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  • The Power Games finale /will/ be posted on the 31st; this coming Tuesday, come hell or high water. The Epilogue should follow a week later.

    stop playing with their feelings like that, alif
    Hush ye! I really mean it this month!
    So I am the Chris Upshaw that requested access to kerisgame, but I found the interface really confusing, so no idea if that is really what I meant to do.
    needs to write ~1000 words a day for the next month to get the Power Games Finale pt 1 out on time. :(
    I procrastinate when not pushed. When I don't force myself to get things done by specific times, /the story does not get written/. It's as simple as that. I don't have deadlines because my readers give me them, or because I think they deserve the chapter by a certain date. I have deadlines so the story gets written /at all/.

    You don't recall giving me a deadline because giving it to my readers was never the point.
    My point is that you often do give out some kind of ETA for the next chapter, which made your comment surprising. And while I understand that you need deadlines to get the story done, I -and I hope a good portion of the readers - would rather not have you push yourself too hard.
    Yes, *ahem*, that was because of Reasons which are Valid and in no way to do with me completely forgetting to announce it. At all.

    That is my story and I am sticking to it.
    has made the tragic discovery that there are situations and obstacles in life that cannot be solved through the application of "more lube!"
    So CuaLG is super dead, yeah?
    I'm not sure what response I was expecting when I asked if a quest was dead but "it updates tomorrow" was probably not it.
    (I do realize that was a "I'll /try/ to update it tomorrow," not a "I /will/ update it tomorrow," I just thought the latter made for a better joke)
    This update is proving more difficult than anticipated (trans: kicking my ass).
    Good day. In my lack of sleep I unintnetionally added an incorrect person into an RP PM—can you help? I can invite you if necessary...
    Before calling me in, ask them to hit the "leave conversation" button at the top on the right-hand side. That should remove them from it.
    Only me (the creator) and one of other members are online atm; would have done so otherwise...

    Should I invite you then?
    Question about Kerisgame: Why do Rathan and Haneyl fight so much?
    Well, part of it is that they are mentally about two and five years old respectively, and children at that age are tiny monsters who fight a lot. But on a deeper level than that; Rathan is metaphysically Keris's desire for attention and her vengeful, grudge-holding, hateful side, while Haneyl is her possessiveness and her drive to improve herself. And that means they clash. A lot.
    See, Keris tends to make people like her by giving them stuff, which means /giving away her things/. And stewing in her hatred and plotting elaborate and sadistic revenge is not healthy, and gets in the way of bettering herself. So as "parts of the greater self that is Keris", they're sort of fundamentally at odds, which means they tend to bicker a lot and exist in a low-level state of constant rivalry.
    Thank you for sharing Kerisgame with us all. It cheers me up, especially right now since I'm sick.
    Glad to hear it! I hope you don't feel as bad as Keris does right now.
    Yeah, I stay away from booze like I would a Python, and I'm not working today, so everything could be a whole lot worse. Keep up the good work!
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