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  • Has anyone ever pointed out one problem with a story and you slowly notice numerous others as a result? That's now happened for Ignition.
    I'm not even sure it's worth continuing. Mistakes have been made. So. Many. Mistakes.
    I don't see how you can say that when it is one of the most successful quests on SV.
    @fictionfan it's pretty easy to say that until you consider what it would've been like without the mistakes in it. One of the most successful quests on SV *with* them, then what if...?

    And then every time you go back to it it, those mistakes just stare back at you, flakes of abyssal scorn sown amongst everything you try.

    It doesn't work, in the end.
    Partition aintent dead, by the way. I might do a quick lapse when resuming so we can move past quite so much minor micromanagement, though.
    Huh. You read A Practical Guide?
    Yeah, I picked it up a few months ago; people kept comparing stuff to it in my quests and I got curious. It's turned into one of my favorite stories.
    ...I do think the author is delusional if they think it qualifies as a Young Adult story, though.
    I will be prioritizing Fragmentation again once the current Revision arc is concluded or when we reach a good stopping point. Same thing.
    ...Speaking of Fragmentation, I hope you don't mind if I make a frankly quite massive vote for powergaming the heck out of the Changeling Garb...? ...You might just want to look at the thread is all...
    I saw already and don't mind.
    Speaking of, any idea when the next update will be?
    Probably some time after I assemble a music playlist that doesn't get in the way, which is on the backburner ATM. So, about a week (but no promises)? Updates should be more frequent after that.
    Today I Realized: My usual music playlist is unhelpful for writing Fragmentation. I'll need to make a new one for it. Whoops.
    I'm still beating my old approximate average of 1k words/day. I know it probably can't last, but I'm still pretty happy about that.
    Fragmentation revival post is almost ready, but we seem to be suffering some major BBCode weirdness. Please hold. *elevator music*
    I'll likely be starting a new steampunk quest within the next few days. After that, Fragmentation and Ignition have the most muse fuel.
    The setting was originally intended to be one of Consumption's worlds, but it got to the point where I liked said setting so much I was trying to write for Consumption just to get to it. That, uh, turned out sub-optimally, so I'm giving it its own quest.
    Abrogation's first post has been added to the Ideas thread. Hopefully, I'll be able to accompany tomorrow's creation of Abrogation with a story post for Fragmentation. EDIT: Abrogation is up.
    Inactive for an unknown period of time. (See below post.)
    I liked your stuff even though it doesn't match up to truly great books. Nothing on this site does. Yet I and others still read it.

    There's really no way to make this comment without probably making you guiltier and I feel bad about that but I'm going to make it anyway. Wish this stupid profile section had a hug button.
    No additional guilt; the thoughts are appreciated.
    Going to take a break from questing until about the 17th; SV ate my partially-done post for Consumption while I was ill. Rewriting is hell.
    "Be back on the 17th." *vanishes from the face of the earth*

    Yeah, I'm not sure when I'll be back, guilt or not. Consumption version A was eaten, versions B, C, and D were unacceptable for one reason or another (including copyright law on song lyrics, sadly) and I have yet to finish E. It's harder now that I read a damn good book and realized I'll never be that good. :/

    Hope you all have fun without me.
    Next Consumption update about halfway done, but came down with a nasty cold. Could post vision early if players want.
    Status update: Consumption's next post has been "finished" for the last five days, but is waiting on staff judgment. 5 days n counting.
    I don't really blame them for the amount of time it's taking. The update is 7k words long and not my finest work, writing-wise.

    The above quotation marks are because I'll need to discard a lot of material if it doesn't pass inspection.
    Real life has been hectic lately. Grandfather was diagnosed with skin cancer and I've been picking up his workload.
    Which apparently included, among other things, spending 85 minutes on watering 8 flowerbeds today. How has he not automated it yet...?
    So, yeah. I haven't forgotten and/or lost interest in my quests, life's just been hard and busy lately.
    Have you automated his waterbeds?
    Whelp, a bat somehow got into my house and my kitty successfully tackled it. 7:00 AM vet appointment, here we come. Hooray for 3hrs sleep.
    I really, really hope she didn't contract anything from it...
    PSA: Avatars are (for most people) easier to remember than usernames are. If you want people to remember you, avoid changing them.
    Happy 4th of July, everyone! I just spent my evening watching people set fire to carefully chosen combinations of chemical compounds.
    ...I still find it hilarious that the most popular way to celebrate Independence Day is by making things explode.
    So sleepy. Might have to put off the update for another day; had six full-word typos just from writing this short sentence.
    And again. At least it's from RL stuff instead of sheer exhaustion this time. I think it'd just be safer to aim for every other day instead of every day.
    *sigh* Now I feel like an unreliable little bugger, but trying to adhere to deadlines is just making it harder now that my average update size has more than doubled.
    I wish SV let me give hugs on profiles.
    So what inspiration slot does Splintered fit in?
    There's a threadmarked post in Ignition mentioning exactly that. It's not like the slots are concrete, but it's mostly along the lines of "alien mindsets & general silliness."
    Honestly didn't expect the response I got. Seems like I sat on new-quest worries for months over nothing. Oops.
    Mostly it is because you assured us that the new Quest will not replace or slow down ignition.
    "(Partial) Freedom!" ...Annnnd then my very next chapter reminds me of multiple persistent problems AND boils them. Great job, Alivaril.
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