Xenophile (Warhammer 30k)

I will tell you OOC that if you actually asked that there is a decent chance she would just have you killed.
i wonder if we can develop soul art like powers to permanently kill daemons? well we can give back eldar souls, but we can certainly able to use ork, dark eldar, other xenos and chaos tainted humans soul to enhance ourselves.
"They call you a Farseer, what does that mean?"

She considers the question for a moment.
"It means that I am one that has walked so far along the Path of the Seer that I can no longer turn back.
You have a few such questions do you not?"

You confirm this.

"Very well I shall answer them."

Caentyra answers any questions you ask of her.
She tells you of the Craftworlds that fled some great tragedy that killed trillions of Eldar and destroyed their empire, the event they ran from is something she refuses to speak of.
"That is a conversation for another day, but there is a reason we hate the forces of Chaos so."

A few Eldar apparently survived on distant worlds and live fairly primitive lives, though the Craftworlds do try to keep in touch with them.

The nearest Craftworlds are Ulthwé and Yme-loc, Ulthwé apparently fights chaos almost as much al Il-Kaithe though there is some disagreement over the methods each use.

The Conversation moves to the Paths of the Eldar, From the Path of the Seer which both Farseers and Bonesingers follow to the Path of the Warrior followed my the Aspect Shrines, all of which teach and follow one specific aspect of the Eldar way of war.
All the way to more mundane Paths such as the Path of Service who's followers preform tasks that most humans would consider menial such as cooking or cleaning and the followers of Path of the Artisan who create simpler things and works of art and poetry.

The lesser paths are less ordered allowing the Eldar to have more freedom, but are also not quite as respected as the more dangerous or strict paths.

The Bonesingers use their Psychic powers to shape Wraithbone into almost anything you could imagine, from weapons and armour to buildings and starships.

As the topic is moved to the Emperor she referred to you get the feeling that she does not know quite as much about him as she pretends to.
What she does know is that he is a Psyker of immense power which is apparently odd for a human as compared to the Eldar who are all Psykers we have very little Psychic potential
Quite a few Eldar Seers believe that he is responsible for a slight weakening of the Chaos Gods 50 years ago.

She also tells you rather reluctantly that another Craftworld (Most likely Ulthwé) attempted to kill one of the Primarchs that was destined to fall to Chaos, they failed and fifty Eldar including a Farseer died in the Attempt.

At this point the Door was opened, by a single Eldar holding a tray of some kind flanked by two guards wearing familiar blue armour.

He is probably surprised to see the Farseer there, but manages to hide it well.

"I should not have stayed so long let the Honoured Servant know if you require anything else."
And with that she leaves.
[]Say/ask for something(Write in)
[]Do something. (Write in)
[]Skip to the next day
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Redemtion by bolt and holy fire is always possible. Other methods usually fail.
Technically Horus come back but the risk is too high.

And technically doing soul shenanigan to create super being like Slaanesh and Emperor is possible

Pre historic shaman can pull that off afterall but I think that path is very dangerous in current time.
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Technically Horus come back but the risk is too high.

And technically doing sould shenanigan to create super being like Slaanesh and Emperor is possible

Pre historic shaman can pull that off afterall but I think that path is very dangerous in current time.
Horus came back after mindbullets. That's quite similar to my examples.
[x]Do something. (Write in)
-[x] meditate and try to commune with your brothers and 'father'.
-[x] If that fails, try to gain more genetic memory of being a Primarch.
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[X]Do Something
-[X] Mediate to gain more genetic memory of Primarch.
-[x] try to access your psyker powers and carefully use it to understand layout of craftworld and it's peoples.
-[x] find-out is there any corruption present in your soul after being contact with chaos gods in warp?
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[x]Say/ask for something
--[x]when did Ulthwé attempted to kill one of my brothers?
--[x] can we go there to find-out whether he is fine or not?
--[x] do you know location of other primarchs?
--[x] will she willing to teach me everything to fight against chaos?
The Farseer is gone, if you want to ask some poor servant those questions go ahead, but you probably aren't going to get very good answers.
[X]Skip to the next day.

We've had enough info drops for now, time to move the plot forward.

And buttchock, an untrained, child psyker trying to communicate across the Warp in an Eldar Craftworld even more anal retentive about chaos than usual is a really bad idea. As in Eldar aspect warriors breaching the room and trying to kill us.
[X]Skip to the next day.

We've had enough info drops for now, time to move the plot forward.

And buttchock, an untrained, child psyker trying to communicate across the Warp in an Eldar Craftworld even more anal retentive about chaos than usual is a really bad idea. As in Eldar aspect warriors breaching the room and trying to kill us.
Then go with my simple plan of genetic memory,Emperor store memory in our soul that should safe enough for us.
[X] Mediate to gain more genetic memory of Primarch.
[x] find-out is there any corruption present in your soul after being contact with chaos gods in warp?
[X]Do Something
-[X] Ask for some reading on advanced science and understanding the material world
-[X] Mediate to gain more genetic memory of Primarch.
-[x] try to access your psyker powers and carefully use it to understand layout of craftworld and it's peoples.
-[x] find-out is there any corruption present in your soul after being contact with chaos gods in warp
In my opinion Angron at this time is Khorne-corruption fodder himself. Even if we remove the nails he has been permanently damaged by them.
We might ask her more about it and when we learn that the only reason the human slavers were able to get the nails in him is because the Eldar attacked and weakened him... that would probably be good for us.

[X]Do Something
-[] Ask for some reading on advanced science and understanding the material world
-[X] Mediate to gain more genetic memory of Primarch.

Edit: vote slightly changed
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[X]Do Something
-[X] Mediate to gain more genetic memory of Primarch.
-[x] try to access your psyker powers and carefully use it to understand layout of craftworld and it's peoples.
-[x] find-out is there any corruption present in your soul after being contact with chaos gods in warp?
[X]Do Something
-[X] Mediate to gain more genetic memory of Primarch.

'Emperor stole power from the chaos gods to gain his ludicrous powers/make the primarchs' semi-confirmed.
That is a lie, chaos propaganda!!!

Emperor fought full powered void dragon near the city of Cyrene, in Libya, around the 11th or 12th century (i.e., the first or second century M2), but also as a soldier serving Emperor Diocletian (who ruled from 284-305.M1), which implies that this battle is the origin of the story of Saint George and the Dragon.

In this account, the Emperor (described as a lone warrior knight in golden armour and a scarlet-plumed helmet, riding on a mighty charger of midnight-black and wielding a tall lance of purest silver, from which flew a long red and white banner depicting a soaring eagle grasping a bolt of lightning) fought the Dragon (described as being half crawling beast with talons like scythe blades and half loathsome bird, with an immense scaled head, a tail twenty metres long, malignant fire in its eyes, plate-like scales rippling like liquid mercury, and the light of devoured stars shining in its breast) and defeated it by thrusting his sword at a weak spot beneath the Dragon's left wing and then tied his banner around the helpless Dragon, although he stated that he was unable to destroy it completely.

If he could fight a full powered c'than like that in younger age why he would need to gather tainted power, also in future he became more skillful and powerful than before. so i can say 'Emperor stole power from the chaos gods to gain his ludicrous powers/make the primarchs' is a lie.

"The creatures of the Warp have but one trait with which you need concern yourself - their undying contempt for the Emperor. It is your task to quell the rebellion they preach, and the only sure way is to destroy them utterly."
----------------------------------------------Qualtak Shoran

Cognoscynths - Lexicanum for more info on his ability before age of strife
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