Alivaril May 9, 2019 If people squeezed me, then I may be able to help them focus on more important matters.
Alivaril Apr 30, 2019 Diplomacy might be a cross-class skill, but dropping some points in it was one of the best decisions of my life.
Diplomacy might be a cross-class skill, but dropping some points in it was one of the best decisions of my life.
Alivaril Apr 18, 2019 Three weeks until classes and finals end. Should actually have free time after that.
Alivaril Mar 29, 2019 Currently being driven mad by a high-pitched humming in the seminar room. I think I can now sympathize with Reaper indoctrination victims.
Currently being driven mad by a high-pitched humming in the seminar room. I think I can now sympathize with Reaper indoctrination victims.
Alivaril Mar 16, 2019 Status update: Nearly all better and am making progress on quests again (1.2k Ignition words today, can probably do more tomorrow).
Status update: Nearly all better and am making progress on quests again (1.2k Ignition words today, can probably do more tomorrow).
Alivaril Mar 11, 2019 So after seeing some hilarious stuff in the Girls Frontline Images thread, I went and tried it. It's surprisingly fun, but I need friends.
So after seeing some hilarious stuff in the Girls Frontline Images thread, I went and tried it. It's surprisingly fun, but I need friends.
Alivaril Jan 29, 2019 Don't you just hate the professors who forget people have other classes? 15 hours of homework for each of his lecture periods is a bit much.
Don't you just hate the professors who forget people have other classes? 15 hours of homework for each of his lecture periods is a bit much.
Alivaril Jan 26, 2019 Status update: Next chapter will be for Fragmentation, then (probably) Ignition. I'm working on adapting to my class schedule right now.
Status update: Next chapter will be for Fragmentation, then (probably) Ignition. I'm working on adapting to my class schedule right now.
Alivaril Jan 10, 2019 Please, people, get yourselves vaccinated. I mean, I know this is SV and there won't be many people here who don't, but still.
Please, people, get yourselves vaccinated. I mean, I know this is SV and there won't be many people here who don't, but still.
Alivaril Dec 23, 2018 Phone will make updates slow(er) for a bit. The next Frag update is mostly done, but I have to do a bunch of formatting and Upgrade's text.
Phone will make updates slow(er) for a bit. The next Frag update is mostly done, but I have to do a bunch of formatting and Upgrade's text.
Alivaril Dec 2, 2018 Note to self: Your feet cannot handle walking 25 kilometers in one day when lacking shoes with proper arch support. Ow...
Note to self: Your feet cannot handle walking 25 kilometers in one day when lacking shoes with proper arch support. Ow...
Alivaril Oct 1, 2018 I finally have a device that can play Pokémon Go. It's much more addicting than expected.
Alivaril Sep 28, 2018 I'm still annoyed by how my brain is structured so that the meds letting me avoid being a forgetful, lethlargic puddle help take themselves.
I'm still annoyed by how my brain is structured so that the meds letting me avoid being a forgetful, lethlargic puddle help take themselves.
Alivaril Sep 26, 2018 Home at last! My schedule should now be mostly clear until mid-December-ish; I'll almost certainly have some busy days, but no big chunks.
Home at last! My schedule should now be mostly clear until mid-December-ish; I'll almost certainly have some busy days, but no big chunks.
DB_Explorer Aug 27, 2018 ah you changed your sig... the by line for Fragemantion about turning the puzzle into your sister is what got me to read it.
ah you changed your sig... the by line for Fragemantion about turning the puzzle into your sister is what got me to read it.
Alivaril Aug 18, 2018 Writing from a phone may be more difficult, but that apparently hasn't stopped me from writing 1.2k words for Ignition / 550 Consumption.
Writing from a phone may be more difficult, but that apparently hasn't stopped me from writing 1.2k words for Ignition / 550 Consumption.
Alivaril Aug 2, 2018 I feel like a DnD 3.5 Level 12 Bard right now, complete with singing. Or, uh, incomplete. Too tired to sing at all well, apparently.
I feel like a DnD 3.5 Level 12 Bard right now, complete with singing. Or, uh, incomplete. Too tired to sing at all well, apparently.
Alivaril Jul 19, 2018 Vanishing off the face of the earth for about the next half-month. So very much to do, too little time to do it in.
Vanishing off the face of the earth for about the next half-month. So very much to do, too little time to do it in.
Teiwaz Jun 13, 2018 Ignition has been back for like two days and is already locked for mod review. The noastalgia is real
Ignition has been back for like two days and is already locked for mod review. The noastalgia is real