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  • I just want to say that your stories are some of the best I've ever read. I especially love Rostam, Bi(It needs to be said!)) Karna, Orochi, and the Dragon Harem. Bi/Gay Main Characters are life! Thank you very much!!
    Btw... has anyone written smut and more fluff about Fate/Hollow Order? Is it permitted/allowed?
    I'm glad to hear you enjoy my work - and yes, people have done omakes of Hollow Order.
    Watching 9:35-10:30 of this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTRCMBAugII) immediately brought to mind Tamiko and Avenger's central conflict, and on further thought, the theme of 'Fallen Heroes' applies to most of the cast in some extent (just about the entire Black Team, Mordred, Shirou, even Yuko in a strangely atemporal manner). Your thoughts?
    How did you even get an original work to have almost 80k views on a place full of fanfiction? That is mindboggling and I feel I must work harder. I hope I had not killed it though.
    Any chance you'll ever update Rebuild of SAO? I've read and re-read it a couple of times, it's probably the best SAO fanfic in certain smaller-scale ways. Really is a shame you dropped it.
    I can't believe I haven't written anything about how much I appreciate Bi Karna yet but goddamn I love Bi Karna, and Rostam for that matter too, I knew there was always a reason I loved Rostam beyond him being really fun to read and it's nice knowing I wasn't reading too much into his mindset, which I related to pretty heavily for a good while. Thanks a bunch, Zerban.
    Thank you, I'm glad I was able to write something you appreciated on that level.
    Hey, I know it's incredibly inconvenient, and I competely understand if you don't want to, but some of your hosted pics on Fate/Hollow Fake 2: Another Heaven is on Photobucket, which now block third-party hosting. It's a bit jarring seeing four, six of it in a row.
    Gay Karna was life, you probably write him better Canon (does it count if his Canon self can be kinda robotic, barring Heyo Chaldeluxe moments :V). Speaking of life, it got in the way that I missed your glorious Hallowee shitpost/event. Sorry for that.
    Hhheeeeee wwwwaaaasssss bbbbbiiiiiiiiiii
    Well I derped hard, somehow I forgot his wife...So does most people tbh, her biggest character aspect in my country is that she's the sister of Duryodhan's wife.

    ...considering Karna Duryodhan subtexts, swinging aren't really out of question huh
    I was going through a certain forum thread and was beginning to roll my eyes for many posts in the first several pages. Skipping to the end and reading backwards allowed me to read yours' and others' that expressed what I was thinking. Thank you.
    Apparently, I've missed quite a few updates due to relying on notifications.
    That's weird, the 'OP made a bigass post' function should bypass even the old problem of missing a single reply update at all breaking everything.
    For the record, I am highly enjoying your gay dragon quest, despite not really being into dudes at all. It's bloody fantastic and I'm sorry people are such bastards about it.
    I never knew how glad I was that I missed out on that whole Fate/Stay thing.
    It's not all bad. I've acquired many wonderful husbands over the course of playing Grand Order. The problem is mainly when people pretend it's some unassailable classic or that it has any kind of artistic integrity beyond broad thematic storytelling.
    I suppose so, but it just seems like too much romance and titillation muddying the waters for my taste.
    Apparently a gay dragon is what I needed to break my writer's block.
    don't lie zerban i distinctly saw "harem" in that title you're going for ALL the gay dragons, not just one
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando
    There are straight dragons???

    I mean they come in all the colors of the rainbow clearly dragons are all LGBT
    Hey Zerban your hiatused Fate quest was great

    Gay Karna is good civilization
    I mean, he's Celtic. And if that weren't enough, he defeated his childhood friend in the Tain by ramming his Gay Bulge up his ass after several nights sleeping together.
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando
    Queen Medb wished for a version of Cu who understood her as her ideal king.

    Like Queen Medb Cu Alter just really really wants bones. He understands her needs.

    Medb: "truly the Grail is cursed."
    If it created Cu Alter is it truly cursed? :thonk:
    Best of luck with the Fate RP, I'll pass on trying to get in as I've got other commitments. I know we didn't get a chance to do much in Ragnarok but thanks for helping with the experience.
    On indefinite hiatus from all creative projects.
    Hope you work through whatever's wrong. Take your time and best of luck.
    Take as much time as you need Zerb. I hope whatever's up gets sorted out without too much trouble for you, best of luck.
    zerbs help me i read too many terrible fanmade servant sheets and they gave me cancer and then i read too many terrible canon servant sheets from f/go and got double cancer. you're the Fate Pope so you gotta stop me before i reeee too hard and try to make non-shitty versions of all of them.
    In my official capacity as Fate Pope I decree you do six Hail Marys then realise that nobody gives less of a shit about Servant design than Type-Moon itself and move on with your life.
    Do you want a sounding board? Sympathy? An interesting offer on your immortal soul? I very much liked your Rebuild of SAO, and as a fellow writing enthusiast I care quite a lot about lost muses, so I'd like to be genuinely supportive. Any thoughts?
    If it makes any difference I'm unironically playing characters from the "Jedi Prince" novels. My main canonically tries to marry a Princess Leia sexbot and gets eye lasered to death by it mid ceremony.
    I had no idea Austin Powers was a part of Legends canon.
    Wade Garrett
    Wade Garrett
    It's funny (hurtful?) because it's truuueee...
    So yeah. Being without sin, first stone, casting of. Sorry.
    It's fine. I was already in a bad mood, so I had zero patience for the dumb slapfight that become.
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