burn. The RWBY song I really want to bring in (when we hopefully have more slots) is It's My Turn. I want to see what it do.
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[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2 - I Burn will be discarded permanently

Can we ever increase our playlist size?
[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2

Personally I think that Taylor is going to want to prioritize more esoteric powers like telepathy over combat boosts.
[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2 - I Burn will be discarded permanently

Can we ever increase our playlist size?
Actually that is a good question. How do we gain more track space? My only educated guess from prior quest experience would be they are given out as rewards for omakes and fan content and the like. But given the want to keep this to a street level thing I can see it being restricted to two and only growing beyond two when Taylor passes some i story threshold.
[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2

Minor pyrokinesis, especially when it's paired with dangerous levels of overconfidence, just doesn't seem like something worth keeping.

[X] Keep it Moving

Hopefully we can get another subtle parkour power or something like that to keep up the illusion that we're not a parahuman.
[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2 - I Burn will be discarded permanently

Can we ever increase our playlist size?
Actually that is a good question. How do we gain more track space? My only educated guess from prior quest experience would be they are given out as rewards for omakes and fan content and the like. But given the want to keep this to a street level thing I can see it being restricted to two and only growing beyond two when Taylor passes some i story threshold.
You can get more track spaces by reaching certain achievements in the quest. Beating significant enemies, making friends, joining teams, that sort of thing. I actually didn't think about handing them out as omake bonuses, but I suppose I could do that, as long as people are responsible and don't munchin things to badly.
Came up with a future write in. Not really applicable now, but it would be really fun to use in the future.

...why did you feel the need to make this quest? Why didn't you turn your creative talents towards making a quest about... anything else? There are hundreds of Worm quests on SV. Probably over one thousand Worm fanworks in general. All for a mediocre web-serial that combines terrible prose, pretentious dialogue and the worst Garth Ennis-isms into a slimy stew of bitter edginess.

But fine; I don't like Worm but I guess a lot of people here manage to find something in it; no problem. Why write this though? Surely you would want to be identified by your work? Surely you guys reading want to read... I don't know, anything other than Worm? You're still not sick of it yet? Even though in any general thread the moment someone brings up Worm that thread becomes a multi-page discussion about it? Even though the actual Worm thread is three thousand pages long?

I'm glad to have finally caught a brand new Worm quest so that I can ask this, so that I can finally understand the feelings of the writer at the very inception of the work.

I don't get it. Why is all the enthusiasm about this stupid serial concentrated entirely on this website? Why is this place Worm Central? What is it about this one piece of grimderp faux-deconstruction that has this site and SB so utterly enraptured but not any other site?

bugger off lol. If you want to complain about people spending time on stuff then complain about MLP, or Dokka DONTka, or maybe Rwby or some of wuxia, or PMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

I am just happy we finally have another worm fic that doesn't have Taylor be a cunt to her dad.