I just got an amazing idea for a song to use during an Endbringer battle; The original Power Rangers theme. Watch as it turns Taylor and four other 'teenagers with attitude' into the original five rangers (cheesy camp and all) so that they can summon the Megazord to fight an Endbringer.
Personally I'd rather go with something a little more badass than campy for an endbringer. Still funny, though.
Please their is only one song needed for the endbringers.

Or scion.

Like that.
Sorairo Days is better.
I prefer to be much more over the top ridiculous. How about the theme to One Punch Man instead?
To all the above: what power are you hoping to get from your song, and why do you think it's a good idea?
I don't know, I just chose something I knew people would agree with so I could laugh when you started floundering. Just do your best, I'm sure it'll be fine.

As for the second question, how could it be a bad idea?
I don't know, I just chose something I knew people would agree with so I could laugh when you started floundering. Just do your best, I'm sure it'll be fine.

As for the second question, how could it be a bad idea?
Probably not terrible? Although, you're terrible for wanting me to suffer. :p
I care much more about her confidence than anything else. I suppose the power would provide intellectual keenness and perhaps native weapons/a hand-held forcefield.
Fair enough.
[X] Help, I'm Alive - Metric

Because I can.

..... Weird, but I think I can actually work with this one.
To all the above: what power are you hoping to get from your song, and why do you think it's a good idea?
A Shaker effect. Either one that warped the laws of physics in a way that was unpredictable to everyone but Taylor, or one that caused everyone in it's range to hallucinate some very out there things. It feels like either would be handy to pull out when she's hopelessly outnumbered and on her own.
[X] I approve of Extremely Light but I don't want to bandwagon.
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Yeah, in retrospect I chose that more for a cheap laugh than a really workable suggestion. I'd like to change mine to
[x] Dawn

(In regards to power, possibly
- something like a wide-spread, weak path to victory that brings to mind generalized paths she could embark on with an impression of what sort of outcome they'd result in (take stock of what she has left and see where she can go from there) or
- a single target trump effect where she can empower the other for a goal/purpose of the target, provided she agrees with it (the empowerment depending on what would be useful for the situation, and stopping once the target attempts to use it for something else or it the goal has been reached) or
- a relatively wide-range ability that inspires hope and cooperation depending on how damaged/desolate the area she uses it in.
[X] Pure Imagination

I don't know what this'll do, but I want it. Maybe something like Labyrinth's power, but more whimsical and hopefully less debilitating to the user.
[X] light

I submitted another vote, but I've changed my mind and deleted it. I want to avoid ridiculousness right at first; let the quest find its overall tone before anything really silly happens. So I'm voting for the Light option; I'll resubmit my write-in once it makes a better counterpoint to the usual course of things.
Adhoc vote count started by Prester Fred on Feb 12, 2018 at 11:32 AM, finished with 100 posts and 23 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Prester Fred on Feb 12, 2018 at 12:07 PM, finished with 100 posts and 23 votes.
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[X] Pure Imagination

Not a huge fan of the song but it's obvious how the power will manifest and it's quite a cool one so I'll pick it.

Although not the best Here's a song with a pretty specific and obvious power.

Should probably give Taylor and an equivalent or complete copy of King's power from Worm.
...there have been what 3 votes for the cannon options?
and about a million different votes, seriously this divide is killing this already.
[x] Random
...there have been what 3 votes for the cannon options?
and about a million different votes, seriously this divide is killing this already.
[x] Random
There's an option with cannons?!

Honestly it'll calm down eventually. Worst comes to worst rex just vetoes write-ins if it gets too dumb.
I mean isn't yang just a worse glory girl power wise?

I was mostly joking, but she's kind of a hulk expy. The angrier she gets, and the more she gets hit (through kinetic absorbtion, maybe? Might be a fanon explanation for it) the stronger she gets.

Taylor would have to survive the first few hits, but after that... Well, Yang was ripping a combat mecha apart with her bare hands in under a minute. Probably more on her powers in S5, but I haven't gotten around to binging it yet.
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