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Quests Archive

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In the Galaxies of Darkness, where desperation drove the survivors of a doomed timeline to reboot reality in the face of an unstoppable apocalypse, the denizens of a world that was came to the light of that reset to have another chance at their dreams. Xen Yang and Qiao Yin and their children; humbled by the failure of their old ways, have turned to a new method of doing things, founded the great, ancient society of the People's Celestial Realm of Tianchao that has endured since before the...
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SV, you're green with It! It being the great green power of cunning and brutality, because you're an Ironjawz Orruk in the Mortal Realms, and you're about to make every zoggin' git in the area aware of that fact. C'mon ladz, 'ere we go!
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The Mortal Realms are vast. Though the armies of Order are innumerable they can't, or sometimes won't, be available to deal with all the myriad issues that come up daily. When these issues need to be solved, the Gods instead turn to the Soulbound, an ancient order of divinely empowered champions who can go where no one else goes, and do what no one else can. Having been recently inducted as a member, it is now up to you to prove that the Gods were right putting their faith in you. Grab your...
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An exiled Scourge Privateer reaves and plunders their way across the Mortal Realms. It's never been about the money though. The only things that matter in this new age are power and glory, and they intend to obtain both in spades. Follow their trials and tribulations through the Age of Sigmar as they seek infamy and prowess in a world that is trying to kill them.
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Thystra Fairwind is not a good woman. She is a sorceress, a criminal, a manipulator and a murderer. Yet sometimes the Mortal Realms do not need good men and women. Sometimes, they just need a hero. Besides, compared to the other lot she's downright normal.
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Age of Myths (Age of Sigmar Quest) The world was ending. How it came to this? This story could...
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Age of Myths (Age of Sigmar Quest) The world was ending. How it came to this? This story could...
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Fate Whispers to the Warrior; "You Cannot Withstand The Storm" The Warrior Whispers Back...
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Age of Myths (Age of Sigmar Quest) The world was ending. How it came to this? This story could...
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Because I can't stop from starting quests :D...
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