Recent content by A_Knight

  1. A

    Lesbian and Yuri Anime/TV/Novel/General Discussion Thread

    Kindred Spirits on the Roof is pretty slice of life, but there is a supernatural element to it if you’re interested?
  2. A

    I'm Not Paid Enough For This (A HP Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher Quest)

    That makes a lot more sense! Thank you!
  3. A

    I'm Not Paid Enough For This (A HP Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher Quest)

    So I just binged this whole story and I really like it, but I’m a little confused. How did Mal beat the curse on the position? Why is he able to come back? Did I miss something? Sorry if that’s already been covered.
  4. A

    A Champion in Earth Bet [Worm/Original Setting]

    Someone’s probably already said it, but the fact that Jack is likely going to be put into one of the Lockboxes by the end of this is highly satisfying given his trigger event.
  5. A

    Fire Emblem: Last of the Manakete

    Got it! I'll add my X back in later then!
  6. A

    Fire Emblem: Last of the Manakete

    [X] "I… I don't know. I'm just a manakete, all manakete are like this." No need to continue the misunderstanding.
  7. A

    Fire Emblem: Last of the Manakete

    [X] See if Axton or Lancel want to talk. You had such a nice talk with Artemis: it would be nice to get to know your other traveling companions better.
  8. A

    Fire Emblem: Last of the Manakete

    Question: I haven’t gone through all of the votes, but why is the food option gaining traction? Artemis is an archer and likely at least moderately capable of hunting and, if that fails, Ryza can turn into a dragon. One that sounds like it has instincts that she can tap into.
  9. A

    Lesbian/Yuri Fanfiction and Quest Recommendation Thread

    How much does someone need to know about BlazBlue to follow what’s happening? Because I know next to nothing.
  10. A

    Lesbian/Yuri Fanfiction and Quest Recommendation Thread

    I know it, but please fix all the capitalization. That makes my brain twitch to read. Shinigami Savant is the name, and it’s an archived quest.
  11. A

    Get Up and Fight [Fairy Tail Quest]

    Fantasy Action 
    I get that, but I don't think we need to rush into it. We can settle in first before going all out for training. Honestly it'd make more sense to train as we clean, but I don't think that's an option since we can only take 6 choices.
  12. A

    Get Up and Fight [Fairy Tail Quest]

    Fantasy Action 
    [X][Mark] “...On the back of my hand.” [X][Color] “!” [X][Stay] Stay at the guildhall. [X][Plan] Hang out with someone! - [X][Plan] Totomaru challenges you to a game of hide and seek. - [X][Plan] Dax takes you on an impromptu crash course on how to be ‘Streetwise’. - [X][Plan] Master...
  13. A

    Lesbian and Yuri Anime/TV/Novel/General Discussion Thread

    That's the weird part honestly. I saw the Birds of Prey movie today, and in the opening montage where Harley talks about her relationships before the Joker one of them was with a woman. I don't get why they're being so wishy washy about Harley/Ivy.
  14. A

    Lesbian/Yuri Fanfiction and Quest Recommendation Thread

    Sorry for the topic change but does anyone know any good Carol & Tuesday fics? I just finished the first half and I feel this has to have fanfiction somewhere.
  15. A

    On the Road to Elspar [Book 1] (Dryad Mercenary Schoolgirl Quest)

    Original Fantasy 
    I’m conflicted. On one hand I think Neianne should be grateful and thank Elizabeth because Elizabeth rarely acts on behalf of anyone besides herself and I want to encourage that. On the other I have a hard time seeing Neianne being comfortable with someone hurting others on her behalf.