Recent content by Buggy

  1. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    I love these slices of the Sannins' life, they're super interesting and I like the dynamic between them. Also, a interesting look at a civilian's woes.
  2. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    Oooh, I like that idea. It could go interesting places.
  3. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    The Superchiller should indeed still be a viable weapon. Runes fall very slowly and iirc it would take more time than has passed for it to be buried completely.
  4. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    Ooooh right, we don't have BoC high enough to make our own substrate... do uh. Do we have a lot of EXP available? Edit: Jashin has shown me a vision. There is one path forward we must take: ES 60.
  5. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    I think I'd most prefer #2, as it is relatively plausible (help us Jashin, or else). #1 isn't a terrible idea but i'm skeptical we can pull it off. #3 is interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about it, it could definitely lead interesting places but I also am not sure how much I'd like 100k+...
  6. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    I would like to note that we should have so many Jashin points, we could open a Jashin Bank at this point. Not only did we just murder a whole bunch of people but also, if we permadie, the EN becomes a cold frozen wasteland. Jashin likes change and novelty. You know what is unchanging and...
  7. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    We have knowledge now that we did not know then. Our biggest mistake you've listed is probably that we didn't keep a tight lid on skywalkers. Other than that: We didn't know skywalkers would set off a chain of events leading to BOTG. We didn't know why the GS was failing, only that we had to...
  8. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    We do have to play to not lose, though. Great Seal degradation is a loss condition. Pain revival is maybe a loss condition. The world has forced our hand many times.
  9. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    RE: what should we do here I think this is pretty explicitly the purpose of our literally apocalyptic dead man's switch, and Oro cannot defuse it unless Mari is currently making some very poor decisions. Which she probably isn't. So Hazo should bring that up, and Oro should back off because he...
  10. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    Does it not do this already? I was under the impression that Iron Earth is reasonably comprehensive, what do you mean by "destroy it with elemental ninjutsu"?
  11. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    Regarding the rift, tbh I expect any suggestions that Hazo personally enter the rift to get vetoed on grounds of sanity. For one, as far as combat ability goes, we're not even a jonin. If you take away our seals and chakra as the pure lands tend to do, we're hardly even a genin. We are not...
  12. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    I'd be interested in seeing if we can rope Tsunade into overseeing the maintenance operation without pissing off any essies too much. She might not be able to understand all the minutia of biosealing, but at least she's a medical expert who can see through Oro's bullshit.
  13. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    Now that the Rift Assault is won, we need some defensive runes. Might I suggest: Antimeme Runes Interference Rune - This rune is difficult to directly perceive, appearing blurry to vision, indiscriminate to touch, etc. Forgetfulness Rune - This rune is difficult to remember; it comes to...
  14. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    From what we've seen of it, it's magical chakra explosive. It takes shape and flies around, Deidara could explode it telepathically, it only exploded if he wanted it to (he sets off only the surface of the Dragon during the fight, when with IRL explosives that would immediately detonate the...
  15. Buggy

    Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

    Given that we can't punch essies directly and we may never be able to, will we ever get a clear look at a essie's rolls? Is there some way we could? Could we have like, a extended debrief with Tsunade/Oro to try and get some Jashindamned numerical facts about a essie's capabilities?