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A displaced ship carrying Titans of Legio Astorum during the Horus Heresy are displaced in time and place, and possibly universe. They decide to become Mercenaries. These are their stories.
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Minecraft Roleplayers VS Sadareans and maybe the rest of Falmart and its gods....Falmart is doomed! :)
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Aybel, an analytical cynic at heart enters the crown realm of Alcazar, against his will. Trapped, escape seems impossible. That is... until the Kingmaker, the Monarch of this domain, reveals that there is a way out - by becoming a Monarch himself. Driven by one thing alone - the determination to honor a promise, he must join the group of crowned assassins tasked with the deaths of countless Rulers - The Regicide Order, and navigate a deadly game of thrones where the winner... takes all...
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I am the second of the King George the Fifth-class Battleships, HMS Prince of Wales. One of the first Shipgirls. You may know me from many of the battles of the Second World War. There was my battle with Bismarck when I was still a steel-hull, my first big action as a full shipgirl in the Java Sea, and my point-blank gunnery duel with Kongo off of Guadalcanal. I've seen much in my eighty year life, but it all started during that horrible war... Or in one sentance: In which Wales and...
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ISOT Punic War
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The World of Avalon has been severed from the Imperium for centuries. With the loss of the Emperor's Light, the Chaos Tyrant Vortigern has risen. Much of the planet is awash in horrific and malevolent magic. The world is utterly and irrevocably changed. And yet, there is hope. The last remaining Loyalists on the Planet dream of the coming of a savior. So heralded with the appearance of the Sword in the Stone. Whoever draws it is the one True King of Avalon. But that is only the beginning...
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A SWTOR Era Sith, from the dynasty building kind, ends up merging with Viserys Targaryen. The only thing he has left in the world is his little sister, Daenerys, and unfortunately for Planetos, people simply wouldn't mind their own business and let them be at peace.... This is another of my Veil SI/OC stories for those familiar with them.
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The time ,Gods summoned a nation to a World they never should have.
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The Light of the Universe is going out ahead of schedule. The Praetorian Engines have been made to combat the coming darkness.
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When the Cicatrix Maledictum opened, a path to the Deep Warp opened and swallowed a Grand Host of the Word Bearers carrying them across time and space to a galaxy that had yet to feel the touch of corruption.
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The system is wealth and plant/tree based. Cool science, and even quantum physics based cultivation arts. ****** Being involved in a bike accident along with his girlfriend, Spencer was barely able to regain consciousness after going through an emergency procedure in a hospital. What greeted the orphan wasn't an empty ward but a black robed woman. Informed that he had awakened a talent, he was selected by her master to join their sect, coming in contact with the world of cultivation. He...
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A Stargate fic about an SI who ends up in the body of a dead Ashrak host, retaining all the memories of the Ashrak including the genetic ones, which he uses to protect himself and also, help free the human slaves scattered across the galaxy, creating a civilization in the process.
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Jace's young body houses the soul of another, burdened with the knowledge of a dark future. Determined to avert the impending chaos and bloodshed of the Dance of Dragons, he embarks on an extraordinary journey. In a realm where alliances are forged and shattered, he must navigate treacherous paths and form unexpected bonds. Yet, trapped in the guise of a child, Jacaerys faces the daunting challenge of being taken seriously by those around him. Can the weight of the realm's fate be carried...
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Jasper Whitlock lost nearly everything he knew and loved the day the bombs were dropped. His life goes back to a dark path, in the century since. Until he finds something worth fighting for again. The fate of the human race, if only humanity itself could agree on that. The story will focus on the perspective of the grounders before and after the dropship came down with The 100 . Multiple POVs
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Trapped in a cycle of death, Raymond Draws has one impossible mission: break the Kondur Empire. When Raymond and his high school programming class are ripped from their world and thrown into a brutal empire built on conquest, they become just another sacrifice to Kondur's insatiable hunger for power. Imprisoned and slated for death after a mystical scan reveals his hidden potential, Raymond witnesses the brutal massacre of his students followed by his own death. But death is not the end. A...
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Returned to an idea I had from the last time I got into shipgirls. This has been exacerbated by reading Civil War Ironclads: The US Navy and Industrial Mobilization. The concept of recursive engineering really tickles my fancy. I will update this as I figure out where things are going.
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Eldric Blackwood is a general, a prince and a dead man. With his people on the brink of annihilation, he offers the Divine the most sacred of Gifts. His story, for the power to turn back time.
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In another time, a Japanese Salaryman that was pushed in front of a train would be sent to a time and place similar to his own world, but at a moment of heightened tensions approximately 100 years prior to his death. In this time, he is sent to a time long long ago and a galaxy far away...
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Based on the Rise of the Reds mod for Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour by SWR Productions, this timline recontextualizes the Generals universe with everything that has happened since the game was originally released in 2003, also expanding on the events of the mod canon and bringing it to what I personally believe is its logical conclusion: nuclear armageddon.
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At the end of a long siege, The Judge of the Heated Scar and her entourage breach the battered fortress of the Gold Caste, prepared to put the cities Baron to the long-awaited sword.
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Being reborn after the viallge has just been founded was not easy, nor has the fact that most future main characters have not yet been born, nor has the shadow of future wars, but being the only son of Uchiha Madara is certain to be something, whether it is a blessing or a curse, to be seen
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A low-ranking orc overseer in Mordor attempts to rise through the ranks and deal with outer as well as inner enemies. Violence, betrayal and most kinds of bad manners abound. The orcs are a brutal lot. Upper Mordor management is worse.
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Reborn as a Fantasy General
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Not everyone starts the war with a super-weapon in their garage. For Kris, the war meant life and death inside a fume-filled metal box.
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This is a time of war, not between autobots and decepticons, but between the Cybertronians and Quintessons. Come and read about the greatest unremembered war that has graced the universe.
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Mass Effect universe with a self insert character being a techno organic life form, was able to transform into a small ship
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March 10th, 1945 12:29 AM A strange machine is spotted flying in the skies above Gensokyo, clearly from the Outside World. The Tengu decide to take matters into their own hands and acquire it for themselves, Yukari wants to figure out how it got here in the first place, and several very confused soldiers find themselves lost in a foreign world far from home.
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An ASB / ROB, for whatever reasons, places a device in Berlin, just under the Führerbunker, at midnight 16/17 January 1945 and instructs Hitler on how to operate it. The aforementioned device, when activated, produces a spherical structure around it with a radius of 750 kilometres on the ground. Improperly called the Berlin Dome, the spherical structure acts as an impenetrable barrier, saving Nazi Germany from annihilation.
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Cheer up, friend, we will be the first observers witnessing humanity's latest ability to kill themselves in space.
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It is the year 2450. Ten years had passed since the colonies of Mars, the Asteroid Belt, the Jovian, Saturnine, and Uranian moons won their independence from the rule of Earth. While a lasting peace seemed to be on the horizon, tensions between the various colonies and Earth still ran high. When the Earth suddenly disappears from all telescopes and sensors, a group of disparate individuals begins to piece together the puzzle of what truly happened to the homeworld of humanity and what...
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