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  • Alivaril: Use your music playlists, self. You always forget that they exist and are helpful for writing.
    Evil Alivaril: But think of the stories you could read!

    Classes have been rough. Drawing assignments that were literally painful for my hand, synthesized DHPs earning my ire... Fortunately (hahahaha shit) finals are in just a few weeks. Less than two, that is. *insert high-pitched screaming here*
    YIL that suicidal ideation and lack of sleep go hand in hand. So uh, please don't neglect sleep? >_>
    Would write, but I've had a migraine since yesterday. Turns out that staying up to follow a stressful election when one's main migraine triggers are stress and lack of sleep is not a good idea.

    (once I'm able to resume, the next Calibration post is about 60% done)
    If you live in the US, please remember to vote! A line being long does not mean it'll be a landslide. (Hooray for "1 polling place per county in certain states" voter suppression!)
    What does [Logistical Difficulties] mean?
    That I want to write for it, but making the map is a painful time-eater.

    EDIT: I even got really close at one point only to find out the extension I wanted to finish with wasn't supported by any of the more recent versions of a program, and the old versions were unavailable. :I
    Have you considered farming it out to some readers? Some directions, maybe the more critical places locked in ahead of time, they fill in the rest, you review the result and ask for whatever adjustments?
    Oh, it's not that. I made the mistake of making a low-quality world map for personal use without also having a higher-quality map to share. In other words, that second one needs to match what I've already told players, and that makes things so much more difficult.

    Still, I'm planning to force my way through the map after a couple more Calibration updates.
    Ignition update is still being worked on daily, but I might have to discard some 3k words and then fill in the resulting continuity blank. So, I might not manage to get it all done this week.
    Also, since the thread is closed-ish, I'd vote for the demigod version of the upgrade back in Ignition. Since I imagine that by the time I get an update notice, there'll already have been a choice made...
    I'm assuming that you as a QM are not so evil that this would hamstring the Jewel Seed incident. Please don't ruin my hopes. :D
    Hello, I just finished reading your Story/Quest Ignition, and I must say I really enjoyed what I read there. I hope your muse decides to return to inspiring you as I really don't want to see this quest fall by the wayside. All in all, it is really excellent, and I hope to see it and you continue your writing!
    I hear ya there. I write myself, not on SB or SV, but mostly for myself. I have run into the same problem, so I know how frustrating having the muse desert you at times can be.
    I didn't actually do a Like-bombing run yet, though I really should have. You started in PMMM, which... really isn't one of my favorite settings. But that rapidly took off in an awesome way, so I enjoyed it. Good to know it's only eternally dreaming, not dead. :p I was going to ask how to categorize it.
    (I actually just read it. Normally I'd like-bomb once I figured out if it was worth reading, but the setting put me off long enough for going back to mark earlier chapters to be a huge bother and I didn't want to miss an arbitrary number of earlier chapters. Sorry?)
    Finally managed to pick up my meds. Hopefully, I should be back up to non-puddle levels around Sunday.
    Annnnd now my foot is broken. Fantastic. Protip: Always watch where you're walking if you live in a house with elderly cats. :/
    Bleh. I think it's time to admit I won't be getting much done until Saturday; I'll still be only halfway medicated until then. Hooray for the war on drugs and refusal to let us have more than a 30-day supply every 30 days for some controlled substances, even with COVID loose. -_-
    Still only half medicated since apparently my doctor's office reduced hours/days due to COVID. I'll see if I can get at least some stuff done before Wednesday, which is when I'll likely have my prescription filled again.
    6k words into RR's update and almost done with that. Now I just need to finish this damned map. Possibly terrain/infrastructure/borders layers? Something along those lines.
    ...Y'know, I want to write for Exclusion (Green Mage PMMM/MTG) again, but that same urge would involve in-quest retcons to the NYPD to accommodate new information. And that would just feel like punishing players right off the bat. :I

    (Anyway, I'm functional and working on Revised Reintegration again.)
    Great I just discovered your quest. I would love to continue reading it.
    Assuming you meant RR: I've been having to do a lot of mechanics revision to make my life easier. Also, I'm this close to swearing a blood oath of vengeance against the map.
    The new Management quest ended up as neither vaporware nor an AI quest. I do like the way it turned out, though! The initial prologue/vote is currently being looked over by betas with some adjustments being made. INW will probably get an update within a day of the quest being publicly posted so that I can use it as advertising. :V
    I managed to redirect my muse away from QA!Byleth and toward a Divine Constuct/AI Empirebuilding/management quest. I'm not sure it's an improvement. :p

    (two more days and as many finals~) EDIT: Unless I got sick and had to delay one. Bah.
    Are you alright? It's been a while since you posted, and a week since your "latest activity". I hope your sickness isn't anything bad and that you get well soon.
    Oh, I'm all better. I'm a wee bit distracted by both Stellaris and am working on an AI/Construct Empire Quest, though. I figure I can get away with that since I have all of zero management quests to date. The alternative is failing to work on anything at all, so. >.>
    Finals starting tomor— and going until next Friday. At this point, I'm basically a waking wraith of anxiety given flesh and terrible purpose.
    I finally bribed my muse away from smol QA,
    And wrote most of an INW update in one day.
    (This wasn't originally supposed to rhyme
    So I'm just going to stop wasting time)

    Spring Break is coming up; given that my muse seems to have gotten back aboard the INW train, we'll probably have a bunch of updates over that period. I might manage to update Wednesday evening, too.
    Is smol QA yet another story somewhere else? I don't see a story that could be described as that here, except maybe INW or Calibration.
    Nah, my muse stubbornly floundered (more enthusiasm than actual capability) with an Inuzuka-born (Naruto) smol QA for a few weeks. Got a few short scenes, but not enough to be worth posting as more than a blooper reel and that seems like a waste.
    Your signature has a weird application of bold text in the "on hiatus" section. And no mention of Consumption. Is it dead?
    Consumption died, yeah, although I might go back and give it a proper epilogue at some point. The issue is that the driving mechanic, that of being bounced around different worlds, actively discouraged character attachments and interactions. Delight was going to fix the anchor, but without that mechanic, the PC would've been perfectly content settling down somewhere and avoiding all danger.
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