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  • Oh no my creativity went on a Christmas break. Noooo stop come back I need you.
    Psst..yeah you..*drags you into dark alleyway*
    Did u get it back? Ik a guy who can hook you up with some if you still need it.
    Been craving Shadorun stories lately and your stuff has really helped with that. Thank you for sharing. Hope your sleep troubles will go away eventually.
    Seems like you've done a decent bunch of Let's Plays. Do you usually just type them up as you play with a lot of pausing, or something else, like taking notes as you play and then typing the post up after the playsession with the notes as a reference?
    I play a decent chunk and either take a bunch of screenshots while I play or record it and take screenshots from that video file.
    I doubt I'll be able to get anywhere writing with my sleep schedule this fucked. Apologies for the constant delays.
    Wade Garrett
    Wade Garrett
    Yes, how dare you let a little thing like "fundamental human biology" hold you back. Well, excuse not accepted, I demand TWO apologies or face my eternal scorn.
    Wade Garrett
    Wade Garrett
    Seriously, had my schedule re "When awake and when sleep" shift by two hours a couple of weeks ago and I devolved into something that should have been locked in a cage with cups of coffee poked to it with a long stick. I feel you man :s
    Dude it's fine, fuck if I was still writing I'd probably be barely pushing anything out due to being awake five hours a day thanks to overnights messing up my clock.

    It happens take your time.
    That feel when you can't write so you try gaming to at least chill out but that just makes you feel even guiltier for not writing.
    (continued due to going over 420 characters) Anyway, I got off topic. THANK YOU for writing such an amazing piece! I am saying it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. It's rare that I feel so moved or happy by a piece of dialogue, but that was fantastic!
    Bow before me, for I am Noah Antwiler reborn. Only I went into a death spiral /before/ all the money and success this time.
    Look at it this way, now you can enjoy your money and success without problems!
    Motherfucker I don't /have/ the money and success yet we talked about this.
    I really am sorry about how slack I've been with my projects. Serious medical problems and a hostile environment make it difficult to work.
    Don't push too hard, man. I'm glad you're feeling better and I'm always up for reading your work, but I'd rather you be healthy than writing.
    Have you thought of making a thread to request help to get through your dry spell?
    Hey, Zerban?

    What about taking someone else's request?

    That way, you on't have to come up with ideas, just execute them.

    Then you'll get in a rhythm and BOOM, back on track!
    That is.... so not how it works.
    The creative process is different for everybody, but the only thing you can try to do is attempt to write.

    Even if it's uncreative garbage, write through it, then you'll get over your author's block.

    Also, I cannot stress this enough, go and watch some media.

    You'll need some inspiration.
    PSA: Imagine that I've recently had several dozen anvils fall on my legs and spine, and Prisfons is my physical therapy. Also HO never.
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