Xenophile (Warhammer 30k)

the actual problem is the guy that work for him
he the one that started the whole mess in the first place and was the one that lit the fire
Lorgar was just one of the gasoline truck that the fire hit on the way to it target
Yeah, but Lorgar is just too easily corrupted. If it wasn't that guy, it would have been somebody else. Lorgar is just too dumb and weak to live.
Yeah, but Lorgar is just too easily corrupted. If it wasn't that guy, it would have been somebody else. Lorgar is just too dumb and weak to live.
In the novels he really found himself after the Heresy started. It just took him mass murder and betrayal on unimaginable scale to become a lot less stupid and weak. Maybe we can help him become something like the mid-heresy Lorgar minus the Heresy.

But otherwise I think stopping the great war is impossible, it's more about stacking the deck in imperial favor, so when someone rebells he gets shut down without destroying the Imperium and killing Big E. If we could just concentrate on keeping the three greatest fighters loyal, Horus, Sanguinius and Angron, then the Emperor wont have to kill his traitorous sons by himself and doesn't die.
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Actually Horus and Sanguinus is essential part of Heresy if we can kept this two loyal and alive,even Big E dead then Imperium can still survive.
In the novels he really found himself after the Heresy started. It just took him mass murder and betrayal on unimaginable scale to become a lot less stupid and weak. Maybe we can help him become something like the mid-heresy Lorgar minus the Heresy.

But otherwise I think stopping the great war is impossible, it's more about stacking the deck in imperial favor, so when someone rebbels he gets shut down without destroying the Imperium and killing Big E. If we could just concentrate on keeping the three greatest fighters loyal, Horus, Sanguinius and Angron, then the Emperor wont have to kill his traitorous sons by himself and doesn't die.
Don't forget about lessoning or even stopping the Admech schism. That more then anything save what happened to the Emperor is what fucked over the Imperium's techbase and made the ultra conservative mechanicus of the modern Imperium.
[x] they called you a farseer, what does that mean?
-[x] tell me more about your craftworld, those bonesingers, and the aspect shrines.
-[x] tell me more about this "Emperor"?
-[x] is there any of my brothers were collected by Eldars?
Don't forget about lessoning or even stopping the Admech schism. That more then anything save what happened to the Emperor is what fucked over the Imperium's techbase and made the ultra conservative mechanicus of the modern Imperium.
not that emperor have any choice, emperor needed the forges of mars, which were necessary to create his war fleet. he could have destroyed them but that would have also destroyed numerous stc. so Emperor invited the Martians to join Him, proposing them the terms of a generous alliance backed up by the veiled threat that he would unleash His genetically enhanced warriors upon the Red Planet if the Magi refused Him. The Imperial proposal granted political autonomony to the Mechanicum of Mars and its Forge Worlds scattered across the galaxy as well as an exception to the atheistic Imperial Truth so that the Cult Mechanicus' adherents could continue to practice their faith. The Imperium would provide Navigators and Astropaths to the Mechanicum so that it could unite its far-flung empire of lost Forge Worlds and continue its sacred Quest for Knowledge across the galaxy. In exchange, the Mechanicum would supply the Imperium of Man with the weapons, starships, materiel and technicians required to initiate the Emperor's Great Crusade to reunite all of the human-settled galaxy beneath the banner of the Imperium.

it was emperor's long term plan to fix them, he also have his spies among them for thousands of years before he officially introduced himself. Guardian of the Dragon and other factions were loyal him, so if heresy not happened he would have fixed admach in future.
In the novels he really found himself after the Heresy started. It just took him mass murder and betrayal on unimaginable scale to become a lot less stupid and weak. Maybe we can help him become something like the mid-heresy Lorgar minus the Heresy.

But otherwise I think stopping the great war is impossible, it's more about stacking the deck in imperial favor, so when someone rebbels he gets shut down without destroying the Imperium and killing Big E. If we could just concentrate on keeping the three greatest fighters loyal, Horus, Sanguinius and Angron, then the Emperor wont have to kill his traitorous sons by himself and doesn't die.
Agron is easy, just get rid of the Nails. Sanguinius won't fall anyways, and to save Horus, you need to take care of Lorgar and the World Bearers before they can spread Chaos through the lodges.
Agron is easy, just get rid of the Nails. Sanguinius won't fall anyways, and to save Horus, you need to take care of Lorgar and the World Bearers before they can spread Chaos through the lodges.
The best scientists of the Imperium decided that removing the nails is impossible. Lorgar had to turn Angron into a Demon Prince to stop the nails from killing him (Lorgar might have been wrong on that point since he was hearing more warpy than human voices at that point).

Still we most likely wont meet Angron till the nails are in, helping him is near impossible (but maybe not totally with Eldar-tech) and mercy-killing the indiviually best fighter among the Primarchs has it's own problems.
if we figure out how to make the Soul stone by the time we meet him then just give him one
then when the nail kill him, take the Soul stone and put it in one of those Eldar Titan that are control by the death inside the Soul stone
boom, we just turn an angry Berserker into a Titan size angry Berserker
The best scientists of the Imperium decided that removing the nails is impossible. Lorgar had to turn Angron into a Demon Prince to stop the nails from killing him (Lorgar might have been wrong on that point since he was hearing more warpy than human voices at that point).

Still we most likely wont meet Angron till the nails are in, helping him is near impossible (but maybe not totally with Eldar-tech) and mercy-killing the indiviually best fighter among the Primarchs has it's own problems.

Convince the Emperor to do it. Seriously, there is NO WAY he is incapable of fixing Agron, if he put the effort in.
The best scientists of the Imperium decided that removing the nails is impossible. Lorgar had to turn Angron into a Demon Prince to stop the nails from killing him (Lorgar might have been wrong on that point since he was hearing more warpy than human voices at that point).

Still we most likely wont meet Angron till the nails are in, helping him is near impossible (but maybe not totally with Eldar-tech) and mercy-killing the indiviually best fighter among the Primarchs has it's own problems.
Humans long lost the scientific knowledge to remove them Eldar tech far more advanced. Even Butcher's Nails was little understood even by their makers. Butcher's Nails would boost a warrior's adrenaline, resulting in greater strength and aggression in battle. Under the perverse influence of the implants, killing proved exhilarating in a way nothing else could be, and the Nails played their neurochemical game to make it so. When the Nails activated, they stunted the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the human brain to encourage instinctive aggression, just as they deadened all other forms of emotional response and neuroelectrical activity to all parts of the brain save for that which regulated the flow of adrenaline. Any attempt to remove the implants would prove fatal, as the brain became entirely dependent upon this regulation of its neurotransmitters in only a short time.

Unfortunately, the archeotech device had not been designed for the biological complexity of a Primarch's brain, as it eroded mental stability and slowly damaged the subjects' capacity to reason. The implants also impinged on higher brain function by rewriting emotional responses. This was a certainty, though Angron's superhuman physiology would continue to try to heal the damage as the Nails bit deeper. If we use both Eldar tech and psyker power then we can heal him and remove the nail.

Blood of Isha and Phoenix Gem are suitable for this task, also webway have natural regenerative effects upon human tissue, those effects actually increase eldar lifespan further. when Czevak went to black library he was very old but due regenerative effects of webway a much younger-looking Czevak returned to realspace and the Imperium. Thanks to Eldar medical attention and healing techniques, as well as the Wraithbone environment's restorative properties, he quickly recuperated from the Thousand Sons' tortures. His multi-decade sojourn in various parts of the Webway had a naturally rejuvenating effect on him, and he currently looks about 400 years younger than his actual chronological age -- he is almost 440 standard years old, but with great amounts of newly acquired energy. Best way fix the harm of nail's would be letting him live within webway and his natural healing will be boosted enough to reverse the damage after the nails are removed.
And there is another factor. Angron had a very low opinion of the Emperor and outright said that he would have rebelled far earlier without the Nails holding him back.
And there is another factor. Angron had a very low opinion of the Emperor and outright said that he would have rebelled far earlier without the Nails holding him back.
That is because the Emperor was a complete dick to Agron. I don't think he messed up any Primarch, except maybe Lorgar, as badly as he did Agron.
"Emperor offered Angron the leadership of the XIIth Space Marine Legion, and a place at his side in the Great Crusade. To the Emperor's disbelief, Angron refused, claiming that his place remained with his fellow slaves amongst the Eaters of Cities and he would die before deserting them. The Emperor retreated to His flagship, shocked at His son's refusal.

Appraising the situation, the Emperor saw that for all of Angron's might as a Primarch and a leader, he would die in the coming battle. Losing one of His irreplaceable sons to the assault of rabble on a backwater planet soon to be brought into Imperial Compliance was simply unacceptable."

Emperor took Angron away from the gladiators because there's a good possibility that those gladiators were Khorne-corruption fodder, and thus the Emperor figured that saving them would just lead to more enemies in the future, and it's perfectly in-character for him to be a huge dick and not mention it. Actually, by Betrayer it turns out that the Emperor had already made a deal with the government of Angron's planet. Therefore it was easier for the Emperor to capture Angron and win over the planet without further bloodshed rather than helping his son win a war against a population that had already submitted to compliance.
You are all presuming that someone as full of rage as Angron would go anywhere with members of a species that tried to murder him.
You are all presuming that someone as full of rage as Angron would go anywhere with members of a species that tried to murder him.
but if we save from slavers and nails he will be at least willing to listen us. also 11th his kin so he will hear him what he want to say. even if he does not join us we can give him information about chaos and tools so that he can topple ruling government.


Today's enemies can be your friends tomorrow.
And today's friends can be tomorrow's enemies.
Today's opponents can be your allies tomorrow.
And today's allies can be tomorrow's opponents.
Today's partners can be your competitors tomorrow.
And today's competitors can be your partners tomorrow.
What you reject today, you could accept tomorrow.
And what you accept today, you could reject tomorrow.
Never say never unless you can predict the future.
Unforeseeable circumstances can make a rich man, poor -
And a poor man, rich.
And unpredictable experiences can also make a good man, bad -
And a bad man, good.
Like the weather or bonds between lovers,
Transformations can never be predicted.
All energy transmutes one day or another,
In one way or another,
Either in its form or composition,
Or in its position or disposition.
Today will always offer new experiences,
And tomorrow will always offer new opportunities.
But if you heed to yesterday's lessons,
You can shape your present and future
To be filled with positive relationships
And beautiful blessings.

Suzy Kassem Poetry"

― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
This post is turning into quite the Q&A session so rather than type out the conversation which would last at least half an hour I'm summarizing it, is there anything else people would like to know?
This post is turning into quite the Q&A session so rather than type out the conversation which would last at least half an hour I'm summarizing it, is there anything else people would like to know?
how is relation between our unique craftworld and other craftworlds? do they have any contact with exodites?
I thought we were asking via the write-in and not OOC?

anyway, this is winning:
[x] they called you a farseer, what does that mean?
-[x] tell me more about your craftworld, those bonesingers, and the aspect shrines.
-[x] tell me more about this "Emperor"?
-[x] is there any of my brothers were collected by Eldars?