Alivaril May 29, 2018 Has anyone ever pointed out one problem with a story and you slowly notice numerous others as a result? That's now happened for Ignition.
Has anyone ever pointed out one problem with a story and you slowly notice numerous others as a result? That's now happened for Ignition.
Alivaril Mar 18, 2018 Rebooting Splintered.
Rebooting Splintered.
Alivaril Feb 26, 2018 Partition aintent dead, by the way. I might do a quick lapse when resuming so we can move past quite so much minor micromanagement, though.
Partition aintent dead, by the way. I might do a quick lapse when resuming so we can move past quite so much minor micromanagement, though.
Alivaril Jan 28, 2018 I will be prioritizing Fragmentation again once the current Revision arc is concluded or when we reach a good stopping point. Same thing.
I will be prioritizing Fragmentation again once the current Revision arc is concluded or when we reach a good stopping point. Same thing.
TheBiggerFish Jan 10, 2018 ...Speaking of Fragmentation, I hope you don't mind if I make a frankly quite massive vote for powergaming the heck out of the Changeling Garb...? ...You might just want to look at the thread is all...
...Speaking of Fragmentation, I hope you don't mind if I make a frankly quite massive vote for powergaming the heck out of the Changeling Garb...? ...You might just want to look at the thread is all...
Alivaril Jan 4, 2018 Today I Realized: My usual music playlist is unhelpful for writing Fragmentation. I'll need to make a new one for it. Whoops.
Today I Realized: My usual music playlist is unhelpful for writing Fragmentation. I'll need to make a new one for it. Whoops.
Alivaril Dec 19, 2017 I'm still beating my old approximate average of 1k words/day. I know it probably can't last, but I'm still pretty happy about that.
I'm still beating my old approximate average of 1k words/day. I know it probably can't last, but I'm still pretty happy about that.
Alivaril Dec 12, 2017 Fragmentation revival post is almost ready, but we seem to be suffering some major BBCode weirdness. Please hold. *elevator music*
Fragmentation revival post is almost ready, but we seem to be suffering some major BBCode weirdness. Please hold. *elevator music*
Alivaril Dec 10, 2017 I'll likely be starting a new steampunk quest within the next few days. After that, Fragmentation and Ignition have the most muse fuel.
I'll likely be starting a new steampunk quest within the next few days. After that, Fragmentation and Ignition have the most muse fuel.
Alivaril Sep 13, 2017 Going to take a break from questing until about the 17th; SV ate my partially-done post for Consumption while I was ill. Rewriting is hell.
Going to take a break from questing until about the 17th; SV ate my partially-done post for Consumption while I was ill. Rewriting is hell.
Alivaril Sep 3, 2017 Next Consumption update about halfway done, but came down with a nasty cold. Could post vision early if players want.
Next Consumption update about halfway done, but came down with a nasty cold. Could post vision early if players want.
Alivaril Aug 23, 2017 Status update: Consumption's next post has been "finished" for the last five days, but is waiting on staff judgment. 5 days n counting.
Status update: Consumption's next post has been "finished" for the last five days, but is waiting on staff judgment. 5 days n counting.
Alivaril Aug 3, 2017 Real life has been hectic lately. Grandfather was diagnosed with skin cancer and I've been picking up his workload.
Real life has been hectic lately. Grandfather was diagnosed with skin cancer and I've been picking up his workload.
Alivaril Jul 25, 2017 Whelp, a bat somehow got into my house and my kitty successfully tackled it. 7:00 AM vet appointment, here we come. Hooray for 3hrs sleep.
Whelp, a bat somehow got into my house and my kitty successfully tackled it. 7:00 AM vet appointment, here we come. Hooray for 3hrs sleep.
Alivaril Jul 22, 2017 PSA: Avatars are (for most people) easier to remember than usernames are. If you want people to remember you, avoid changing them.
PSA: Avatars are (for most people) easier to remember than usernames are. If you want people to remember you, avoid changing them.
Alivaril Jul 4, 2017 Happy 4th of July, everyone! I just spent my evening watching people set fire to carefully chosen combinations of chemical compounds.
Happy 4th of July, everyone! I just spent my evening watching people set fire to carefully chosen combinations of chemical compounds.
Alivaril Jun 27, 2017 So sleepy. Might have to put off the update for another day; had six full-word typos just from writing this short sentence.
So sleepy. Might have to put off the update for another day; had six full-word typos just from writing this short sentence.
Alivaril Jun 17, 2017 Honestly didn't expect the response I got. Seems like I sat on new-quest worries for months over nothing. Oops.
Honestly didn't expect the response I got. Seems like I sat on new-quest worries for months over nothing. Oops.
Alivaril Jun 16, 2017 "(Partial) Freedom!" ...Annnnd then my very next chapter reminds me of multiple persistent problems AND boils them. Great job, Alivaril.
"(Partial) Freedom!" ...Annnnd then my very next chapter reminds me of multiple persistent problems AND boils them. Great job, Alivaril.