And the winner is:

I'm a little surprised that nobody voted for Misery Loves My Company at all.
I kind of want to see what powers Dare To Be Stupid gives. Actually, I think I just want ti weaponize a playlist of Weird Al songs

There was a flash of light as the song began to play. It was fast enough that Taylor wasn't even if if it actually happened, and in a few seconds, she had some more important to to worry about.

At first Taylor thought that somebody had started playing a song just to mock her. It hurt, being reminded of what she used to have, and what she didn't have any more. But it wasn't long before the song started to affect her and she started to actually listen to it. With a smile, she could think back to the good days with Emma and not feel the pain of betrayal that had stained them for so long. One day, the good days would come again, hopefully with Emma by her side again, but even without her, Taylor knew that she could find her way.

Even as Taylor nodded along to the music, she could feel something in the back of her mind. Two somethings actually. It was hard to describe. They weren't just ideas or memories. More like feelings or maybe… Connections? Curious, she picked the one that felt closer and tried to figure out what it was. It felt familiar. If felt strange. If felt like…



Well that confirmed that. Emma sounded just like that time Taylor had dropped a rubber spider in her hair. Giggling innocently, Taylor tried talking to her… former friend again.

Hi Emma!


Left without a response, Taylor pouted. Was she wrong? Was she crazy? No, she definitely felt the connection, still strong as ever in her mind, and she had definitely heard Emma's voice. Feeling determined, Taylor kept trying.

Emma? Emma… Emma, why won't you talk to me?

Would. You. Just. Shut up for a few seconds?

Taylor giggled again, this time feeling just a little vindictive. Even if it was just in a small, frustrating way, it felt good to get back at Emma a little for the past year and a half.

After a few seconds, Taylor heard Emma through her connection again. Where are you? How am I hearing you? I had better not be going fucking crazy…

Nah, I don't think you're going crazy. Well, crazier. Actually, I'm pretty sure I just developed superpowers just now.

Unworried with the lack of a response, Taylor cheerfully continued on. Anyway, do you think you could come over here and let me out of my locker? It was pretty mean to lock me in here. I mean, this is pretty extreme, even for you, Emma.



Tch, fine. Be that way.
Taylor was worried for a moment when Emma didn't reply, but the connection was still there and she was pretty sure that if anything happened to Emma, she would be able to tell. Emma was probably just ignoring her.

With that option spent, Taylor retreated from Emma's connection and focused on the other one. This one she recognized immediately.

Hi Dad!

WHA- Taylor? Taylor, is that you? Where are you?

When she heard the panic in her father's voice… mind-voice… thing, Taylor felt a little bit guilty. But then again, considering her situation, maybe a bit of panic was warranted. Still, it was nice to feel how her father cared for her and now that she was talking to him, she was sure that everything would be okay.

I'm still at school, Dad. Uh, in fact, I'm kinda stuck… On the bright side, I seem to be telepathic now!

For some reason, hearing that his daughter had spontaneously developed superpowers didn't calm Danny down completely. Hearing her happy voice helped somewhat, but Taylor could still feel the worry eating at him through their connection.

Taylor, what do you mean, you're 'stuck'?"

Um, well… some bullies kinda locked me in my locker and there's some really gross stuff in here with me, like completely rotten crap or something, and I'm feeling a little sick and I think I might be concussed. Just a little. So, uh, if you could call and ambulance and maybe the cops…?

As Taylor explained, her Dad's panic returned full force, along with not a small amount of rage. Don't worry, baby. I'm calling the police right now. They'll be there to get you and keep you safe, okay? Just… sit tight, okay?

Okay, Dad! I'm alright, mostly, so don't worry too much. I just- Oh. Uh, I think the song's coming to an end, so I might not-

As the song in her head finished, there was another flash of light and Taylor felt the connections in her head disappear. Without the song lifting her spirits, it was a lot harder for Taylor too keep optimistic, and even though she knew that help was on the way, she could feel the panic and fear coming back. But she did her best to keep that happy feeling, humming the melody that she had heard and trying not to let the tears out.

It was hard to judge the passing of time, alone in the dark, but after probably a bit over five minutes, Taylor heard someone approach. Crying out for help, the person on the other side gave her some comforting words and a little bit afterwards, there was a metallic ping and the door flew open. Taylor collapsed into a strong pair of arms and nearly fainted in relief.

She was insensate to the world as they cleaned her off and guided her through the halls. Outside of the school, she was sat down in the back of an ambulance and given water to drink. Taylor didn't awaken from her stupor until she heard her father's voice. Looking up, she saw him arguing with a policeman, trying to get to her.


"Taylor!" Finally shoving the cop out of his way, her dad rushed to her and scooped her up into a bone-creaking hug. On of the medics tried to say something about risk of infection, but the Heberts ignored him.

From there, things were a bit of a rush. Taylor got taken to hospital, her dad riding along in the ambulance and holding her hand the entire way. Once there, Taylor was treated for her minor scrapes and bruises, given some antibiotics to head off any infections and told to get plenty of water and bed rest for the next few days. When she was discharged from the hospital, they took the bus home. Her dad had left the truck at Winslow and said he would get it the next day.

As soon as they arrived home, Taylor headed to the living room and collapsed on the coach. Her dad when into the kitchen to get started on dinner but a few minutes later, he came out with a glass of water and a serious expression. Handing Taylor the water, he sat down in the chair across from her. "So…"

"Um…" Taylor said eloquently, before deciding to sip at her water to avoid the awkwardness.

"So you have powers now?"

Taylor choked and had to spend a few seconds recovering, all while panic began to build. Her dad knew about her powers. Emma knew about her powers. Who knew what she would do with the knowledge, who she would tell. Not even a day with powers and her secret identity was already shot to shit. In fact…

"Dad, the cops," Taylor almost demanded, " what did you…"

"Try to give your old man some credit." He said with a small smile. "I said that you phoned me on your cell phone in a panic and it died before you could call the cops."

"But I don't have a cell phone…"

"Yeah, but they don't know that, do they?" Her dad gave her a conspiratorial wink, making Taylor giggle-snort and hurt her nose.


Danny had nostalgic smile before turning serious once again. "Taylor, can you tell me a little more about your powers? You mentioned something about a song ending?"

Taylor sighed and flopped back onto the couch. Of all the times for her father to start acting observant… Although, to be honest, they had been getting closer since Christmas, talking more, that sort of thing, even if she did still spend most of her time listening to her headphones… which were smashed now…

Taylor forced the tears back down and told herself not to think about it.

Well, it wasn't that bad that her dad knew, Taylor supposed. It was just embarrassing for her powers to be tied to music for some reason. It was just weird. You didn't hear about other heroes, or even villains, having such weird requirements.

Sighing again, Taylor did her best to explain. "Well, I just got them in the lockers, so I'm not entirely sure how they work but… I heard this song playing in my head and suddenly I could feel a connection to you in my head. That's how I talked to you. But when the song ran out, the power went away."

"Did you only have a connection to me?"

Taylor bit her lip, hesitating for just a second… before nodding. If she told him about the connection to Emma, that would lead to telling him about the situation with Emma and that was just something Taylor didn't want to deal with at the moment.

Her dad frowned at her answer. "That's a little bit odd, but I guess powers in general are a little strange already. Do you think you could… replay the song somehow? Get the power back?"

This time Taylor shook her head. "I already tried earlier. I… It's like I saved or stored it somehow, it's still there, but I can't get the song to play again. It sort of feels like there's an empty place for another song as well. And there's this… Uh, I guess it's kind of a switch? Not really, but… if I want to, I think it will give me another song, maybe?"

"It's okay, Taylor. Don't worry if you don't know the answers yet." Her dad comforted her.

Taylor managed not to roll her eyes. "I'm fine, Dad."

"Alright. Do you think you could play a new song now?"

"Yeah…" Taylor looked over at her dad, confused. "But why right now? I mean, what if it's limited or something? I don't want to waste it."

"Taylor…" Danny took of his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "You… I'm worried about you. That… junk in the locker, the bullying and now you have superpowers? I guess… I just want to see it with my own eyes."

Well, it wasn't like Taylor wasn't curious herself. But with her dad, it was something other than simple curiosity. There was a lot of worry in his tone as well, and maybe a bit of fear. Only one thing was stopping Taylor from granting his request. "Dad, I have no idea what sort of power I could get. I don't… What if I can't control it?"

"I'm sure you'll be fine, Taylor. You controlled the last power easily, right? I believe in you." He reassured her.

It's not my safety I'm worried about though. Taylor didn't voice her fears though. Maybe it was just a little bit of the earlier song still affecting her, but hearing her dad say that made her more confident. If he believed in her, then she could believe in herself too.

Taking a deep breath, Taylor pulled out another song.

Song: Connect - ClariS (Cover by Miku-Tan)
Power: Two-way telepathy and empathy with people Taylor has a positive emotional connection with. The stronger the emotional bond, the more can be relayed through the connection. Taylor also gains minor boots to strength and speed and major boosts to endurance and agility. For the duration of the song, Taylor's clothes will transform into a magical girl outfit, including a mask, that resists dirt and damage. The outfit will appear and disappear with a flash of light at the start and end of the song.
Attitude: Optimistic. No matter how bad things get, Taylor will believe that there's a way for things to get better and will pursue that path with unbreakable determination. Thanks to her positive mental attitude, Taylor feel cheerful and friendly for the duration of the song.

Vote for a song





...Yeah, three years off this forum and I'm posting in a Worm quest, awkward.

Welp, time to vote.

[X] Two Fools a Minute.
[x] Woops

Sun's Song would be a bit overboard, if either of these do what they do in the game (for sun's song, make it day if it's night and vice versa).
Last edited:
I just got an amazing idea for a song to use during an Endbringer battle; The original Power Rangers theme. Watch as it turns Taylor and four other 'teenagers with attitude' into the original five rangers (cheesy camp and all) so that they can summon the Megazord to fight an Endbringer.
I just got an amazing idea for a song to use during an Endbringer battle; The original Power Rangers theme. Watch as it turns Taylor and four other 'teenagers with attitude' into the original five rangers (cheesy camp and all) so that they can summon the Megazord to fight an Endbringer.
Please their is only one song needed for the endbringers.

Or scion.
[] Write-in: Short Skirt/Long Jacket by Cake

[X] Extremely Light

Because why the Hel not?


...Yeah, three years off this forum and I'm posting in a Worm quest, awkward.

Welp, time to vote.

[X] Two Fools a Minute.

[X] Chicken Yodeling

[X] Everything You Know Is Wrong
To all the above: what power are you hoping to get from your song, and why do you think it's a good idea?
[x] Woops
Sun's Song would be a bit overboard, if either of these do what they do in the game (for sun's song, make it day if it's night and vice versa).
I see what power you want and you realize it's not a good idea... Good for you.
Decent song, obvious power. Good pick.
I just got an amazing idea for a song to use during an Endbringer battle; The original Power Rangers theme. Watch as it turns Taylor and four other 'teenagers with attitude' into the original five rangers (cheesy camp and all) so that they can summon the Megazord to fight an Endbringer.
I actually have the Power Rangers Redux album in my iTunes, so it might just show up at random one day.
Please their is only one song needed for the endbringers.

Or scion.
Sorairo Days is better.